ontario regulation 194/18
made under the
Education Act
Made: March 26, 2018
Filed: April 4, 2018
Published on e-Laws: April 4, 2018
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: April 21, 2018
Centre Jules-Léger Consortium — Object and Composition of the Parent and Program Advisory Committee
Definitions |
Object |
Parent members |
Community representatives |
A member of the Consortium and an alternate |
The director of education |
The school principals |
A residence manager |
Teachers |
Non-teaching staff |
Conseil ontarien des directrices et des directeurs de l’éducation de langue française |
Timing of appointments |
Consent to appointment |
Terms of office |
Reappointment |
Vacancies |
Officers |
Subcommittees |
Voting |
By-laws |
Transition |
Same |
Revocation |
Commencement |
“meeting” does not include a training session or other event where the parent and program advisory committee does not discuss or decide matters that it has authority to decide; (réunion)
“parent” means,
(a) a parent or guardian of a pupil who is enrolled in a school of the Consortium,
(b) a parent or guardian of a pupil in respect of whom the Consortium is providing resource services or consultation services, or
(c) a parent or guardian to whom the Consortium is providing outreach services or home-visiting services. (“parent”)
2. The object of the Centre Jules-Léger Consortium’s parent and program advisory committee is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the Consortium level in order to improve student achievement, equity and well-being and support the objects of the Consortium, which are set out in subsection 13.1 (5) of the Act, by,
(a) making recommendations to the Consortium regarding parent engagement;
(b) communicating with and supporting school councils of schools of the Consortium;
(c) undertaking activities to help parents support their children’s learning at home and at school;
(d) making recommendations to the Consortium regarding the development and annual review of the Consortium’s multi-year plan;
(e) making recommendations to the Consortium regarding the development of the Consortium’s budget;
(f) making recommendations to the Consortium regarding programs and services for pupils served by the Consortium;
(g) developing strategies and initiatives that the Consortium and the Consortium’s director of education could use to effectively communicate with parents and to effectively engage parents in improving student achievement, equity and well-being;
(h) advising the Consortium and the Consortium’s director of education on ways to use the strategies and initiatives referred to in clause (g);
(i) communicating with parents;
(j) working with school councils of schools of the Consortium and, through the Consortium’s director of education, with employees of the Consortium, to,
(i) share effective practices to help engage parents, especially parents who may find engagement challenging, in their children’s learning,
(ii) identify and reduce barriers to parent engagement,
(iii) help ensure that schools of the Consortium create a welcoming environment for parents, and
(iv) develop skills and acquire knowledge that will assist the parent and program advisory committee and school councils of schools of the Consortium with their work; and
(k) determining, in consultation with the Consortium’s director of education and in keeping with the Consortium’s policies, how funding, if any, provided to the Consortium for the parent and program advisory committee is to be used.
Parent members
3. (1) The Consortium shall appoint the following individuals to the parent and program advisory committee:
1. A member of the school council of Centre Jules-Léger (École provinciale pour sourds, aveugles et sourds-aveugles).
2. A member of the school council of Centre Jules-Léger (École d’application).
3. A parent of a pupil in respect of whom the Consortium is providing resource services or consultation services or a parent to whom the Consortium is providing outreach services or home-visiting services.
4. A member of Parents Partenaires en Éducation who is a French-language public district school board supporter.
5. A member of Parents Partenaires en Éducation who is a French-language separate district school board supporter.
(2) The individuals appointed under this section are the parent members of the parent and program advisory committee.
(3) The Consortium shall only appoint a parent as a parent member.
(4) The Consortium may appoint a parent who is also an employee of the Consortium as a parent member.
(5) A parent member who is also an employee of the Consortium shall, at his or her first committee meeting, inform the committee of his or her employment with the Consortium.
(6) The Consortium shall ensure that vacancies in parent member positions are advertised through a variety of methods, which may include,
(a) advertisements in newsletters of schools or school councils of schools of the Consortium;
(b) notices in schools of the Consortium;
(c) notices on the Consortium’s website and on the websites of schools of the Consortium; and
(d) notices to French-language district school boards.
(7) The Consortium shall consider,
(a) any suggestions from the school council of Centre Jules-Léger (École provinciale pour sourds, aveugles et sourds-aveugles) about who to appoint under paragraph 1 of subsection (1);
(b) any suggestions from the school council of Centre Jules-Léger (École d’application) about who to appoint under paragraph 2 of subsection (1); and
(c) any suggestions from Parents Partenaires en Éducation about who to appoint under paragraph 4 or 5 of subsection (1).
Community representatives
4. (1) The Consortium shall appoint the following individuals to the parent and program advisory committee:
1. A community representative regarding pupils who are deaf or hard of hearing, are blind or have low vision or are deafblind.
2. A community representative regarding pupils who have learning disabilities.
(2) The Consortium shall comply with the Consortium’s by-laws respecting the appointment of additional community representatives.
(3) The individuals appointed under this section are the community representatives on the parent and program advisory committee.
(4) The Consortium shall only appoint an individual who satisfies one of the following requirements as a community representative:
1. The individual is a member of an organized group that,
i. either furthers the interests of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, are blind or have low vision, are deafblind or have a learning disability, or provides information and advice about post-secondary education, career or life-planning pathways to those individuals,
ii. operates in Ontario, and
iii. is not an organized group of professional educators.
2. The individual is an employee of a publicly funded post-secondary institution.
(5) The Consortium shall not appoint any of the following as a community representative:
1. A member of the Consortium.
2. An employee of the Consortium.
(6) The Consortium shall ensure that vacancies in community representative positions are advertised through a variety of methods, which may include,
(a) advertisements in newsletters of schools or school councils of schools of the Consortium;
(b) notices in schools of the Consortium;
(c) notices on the Consortium’s website and on the websites of schools of the Consortium;
(d) notices to French-language district school boards; and
(e) notices to special education advisory committees of French-language district school boards.
(7) The Consortium shall consider any suggestions from an organized group described in paragraph 1 of subsection (4) about who to appoint under subsection (1) and, if applicable, under subsection (2).
A member of the Consortium and an alternate
5. (1) The Consortium shall appoint a member of the Consortium to the parent and program advisory committee.
(2) The Consortium shall appoint a member of the Consortium as an alternate to the member of the Consortium appointed under subsection (1).
(3) The member of the Consortium appointed under subsection (1) may,
(a) delegate any of his or her powers or duties as a member of the parent and program advisory committee to the alternate; and
(b) designate the alternate to attend the meetings of the parent and program advisory committee in his or her place.
The director of education
6. The director of education of the Consortium shall be a member of the parent and program advisory committee.
The school principals
7. (1) The principal of Centre Jules-Léger (École provinciale pour sourds, aveugles et sourds-aveugles) shall be a member of the parent and program advisory committee.
(2) The principal of Centre Jules-Léger (École d’application) shall be a member of the parent and program advisory committee.
A residence manager
8. The Consortium shall appoint a residence manager of the Consortium to the parent and program advisory committee.
9. The Consortium shall comply with the Consortium’s by-laws respecting the appointment of other Consortium staff who are teachers.
Non-teaching staff
10. The Consortium shall comply with the Consortium’s by-laws respecting the appointment of other Consortium staff who are non-teaching staff.
Conseil ontarien des directrices et des directeurs de l’éducation de langue française
11. (1) The Consortium shall appoint the following individuals to the parent and program advisory committee:
1. A member of the Conseil ontarien des directrices et des directeurs de l’éducation de langue française who is a director of education of a French-language public district school board.
2. A member of the Conseil ontarien des directrices et des directeurs de l’éducation de langue française who is a director of education of a French-language separate district school board.
(2) The Consortium shall consider any suggestions from the Conseil ontarien des directrices et des directeurs de l’éducation de langue française about who to appoint under subsection (1).
Timing of appointments
12. The Consortium shall make the appointments required by this Regulation before November 15 of the school year and before the first meeting of the parent and program advisory committee in the school year.
Consent to appointment
13. An appointment is of no effect unless the person agrees to the appointment.
Terms of office
14. (1) The Consortium shall set a term of office for each appointee.
(2) The term of office for an appointee must not be longer than two years.
(3) The term of office of the following appointees may be longer than two years, despite subsection (2):
1. The member of the Consortium.
2. The alternate to the member of the Consortium.
3. The residence manager.
15. (1) An appointee to the parent and program advisory committee may be reappointed for an additional term unless the by-laws of the Consortium provide otherwise.
(2) No appointee shall serve more than two consecutive terms.
(3) An appointee who has served two consecutive terms may be appointed again on the second anniversary of the day that his or her most recent prior term ended.
16. A vacancy in the membership of the parent and program advisory committee does not prevent the committee from exercising its authority.
17. (1) The parent and program advisory committee shall have two co-chairs.
(2) The parent members shall elect one of the parent members to serve as one of the co-chairs.
(3) The community representatives shall elect one of the community representatives to serve as one of the co-chairs.
(4) The co-chairs of the parent and program advisory committee shall act as spokespersons for the committee in communicating with the director of education of the Consortium and the Consortium.
(5) The parent and program advisory committee may have such other officers as are provided for by the by-laws of the Consortium.
(6) A vacancy in the office of co-chair or any office provided for by the by-laws of the Consortium shall be filled in accordance with the by-laws of the Consortium.
18. (1) The parent and program advisory committee may establish subcommittees to make recommendations to the parent and program advisory committee.
(2) A subcommittee of the parent and program advisory committee must include at least one parent member of the parent and program advisory committee.
(3) A subcommittee of the parent and program advisory committee may include individuals who are not members of the parent and program advisory committee.
19. Only the parent members and community representatives are voting members of the parent and program advisory committee.
20. (1) The parent and program advisory committee may recommend to the Consortium by-laws,
(a) governing the process of making appointments to the parent and program advisory committee and of filling vacancies on the parent and program advisory committee;
(b) governing the process of electing the co-chairs of the parent and program advisory committee;
(c) governing the process of filling vacancies in the offices of the parent and program advisory committee;
(d) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint additional community representatives to the parent and program advisory committee;
(e) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint to the parent and program advisory committee other Consortium staff who are teachers, subject to subsection (2);
(f) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint up to two other Consortium staff who are non-teaching staff to the parent and program advisory committee;
(g) providing for other officers of the parent and program advisory committee; and
(h) governing the process of selecting the other officers of the parent and program advisory committee.
(2) A recommendation of by-laws under clause (1) (e) must recommend by-laws that comply with the following rules:
1. The by-laws must either require the Consortium to appoint all of the following individuals or must permit the Consortium to appoint the following individuals on condition that the Consortium appoints all of the following individuals:
i. A teacher from Centre Jules-Léger (École provinciale pour sourds, aveugles et sourds-aveugles).
ii. A teacher from Centre Jules-Léger (École d’application).
iii. A teacher from the resource services, consultation services, outreach services or home-visiting services functions of the Consortium.
2. The by-laws must prohibit the appointment of a principal or vice-principal as other Consortium staff who are teachers.
(3) The Consortium shall inform the parent and program advisory committee of its response to recommendations provided to it by the committee.
(4) The Consortium,
(a) shall make by-laws,
(i) governing the process of making appointments to the parent and program advisory committee and of filling vacancies on the parent and program advisory committee,
(ii) governing the process of electing the co-chairs of the parent and program advisory committee, and
(iii) governing the process of filling vacancies in the offices of the parent and program advisory committee; and
(b) may make by-laws,
(i) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint additional community representatives to the parent and program advisory committee,
(ii) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint to the parent and program advisory committee other Consortium staff who are teachers, subject to subsection (5),
(iii) requiring or permitting the Consortium to appoint up to two other Consortium staff who are non-teaching staff to the parent and program advisory committee,
(iv) providing for other officers of the parent and program advisory committee, and
(v) governing the process of selecting the other officers of the parent and program advisory committee.
(5) By-laws made under subclause (4) (b) (ii) must comply with the following rules:
1. The by-laws must either require the Consortium to appoint all of the following individuals or must permit the Consortium to appoint the following individuals on condition that the Consortium appoints all of the following individuals:
i. A teacher from Centre Jules-Léger (École provinciale pour sourds, aveugles et sourds-aveugles).
ii. A teacher from Centre Jules-Léger (École d’application).
iii. A teacher from the resource services, consultation services, outreach services or home-visiting services functions of the Consortium.
2. The by-laws must prohibit the appointment of a principal or vice-principal as other Consortium staff who are teachers.
21. (1) This section applies until the day the Consortium meets its obligations under subsection (4).
(2) Subsections 3 (6) and (7), 4 (2), (6) and (7), sections 9, 10, 12, 14 and 15 and subsections 17 (5) and (6) are of no force or effect while this section applies.
(3) If an appointee vacates his or her position on the parent and program advisory committee, the Consortium shall appoint another individual to the position.
(4) The Consortium shall,
(a) no later than the day that is nine months after the day the parent and program advisory committee is established, make the by-laws required by clause 20 (4) (a); and
(b) no later than the day that is 12 months after the day the parent and program advisory committee is established, and after the day it complies with clause (a), appoint the members of the parent and program advisory committee that it is required to appoint.
22. The term of office of an appointee appointed before or on the day the Consortium complies with clause 21 (4) (a) ends on the earlier of a day set by the Consortium and the day that is 12 months and one day after the day the parent and program advisory committee is established, unless the appointee is reappointed after the Consortium complies with clause 21 (4) (a).
23. Sections 21 and 22 are revoked.
24. (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Regulation comes into force on the latest of,
(a) the day subsection 1 (1) of Schedule 12 to the Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 comes into force;
(b) the day subsection 1 (4) of Schedule 12 to the Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2017 comes into force; and
(c) the day this Regulation is filed.
(2) Section 23 comes into force two years after the day this Regulation is filed.
Made by:
Pris par :
La ministre de l’Éducation,
Indira Naidoo-Harris
Minister of Education
Date made: March 26, 2018
Pris le : 26 mars 2018