O. Reg. 139/17: BUILDING CODE, Filed May 17, 2017 under Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23


ontario regulation 139/17

made under the

Building Code Act, 1992

Made: May 10, 2017
Filed: May 17, 2017
Published on e-Laws: May 17, 2017
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 3, 2017

Amending O. Reg. 332/12


1. Sentence of Division A of Ontario Regulation 332/12 is amended by striking out “or” at the end of Subclause (a)(iii), by adding “or” at the end of Subclause (b)(iv) and by adding the following Clause:

(c) used for retirement homes.

2. Subclause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than buildings used for retirement homes” at the end.

3. Clause of Division A of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) each separated portion is not more than three storeys in building height and is used only for residential occupancies other than a retirement home, and

4. (1) The definition of “absorption trench” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chamber” after “distribution pipe”.

(2) The definition of “care occupancy” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out “an occupancy in which special care is provided” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “an occupancy, other than a retirement home, in which special care is provided”.

(3) The definition of “chamber” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “in a shallow buried trench” after “structure”.

(4) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

Child care centre means a child care centre as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014.

(5) The definition of “day nursery” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is revoked.

(6) The definition of “distribution box” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chamber” after “distribution pipe”.

(7) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

Electric vehicle supply equipment means electric vehicle supply equipment as defined in Rule 86-100 of the Electrical Safety Code adopted under Ontario Regulation 164/99 (Electrical Safety Code) made under the Electricity Act, 1998.

(8) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

House means a detached house, semi-detached house or row house containing not more than two dwelling units.

(9) Clause (b) of the definition of “leaching bed” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) the leaching chamber or the distribution pipe and the stone or gravel layer in which the distribution pipe is located, and

(10) Clause (c) of the definition of “leaching bed” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “or the leaching chamber” after “distribution pipe”.

(11) The definition of “leaching bed fill” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chambers” after “distribution pipes”.

(12) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

Leaching chamber means a formed structure with an open bottom and permeable sidewalls installed in a leaching bed for the purpose of distributing effluent from a treatment unit to the soil, as defined in Part 8 of Division B, or leaching bed fill in the leaching bed.

(13) The definition of “private sewer” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Private sewer means a sewer other than a building sewer that,

(a) is not owned or operated by a municipality, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change or another public agency,

(b) receives drainage from more than one sanitary building drain either directly or through more than one sanitary building sewer or receives drainage from more than one storm building drain either directly or through one or more storm building sewers, and connects to a main sewer, or

(c) serves as a place of disposal on the property,

but does not include,

(d) a sewer that carries only the sanitary waste or storm sewage from semi-detached houses each containing not more than two dwelling units,

(e) a sewer that carries only the sanitary waste or storm sewage from one main building that is of care, care and treatment, detention, commercial or industrial occupancy and one ancillary building, or

(f) a sewer that carries only the sanitary waste or storm sewage from a row housing complex having five or fewer dwelling units.

(14) The definition of “residential occupancy” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “and includes an occupancy in which sleeping accommodation is provided to residents of a retirement home” at the end.

(15) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

Retirement home means a building or part of a building that is a retirement home as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Retirement Homes Act, 2010.

(16) The definition of “shallow buried trench” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chamber” at the end.

(17) The definition of “Type A dispersal bed” in Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out “above” and substituting “or leaching chambers installed over”.

5. (1) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subclause:

(0.i) section 14 of Ontario Regulation 137/15 (General) made under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 with respect to the approval of plans for a new building to be erected or an existing building to be used, altered or renovated for use as a child care centre or for alterations or renovations to be made to premises used by a child care centre,

(2) Subclause of Division A of the Regulation is revoked.

(3) Sentence of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Clause:

(b.1) by-laws made by a municipality under an agreement entered into under section 5.81 of the Aeronautics Act (Canada),

(4) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Ontario Regulation 608/06 (Development Permits)” and substituting “Ontario Regulation 173/16 (Community Planning Permits)”.

(5) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out “section 17 of Ontario Regulation 608/06 (Development Permits)” and substituting “section 19 of Ontario Regulation 173/16 (Community Planning Permits)”.

6. (1) Table of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:






(2) Table of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out,









and substituting,












(3) Table of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:






7. (1) Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:




PS 63-2014

Plastic Leaching Chambers


(2) Items 332, 342, 344, 357 and 405 of Table of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: 




Supplementary Standard SA-1, March 21, 2017

Objectives and Functional Statements Attributed to the Acceptable Solutions of Division A of Division A


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Supplementary Standard SB-10, December 22, 2016

Energy Efficiency Requirements



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Supplementary Standard SB-12, July 7, 2016

Energy Efficiency for Housing




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National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code


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Installation of Smoke Alarms


8. Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:




Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs


9. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of Clause (b) and by adding the following Clause:

(b.1) a retirement home, or

10. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or in a retirement home” at the end.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “required to be” after “in a building” in the portion before Clause (a).

(3) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or in a retirement home” after “detention occupancy”.

(4) Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or in a retirement home” at the end.

11. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except in a retirement home” at the beginning.

12. Section 3.1. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subsection:

3.1.21. Electric Vehicle Charging Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

(1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), where vehicle parking spaces are located in a building, other than an apartment building, not less than 20% of the parking spaces shall be provided with electric vehicle supply equipment installed in accordance with Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code adopted under Ontario Regulation 164/99 (Electrical Safety Code) made under the Electricity Act, 1998.

(2) The remaining parking spaces located in a building described in Sentence (1) shall be designed to permit the future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment that conforms to Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code.

(3) Except as provided in Sentence (6), where a house is served by a garage, carport or driveway, the following shall be installed to permit the future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment that conforms to Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code:

(a) a minimum 200 amp panelboard,

(b) a conduit that is not less than 27 mm trade size and is equipped with a means to allow cables to be pulled into the conduit, and

(c) a square 4-11/16 in. trade size electrical outlet box.

(4) The electrical outlet box described in Clause (3)(c) shall be installed in the garage or carport or adjacent to the driveway.

(5) The conduit and electrical outlet box described in Clauses (3)(b) and (c) shall provide an effective barrier against the passage of gas and exhaust fumes.

(6) A house need not comply with Sentence (3) where it,

(a) is not connected to a distribution system, as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Electricity Act, 1998, or

(b) is used or intended to be used as a seasonal recreational building described in Section 9.36.

13. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

14. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(2) For the purposes of Sentence (1), a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

15. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(2) For the purposes of Sentence (1), a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

16. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(3) For the purposes of Sentences (1) and (2), a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

17. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(1.1) For the purposes of Sentence (1), a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

18. The following provisions of Section 3.2. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by adding “other than a retirement home” after “Group C” wherever that expression appears:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

3. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

4. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

19. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked.

20. The following provisions of Section 3.2. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by adding “other than a retirement home” after “Group C” wherever that expression appears:

1. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

2. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

21. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked.

22. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than a retirement home” after “Group C” in the portion before Clause (a).

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked.

23. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than a retirement home” after “Group C” in the portion before Clause (a).

24. Subsection 3.2.2. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Articles: Group C, Retirement Home, Any Height, Any Area, Sprinklered

(1) Except as permitted by Articles to, a retirement home shall conform to Sentence (2).

(2) Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) shall be of noncombustible construction, and,

(a) except as permitted by Sentence, the building shall be sprinklered,

(b) floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,

(c) mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and

(d) loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly. Group C, Retirement Home, up to 4 Storeys, Sprinklered, Increased Area

(1) A retirement home is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided,

(a) except as permitted by Sentence, the building is sprinklered,

(b) it is not more than 4 storeys in building height, and

(c) it has a building area not more than,

(i) 12 000 m2 if 1 storey in building height,

(ii) 6 000 m2 if 2 storeys in building height,

(iii) 4 000 m2 if 3 storeys in building height, or

(iv) 3 000 m2 if 4 storeys in building height.

(2) The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and,

(a) floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 2 h,

(b) mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and

(c) loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly. Group C, Retirement Home, up to 4 Storeys, Sprinklered

(1) A retirement home is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided,

(a) except as permitted by Sentence, the building is sprinklered,

(b) it is not more than 4 storeys in building height, and

(c) it has a building area not more than,

(i) 6 600 m2 if 1 storey in building height,

(ii) 3 300 m2 if 2 storeys in building height,

(iii) 2 200 m2 if 3 storeys in building height, or

(iv) 1 650 m2 if 4 storeys in building height.

(2) The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and,

(a) floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,

(b) mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and

(c) loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly. Group C, Retirement Home, up to 3 Storeys, Sprinklered, Noncombustible Construction

(1) A retirement home is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided,

(a) except as permitted by Sentence, the building is sprinklered,

(b) it is not more than 3 storeys in building height, and

(c) it has a building area that is,

(i) not limited if the building is not more than 1 storey in building height,

(ii) not more than 12 000 m2 if 2 storeys in building height, or

(iii) not more than 8 000 m2 if 3 storeys in building height.

(2) Except as permitted by Article, the building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of noncombustible construction, and,

(a) floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h,

(b) mezzanines shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h, and

(c) loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly. Group C, Retirement Home, up to 3 Storeys, Sprinklered, Combustible Construction

(1) A retirement home is permitted to conform to Sentence (2) provided,

(a) except as permitted by Sentence, the building is sprinklered,

(b) it is not more than 3 storeys in building height, and

(c) it has a building area not more than,

(i) 4 800 m2 if 1 storey in building height,

(ii) 2 400 m2 if 2 storeys in building height, or

(iii) 1 600 m2 if 3 storeys in building height.

(2) The building referred to in Sentence (1) is permitted to be of combustible construction or noncombustible construction used singly or in combination, and,

(a) floor assemblies shall be fire separations with a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min,

(b) mezzanines shall have, if of combustible construction, a fire-resistance rating not less than 45 min, and

(c) loadbearing walls, columns and arches shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the supported assembly.

25. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(f) a retirement home.

26. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(h) fire compartment required by Sentence or Sentence, and

27. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Sentence” and substituting “Sentence or Sentence”.

28. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than retirement homes” after “Group C apartment buildings” in the portion before Clause (a).

29. Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(16) Smoke alarms required in suites in a retirement home or smoke detectors permitted to be installed in lieu of smoke alarms as provided in Sentence (6) shall upon actuation provide an audible and visual signal to staff serving those suites, so that the suite containing the actuated smoke alarm or smoke detector can be easily identified.

30. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Subsection 3.2.6. or Clause” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Subsection 3.2.6., Clause or Sentence”.

31. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) of residential occupancy that does not contain a retirement home and that is not more than 4 storeys in building height,

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Clauses:

(c) that contains a retirement home constructed in accordance with Article, or

(d) that contains a retirement home constructed in accordance with Article, where the fire separation required by Sentence on the storey immediately below the roof assembly is continuous to the underside of the roof deck.

(3) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” at the end and substituting “a retirement home”.

32. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “and” at the end of Clause (c) and by revoking Clause (d) and substituting the following:

(d) containing a Group C major occupancy in which the floor level of the highest storey of that major occupancy is more than 18 m above grade, or

(e) containing a retirement home, where the floor level of the highest storey of the retirement home is more than 18 m above grade.

33. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subclause:

(ii.1) 1 h for a building that contains a Group C major occupancy retirement home and that is not within the scope of Subsection 3.2.6.,

34. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subclause:

(ii.1) 1 h for a building that contains a Group C major occupancy retirement home and that is not within the scope of Subsection 3.2.6.,

35. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(9) Except as provided in Sentence and except for corridors served by a single exit as described in Sentence, a dead end public corridor is permitted in a residential occupancy provided it is not more than 6 m long.

36. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of Clause (c), by adding “or” at the end of Clause (d) and by adding the following Clause:

(e) a retirement home.

37. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “and Sentences, and (2)” after “Article”.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except in a retirement home” at the beginning.

38. Article of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Doorway Width

(1) In a Group B, Division 2 or 3 occupancy, the minimum clear width of doorways through which it is necessary to move a patient or resident in a bed shall be 1 050 mm.

39. The following provisions of Article of Division B of the Regulation are amended by adding “Except in a retirement home” at the beginning in each case:

1. Sentence (4), in the portion before Clause (a).

2. Sentence (5), in the portion before Clause (a).

40. Subsection 3.3.4. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Article: Retirement Homes

(1) Floor areas containing residents’ sleeping rooms in a retirement home shall conform to Sentences (2) to (12).

(2) Except as permitted by Sentence (3), a floor area containing residents’ sleeping rooms in a retirement home where sleeping accommodation is provided for more than 10 residents shall be divided into no fewer than two fire compartments, each not more than 1 000 m2 in area.

(3) The floor area on either side of a horizontal exit conforming to Article is permitted to be considered as a fire compartment in applying the requirements of this Article.

(4) Except as permitted by Sentence (5), fire separations separating fire compartments required by Sentence (2) shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than 1 h.

(5) The fire-resistance rating of a fire separation referred to in Sentence (4) is permitted to be less than 1 h but not less than 45 min provided the fire-resistance rating required by Subsection 3.2.2. is permitted to be less than 1 h for,

(a) the floor assembly above the floor area, or

(b) the floor assembly below the floor area, if there is no floor assembly above.

(6) A closure in a fire separation between fire compartments referred to in Sentence (2) shall be weatherstripped or otherwise designed and installed to retard the passage of smoke.

(7) The travel distance from any point within each fire compartment referred to in Sentence (2) to a door to an adjoining fire compartment shall be not more than 45 m.

(8) Each fire compartment referred to in Sentence (2) shall be capable of accommodating, in addition to its own occupants, the occupants of the largest adjacent fire compartment based on a clear floor space of 1.5 m2 per resident in the adjacent fire compartment.

(9) The fire separation required by Sentence between a retirement home and a repair garage shall have no openings.

(10) In a retirement home, a dead end public corridor is permitted provided it is not more than 3 m long.

(11) The minimum clear width of doorways serving residents in a retirement home shall be 860 mm.

(12) A voice communication system conforming to Article shall be provided in a retirement home.

41. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or a retirement home” after “Group B occupancy”.

42. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “In a long-term care home and a Group B, Division 3 occupancy” at the beginning and substituting “In a long-term care home, a Group B, Division 3 occupancy and a retirement home”.

43. (1) Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or in a retirement home” at the end.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(6) Electromagnetic locks are permitted to be installed on an exterior door leading from an exit stairway in a building containing only a Group B, Division 2 major occupancy, a Group B, Division 3 major occupancy or a retirement home.

44. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or a retirement home” at the end.

45. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or in a retirement home” after “Division 2 or 3 occupancy” in the portion before Clause (a).

46. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) houses, triplexes and boarding or rooming houses with fewer than 8 boarders or roomers,

47. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Except where no bathroom” at the beginning in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Except as provided in Sentence and except where no bathroom”.

48. Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” and substituting “a retirement home”.

49. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) The design and installation of earth energy systems shall conform to CAN/CSA-C448.2, “Design and Installation of Earth Energy Systems for Residential and Other Small Buildings”, where such systems use groundwater, submerged heat exchangers or ground heat exchangers to serve,

(a) a house, or

(b) a building, other than a house, where the conditioned space is not more than 1 400 m².

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “The design and installation” at the beginning and substituting “Except for houses, the design and installation”.

50. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “only one dwelling unit” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

51. The following provisions of Section 6.2. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “individual dwelling units” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “a house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence

52. Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by,

(a) striking out “single dwelling units” in Column 1 of Item 1 and substituting “an individual dwelling unit in a building other than a house”;

(b) striking out “Round” in Column 1 of Item 2 and substituting “Round ducts serving a house or an individual dwelling unit in a house”; and

(c) striking out “for single dwelling units” in Column 1 of Item 4.

53. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Return-air” at the beginning and substituting “Except as provided in Sentence (14), return-air”.

(2) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(14) In a house containing two dwelling units, return-air from one dwelling unit may be recirculated to the other dwelling unit, provided a duct-type smoke detector is installed in the supply or return air duct system serving the entire house which would turn off the fuel supply and electrical power to the heating system upon activation of such detector.

54. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Except as required in Sentence, where a plumbing system is installed in a house, every storey in which plumbing is or may be installed, including the basement of the house, shall have extended into it or passing through it a vent pipe that is at least 1 ½ in. in size for the provision of future connections.

55. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Except for a single-family dwelling” at the beginning and substituting “Except for a house containing not more than one dwelling unit”.

56. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before Clause (a) and substituting the following:

(5) Where both hot and cold water is supplied to fixtures in residential buildings containing more than one dwelling unit, the water system may be sized in accordance with Table provided,

. . . .

(2) The heading to Table of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Water Pipe Sizing for Buildings Containing More Than One Dwelling Unit

Forming Part of Sentence

(3) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(6) Where both hot and cold water is supplied to fixtures in a house containing only one dwelling unit, the water service pipe is permitted to be a minimum of ¾ in. in size provided,

(a) a minimum ¾ in. water supply piping located in the basement or lower level is extended to the base of every hot and cold riser that serves a maximum of one bathroom group and to the last water supply branch serving any basement bathroom group, fixture supply or hose bibb, and

(b) the total hydraulic load is not more than 26 fixture units, using the values given in Table

57. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a distribution pipe” and substituting “the centreline of a distribution pipe or leaching chamber”.

(2) The heading to Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “and Leaching Chambers” after “Distribution Piping”.

58. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chamber” after “distribution pipe”.

(2) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentences:

(1.1) Where the total length of leaching chamber is 150 m or more, a distribution pipe shall be installed at the centreline of the leaching chamber and extend the total length of leaching chamber to allow for dosing of the effluent.

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(5) Where a pump or siphon is required, the pump or siphon shall be equipped with a device that shall produce an audible and visual alarm signal that indicates a high water level in the pump or siphon chamber.

59. Subsection 8.7.2. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Article: Leaching Chambers within Leaching Beds

(1) Leaching chambers are permitted for use in conjunction with an absorption trench, shallow buried trench, filter bed or Type A dispersal bed.

(2) Leaching chambers shall comply with the dimension requirements for either a Type I or Type II leaching chamber listed in Table

Leaching Chamber Dimensions

Forming Part of Sentence


Column 1

Type of Leaching Chamber

Column 2

Width, mm

Column 3

Height, mm


Type I

380 to 410

280 to 305


Type II

555 to 575

300 to 320


(3) Leaching chambers shall conform to the requirements of IAPMO PS 63, “Plastic Leaching Chambers”. 

(4) The header line and leaching chambers within a leaching bed shall be designed and constructed so that they can be detected by,

(a) magnetic means,

(b) means of a 14 gauge TW solid copper light coloured plastic coated tracer wire, or

(c) other means of subsurface detection.

60. Subsection 8.7.3. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Article: Length of Leaching Chamber

(1) The total length of leaching chamber shall,

(a) not be less than 30 m when constructed as a shallow buried trench, or

(b) not be less than 40 m for any other absorption trench.

(2) Except as provided in Sentences (1) and (3), the total length of leaching chamber shall not be less than the value determined by the formula,

L = QT/200, for a Type I leaching chamber, or

L = QT/300, for a Type II leaching chamber,


L = total length of leaching chamber in metres,

Q = the total daily design sanitary sewage flow in litres, and

T = the design percolation time.

(3) When a treatment unit described in Article is used in conjunction with a leaching chamber, the total length of leaching chamber shall not be less than the value determined by the formula,

L = QT/300


L = total length of leaching chamber in metres,

Q = the total daily design sanitary sewage flow in litres, and

T = the design percolation time.

(4) Except as provided in Sentence (1), where the leaching bed is constructed as a shallow buried trench, the total length of leaching chamber shall not be less than the value determined by Table

Length of Leaching Chamber in Shallow Buried Trench

Forming Part of Sentence


Column 1

Percolation Time, (T) of Soil, min

Column 2

Length of Leaching Chamber, m


1 < T ≤ 20



20 < T ≤ 50



50 < T < 125




Q = the total daily design sanitary sewage flow in litres, and

T = the design percolation time.

61. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(d) centred not less than,

(i) 1 600 mm apart where used in conjunction with a distribution pipe or a Type I leaching chamber, or

(ii) 2 400 mm apart where used in conjunction with a Type II leaching chamber,

(2) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chamber” after “distribution pipe”.

62. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “to provide even distribution of the effluent” at the end.

(2) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(6) This Article does not apply to a distribution pipe within a leaching chamber.

63. Subsection 8.7.3. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Article: Leaching Chamber

(1) Prior to backfilling, the leaching chamber shall be,

(a) installed level over the length of the absorption trench,

(b) securely connected together, section to section,

(c) free of structural damage, uncut and used full length,

(d) equipped with end caps installed on both ends,

(e) equipped with an integrated splash plate at the inlet end of each line of leaching chamber, to prevent soil scouring, and

(f) protected in such a manner so as to prevent soil or leaching bed fill from entering the leaching chamber.

(2) Except for a shallow buried trench, the distribution pipe within a leaching chamber shall be not less than 3 in. trade size for dosed systems.

(3) Every pressurized distribution pipe within a leaching chamber shall,

(a) extend over the entire length of the leaching chamber,

(b) be not less than 1½ in. trade size,

(c) have orifices of at least 6 mm in diameter, spaced equally along the length of the pipe to provide even distribution of the effluent,

(d) be supported,

(e) be self-draining so as to prevent freezing of its contents, and

(f) have cleanouts installed at the downstream end of each line of leaching chamber to allow for servicing of the system.

64. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the outer distribution pipes” and substituting “the centrelines of the outer distribution pipes or leaching chambers”.

(2) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or the leaching chamber under Article” at the end.

(3) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chambers” at the end.

(4) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or distribution pipes” and substituting “distribution pipes or leaching chambers”.

65. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) The lines of distribution pipes or leaching chambers shall be evenly spaced over the surface of the filter medium to which the sanitary sewage is applied, with a maximum spacing between the centrelines of the distribution pipes or leaching chambers in accordance with Table

Maximum Spacing Between Lines of Distribution Pipes or Leaching Chambers

Forming Part of Sentence


Column 1

Distribution Method

Column 2

Maximum Centreline Spacing, mm


Distribution pipes

1 200


Type I leaching chambers



Type II leaching chambers

1 000


(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or bottom of the leaching chambers” after “stone layer” in the portion before Clause (a).

(3) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or leaching chambers” after “distribution pipes”.

(4) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “required by Clause” and substituting “or bottom of the leaching chambers”.

66. The following provisions of Article of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “chamber” wherever that word appears and substituting in each case “chamber or leaching chamber”:

1. Sentence (5).

2. Sentence (6).

67. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “if utilized” after “the stone layer”.

(2) Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or, if leaching chambers are used, the area over which the leaching chambers are spaced determined in accordance with Sentence (6.1)” after “Sentence (6)”.

(3) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) extend to at least 15 m beyond the perimeter of the treatment unit, or the centrelines of the outer distribution pipes or leaching chambers if utilized, in any direction in which the effluent entering the soil or leaching bed fill will move horizontally, and

(4) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Where a stone layer is used” at the beginning in the portion before Clause (a).

(5) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(6.1) Where leaching chambers are used,

(a) the Type A dispersal bed shall be rectangular in shape with the long dimension parallel to the site contours, and

(b) the leaching chambers shall,

(i) be evenly spaced over the area calculated in Subclause (iv), with a maximum distance of 200 mm between the exterior edges of the lines of leaching chamber,

(ii) be protected in the manner described in Clause,

(iii) be constructed such that the bottom of the leaching chambers is at least 600 mm above the high ground water table, rock or soil with a percolation time of 1 min or less or greater than 50 min, and

(iv) have a minimum area not less than the value determined by the formula,

A = Q/B


A = the area over which the leaching chambers are spaced, in square metres,

B = the following amount,

(i) 50, if the total daily design sanitary sewage flow exceeds 3 000 litres, or

(ii) 75, if the total daily design sanitary sewage flow does not exceed 3 000 litres, and

Q = the total daily design sanitary sewage flow in litres.

(6) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or Subclause (6.1)(b)(iii)” after “Clause (6)(d)”.

(7) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Where a stone layer is used” at the beginning.

(8) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(8.1) Where leaching chambers are used, the effluent shall be evenly distributed within the area over which the leaching chambers are spaced to within 600 mm of the perimeter of that area.

(9) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or area over which the leaching chambers are spaced” after “stone layer”.

68. Subsection 9.1.1. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Article: Houses

(1) A house is permitted above another house provided there is not more than one dwelling unit in each house.

69. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before Clause (a) and substituting the following:

(4) For flat insulating concrete form walls described in Clause or, the concrete and reinforcing shall comply with Part 4 or,

. . . .

70. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit.

71. Item 4 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” in Column 2 and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

72. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) The requirements of Section 3.8. need not be provided for houses, triplexes and boarding or rooming houses with fewer than eight boarders or roomers.

73. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a dwelling unit” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “dwelling units” and substituting “houses or individual dwelling units”.

74. Note 3 to Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “MMAH” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “MMA”.

75. The following provisions of Section 9.8. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence

76. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) not less than,

(i) 1 950 mm for stairs serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(ii) 2 050 mm for stairs not serving a house or an individual dwelling unit.

77. Note 2 to Table of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Private stairs are:

(a) interior stairs within a house or an individual dwelling unit,

(b) exterior stairs serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(c) exterior stairs serving a garage that serves a house or an individual dwelling unit.

78. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

79. Clauses and (b) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(a) 1 950 mm for ramps serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) 2 050 mm for ramps not serving a house or an individual dwelling unit.

80. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Sentences (2) to (4)” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Sentences (2), (3) and (4)”.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “entrance to a single dwelling unit” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “entrance to a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

(3) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:

(3.1) Sentence (3) does not apply to an exterior stair serving a secondary entrance to a house that is also a main entrance to a dwelling unit in the house.

(4) Clauses and (b) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(a) 900 mm for stairs or ramps serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) 1 100 mm for stairs or ramps not serving a house or an individual dwelling unit.

81. Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by,

(a) striking out “single dwelling unit” in Column 1 of Item 1 and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”; and

(b) striking out “serving other than single dwelling units” in Column 1 of Item 2 and substituting “not serving a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

82. Clauses and (b) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(a) 1 950 mm for landings serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) 2 050 mm for landings not serving a house or an individual dwelling unit.

83. The following provisions of Section 9.8. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

2. Sentence

3. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

4. Sentence

5. Clause

6. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

84. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “not more than one dwelling unit” and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

85. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

86. The following provisions of Article of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “not more than one dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “a house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Clause

2. Sentence

87. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before Clause (a) and substituting the following:

(2) The finish for treads, landings and ramps within a house or an individual dwelling unit, including those from an attached garage serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, shall be deemed to comply with Sentence (1) where these treads, landings or ramps are finished with,

. . . . .

88. The following provisions of Section 9.8. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “house, an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

2. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

89. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

90. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) This Subsection applies to every means of egress except,

(a) exits that serve a house or an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) access to exits within a house or an individual dwelling unit.

91. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a single dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “an individual dwelling unit”.

92. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) This Article applies to,

(a) exit doors serving other than an individual dwelling unit, and

(b) exit doors serving an individual dwelling unit where there is no second and separate exit from the dwelling unit.

93. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “within a dwelling unit or serving a single dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “within or serving an individual dwelling unit”.

94. The following provisions of Section 9.9. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence

3. Sentence

4. Clause

5. Sentence

6. Sentence

7. Sentence

95. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before Clause (a) and substituting the following:

(1) Principal entrance doors, exit doors and doors to suites, including exterior doors serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, and other doors in an access to exit shall,

. . . .

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Except for doors serving a house or an individual dwelling unit and except for doors to accessory buildings and to garages serving a house or an individual dwelling unit, door release hardware on doors in a means of egress shall be operable with one hand and the door shall be openable with not more than one releasing operation.

96. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

97. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “not more than one dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

98. Item 5 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “(Does not include storage garages serving individual dwelling units)” in Column 3 and substituting “(Does not include storage garages serving houses or individual dwelling units)”.

99. Article of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Reserved

100. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) No fire-resistance rating is required for floors of exterior passageways serving,

(a) a house or an individual dwelling unit in a house, or

(b) an individual dwelling unit in a building other than a house where no suite is located above or below the dwelling unit.

101. Article of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Non-application to Houses

(1) Table does not apply to houses.

102. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “In buildings containing 2 dwelling units only” at the beginning and substituting “In a house containing two dwelling units”.

103. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Dwelling units” at the beginning and substituting “Except as provided in Sentences (4) and (5), dwelling units”.

(2) Article of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentences:

(4) Except as provided in Sentence (5), dwelling units in a house shall be separated from each other and common areas by a fire separation having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 45 min.

(5) The fire-resistance rating of the fire separation required in Sentence (4) is permitted to be waived where the house is sprinklered.

104. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) Where a storage garage serves only the house or the individual dwelling unit it is attached to or built into, it shall be considered as part of that house or dwelling unit and the fire separation required in Sentence (2) need not be provided between the garage and the house or dwelling unit.

105. Clauses and (b) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(a) not more than one room or suite,

(b) a house, or

(c) a building, other than a house, with a building area of not more than 400 m² and a building height of not more than 2 storeys.

106. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) A party wall on a property line need not be constructed as a firewall provided it is constructed as a fire separation having not less than a 1 h fire-resistance rating if,

(a) the property line is between houses, or

(b) the property line is between dwelling units in a building of residential occupancy, other than a house, in which there is no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit.

107. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Where a garage is detached from the dwelling unit” at the beginning and substituting “Where a garage is detached from the house or the individual dwelling unit it serves”.

108. (1) The heading to Article of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Doors Between Garages and Houses or Dwelling Units

(2) The following provisions of Article of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “a dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “the house or the individual dwelling unit it serves”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence

109. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(7) The limits on the area of unprotected openings need not apply to the exposing building face of a detached garage or accessory building facing a house, where,

(a) the detached garage or accessory building serves the house or an individual dwelling unit in the house,

(b) the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as the house, and

(c) the house is the only major occupancy on the property.

110. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before Clause (a) and substituting the following:

(3) Except as provided in Sentence (4), where a garage or accessory building serves a house or an individual dwelling unit in a house and is detached from the house and any other building, the exposing building face,

. . . . .

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(4) The requirements for fire-resistance rating, type of construction and type of cladding need not apply to the exposing building faces of a house and a detached garage or accessory building that face each other, where,

(a) the detached garage or accessory building serves the house or an individual dwelling unit in the house,

(b) the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as the house, and

(c) the house is the only major occupancy on the property.

(3) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Except for buildings containing 1 or 2 dwelling units only” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Except for houses”.

111. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) This Subsection applies to houses that are not designed in accordance with Subsection 9.10.14.

112. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) The area of an exposing building face shall be,

(a) taken as the exterior wall area facing in one direction on any side of a house, and

(b) calculated as,

(i) the total area measured from the finished ground level to the uppermost ceiling,

(ii) the area for each fire compartment where a house is divided into fire compartments by fire separations with fire-resistance ratings not less than 45 min, or

(iii) where Table is used to determine maximum area of glazed openings, the area of any number of individual vertical portions of the wall measured from the finished ground level to the uppermost ceiling.

113. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) The limits on the area of glazed openings shall not apply to the exposing building face of a house facing a detached garage or accessory building, where,

(a) the detached garage or accessory building serves the house or an individual dwelling unit in the house,

(b) the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as the house, and

(c) the house is the only major occupancy on the property.

114. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(4) The requirements for fire-resistance rating, type of construction and type of cladding need not apply to the exposing building faces of a house and a detached garage or accessory building that face each other, where,

(a) the detached garage or accessory building serves the house or an individual dwelling unit in the house,

(b) the detached garage or accessory building is located on the same property as the house, and

(c) the house is the only major occupancy on the property.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Except for buildings containing 1 or 2 dwelling units only” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Except for houses”.

115. Sentences to (6) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Within a house that contains an interior shared means of egress or common area, a smoke alarm shall be installed in each shared means of egress and common area.

(3) A smoke alarm required in Sentences (1) and (2) shall be installed in conformance with CAN/ULC-S553, “Installation of Smoke Alarms”.

(4) A smoke alarm required in Sentences (1) and (2) shall have a visual signalling component conforming to the requirements in 18.5.3. (Light, Color and Pulse Characteristics) of NFPA 72, “National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code”.

(5) The visual signalling component required in Sentence (4) need not,

(a) be integrated with the smoke alarm provided it is interconnected to it,

(b) be on battery backup, or

(c) have synchronized flash rates, when installed in a house or an individual dwelling unit.

(6) The luminous intensity for visual signalling components required in Sentence (4) that are installed in sleeping rooms shall be a minimum of 175 cd.

(7) Smoke alarms required in Sentences (1) and (2) shall be installed on or near the ceiling.

116. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Sentence” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “Sentences and”.

117. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “dwelling unit” and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

118. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(3) Access panels required in Sentence (1) need not be provided in houses.

119. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Except in basements serving not more than one dwelling unit” at the beginning and substituting “Except in basements of houses”.

120. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(c) houses that are constructed to provide for subfloor depressurization in accordance with MMAH Supplementary Standard SB-9, “Requirements for Soil Gas Control”.

(2) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) for houses, a subfloor depressurization system installed according to MMAH Supplementary Standard SB-9, “Requirements for Soil Gas Control”.

121. Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(ii) for houses of light frame or flat insulating concrete form construction that are not more than 2 storeys in building height, with a maximum floor to floor height of 3 m.

122. The following provisions of Part 9 of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “house or an individual dwelling unit in a house”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence, in the portion before Clause (a).

123. Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(ii) are erected in houses not more than 2 storeys in building height, and

124. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “only one dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

(2) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling units” and substituting “a house or an individual dwelling unit”.

125. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “dwelling unit” and substituting “residential occupancy”.

126. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “residential buildings” and substituting “a residential occupancy”.

127. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) For the purposes of this Subsection, a dwelling unit shall be categorized as,

(a) Type I when,

(i) all fuel-fired combustion appliances serving the dwelling unit are direct vented or, except for fireplaces, are mechanically vented induced draft, and

(ii) the dwelling unit is not served by a solid fuel-fired combustion appliance,

(b) Type II when a solid fuel-fired combustion appliance serves a Type I dwelling unit,

(c) Type III when a mechanically vented induced draft non-solid fuel-fired fireplace or a natural draft appliance is present, or

(d) Type IV when electric space heating is present.

128. Sentences, (2) and (3) of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

(1) This Article applies to a mechanical ventilation system serving a house or an individual dwelling unit that contains a forced air heating system which is used for delivery of ventilation air.

(2) Where a mechanical ventilation system serves a Type I dwelling unit, a ventilation supply inlet is not required.

(3) Where a mechanical ventilation system serves a Type II dwelling unit, the system shall include a heat recovery ventilator, coupled to the forced air heating system, installed in accordance with Article

129. The heading to Article of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: Lighting Outlets in Houses and Dwelling Units

130. The following provisions of Section 9.34. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “dwelling units” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “a house or an individual dwelling unit”:

1. Sentence

2. Sentence

131. Section 9.34. of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subsection:

9.34.4. Electric Vehicle Charging Electric Vehicle Charging Systems

(1) Except as provided in Sentence (3), where vehicle parking spaces are located in a building, other than an apartment building, not less than 20% of the parking spaces shall be provided with electric vehicle supply equipment installed in accordance with Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code adopted under Ontario Regulation 164/99 (Electrical Safety Code) made under the Electricity Act, 1998.

(2) The remaining parking spaces located in a building described in Sentence (1) shall be designed to permit the future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment that conforms to Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code.

(3) Except as provided in Sentence (6), where a house is served by a garage, carport or driveway, the following shall be installed to permit the future installation of electric vehicle supply equipment that conforms to Section 86 of the Electrical Safety Code:

(a) a minimum 200 amp panelboard,

(b) a conduit that is not less than 27 mm trade size and is equipped with a means to allow cables to be pulled into the conduit, and

(c) a square 4-11/16 in. trade size electrical outlet box.

(4) The electrical outlet box described in Clause (3)(c) shall be installed in the garage or carport or adjacent to the driveway.

(5) The conduit and electrical outlet box described in Clauses (3)(b) and (c) shall provide an effective barrier against the passage of gas and exhaust fumes.

(6) A house need not comply with Sentence (3) where it,

(a) is not connected to a distribution system, as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Electricity Act, 1998, or

(b) is used or intended to be used as a seasonal recreational building described in Section 9.36.

132. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “single dwelling unit” at the end and substituting “house or an individual dwelling unit”.

133. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(1) In clay-type soils subject to significant movement with a change in soil moisture content, the foundation depth of carports or garages connected to a house or an individual dwelling unit directly or by a breezeway shall be approximately the same depth as the foundation of the main building.

134. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “or” at the end of Clause (d) and by revoking Clause (e).

135. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Clauses to (e)” and substituting “Clauses to (d)”.

136. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” and substituting “a retirement home”.

137. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” and substituting “a retirement home”.

(2) The following provisions of Clause of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “the retirement home” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “the retirement home”:

1. Subclause (i).

2. Subclause (iii).

138. Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) Construction in respect of a Group B, Division 3 occupancy, a hotel or a retirement home may be carried out in accordance with Sentence (1) only if the construction will be in conformance with the Fire Code made under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997.

139. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “a retirement home”.

(2) The following provisions of Sentence of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “the retirement home” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “the retirement home”:

1. Clause (a).

2. Clause (c).

140. Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” and substituting “a retirement home”.

141. (1) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the retirement home” and substituting “the retirement home”.

(2) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) a voice communication system conforming to Article shall be provided in the building, and

(3) Clause of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “the retirement home” and substituting “the retirement home”.

142. (1) Item 8 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Houses” in Column 1 and substituting “Houses”.

(2) Item 14 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Retirement Homes” in Column 1 and substituting “Retirement Homes”.

143. (1) Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:



C10.1 and (2)

In retirement homes, between a suite and a public corridor, existing ‘pause’ type self-closing devices may be used as hold-open devices where functionally operable.


(2) Item 15 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except for retirement homes” at the beginning of Column 3.

(3) Item 21 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except for retirement homes” at the beginning of Column 3.

(4) Item 41 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “and retirement homes” after “hotels” in the portion before Clause (a) in Column 3.

(5) Item 60 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:




(a) Except for retirement homes, existing acceptable.

(b) For retirement homes, existing acceptable provided there is no change in major occupancy or increase in occupant load greater than 15%.


(6) Item 65 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except for retirement homes” at the beginning of Column 3.

(7) Item 75 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding “Except for retirement homes” at the beginning of Column 3.

(8) Items 102, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 147, 152, 153, 154, 156, 168, 170 and 194 of Table of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:




In a house,

(a) minimum room height shall not be less than 1 950 mm over the required floor area and in any location that would normally be used as a means of egress, or

(b) minimum room height shall not be less than 2 030 mm over at least 50% of the required floor area, provided that any part of the floor having a clear height of less than 1 400 mm shall not be considered in computing the required floor area.


. . . . .




Except as provided in C.A. C136, in a house, the Code requirement applies.


. . . . .





In a house, exit requirements are acceptable if at least one of the following conditions exists:

(a) a door, including a sliding door, that opens directly to the exterior from a dwelling unit, serves only that dwelling unit and has reasonable access to ground level, and the dwelling units are equipped with smoke alarms installed in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19.,

(b) an exit that is accessible to more than one dwelling unit and provides the only means of egress from each dwelling unit, provided that the means of egress is separated from the remainder of the building and common areas by a fire separation having a 30 min fire-resistance rating and provided further that the required access to exit from any dwelling unit cannot be through another dwelling unit, service room or other occupancy, and both dwelling units and common areas are provided with smoke alarms that are installed in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19. and are interconnected, or

(c) access to an exit from one dwelling unit which leads through another dwelling unit where,

(i) an additional means of escape is provided through a window that conforms to the following:

(A) the sill height is not more than 1 000 mm above or below adjacent ground level,

(B) the window can be opened from the inside without the use of tools,

(C) the window has an individual unobstructed open portion having a minimum area of 0.38 m² with no dimension less than 460 mm,

(D) the sill height does not exceed 900 mm above the floor or fixed steps,

(E) where the window opens into a window well, a clearance of not less than 1 000 mm shall be provided in front of the window, and

(F) smoke alarms are installed in every dwelling unit and in common areas in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19. and are interconnected,

(ii) an additional means of escape is provided through a window that conforms to the following:

(A) the window is a casement window not less than 1 060 mm high, 560 mm wide, with a sill height not more than 900 mm above the inside floor,

(B) the sill height of the window is not more than 5 m above adjacent ground level, and

(C) smoke alarms are installed in every dwelling unit and in common areas in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19. and are interconnected, or

(iii) the building is sprinklered and the dwelling units are equipped with smoke alarms installed in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19.



In a house, existing acceptable, where there is direct access to the exterior.




In a house, the requirements under this Subsection do not apply.


. . . . .





In a house, the requirements under this Subsection apply only where the condition described in (b) of C.A. C136 exists.


. . . . .




(a) Except as provided in (b) and (c), 30 min rating is acceptable.

(b) In a house, 15 min horizontal fire separation is acceptable where,

(i) smoke alarms are installed in every dwelling unit and in common areas in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19., and

(ii) smoke alarms are interconnected.

(c) In a house, the fire-resistance rating of the fire separation is waived where the building is sprinklered.


. . . . .



C152 and (3);

(a) Except as provided in (b) and (c), 30 min fire separation is acceptable.

(b) In a house, 15 min horizontal fire separation is acceptable where,

(i) smoke alarms are installed in every dwelling unit and in common areas in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19., and

(ii) smoke alarms are interconnected.

(c) In a house, the fire-resistance rating of the fire separation is waived where the building is sprinklered.



(a) Except as provided in (b) and (c) and in Articles and, 30 min fire separation is acceptable.

(b) In a house, the fire-resistance rating of the vertical fire separation is waived where,

(i) smoke alarms are installed in every dwelling unit and in common areas in conformance with Subsection 9.10.19., and

(ii) smoke alarms are interconnected.

(c) In a house, the fire-resistance rating of the vertical fire separation is waived where service rooms are sprinklered.



In a house, a party wall with 1 h fire-resistance rating is acceptable.


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In a house, existing unlabelled doors at least 45 mm solid core wood or metal clad are acceptable. For existing closures, ratings of 20 min will not be required where the entire floor area is sprinklered.


. . . . .




In a house, existing acceptable.


. . . . .




In a house, existing acceptable.


. . . . .





In a house, rooms or spaces to be ventilated by natural means in accordance with Subsection 9.32.2. or by providing adequate mechanical ventilation.


(9) Item 199 of Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “MMAH” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “MMA”.

144. The following provisions of Section 12.2. of Division B of the Regulation are amended by striking out “MMAH” wherever that expression appears and substituting in each case “MMA”:

1. Sentence

2. Clause

3. Clause

4. Clause

5. Sentence

6. Sentence

145. The heading to Article and Sentence of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: Temperature Control in Houses and Dwelling Units

(1) Except as provided in Sentence (3) and except where space heating energy is provided by a solid fuel-burning appliance or a ground source heat pump,

(a) where a house contains two dwelling units and each dwelling unit is served by a separate heating system, the indoor air temperature in each dwelling unit shall be controlled by at least one programmable thermostatic control device located in the dwelling unit,

(b) where a house contains one dwelling unit or contains two dwelling units and both dwelling units are served by one heating system, the indoor air temperature in the house shall be controlled by at least one programmable thermostatic control device located in the house, and

(c) the indoor air temperature in an individual dwelling unit in a building other than a house shall be controlled by at least one programmable thermostatic control device located in the dwelling unit.

146. Articles and of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted: Residential Furnaces

(1) A furnace serving a house or an individual dwelling unit shall be equipped with a brushless direct current motor. Energy Supply for Kitchen and Laundry Facilities

(1) In order to supply energy to cooking appliances and clothes dryers, every kitchen and laundry space shall be provided with,

(a) an electrical outlet,

(b) a natural gas line, or

(c) a propane line.

147. (1) The heading of Column 1 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the note “(5)” at the end.

(2) Item 5 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than retirement homes” at the end of Column 1.

(3) Item 6 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than retirement homes” at the end of Column 1.

(4) Item 7 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding “other than retirement homes” after “Residential occupancy” in Column 1.

(5) Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:



Retirement home only

Every building

Architect and professional engineer(1)


Retirement home and any major occupancy except industrial

Every building

Architect and professional engineer(1)


(6) The Notes to Table of Division C of the Regulation are amended by adding the following:

(5) For purposes of Table, a retirement home is deemed to be a separate major occupancy.

148. (1) Item 1 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by striking out “A detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, or row house” in Clause (a) of Column 1 and substituting “Except for a retirement home, a house”.

(2) Item 3 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Clause at the end of Column 1:

(c) Retirement homes.

149. Clause of Division C of the Regulation is amended striking out “a retirement home regulated under the Retirement Homes Act, 2010” and substituting “a retirement home”.

150. Clause of Division C of the Regulation is amended striking out “and” at the end of Subclause (iii), by adding “and” at the end of Subclause (iv) and by adding the following Subclause:

(v) is not used for a retirement home.

151. Sentence of Division C of the Regulation is amended striking out “and” at the end of Clause (c), by adding “and” at the end of Clause (d) and by adding the following Clause:

(e) does not contain a retirement home.

152. The following provisions of Article of Division C of the Regulation are amended by striking out “and Housing” after “Ministry of Municipal Affairs” wherever that expression appears:

1. Sentence (1), in the portion before Clause (a).

2. Sentence (3), in the portion before Clause (a).

3. Sentence (4).

153. The following provisions of Section 3.1. of Division C of the Regulation are amended by striking out “and Housing” after “Ministry of Municipal Affairs” wherever that expression appears:

1. Clause

2. Clause

3. Clause

4. Clause

5. Sentence

154. (1) Clause of Division C of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(d) the extension, material alteration or repair of a house,

(2) Sentence of Division C of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse or row house containing not more than two dwelling units in each house” in the portion before Clause (a) and substituting “a house”.

155. The following provisions of Section 3.2. of Division C of the Regulation are amended by striking out “and Housing” after “Ministry of Municipal Affairs” wherever that expression appears:

1. Clause

2. Clause

3. Sentence

156. (1) Clause of Division C of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) construction of,

(i) a house owned by the person, or

(ii) an ancillary building that serves,

(A) a house described in Subclause (i), or

(B) an individual dwelling unit in a house described in Subclause (i),

(2) Subclause of Division C of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(i) that serves a house or an individual dwelling unit in a house, and

157. The following provisions of Part 3 of Division C of the Regulation are amended by striking out “and Housing” after “Ministry of Municipal Affairs” wherever that expression appears:

1. Clause

2. Sentence

3. Clause

4. Sentence

5. Clause

6. Clause

7. Clause

8. Sentence

158. Items 1, 5 and 7 of Table of Division C of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:





(a) A house and the building systems, works, fixtures and service systems appurtenant to the house,


(b) an ancillary building that serves the house, and


(c) buildings and parts of buildings described in Column 3 of any of Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 of this Table.


. . . . .





All plumbing systems to which Part 7 of Division B applies that are appurtenant to a house.


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HVAC – House

HVAC – House

All building systems, works, fixtures and service systems to which Section 9.32. or 9.33. of Division B applies that are appurtenant to a house.


159. Item 1 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is amended by,

(a) striking out “House” in Column 1 and substituting “House”; and

(b) striking out “House” wherever that word appears in Column 2 and substituting in each case “House”.

160. (1) Section 4.1. of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subsection:

4.1.4. Transition, July 2017 Transition Rule

(1) Subject to Sentence (2), this Regulation, as it read on June 30, 2017, is deemed to continue in force with respect to construction for which a permit has been applied for before July 1, 2017.

(2) Sentence (1) does not apply unless the construction is commenced within six months after the permit is issued.

(2) Section 4.1. of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Subsection:

4.1.5. Transition, January 2018 Transition Rule

(1) Subject to Sentence (2), this Regulation, as it read on December 31, 2017, is deemed to continue in force with respect to construction for which a permit has been applied for before January 1, 2018.

(2) Sentence (1) does not apply unless the construction is commenced within six months after the permit is issued.


161. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Regulation comes into force on July 1, 2017.

(2) Subsections 4 (1), (3), (6), (7), (9), (10), (11), (12), (16) and (17), section 6, subsection 7 (1), sections 12, 56 to 67 and 131 and subsection 160 (2) come into force on January 1, 2018.