O. Reg. 2/18: BY-LAWS FOR LOCAL BOARDS, Filed January 15, 2018 under Farm Products Marketing Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.9
ontario regulation 2/18
made under the
Farm Products Marketing Act
Made: December 14, 2017
Filed: January 15, 2018
Published on e-Laws: January 15, 2018
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 3, 2018
Amending Reg. 400 of R.R.O. 1990
1. (1) Clause 16 (1) (a.4) of Regulation 400 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by striking out “any bank listed in Schedule I or II to the Bank Act (Canada) or by any authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada)” at the end and substituting “a bank or authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada) or by a credit union within the meaning of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994”.
(2) The English version of clause 16 (1) (a.5) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “as defined in” and substituting “within the meaning of”.
(3) Clause 16 (1) (b) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “bank listed in Schedule I or II to the Bank Act (Canada) or of an authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada)” at the end and substituting “bank or authorized foreign bank within the meaning of section 2 of the Bank Act (Canada) or of a credit union within the meaning of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994”
2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2018 and the day it is filed.
Made by:
Pris par :
Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission:
La Commission de commercialisation des produits agricoles de l’Ontario :
Jim Clark
Mike Relf
Date made:December 14, 2017
Pris le : 14 décembre 2017