O. Reg. 256/15: COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTIONS, Filed August 27, 2015 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8


ontario regulation 256/15

made under the

Highway Traffic Act

Made: August 25, 2015
Filed: August 27, 2015
Published on e-Laws: August 27, 2015
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 12, 2015

Amending O. Reg. 199/07


1. (1) Clause (d) of the definition of “commercial motor vehicle” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 199/07 is revoked.

(2) The definition of “inter-city bus” in subsection 1 (1) of the Regulation is revoked.

(3) Subsection 1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

“motor coach” means a bus of monocoque design, designed to provide intercity, suburban, commuter or charter service and equipped with air ride suspension, air brakes, automatic brake adjusters and under-floor baggage storage;

(4) Clause (b) of the definition of “school purposes bus” in subsection 1 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “an inter-city bus” and substituting “a motor coach”.

2. (1) Paragraphs 2 and 3 of subsection 5 (1) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

2. Schedule 2 applies to,

i. buses, including motor coaches but excluding school purposes buses, and

ii. trailers drawn by a bus, including a motor coach or a school purposes bus.

3. Schedule 3 applies to motor coaches.

(2) Subsection 5 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “an inter-city bus” and substituting “a motor coach”.

3. Subsection 6 (4) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(4) Despite subsection (3), a daily inspection of a motor coach in accordance with Schedule 3 is not valid unless an under-vehicle inspection of the motor coach has been conducted in accordance with Part III and is still valid.

4. (1) Subsection 11 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “an inter-city bus” at the end and substituting “a motor coach”.

(2) Subsection 11 (4) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “inter-city bus” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “motor coach”.

(3) Subsection 11 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “inter-city bus” and substituting “motor coach”.

5. (1) Paragraphs 1, 6 and 7 of subsection 12 (1) of the Regulation are amended by striking out “inter-city bus” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “motor coach”.

(2) Subsection 12 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “inter-city bus” and substituting “motor coach”.

6. (1) Paragraphs 3 and 4 of subsection 14 (1) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

3. The performance standards set out in Schedules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 to this Regulation.

4. The requirements of Regulation 625 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Tire Standards and Specifications) made under the Act.

(2) Subsection 14 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “paragraph 4” and substituting “paragraph 3”.

7. Paragraph 6 of subsection 16 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

6. In the case of a motor coach, every under-vehicle inspection report for the motor coach submitted to the operator under section 13.

8. Section 19 of the Regulation is amended by striking out notes 2, 7 and 10 and substituting the following:

2Air loss rate limit is prescribed by Schedule 7 to this Regulation.

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7View requirements are in sections 66 and 74 of the Act and in section 1 of Schedule 7 to this Regulation.

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10Steering lash (free play) limit is prescribed by Schedule 7 to this Regulation.

9. The title of Schedule 3 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Schedule 3

10. The title of Schedule 4 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

schedule 4
under-vehicle inspection of motor coaches

11. The Regulation is amended by adding the following Schedule:

schedule 7
performance standards under subsection 107 (3) of the act


Body, Sheet Metal and Equipment

1. (1) The body, sheet metal and equipment shall meet the following standards:

1. No bumper, fender or mudguard shall have been removed.

2. Each bumper shall be securely mounted.

3. Each mud flap, where applicable, shall be in position.

4. No bumper, fender, molding or other part shall have a broken, bent or sharp edge that protrudes in such a way as to constitute a hazard to persons or vehicles.

5. No hood latch shall be missing or fail to hold the hood closed and no safety catch, in the case of a front opening hood, shall be missing or inoperative.

6. No tilt cab latch shall be missing or fail to hold the tilt cab latched and no safety catch shall be missing or inoperative.

7. Every occupant seat shall be securely mounted and shall maintain its position and adjustment.

8. Where a seat belt assembly is required under the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada), no seat belt assembly or its anchorages shall have been removed, rendered partly or wholly inoperative, or modified so as to reduce their effectiveness.

9. If fitted with a seat belt assembly or assemblies, each belt anchorage shall be secure, each buckle and retractor shall operate as intended and no belt webbing shall be visibly damaged so as to reduce its effectiveness.

10. If fitted with a driver’s sun visor, the sun visor shall function as intended.

11. If fitted with an overhead package shelf or shelves, each overhead package shelf shall be securely mounted and not have any broken, missing, excessively worn or excessively stretched package retaining components.

12. In the case of a bus or accessible vehicle, the floor and stepwell covering shall not be so cracked, curled, loose or worn as to present a tripping hazard.

13. In the case of a bus or accessible vehicle, each stanchion, grab handle, guard rail and guard panel shall be securely mounted and fastening parts shall not be missing.

14. In the case of a bus or accessible vehicle, where originally installed by the manufacturer, no energy-absorbing material shall be missing from stanchions and guard rails or from the tops or sides of seat backs.

15. In the case of an accessible vehicle,

i. if fitted with wheelchair securement devices, each device anchorage shall be secure, each component part shall operate as intended, and no component part shall have damage, apparent on visual inspection, that would reduce its effectiveness,

ii. if fitted with occupant restraint assemblies, each component part of an occupant restraint assembly shall operate as intended, and no component part shall have damage, apparent on visual inspection, that would reduce its effectiveness,

iii. if fitted with occupant restraint assemblies anchored to the vehicle, each restraint assembly anchorage shall be secure, and

iv. no plate, cover or energy-absorbing material required to protect persons from sharp edges or corners shall be missing or worn or damaged so as to reduce its effectiveness.

Occupant Compartment Doors and Emergency Exits

(2) The occupant compartment door or doors shall meet the following standards:

1. Each occupant compartment door shall open freely when its release mechanism is actuated and shall close securely, and if originally fitted with flexible material on vertical closing edges, the flexible material shall not be missing or excessively loose or torn.

2. In the case of a motor vehicle having a separate exit door, other than a door to be used only in an emergency,

i. when the driver’s door control is in the “closed” position and the exit door is fully closed, and a moderate amount of manual force is applied in an attempt to open the door, it shall not open, and if fitted with an audible or visual warning device, the device shall function,

ii. when the driver’s door control is in the position to open the exit door, if fitted with brake and accelerator interlock systems, the systems shall automatically apply the rear brakes and hold them in the applied position and the engine speed will be prevented from exceeding idle speed until the door control is moved to the “closed” position and the door has closed, and

iii. when the exit door is fitted with sensitive edges, and the door is not fully closed, manual pressure applied to the edge of each sensitive edge shall cause the door to reopen,

A.  if fitted with an audible or visual warning device, the device shall function,

B.  if fitted with brake and accelerator interlock systems, the systems shall automatically apply the rear brakes and hold them in the applied position and the engine speed will be prevented from exceeding idle speed until the door control is moved to the “closed” position and the door has closed.

3. In the case of a bus, other than an accessible vehicle or a bus used for the purpose of transporting prisoners or other persons held in custody, an emergency exit,

i. if a door, shall have a clear passageway to it and be located at the rear of the vehicle or near the rear on the left side of the vehicle, and the release mechanism when actuated shall function from inside the vehicle, as well as from outside the vehicle where fitted with outside release, and the door shall open freely and close securely, and if originally fitted with an emergency door audible or visible warning device, the device shall function,

ii. if a hinged pushout window, shall open outwards when the release mechanism is actuated and adequate directions for the emergency use of the pushout window shall be displayed on or adjacent to the pushout window, and if originally fitted with an emergency warning device, it shall function,

iii. if a non-hinged pushout window, shall have adequate directions for the emergency use of the pushout window displayed on or adjacent to it, and

iv. if a roof hatch, shall open outwards when the release mechanism is actuated and a reasonable amount of manual force is applied, and adequate directions for the emergency use of the roof hatch shall be displayed on or adjacent to it.

4. In the case of an accessible vehicle,

i. all devices used to secure passenger access or emergency exit doors in the open position shall operate as intended and shall not have damage, apparent on visual inspection, that would reduce their effectiveness,

ii. if fitted with an emergency exit door, the door shall have no fixed obstructions blocking the passage of persons or, in the case of a vehicle used for the transportation of persons in wheelchairs, blocking the passage of wheelchairs, and the door release mechanism when actuated shall function from inside and outside the vehicle,

iii. if fitted with a ramp or power lift, the means of attachment of the ramp or power lift to the vehicle shall be secure with no fastening parts missing and when the ramp or power lift is in the stored position, it shall be secured, by means other than a support or lug in the door, in such manner as to not pose a potential hazard to occupants of the vehicle, and

iv. if fitted with a power lift, the lift platform shall rise and descend smoothly when activated by the appropriate controls.

Exterior Compartment Door

(3) If fitted with an exterior compartment door or doors, each exterior compartment door shall meet the following standards:

1. The door shall be securely attached to the body.

2. The door shall be equipped with a lock, latch or spring device that shall hold the door closed.

Chassis Frame, Underbody and Body Mounts

(4) The chassis frame, underbody and body mounts shall meet the following standards:

1. No chassis frame member or structural member of a unitized or monocoque body shall be visibly cracked or perforated by corrosion.

2. No chassis frame member or structural member of a unitized or monocoque body shall have loose or missing connecting fasteners that may degrade the safety of the vehicle or jeopardize its handling characteristics.

3. The underbody, excluding the underbody of a separate cargo body, shall not be visibly perforated by rust or otherwise damaged, or have any opening other than those intended by the manufacturer or required for the installation of an alternative fuel system.

Drive Shaft Hanger

(5) The drive shaft hanger brackets and guards shall meet the following standards:

1. No fasteners shall be missing, loose or damaged.

2. No drive shaft guard or hanger bracket shall be insecure or missing.


(6) Mirrors required under the Act and regulations shall meet the following standards:

1. Each mirror shall be securely mounted and maintain a set adjustment.

2. No mirror shall have any significant reduction in reflecting surface owing to deterioration of the silvering.

3. In the case of a motor vehicle where there is no rear window, or the view through the rear window is restricted in such a way as not to afford a driver a clear view to the rear of the motor vehicle, the outside rear view mirror or mirrors shall not be missing.

Windshield and Windows

(7) The windshield and windows shall meet the following standards:

1. Where glass is used, there shall be no evidence of the glass being any glass other than safety glass.

2. Any manufacturer’s marking,

i. on the windshield shall be AS1 or AS10,

ii. on the side and rear windows at levels requisite for driving visibility shall be AS1, AS2, AS4, AS6, AS10 or AS11, and

iii. on windows for standing passengers, in interior partitions or in openings in the roof shall be AS1, AS2, AS3, AS4, AS5, AS6, AS7, AS10, AS11, AS12 or AS13.

3. No material that obstructs the driver’s view of the highway or an intersecting highway shall be fitted in the windshield opening or in a side window opening to the left or right of the driver’s seat.

4. No material other than safety glass shall be used for a windshield.

5. No safety glass in the windshield or in any side window to the left or right of the driver’s seat shall be crazed, clouded or fogged so as to materially impair vision.

6. No safety glass shall have exposed sharp edges or be missing in part.

7. There shall be no crack that extends through both layers of glass or be any length that extends more than 50 mm within the area swept by the windshield wipers.

8. There shall be no stone chip that is larger than 13 mm in diameter within the area swept by the windshield wipers.

9. Any window to the left of the driver’s seat that is suitable for the purpose of permitting a signal by means of the hand or arm shall open readily.

Fuel System

(8) In the fuel system, no mounting or attachment shall be missing.

Exhaust System

(9)  The exhaust system, including exhaust manifolds, shall meet the following standards:

1. No exhaust pipe, muffler or tail pipe shall be missing or insecurely mounted.

2. No component of the exhaust system shall be so located as to cause charring or other heat damage to any wiring, fuel line, brake line or combustible material of the vehicle.

3. No component of the exhaust system shall pass through the occupant compartment.

4. No component of the exhaust system shall be so located or unguarded that an individual may be burned by it on entering or leaving the vehicle.

5. No exhaust system shall be shortened or modified from original equipment so as to fail to direct the exhaust beyond the underbody of the occupant compartment or luggage compartment, and in no case shall the distance between the outlet and periphery of the underbody, past which it directs the exhaust, exceed 15 cm.

Fifth Wheel

(10) Where a fifth wheel coupling device is installed, it shall meet the following standards:

1. The fifth wheel shall be fastened securely to the vehicle.

2. In the case of a fifth wheel secured to the vehicle frame by means of U-bolts, there shall be positive stops that prevent the fifth wheel from shifting on the frame.

3. The jaw closure mechanism and locking system shall be in good working order and shall not be broken, cracked or excessively worn.

4. If fitted with a slider mechanism, the slider mechanism shall lock securely and shall not show any signs of failure or excessive wear.

Trailer Hitch

(11) Where a trailer hitch is installed, the trailer hitch, hitch mounting and connecting devices for safety cables and chains shall meet the following standards:

1. No trailer hitch or towing structure to which a trailer hitch is attached shall be insecurely mounted.

2. No latch mechanism shall fail to close securely.

3. No part shall be missing, cracked, broken, excessively bent, seized or excessively worn.

4. No cast or forged hitch shall show any indication that repairs have been made by means of brazing or welding.

5. No connecting devices provided at the rear of a vehicle for the attachment of a safety chain or cable shall be insecurely fastened, missing, cracked, broken or excessively worn.


Hydraulic, Vacuum and Air System Components

2. (1) Hydraulic, vacuum and air system components which are external to the wheel brakes, including reservoirs, fittings, valves, supports, hose clamps, connections, air chambers, air cleaners, hoses and tubes, other than any portions of such components that are within structures and not visible, shall meet the following standards:

1. With vacuum, hydraulic or air boost systems fully charged, there shall be no hydraulic or vacuum leak in the service brake system while the service brakes are fully applied or released.

2. No hydraulic, air or vacuum hose or tube shall be abraded, restricted, crimped, cracked or broken.

3. No hydraulic, air or vacuum hose or tube shall be located so as to chafe against any part of the vehicle.

4. No hydraulic, air or vacuum hose or tube shall have damaged or missing clamps or supports.

5. The brake tubing shall not show any indication of leakage or heavy corrosion scaling.

6. The hydraulic fluid level in any reservoir shall not be below the minimum level as specified by the manufacturer, or where there is no minimum level specified by the manufacturer, no more than 10 mm below the lowest edge of each filler opening.

7. The air cleaner of the vacuum system or air compressor shall not be clogged.

Air-Boosted Hydraulic Brakes or Full Air Brakes

(2) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with air-boosted hydraulic brakes or full air brakes, the air system shall meet the following standards:

1. If fitted with a compressor drive belt, the compressor drive belt shall have correct tension, and shall not be cut, frayed or excessively worn.

2. The air pressure gauge shall be operative.

3. With the engine running at a fast idle, the time required to build air pressure from 50 to 90 pounds per square inch gauge measure shall not exceed three minutes.

4. With the air system fully charged and the engine running, each air reservoir drain valve shall be actuated and shall function.

5. The governor cut-in and cut-out pressures shall not be lower or higher than those specified by the vehicle manufacturer, or if not specified by the vehicle manufacturer, 80 pounds per square inch gauge measure and 135 pounds per square inch gauge measure, respectively.

6. With the air brake system fully charged and immediately after the engine is stopped, the compressed air reserve shall be sufficient to permit one full service brake application from fully charged system pressure without lowering reservoir pressure more than 20 per cent.

7. With the air brake system fully charged and engine stopped, air pressure drop shall not exceed,

i. with the service brakes released, two pounds per square inch in one minute, and

ii. with the service brakes fully applied, three pounds per square inch in one minute.

8. The low pressure warning device shall operate when system pressure is reduced to 55 pounds per square inch gauge measure.

Vacuum-Boosted Hydraulic Brakes with Vacuum Gauge

(3) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with vacuum-boosted hydraulic brakes and fitted with a vacuum gauge and low vacuum warning device, the gauge and warning device shall meet the following standards:

1. The vacuum gauge shall be operative.

2. With the engine stopped, the warning device shall operate before the vacuum reserve drops to less than eight inches of mercury.

Vacuum-Boosted Hydraulic Brakes without Vacuum Gauge

(4) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with vacuum-boosted hydraulic brakes and fitted with a low vacuum warning device but not fitted with a vacuum gauge, there shall be at least one boosted brake application available after the warning device operates.

External Mechanical Components

(5) No mechanical component of the service, parking and emergency brake systems which is external to the wheel or drive shaft brakes shall be misaligned, insecure, excessively worn, broken, binding, seized, missing, frayed or disconnected.

Internal Components

(6) Wheel brake internal components shall meet the following standards:

1. No drum or disc shall have any external crack or cracks on the friction surface, other than normal heat-check cracks, that reach the edge of the drum bore or periphery of the disc.

2. No drum or disc shall have any mechanical damage to the friction surface, other than that which may be attributed to normal wear.

3. No ventilated disc shall have broken or visibly cracked cooling fins.

4. No inside diameter of a drum shall be greater than the dimension stamped on the drum, or where the dimension is not stamped on the drum, the vehicle manufacturer’s wear limit.

5. No thickness of a disc shall be less than the dimension stamped on the disc, or where the dimension is not stamped on the disc, the vehicle manufacturer’s wear limit.

6. The thickness of a hydraulic brake lining, measured at the lining edge, shall not be less than,

i. in the case of a drum brake, 2 mm for a bonded lining or 3 mm for a riveted lining,

ii. in the case of disc brake, 3 mm for a bonded pad or 5 mm for a riveted pad.

7. The thickness of an electric brake lining, measured at the lining edge, shall not be less than 2 mm.

8. The thickness of an air brake lining, measured at the lining edge, shall not be less than,

i. in the case of a drum brake, 5 mm for a continuous strip lining or 8 mm for block-type lining,

ii. in the case of disc brake, 3 mm for a bonded pad or 5 mm for a riveted pad.

9. No brake lining shall be broken, cracked or loose on its shoe or pad.

10. No brake lining shall show evidence of contamination such as to affect braking performance.

11. No hydraulic brake cylinder shall show evidence of leakage.

12. No mechanical or structural parts shall be misaligned, badly worn, cracked, broken, binding, seized, disconnected, missing or insecure, and no grease retainer shall be missing or leaking.

13. If fitted with an automatic adjuster, the automatic adjuster shall not be inoperative.

14. No hydraulic brake piston shall fail to move when moderate pressure is applied to the brake pedal.

Hydraulic System

(7) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with hydraulic service brakes, the hydraulic system and related warning devices shall meet the following standards:

1. A hydraulic master cylinder push rod shall be properly adjusted.

2. In the case of a vehicle equipped with dual circuit hydraulic brakes, the brake failure warning lamp shall be operative.

3. With moderate foot force maintained on the service brake pedal for 10 seconds and, in the case of power-boosted brakes, with the engine running, the service brake pedal shall not move towards the applied position.

4. With heavy foot force applied to the service brake pedal and, in the case of power-boosted brakes, with the engine running,

i. the total pedal travel shall not exceed 80 per cent of the total available travel, and

ii. on a vehicle equipped with dual circuit hydraulic brakes, the brake failure warning lamp shall not come on.

5. For the purpose of paragraph 4, where a motor vehicle is equipped with a HYDRA BOOST braking system, the foot force applied to the pedal shall not exceed 60 pounds.

Power-Boosted Hydraulic Brakes

(8) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with power-boosted hydraulic brakes, after the engine has been stopped and the vacuum, air or hydraulic boost has been depleted, and while holding moderate pressure on the service brake pedal and starting the engine, the pedal shall move towards the applied position.

Hydraulically-Boosted with Electric Pump Backup Hydraulic Brakes

(9) In the case of a motor vehicle equipped with hydraulically-boosted hydraulic brakes and electrically-driven hydraulic pump for the reserve power system, after the engine has been stopped and the hydraulic boost has been depleted, and while holding moderate pressure on the service brake pedal and moving the ignition switch to the “ON” position, the pump shall meet the following standards:

1. The pump shall start and run.

2. The brake pedal shall move towards the applied position.

Service Brake Operation Test

(10) When the unloaded vehicle is stopped from a speed of between 15 and 20 kilometres per hour, with heavy pedal force, on a substantially level, dry, smooth, paved surface free from loose material, the service brake system shall meet the following standards:

1. There shall be no brake pull either to the left or to the right.

2. No component shall fail.

3. Each wheel brake shall release immediately after the pedal force is removed.

Engine Controls and Steering

Accelerator Control System

3. (1) Except in the case of a trolley bus, the complete accelerator control system shall meet the following standards when tested while the engine is running, the vehicle is stationary and the transmission is in neutral:

1. The engine speed shall drop to idle when the accelerator pedal is released.

2. Where the engine is equipped with an emergency stopping device, the engine shall stop when the control is actuated while the engine is idling.

Power Control System

(2) In the case of a trolley bus, the complete power control system shall meet the following standards when tested while the reverser is in the neutral position:

1. The system shall function as intended.

2. The controller shall turn off positively when the power pedal is released.

Power-Boosted Steering

(3) In the case of power-boosted steering, the power steering drive belt, reservoir fluid level and system operation shall meet the following standards:

1. The power steering drive belt shall not be missing, cut, frayed or excessively worn, and shall have correct tension.

2. The fluid in the power steering reservoir shall not be lower than the minimum level specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

3. With the engine running,

i. the power steering system shall operate as intended, and

ii. the hydraulic system shall not show excessive fluid leakage.

Steering Column and Box

(4) The steering column and box or boxes shall meet the following standards:

1. The steering column and box or boxes shall not be loose in their mountings to the body and frame.

2. No bolt or nut shall be loose or missing from a mounting.

3. Steering shaft couplings and splines shall not have excessive play.

4. If fitted with a steering column energy-absorbing section, the section shall not be visibly damaged so as to reduce its effectiveness.

Wheel Alignment

(5) While all wheels are on the ground and the front wheels are in the straight ahead position, they shall not be visibly out of alignment.

Steering Lash (Free Play)

(6) While the front wheels are on the ground in the straight ahead position, the steering mechanism shall meet the following standards:

1. Steering lash (free play) shall not exceed the limit designated by the vehicle manufacturer.

2. Where the limit is not designated by the vehicle manufacturer,

i. in the case of a vehicle with a power steering system, with the engine running, steering lash (free play) shall not exceed,

A. 75 mm for a steering wheel diameter of 500 mm or less,

B. 87 mm for a steering wheel diameter of more than 500 mm.

ii. in the case of a vehicle with a manual steering system, steering lash (free play) shall not exceed,

A. 87 mm for a steering wheel diameter of 500 mm or less,

B. 100 mm for a steering wheel diameter of more than 500 mm.

Steering Interference

(7) While the front wheels are on the ground and, in the case of a vehicle equipped with power-boosted steering, with the engine running, the front wheels shall turn from full right to full left and back again without interference or indication of roughness in the mechanism.

Steering Linkage System

(8) The steering linkage system shall meet the following standards:

1. No part shall be damaged, repaired or modified so as to visibly weaken the linkage system or affect the proper steering of the vehicle.

2. No nut, bolt or cotter pin shall be loose, excessively worn or missing.

3. There shall not be excessive play in any steering linkage joint.

Front Wheel Play

(9) While the front wheels are off the ground and the vehicle is supported so that the steering linkage assumes its normal attitude, the steering linkage shall meet the following standard:

1. Without movement of the opposite wheel, no front wheel shall have play about a vertical axis of,

i. six mm for a tire diameter designation of 16 or less,

ii. nine mm for a tire diameter designation that is larger than 16 but not larger than 18, or

iii. 12 mm for a tire diameter designation that is larger than 18,

as measured at the extreme front or rear of the tire tread face.


Inner Control Arm Pivots, etc.

4. (1) Inner control arm pivots, king pins, wheel and axle bearings, and ball joints, other than wear-indicating ball joints, when inspected for wear and damage with the wheels of the vehicle off the ground so that the suspension joints are not under load, shall meet the following standards:

1. No non-load-carrying ball joint shall show any perceptible play other than that specified by the manufacturer.

2. No load-carrying ball joint shall have play in excess of that specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

3. In the case of king pins, no front wheel shall have a rocking play about a horizontal axis in excess of,

i. six mm for a tire diameter designation of 16 or less,

ii. nine mm for a tire diameter designation that is larger than 16 but not larger than 18, or

iii. 12 mm for a tire diameter designation that is larger than 18,

as measured at the extreme top or bottom of the tire tread face.

4. No control arm inner pivot shall have excessive play.

5. No wheel or axle bearing shall give any indication of excessive wear or damage when the bearing is rotated.

6. No wheel or axle bearing shall be maladjusted so as to result in excess play or binding.

Wear-indicating Ball Joints

(2) When wear-indicating ball joints are under load with the wheels on the ground, they shall not show any excessive wear.

Strut Suspension System

(3) With the front wheels off the ground and the vehicle supported so that the suspension assumes its normal attitude, no front wheel shall have a rocking play about a horizontal axis in excess of 5 mm as measured at the extreme top or bottom of the tire tread face.

Suspension Components

(4) Front and rear springs, shackles, U-bolts, centrebolts, radius rods, control arms, shock-absorbers, equalizers, stabilizers, their supports and attachments shall not be loose, bent, cracked, broken, disconnected, perforated by corrosion or missing.

Axle Tracking

(5) The rear axle or axles and their wheels shall not be tracking improperly so as to adversely affect control of the vehicle.

Air Suspension System

(6) If fitted with an air suspension system, not including air booster bags added to light vehicles to provide added carrying capacity, the air suspension system shall meet the following standards:

1. In the case of a vehicle equipped with full air brakes, when the engine is started with zero gauge air pressure in the entire air system including air brake system, air shall not begin to flow into the suspension system before 55 pounds per square inch gauge is reached in the brake system.

2. When the air suspension system is fully charged, no air leakage shall occur.

3. If fitted with a pusher or tag axle, no air leakage shall occur when the pusher or tag axle is tested in either load or reduced load sharing mode with air in the suspension system at normal operating pressure.

4. If fitted with a pusher or tag axle, the pusher or tag axle, with air in the suspension system at normal operating pressure, shall respond properly to its load sharing control switch or valve.

5. With air in the suspension system at normal operating pressure, the vehicle body and chassis frame shall be supported clear of all axles and shall appear to be level.

6. No suspension joints of a variable load-sharing axle with independent suspension shall be worn beyond the manufacturer’s specified safe limits.



5. (1) The horn shall not be loose on its mounting.

Heating and Defrosting System

(2) The heating and defrosting system shall meet the following standards:

1. The heating system shall function as intended.

2. The visible portions of the hoses and piping for the interior heaters routed within the occupant compartment shall not be abraded, cracked or leaking.

3. The defrosting system shall deliver heated air to the windshield and, where fitted with a defrosting system for the side windows to the left and right of the driver’s seat, to those side windows.

Engine Starter Safety Feature

(3) If originally fitted with a clutch pedal safety switch or neutral safety switch, the switch shall meet the following standards:

1. It shall not have been removed or rendered inoperative.

2. It shall function as intended.


(4) The speedometer shall be in good working order.


Lamps and Reflectors

6. Lamps and reflectors required under the Act and regulations shall meet the following standards:

1. The operation of any lighting circuit shall not interfere with the operation of any other circuit.

2. Each lens and reflex reflector shall be correctly installed and shall not be discoloured or missing in whole or in part.

3. Each lamp and reflector shall be securely mounted on the vehicle and none shall be missing.

4. The turn signal lamps and the flasher unit shall operate properly.

5. No headlamp shall be coated or covered with a coloured material except as permitted by section 4.1 of Regulation 596 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (General) made under the Act.

6. No headlamp shall be modified by the attachment to the lamp or to the vehicle or any device that reduces the effective area of the lens or brightness of the light.

7. All headlamps shall be properly aligned.

8. Each headlamp shutter or retracting headlamp shall operate over the full range of movement or shall be secured in the fully open position.

9. In the case of a bus or an accessible vehicle, all interior lamps, including stepwell lamps, shall light when the appropriate switch is in the “ON” position.

10. In the case of an accessible vehicle, the lights provided to illuminate the loading equipment and step nosings shall light when the appropriate switch is in the “ON” position or when the doors are opened.



7. Wheels shall meet the following standards:

1. No wheel fastener shall have insufficient thread engagement.

2. No disc wheel assembly shall have any visible crack, elongated bolt hole, indication of repair by welding, or be so bent or damaged as to affect the safe operation of the vehicle.

3. No wheel rim or lock ring shall be mismatched, bent, sprung, or otherwise damaged so as to affect the safe operation of the vehicle.

4. No cast wheel shall show evidence of excessive wear in the clamp area.

5. No wheel spoke shall be missing, loose or broken.


12. This Regulation comes into force on the later of July 1, 2016 and the day this Regulation is filed.