O. Reg. 515/09: ENGAGEMENT WITH THE FRANCOPHONE COMMUNITY UNDER SECTION 16 OF THE ACT, Filed December 31, 2009 under Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 4
made under the
Made: December 9, 2009
Filed: December 31, 2009
Published on e-Laws: January 6, 2010
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 16, 2010
1. The purposes of this Regulation are,
(a) to prescribe a French language health planning entity for the geographic area of each local health integration network for the purposes of clause 16 (4) (b) of the Act; and
(b) to set out the duties of each local health integration network for engaging the French language health planning entity for the geographic area of the network for the purposes of section 16 of the Act.
French language health planning entity
2. (1) For the purposes of clause 16 (4) (b) of the Act and for each local health integration network, the Minister shall select an entity as the French language health planning entity for the geographic area of the network in accordance with this section,
(a) no later than six months after this Regulation comes into force for the first entity selected for the area; and
(b) upon the cancellation or the expiry of the selection of an entity for the area under this section.
(2) The Minister shall not select an entity as the French language health planning entity for the geographic area of a local health integration network unless the entity meets the following criteria:
1. It is incorporated under the laws of Ontario and is a going concern.
2. It has a demonstrated relationship with the Francophone community in the area.
3. It has experience with or knowledge of the local health system and the health needs of the Francophone community in the area, including the needs of diverse groups within the Francophone community.
4. It has demonstrated an awareness of or involvement in the planning or delivery of health services.
5. It has demonstrated the capacity and skills to engage the network about the local health system under subsection 16 (1) of the Act to further the purpose of the Act, including the ability to provide timely advice consistent with the planning cycles of the network.
6. It agrees to engage the network on the matters listed in clauses 3 (1) (a) to (f) of this Regulation in accordance with section 16 of the Act.
7. It agrees to engage the network on the matters listed in clauses 3 (1) (a) to (f) of this Regulation in the best interests of the Francophone community in the area and not seek to obtain any benefit for itself.
8. It agrees to enter into an agreement with the network about roles and responsibilities relating to the matters listed in clauses 3 (1) (a) to (f) of this Regulation.
(3) The Minister may select an entity to act as the French language health planning entity for the geographic area of more than one local health integration network but shall ensure that there are at least five French language health planning entities selected in Ontario.
(4) The Minister shall consult with a local health integration network before selecting the French language health planning entity for the geographic area of the network.
(5) If an entity selected as a French language health planning entity ceases to meet the criteria set out in subsection (2) after having been selected, the Minister may cancel the selection and, in that case, shall select another entity to act as the French language health planning entity.
(6) Subject to subsection (5), the selection of an entity as a French language health planning entity expires five years after it was made, at which time that Minister shall make a selection as required under subsection (1), either reselecting the same entity or selecting another entity.
Community engagement
3. (1) For the purposes of section 16 of the Act and subject to subsection (2), each local health integration network shall engage the French language health planning entity selected under section 2 of this Regulation for the geographic area of the network to advise the network on,
(a) methods of engaging the Francophone community in the area;
(b) the health needs and priorities of the Francophone community in the area, including the needs and priorities of diverse groups within that community;
(c) the health services available to the Francophone community in the area;
(d) the identification and designation of health service providers for the provision of French language health services in the area;
(e) strategies to improve access to, accessibility of and integration of French language health services in the local health system; and
(f) the planning for and integration of health services in the area.
(2) Before carrying out the engagement mentioned in subsection (1), a local health integration network shall enter into an agreement with the French language health planning entity selected under section 2 for the geographic area of the network about roles and responsibilities relating to the matters listed in clauses (1) (a) to (f).
4. Each local health integration network shall report, in its annual report, on its engagement activities described in section 3, including the content, frequency and format of the activities.
5. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2010 and the day this Regulation is filed.