O. Reg. 284/11: PROVISION OF FRENCH LANGUAGE SERVICES ON BEHALF OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, Filed June 23, 2011 under French Language Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.32
made under the
Made: June 2, 2011
Approved: June 22, 2011
Filed: June 23, 2011
Published on e-Laws: June 24, 2011
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: July 9, 2011
1. In this Regulation,
“third party” means a person or entity that has agreed with a government agency to provide a service on behalf of the agency.
Provision of services in French
2. (1) By the day specified in subsection (3), every government agency shall ensure that all services that a third party provides to the public on its behalf under an agreement between the agency and the third party are provided in accordance with the Act.
(2) By the day specified in subsection (3), every government agency shall ensure that a third party providing a service in French to the public on its behalf shall take appropriate measures, including providing signs, notices and other information on services and initiating communication with the public, to make it known to members of the public that the service is available in French at the choice of any member of the public.
(3) Subject to section 7 of the Act, the day mentioned in subsection (1) or (2) is,
(a) the three-year anniversary of the day this Regulation comes into force, if the agreement that the government agency has entered into with the third party comes into force before the day this Regulation comes into force; or
(b) the day the agreement that the government agency has entered into with the third party comes into force, if it comes into force on or after the day this Regulation comes into force.
3. (1) By 30 days after the day specified in subsection 2 (3), every government agency that retains a third party to provide a service to the public on behalf of the agency shall file a report in accordance with subsection (2) setting out,
(a) the name of the agency and the name and contact information of a contact person in the agency for the purposes of the report;
(b) a statement whether the Act requires the agency to provide the service to the public in French;
(c) if the Act requires the agency to provide the service to the public in French, a description of the service provided and a statement whether the agency has complied with section 2.
(2) A government agency shall file the report with,
(a) the Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs, if the agency is a ministry or if the agency is not a ministry and does not have a minister responsible for it; or
(b) the minister responsible for the agency, if the agency is not a ministry and has a minister responsible for it.
(3) A minister who receives a report of a government agency for which the minister is responsible shall promptly forward the report to the Minister responsible for Francophone Affairs.
4. This Regulation comes into force on the later of July 1, 2011 and the day it is filed.
Made by:
Pris par :
La ministre déléguée aux Affaires francophones,
Madeleine Meilleur
Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs
Date made: June 2, 2011.
Pris le : 2 juin 2011.