O. Reg. 126/13: SPEED LIMITS, Filed March 28, 2013 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8


ontario regulation 126/13

made under the

Highway Traffic Act

Made: March 26, 2013
Filed: March 28, 2013
Published on e-Laws: March 28, 2013
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: April 13, 2013

Amending Reg. 619 of R.R.O. 1990


1. (1) Paragraph 9 of Part 2 of Schedule 13 to Regulation 619 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted:

District of Cochrane — Town of Hearst

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

9. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 lying between a point situate 520 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Fifteenth Street in the Town of Hearst in the Territorial District of Cochrane and a point situate 1065 metres measured easterly from the easterly limit of the Kenogamisis River Bridge in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay.

(2) Paragraphs 16 and 17 of Part 2 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

16. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 2370 metres measured westerly from the westerly limit of the Kenogamisis River Bridge and a point situate 610 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the easterly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 584.

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone — Lake Helen Indian Reserve No. 53A

17. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 540 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Rothwell Street in the Municipality of Greenstone and a point situate 170 metres measured northerly from its intersection with the entrance of St. Sylvester’s Roman Catholic Church in the Lake Helen Indian Reserve No. 53A.

(3) Paragraphs 34 and 35 of Part 2 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

34. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 910 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 584 and a point situate 1300 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Noble Avenue in the hamlet of Jellicoe.

35. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 800 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Noble Avenue in the hamlet of Jellicoe and a point situate 100 metres measured westerly from the easterly limit of Black Water Bridge.

(4) Paragraphs 11, 12 and 13 of Part 4 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

11. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 1065 metres measured easterly from the easterly limit of the Kenogamisis River Bridge and a point situate 2370 metres measured westerly from the westerly limit of the said bridge.

12. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate 610 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 584 and extending westerly for a distance of 1520 metres.

13. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate 60 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Rothwell Street and extending westerly for a distance of 480 metres.

(5) Paragraph 16 of Part 4 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

16. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate 1300 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Noble Avenue in the hamlet of Jellicoe and extending westerly for a distance of 2100 metres.

(6) Paragraph 7 of Part 5 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

7. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate 100 metres measured westerly from the easterly limit of the Black Water Bridge and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Garnet Drive.

(7) Paragraph 9 of Part 6 of Schedule 13 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

District of Thunder Bay — Municipality of Greenstone

9. That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 11 in the Municipality of Greenstone in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Garnet Drive and a point situate 60 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Rothwell Street.


2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:

Glen R. Murray

Minister of Transportation

Date made: March 26, 2013.