O. Reg. 127/13: ADMINISTRATION AND COST SHARING, Filed March 28, 2013 under Ontario Works Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 25, Sched. A
ontario regulation 127/13
made under the
Ontario Works Act, 1997
Made: March 27, 2013
Filed: March 28, 2013
Published on e-Laws: April 2, 2013
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: April 13, 2013
Amending O. Reg. 135/98
1. (1) Section 7.1 of Ontario Regulation 135/98 is amended by adding “Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4)” at the beginning.
(2) Section 7.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the amount that may be included in the calculation of assistance costs incurred by the delivery agent in a month in providing the benefits set out in section 59 of Ontario Regulation 134/98 (General) made under the Act is deemed to be $2,500, if the sum of clauses (1) (a) and (b) is less than $2,500.
(3) Where the delivery agent is a delivery agent under section 2, 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 of Ontario Regulation 136/98 (Designation of Geographic Areas and Delivery Agents) made under the Act, the amount that may be included in the calculation of assistance costs incurred by the delivery agent in a month in providing the benefits set out in paragraph 6 of subsection 59 (2) of Ontario Regulation 134/98 (General) made under the Act is no more than the maximum guideline amount approved by the Director for the funeral and burial of, and extraordinary costs of transporting, a deceased person.
(4) In addition to the amount included in accordance with subsection (3), where the costs for the funeral and burial of, and extraordinary costs of transporting, the deceased person exceed the maximum guideline amount approved by the Director, Ontario shall reimburse the delivery agent for 100 per cent of the excess.
2. This Regulation comes into force on April 1, 2013.