O. Reg. 442/16: HUNTING, Filed December 8, 2016 under Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 41


ontario regulation 442/16

made under the

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

Made: November 30, 2016
Filed: December 8, 2016
Published on e-Laws: December 9, 2016
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: December 24, 2016

Amending O. Reg. 665/98


1. Subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 665/98 is amended by adding the following definition:

“long-bow” includes a recurve bow or compound bow;

2. Subsection 10 (4) of the Regulation is revoked.

3. (1) The definition of “licence to hunt wild turkey — fall” in section 31.1 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “open season specified in Item 33 of Table 7” and substituting “open seasons specified in Items 2 and 3 of Table 7.2”.

(2) The definition of “licence to hunt wild turkey — spring” in section 31.1 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Item 32 of Table 7” and substituting “Item 1 of Table 7.2”.

4. (1) Clause 32 (1) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Item 32 of Table 7” and substituting “Item 1 of Table 7.2”.

(2) Clause 32 (1) (b) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “open season specified in Item 33 of Table 7” and substituting “open seasons specified in Items 2 and 3 of Table 7.2”.

(3) Subsection 32 (2) of the Regulation is revoked.

5. (1) Clause 34.1 (2) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Item 32 of Table 7” and substituting “Item 1 of Table 7.2”.

(2) Clause 34.1 (2) (b) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “open season specified in Item 33 of Table 7” and substituting “open seasons specified in Items 2 and 3 of Table 7.2”.

6. Section 78.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(2.1) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a person who hunts wild turkeys.

7. Section 79 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

79. (1) A person who hunts wild turkey shall not use a type of firearm other than,

(a) a shotgun, including a muzzle-loading shotgun, that is larger than 10 gauge or smaller than 20 gauge loaded with shot sizes other than number 4, 5, 6 or 7; or

(b) a crossbow or long-bow, used with an arrow or bolt, that meet the requirements set out in subsection (3).

(2) A person who hunts wild turkey shall not use a type of firearm referred to in subsection (1) in an area or at a time of year unless it is a type of firearm specified for use in the area in Table 7.2 of Ontario Regulation 670/98 (Open Seasons — Wildlife) during the applicable open season.

(3) The following are the requirements applicable to a crossbow or long-bow, and any arrow or bolt, used to hunt wild turkey:

1. The crossbow must have,

i. a draw length of at least 300 millimetres, and

ii. a draw weight of at least 45 kilograms at the release latch mechanism or at some point between the release latch mechanism and the point of string rest.

2. The long-bow must have a draw weight of at least 18 kilograms at some point between a draw length of 700 millimetres and the point of string rest.

3. The arrow must,

i. be at least 600 millimetres in length, and

ii. have a head that is at least 22 millimetres at its widest part and that has at least two sharp cutting edges.

4. The bolt must have a head that is at least 22 millimetres at its widest part and that has at least two sharp cutting edges.

8. Section 82 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

82. A person shall not hunt big game with a bow unless it is a crossbow or long-bow, used with an arrow or bolt, that meet the following requirements:

1. The crossbow must have,

i. a draw length of at least 300 millimetres, and

ii. a draw weight, at the release latch mechanism or at some point between the release latch mechanism and the point of string rest, of,

A. at least 45 kilograms when woodland caribou or deer are being hunted, or

B. at least 54 kilograms when bear, American elk or moose are being hunted.

2. The long-bow must have a draw weight, at some point between a draw length of 700 millimetres and the point of string rest, of,

i. at least 18 kilograms when woodland caribou or deer are being hunted, or

ii. at least 22 kilograms when bear, American elk or moose are being hunted.

3. The arrow must,

i. be at least 600 millimetres in length, and

ii. have a head that is at least 22 millimetres at its widest part and that has at least two sharp cutting edges.

4. The bolt must have a head that is at least 22 millimetres at its widest part and that has at least two sharp cutting edges.


9. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2017 and the day it is filed.