O. Reg. 145/11: MANUFACTURERS' LICENCES, Filed May 6, 2011 under Liquor Licence Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.19


ontario regulation 145/11

made under the

liquor Licence Act

Made: May 4, 2011
Filed: May 6, 2011
Published on e-Laws: May 10, 2011
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 21, 2011

Amending Reg. 720 of R.R.O. 1990

(Manufacturers’ Licences)

1. Subsection 2 (2) of Regulation 720 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) A manufacturer of liquor or an agent or employee of the manufacturer shall not directly or indirectly offer to pay or pay any commission, profit or remuneration or make any gift to a member of the Board, an employee of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario or to a member or employee of the Licence Appeal Tribunal.

2. (1) Subsection 3 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “of Alcohol and Gaming”.

(2) Clause 3 (5) (c) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Board” and substituting “Registrar”.

3. The following provisions of the Regulation are amended by striking out “Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “Registrar”:

1. Clause 3 (8) (a).

2. Clause 3 (8) (b).

3. Clause 3.1 (1) (a).

4. Clause 3.1 (1) (c).

5. Clause 5 (2) (h).

6. Section 7.

7. Section 8.

8. Subsection 10 (1).

9. Subsection 10 (2).

10. Subsection 13 (3), in the portion before paragraph 1.

11. Subsection 13 (4).

12. Subsection 13 (5).


4. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Regulation comes into force on the later of July 1, 2011 and the day it is filed.

(2) Section 1 and subsection 2 (2) come into force on the latest of,

(a) July 1, 2011;

(b) the day this Regulation is filed; and

(c) the day subsections 6 (4) to (40) of Schedule 1 to the Good Government Act, 2011 come into force.