O. Reg. 308/11: AMENDING REGULATION 334 OF THE REVISED REGULATIONS OF ONTARIO, 1990 (GENERAL) UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT, Filed June 27, 2011 under Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Act, 2011, S.O. 2011, c. 9, Sched. 32
ontario regulation 308/11
made under the
ontario Infrastructure and lands corporation act, 2011
Made: June 22, 2011
Filed: June 27, 2011
Published on e-Laws: June 29, 2011
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: July 16, 2011
amending regulation 334 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (General) under the Environmental Assessment Act
Amendment to Reg. 334, s. 1
1. Section 1 of Regulation 334 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by adding the following definition:
“public work” has the meaning assigned by section 1 of the Ministry of Infrastructure Act, 2011.
Amendment to Reg. 334, s. 3, para. 12
2. Paragraph 12 of section 3 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
12. Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation.
Amendment to s. 7
3. Section 7 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Energy and” in the portion before clause (a).
New section
4. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
7.1 An undertaking by or on behalf of the Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation, other than an undertaking in respect of a public work, is exempt from the Act.
5. This Regulation comes into force on the later of the day subsection 36 (2) of Schedule 32 to the Better Tomorrow for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2011 comes into force and the day it is filed.