O. Reg. 464/18: PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF OFFENCE, Filed November 2, 2018 under Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.33
ontario regulation 464/18
made under the
Provincial Offences Act
Made: October 31, 2018
Filed: November 2, 2018
Published on e-Laws: November 5, 2018
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 17, 2018
Amending Reg. 950 of R.R.O. 1990
1. Schedule 17.5 to Regulation 950 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by adding the following item:
96. |
Use firearm carelessly to fish |
subsection 16 (1) |
2. (1) Items 0.1 to 18 of Schedule 17.6 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
1. |
Fail to carry outdoors card while fishing |
subsection 5 (1) |
2. |
Fail to produce outdoors card to conservation officer |
subsection 5 (3) |
3. |
Fail to notify the Minister of change of information |
subsection 6 (1) |
4. |
Obtain licence when not eligible |
subsection 6 (2) |
5. |
Apply for more than one outdoors card |
subsection 7 (1) |
6. |
Possess more than one outdoors card |
subsection 7 (1) |
7. |
Fail to return outdoors card as required |
section 8 |
8. |
Fail to carry required tag while fishing in Lake St. Joseph |
subsection 18.2 (2) |
9. |
Submit more than one application for Lake of the Woods lake trout tag |
subsection 18.4 (3) |
10. |
Possess more than one Lake of the Woods lake trout tag |
subsection 18.4 (3) |
11. |
Fail to carry lake trout tag while fishing in specified areas of Lake of the Woods |
subsection 18.4 (4) |
12. |
Fail to attach seal to jaw of lake trout |
subsection 18.4 (5) |
13. |
Fail to keep seal attached to jaw of lake trout |
subsection 18.4 (5) |
13.1 |
Catch leeches for use as bait without licence |
subsection 18.5 (1) |
13.2 |
Catch leeches for use as bait using leech trap exceeding 45 cm |
clause 18.5 (2) (a) |
13.3 |
Catch leeches for use as bait using leech trap not legibly marked with the holder’s name |
clause 18.5 (2) (b) |
14. |
Holder of aquaculture licence — unlawfully buy fish |
subsection 20 (3) |
15. |
Holder of aquaculture licence — fail to immediately report diseased fish |
subsection 22 (1) |
16. |
Holder of aquaculture licence — unlawfully sell diseased fish |
subsection 22 (2) |
17. |
Holder of aquaculture licence — unlawfully dispose of diseased fish |
subsection 22 (2) |
18. |
Holder of stocking licence — stock diseased fish |
section 27 |
(2) The Regulation is amended by adding the following French version of Schedule 17.6:
Annexe 17.6
Règlement de l’Ontario 664/98 pris en vertu de la Loi de 1997 sur la protection du poisson et de la faune
Colonne 1 Point |
Colonne 2 Infraction |
Colonne 3 Disposition |
1. |
Omettre de porter la Carte Plein air lors d’une pêche |
paragraphe 5 (1) |
2. |
Omettre de présenter sa Carte Plein air à un agent de protection de la nature |
paragraphe 5 (3) |
3. |
Omettre d’aviser le ministre de tout changement dans les renseignements |
paragraphe 6 (1) |
4. |
Obtenir un permis en situation d’inadmissibilité |
paragraphe 6 (2) |
5. |
Demander plus d’une Carte Plein air |
paragraphe 7 (1) |
6. |
Avoir en sa possession plus d’une Carte Plein air |
paragraphe 7 (1) |
7. |
Omettre de rendre une Carte Plein Air comme il est exigé |
article 8 |
8. |
Omettre de porter la vignette exigée lors d’une pêche dans le lac St–Joseph |
paragraphe 18.2 (2) |
9. |
Présenter plus d’une demande de vignette concernant le touladi dans le Lac des Bois |
paragraphe 18.4 (3) |
10. |
Avoir en sa possession plus d’une vignette concernant le touladi dans le Lac des Bois |
paragraphe 18.4 (3) |
11. |
Omettre de porter la vignette concernant le touladi lors d’une pêche dans des zones précisées du Lac des Bois |
paragraphe 18.4 (4) |
12. |
Omettre de fixer le sceau à la mâchoire du touladi |
paragraphe 18.4 (5) |
13. |
Omettre de laisser le sceau fixé à la mâchoire du touladi |
paragraphe 18.4 (5) |
13.1 |
Prendre des sangsues pour les utiliser comme appâts sans permis |
paragraphe 18.5 (1) |
13.2 |
Prendre des sangsues pour les utiliser comme appâts au moyen d’un piège dépassant 45 cm |
alinéa 18.5 (2) a) |
13.3 |
Prendre des sangsues pour les utiliser comme appâts au moyen d’un piège sur lequel le nom du titulaire n’est pas écrit lisiblement |
alinéa 18.5 (2) b) |
14. |
Titulaire d’un permis de pisciculture — acheter illégalement du poisson |
paragraphe 20 (3) |
15. |
Titulaire d’un permis de pisciculture — omettre de signaler immédiatement du poisson malade |
paragraphe 22 (1) |
16. |
Titulaire d’un permis de pisciculture — vendre illégalement du poisson malade |
paragraphe 22 (2) |
17. |
Titulaire d’un permis de pisciculture — aliéner illégalement du poisson malade |
paragraphe 22 (2) |
18. |
Titulaire d’un permis d’empoissonnement — empoissonner avec du poisson malade |
article 27 |
18.0.1 |
Omettre de porter le document approprié lors du transport de poisson |
paragraphe 29 (2) |
18.1 |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration quotidienne |
paragraphe 31.1 (3) |
18.2 |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration quotidienne |
paragraphe 31.1 (4) |
18.3 |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration mensuelle |
paragraphe 31.1 (5) |
18.4 |
Omettre de créer un dossier sur chaque vente de poisson |
alinéa 31.1 (6) a) |
18.5 |
Omettre de donner une copie du dossier sur la vente à l’acheteur |
alinéa 31.1 (6) b) |
18.6 |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration mensuelle |
paragraphe 31.1 (7) |
18.7 |
. . . . . |
18.8 |
Prendre illégalement du poisson–appât à des fins commerciales |
alinéa 31.3 (1) a) |
18.9 |
Acheter illégalement des sangsues à des fins commerciales |
alinéa 31.3 (1) b) |
18.10 |
Vendre illégalement des sangsues à des fins commerciales |
alinéa 31.3 (1) b) |
18.11 |
. . . . . |
18.12 |
. . . . . |
18.13 |
Acheter illégalement du poisson–appât à des fins commerciales |
alinéa 31.3 (1) b) |
18.14 |
Vendre illégalement du poisson–appât à des fins commerciales |
alinéa 31.3 (1) b) |
18.14.1 |
. . . . . |
18.15 |
Prendre illégalement plus de 120 sangsues en un jour |
paragraphe 31.3 (1.1) |
18.16 |
Avoir illégalement en sa possession plus de 120 sangsues |
paragraphe 31.3 (1.1) |
18.16.1 |
Vendeur d’appâts — acheter des sangsues auprès d’une personne non autorisée |
paragraphe 31.3 (1.2) |
18.16.2 |
Vendeur d’appâts — acheter du poisson–appât auprès d’une personne non autorisée |
paragraphe 31.3 (1.2) |
18.16.3 |
Acheter illégalement des grenouilles destinées à servir d’appâts |
paragraphe 31.3 (2) |
18.16.4 |
Vendre illégalement des grenouilles destinées à servir d’appâts |
paragraphe 31.3 (2) |
18.17 |
Omettre de tenir un journal |
alinéa 31.3 (5) a) |
18.18 |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration annuelle |
alinéa 31.3 (5) b) |
18.18.1 |
Omettre de conserver un journal pendant cinq ans |
paragraphe 31.3 (6) |
18.19 |
Faire de fausses inscriptions dans le journal |
paragraphe 31.3 (7) |
18.20 |
Titulaire de permis de pêche commerciale d’appât — utiliser du sel pour conserver le poisson–appât |
article 31.5 |
18.20.1 |
Omettre de conserver des documents pendant trois ans |
paragraphe 32 (4) |
18.21 |
Titulaire de permis de pêche commerciale d’appât — acheter du poisson–appât conservé dans du sel |
article 32.1 |
18.22 |
Titulaire de permis de pêche commerciale d’appât — vendre du poisson–appât conservé dans du sel |
article 32.1 |
18.23 |
Omettre de payer des intérêts sur une somme facturée |
paragraphe 34 (5) |
19. |
Omettre de remettre une déclaration |
paragraphe 34.1 (2) |
20. |
Placer une cabane de pêche sur glace sur laquelle n’est pas affiché le numéro prescrit |
paragraphe 37 (3) |
21. |
Occuper une cabane de pêche sur glace sur laquelle n’est pas affiché le numéro prescrit |
paragraphe 37 (3) |
22. |
Placer, utiliser, occuper ou laisser une cabane de pêche sur glace après le 1er mars — zone 17 ou 20 |
alinéa 38 (1) a) |
23. |
. . . . . |
24. |
. . . . . |
25. |
. . . . . |
26. |
Placer, utiliser, occuper ou laisser une cabane de pêche sur glace après le 15 mars — zone 14, 16, 18 ou 19 |
alinéa 38 (1) b) |
27. |
. . . . . |
28. |
. . . . . |
29. |
. . . . . |
30. |
Placer, utiliser, occuper ou laisser une cabane de pêche sur glace après le 31 mars — zone 9, 10, 11 ou 15 |
alinéa 38 (1) c) |
31. |
. . . . . |
32. |
. . . . . |
33. |
. . . . . |
34. |
Placer, utiliser, occuper ou laisser une cabane de pêche sur glace après le 15 mars — zone 12, en aval du barrage du lac Témiscamingue |
alinéa 38 (1) d) |
35. |
. . . . . |
36. |
. . . . . |
37. |
. . . . . |
38. |
Placer, utiliser, occuper ou laisser une cabane de pêche sur glace après le 31 mars — zone 12, en amont du barrage du lac Témiscamingue |
alinéa 38 (1) e) |
39. |
. . . . . |
40. |
. . . . . |
41. |
. . . . . |
3. Schedule 17.7 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
Schedule 17.7
Ontario Regulation 665/98 under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997
Column 1 Item |
Column 2 Offence |
Column 3 Provision |
1. |
Fail to carry outdoors card while hunting as required |
subsection 3 (1) |
2. |
Fail to produce outdoors card to conservation officer |
subsection 3 (3) |
3. |
Fail to notify the Minister of change of information |
subsection 6 (1) |
4. |
Obtain hunting licence when not eligible |
subsection 6 (2) |
5. |
Apply for more than one outdoors card |
subsection 7 (1) |
6. |
Possess more than one outdoors card |
subsection 7 (1) |
7. |
Fail to return outdoors card as required |
section 8 |
8. |
Hunting instructor fail to issue certificate |
subsection 11 (3) |
9. |
Hunter education examiner fail to issue report |
subsection 11 (6) |
10. |
Unlawfully apply for more than one tag |
subsection 14 (2) |
11. |
Unlawfully possess more than one tag |
subsection 14 (2) |
12. |
Fail to ensure component of licence remains intact and legible |
subsection 16 (1) |
13. |
Unlawfully alter or modify component of licence |
subsection 16 (2) |
14. |
Possess component of licence that has been unlawfully altered or modified |
subsection 16 (3) |
15. |
Attach to animal component of licence that has been unlawfully altered or modified |
subsection 16 (3) |
16. |
Make a copy or counterfeit tag |
subsection 16 (4) |
17. |
Make a copy or counterfeit validation certificate |
subsection 16 (4) |
18. |
Possess a copy or counterfeit tag |
subsection 16 (4) |
19. |
Possess a copy or counterfeit validation certificate |
subsection 16 (4) |
20. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — moose |
subsection 19 (1) |
21. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — deer |
subsection 19 (1) |
22. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — elk |
subsection 19 (1) |
23. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — bear |
subsection 19 (1) |
24. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — wild turkey |
subsection 19 (1) |
25. |
Fail to invalidate tag immediately after kill — wolf/coyote |
subsection 19 (1) |
26. |
Unlawfully invalidate tag with respect to animal not of same species, type, age or sex |
subsection 19 (2) |
27. |
Unlawfully invalidate tag with respect to animal killed by another person |
subsection 19 (3) |
28. |
Fail to keep invalidated tag or attach to animal after kill of wildlife species |
subsection 19 (4) |
29. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — moose |
subsection 19 (5) |
30. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — deer |
subsection 19 (5) |
31. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — elk |
subsection 19 (5) |
32. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — bear |
subsection 19 (5) |
33. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — wild turkey |
subsection 19 (5) |
34. |
Fail to properly attach invalidated tag — wolf/coyote |
subsection 19 (5) |
35. |
Possess animal that ought to have had tag attached |
subsection 19 (6) |
36. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — moose |
subsection 19 (7) |
37. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — deer |
subsection 19 (7) |
38. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — elk |
subsection 19 (7) |
39. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — bear |
subsection 19 (7) |
40. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — wild turkey |
subsection 19 (7) |
41. |
Fail to keep tag on person or attached to carcass during transport — wolf/coyote |
subsection 19 (7) |
42. |
Skin, cut or pack carcass so that species cannot be easily identified |
clause 20 (1) (a) |
43. |
Skin, cut or pack carcass so that type of animal cannot be easily identified |
clause 20 (1) (b) |
44. |
Skin, cut or pack carcass so that age of animal cannot be easily identified |
clause 20 (1) (b) |
45. |
Skin, cut or pack carcass so that sex of animal cannot be easily identified |
clause 20 (1) (b) |
46. |
Skin, cut or pack carcass in a manner contrary to instructions accompanying tag |
clause 20 (1) (c) |
47. |
Possess carcass unlawfully skinned, cut or packed |
subsection 20 (3) |
48. |
Moose hunter validation certificate not accompanying tag |
clause 21 (a) |
49. |
Bear hunter fail to keep validation certificate on person |
clause 21 (b) |
50. |
Supervising hunter fail to invalidate tag for wildlife killed by apprentice |
subsection 22 (4) |
51. |
Supervising hunter carry or possess more than one firearm |
subsection 24 (2) |
52. |
Fail to immediately notify party of kill |
subsection 24.1 (4) |
53. |
Party hunting fail to immediately invalidate tag |
subsection 24.2 (1) |
54. |
Unlawfully hunt deer in a party in a controlled deer hunt management unit |
section 24.3 |
55. |
Non-resident — unlawfully hunt bear in a party |
section 24.4 |
56. |
Non-resident — unlawfully hunt moose in a party |
subsection 24.5 (1) |
57. |
Hunt moose in WMU 65 with more than one other hunter |
subsection 24.5 (2) |
58. |
Hunt moose in party in WMU 65 — no WMU 65 moose tag |
clause 24.5 (2) (a) |
59. |
Hunt moose in party in WMU 65 without partner permit |
clause 24.5 (2) (b) |
60. |
Partner permit holder — fail to carry partner permit |
subsection 24.5 (3) |
61. |
Partner permit holder — fail to produce partner permit |
subsection 24.5 (3) |
62. |
Unlawfully hunt moose in WMU 65 in mobility impaired season |
subsection 24.5 (4) |
63. |
Unlawfully hunt moose in a party in WMU 11B |
subsection 24.5 (5) |
64. |
Assistant unlawfully hunt in WMU 11B |
clause 24.5 (6) (a) |
65. |
Assistant fail to carry letter of permission |
clause 24.5 (6) (b) |
66. |
Assistant fail to produce letter of permission |
clause 24.5 (6) (b) |
67. |
Hunt elk in party of more than four persons |
subsection 24.6 (5) |
68. |
Hunt during the closed season — elk |
subsection 25 (2) |
69. |
Hunt during the closed season — bear |
subsection 25 (2) |
70. |
Hunt during the closed season — bullfrog |
subsection 25 (2) |
71. |
Hunt during the closed season — deer |
subsection 25 (2) |
72. |
Hunt during the closed season — furbearing mammal |
subsection 25 (2) |
73. |
Hunt during the closed season — game bird other than wild turkey |
subsection 25 (2) |
74. |
Hunt during the closed season — wild turkey |
subsection 25 (2) |
75. |
Hunt during the closed season — moose |
subsection 25 (2) |
76. |
Hunt during the closed season — game mammal other than big game |
subsection 25 (2) |
77. |
Hunt during the closed season — caribou |
subsection 25 (2) |
78. |
Kill more game amphibians than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
79. |
Capture more game amphibians than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
80. |
Possess more game amphibians than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
81. |
Kill more small game than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
82. |
Capture more small game than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
83. |
Possess more small game than limit |
subsection 25 (3) |
84. |
Kill more game birds than number specified in Table 7 |
subsection 25 (3.1) |
85. |
Kill more small game than number specified in Table 9 |
subsection 25 (3.1) |
86. |
Possess more game birds than number specified in Table 7 |
subsection 25 (3.1) |
87. |
Possess more small game than number specified in Table 9 |
subsection 25 (3.1) |
88. |
Hunt during prohibited time of day |
subsection 25 (4) |
89. |
Possess another person’s outdoors card while hunting |
subsection 25.1 (1) |
90. |
Possess another person’s tag while hunting |
subsection 25.1 (1) |
91. |
Possess another person’s validation certificate while hunting |
subsection 25.1 (1) |
92. |
Purport to have killed animal killed by another hunter |
subsection 25.1 (2) |
93. |
Hunt with a gun without required accreditation |
subsection 25.2 (1) |
94. |
Fail to carry documentation while hunting with a gun |
subsection 25.2 (2) |
95. |
Fail to carry documentation while in possession of a gun for the purpose of hunting |
subsection 25.2 (2) |
96. |
Fail to produce documentation when hunting with a gun |
subsection 25.2 (2) |
97. |
Fail to wear hunter orange while hunting |
subsection 26 (1) |
98. |
Apply for more than two wolf/coyote seals in same year |
section 30 |
99. |
Possess more than two wolf/coyote seals in same year |
section 30 |
100. |
Apply for more than two licences to hunt wild turkey — spring |
clause 31 (1) (a) |
101. |
Possess more than two licences to hunt wild turkey — spring |
clause 31 (1) (a) |
102. |
Apply for more than one licence to hunt wild turkey — fall |
clause 31 (1) (b) |
103. |
Possess more than one licence to hunt wild turkey — fall |
clause 31 (1) (b) |
104. |
Kill more than one wild turkey in a day |
subsection 31 (4) |
105. |
Possess more than two wild turkeys — spring |
clause 31 (5) (a) |
106. |
Possess more than one wild turkey — fall |
clause 31 (5) (b) |
107. |
Hunt wild turkey using a live decoy |
clause 33 (1) (a) |
108. |
Hunt wild turkey using an electronic call |
clause 33 (1) (b) |
109. |
Hunt wild turkey within 400 metres of bait |
clause 33 (1) (c) |
110. |
Catch more than 12 northern leopard frogs in a day for use as bait |
subsection 35 (2) |
111. |
Possess more than 12 northern leopard frogs for use as bait |
subsection 35 (2) |
112. |
Catch frog other than leopard frog for use as bait |
subsection 35 (3) |
113. |
Possess frog other than leopard frog for use as bait |
subsection 35 (3) |
114. |
Kill frog other than leopard frog for use as bait |
subsection 35 (3) |
115. |
Hunt frogs in Nogies Creek |
section 36 |
116. |
Unlawfully hunt deer in controlled deer hunt |
subsection 38 (1) |
117. |
Apply for more than two deer seals — WMU 93C |
subsection 39 (3) |
118. |
Possess more than two deer seals — WMU 93C |
subsection 39 (3) |
119. |
Fail to properly attach seal to deer — WMU 93C |
clause 39 (6) (a) |
120. |
Transport deer without seal attached — WMU 93C |
clause 39 (6) (b) |
121. |
Fail to carry consent of property owner while hunting elk on property |
subsection 42 (3) |
122. |
Fail to produce for inspection consent of owner — elk hunt |
subsection 42 (4) |
123. |
Kill more than one moose |
section 44 |
124. |
Hunt predominantly white moose |
section 45 |
125. |
Tourist outfitter — unlawfully provide validation certificate |
subsection 46 (2) |
126. |
Possess unlawfully provided validation certificate |
subsection 46 (3) |
127. |
Tourist outfitter — fail to keep proper guest record |
subsection 46 (4) |
128. |
Tourist outfitter — fail to keep guest record for three years |
subsection 46 (5) |
129. |
Resident — unlawfully apply for more than one moose validation certificate |
subsection 47 (3) |
130. |
Resident — unlawfully possess more than one moose validation certificate |
subsection 47 (3) |
131. |
Apply for moose validation certificate after tag invalidated |
subsection 47 (4) |
132. |
Possess moose validation certificate after tag invalidated |
subsection 47 (4) |
133. |
Hunt moose on private land in WMU 65 without carrying required consent of land owner |
subsection 48 (1) |
134. |
Fail to produce for inspection consent of land owner — WMU 65 moose hunt |
subsection 48 (2) |
135. |
Unlawfully hunt moose in WMU 65 |
subsection 49 (1) |
136. |
Unlawfully hunt moose in WMU 11B |
subsection 49 (2) |
137. |
Non-resident — apply for more than one moose validation certificate |
subsection 50 (7) |
138. |
Non-resident — possess more than one moose validation certificate |
subsection 50 (7) |
139. |
Resident apply for more than two bear tags |
subsection 51 (3) |
140. |
Resident possess more than two bear tags |
subsection 51 (3) |
141. |
Possess unlawfully issued validation certificate — non-resident landowner |
subsection 53 (5) |
142. |
Use unlawfully issued validation certificate — non-resident landowner |
subsection 53 (5) |
143. |
Bear operator — issue validation certificate to non-resident without contract |
subsection 54 (3) |
144. |
Bear operator — issue validation certificate for area outside of operator’s licence area |
subsection 54 (4) |
145. |
Possess unlawfully issued validation certificate |
subsection 54 (5) |
146. |
Use unlawfully issued validation certificate |
subsection 54 (5) |
147. |
Bear operator — fail to complete validation certificate |
subsection 54 (6) subpara. 1 i |
148. |
Bear operator — fail to follow instruction from Ministry |
subsection 54 (6) subpara. 1 ii |
149. |
Bear operator — fail to return unissued, cancelled or void validation certificate |
subsection 54 (6) para. 2 |
150. |
Bear operator — transfer unissued validation certificate |
subsection 54 (7) |
151. |
Unlawfully shoot cub |
subsection 55 (1) |
152. |
Unlawfully shoot female bear |
subsection 55 (1) |
153. |
Unlawfully place bear bait within 500 metres of a dwelling |
subsection 56 (1) para. 1 |
154. |
Place bear bait within 500 metres of a public building |
subsection 56 (1) para. 2 |
155. |
Unlawfully place bear bait within 200 metres of a right of way or recreational trail |
subsection 56 (1) para. 3 |
156. |
Hunt bear within 400 metres of waste disposal site |
section 57 |
157. |
Fail to complete hunter report |
subsection 58 (1) |
158. |
Fail to use required form for hunter report |
subsection 58 (2) |
159. |
Fail to submit wolf/coyote report by January 14 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 1 |
160. |
Fail to submit wild turkey — spring report by June 14 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 2 |
161. |
Fail to submit wild turkey — fall report by November 14 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 3 |
162. |
Fail to submit elk report within 14 days of season closing |
subsection 58 (5) para. 4 |
163. |
Fail to submit moose report by December 29 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 5 |
164. |
Fail to submit deer report by January 14 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 6 |
165. |
Fail to submit spring bear report by June 29 |
subsection 58 (5) subpara. 7 i |
166. |
Fail to submit second (fall) bear report by December 14 |
subsection 58 (5) subpara. 7 ii |
167. |
Fail to submit fall bear report by December 14 |
subsection 58 (5) para. 8 |
168. |
Registered guest — fail to submit hunter report to tourist outfitter |
subsection 59 (1) |
169. |
Non-resident bear hunter — fail to submit hunter report |
subsection 60 (1) |
170. |
Tourist outfitter — fail to submit hunter report |
subsection 61 (1) |
171. |
Bear operator — fail to submit hunter report |
subsection 61 (1) |
172. |
Unlawfully possess firearm |
clause 64 (a) |
173. |
Unlawfully use firearm |
clause 64 (b) |
174. |
Unlawfully possess loaded firearm |
subsection 65 (1) |
175. |
Unlawfully possess loaded firearm within 8 metres of road |
subsection 65 (2) |
176. |
Unlawfully carry firearm for hunting on Sunday |
subsection 66 (1) |
177. |
Unlawfully discharge firearm for hunting on Sunday |
subsection 66 (1) |
178. |
Unlawfully possess prohibited ammunition |
subsection 67 (1) |
179. |
Unlawfully possess rifle with muzzle energy greater than 400 foot-pounds in WMU 7A |
subsection 67 (2) |
180. |
Use prohibited firearm during deer hunt |
section 70 |
181. |
Carry prohibited firearm during deer hunt |
section 70 |
182. |
Use prohibited firearm during elk hunt |
section 70 |
183. |
Carry prohibited firearm during elk hunt |
section 70 |
184. |
Use prohibited firearm during moose hunt |
section 70 |
185. |
Carry prohibited firearm during moose hunt |
section 70 |
186. |
Use for hunting product containing or purporting to contain cervid faeces or fluids |
subsection 71 (1) |
187. |
Possess for hunting product containing or purporting to contain cervid faeces or fluids |
subsection 71 (1) |
188. |
Use rim-fire rifle when hunting big game |
section 75 |
189. |
Unlawfully use shotgun when hunting big game |
section 75 |
190. |
Use prohibited shot when hunting big game |
section 75 |
191. |
Hunt pheasant with rifle |
section 76 |
192. |
Unlawfully possess centre-fire rifle while small game hunting |
clause 77 (1) (a) |
193. |
Unlawfully use centre-fire rifle while small game hunting |
clause 77 (1) (a) |
194. |
Unlawfully possess prohibited shells while small game hunting |
clause 77 (1) (b) |
195. |
Unlawfully use prohibited shells while small game hunting |
clause 77 (1) (b) |
196. |
Carry rifle greater than .275 calibre — specified areas |
section 78 |
197. |
Use rifle greater than .275 calibre — specified areas |
section 78 |
198. |
Hunt wild turkey with prohibited firearm |
subsection 79 (1) |
199. |
Hunt wild turkey with prohibited shot |
clause 79 (1) (a) |
200. |
Hunt wild turkey with prohibited arrow |
clause 79 (1) (b) |
201. |
Hunt wild turkey with prohibited bolt |
clause 79 (1) (b) |
202. |
Use prohibited firearm during wild turkey hunt |
subsection 79 (2) |
203. |
Hunt big game with prohibited bow |
section 82 |
204. |
Hunt big game with prohibited arrow |
section 82 |
205. |
Hunt big game with prohibited bolt |
section 82 |
206. |
Hunt big game with weapon other than firearm |
section 83 |
207. |
Hunt bullfrog with a prohibited firearm |
subsection 84 (1) |
208. |
Hunt elk with dog |
subsection 86 (2) |
209. |
Use firearm during chase during closed season |
clause 89 (3) (a) |
210. |
Carry firearm during chase during closed season |
clause 89 (3) (a) |
211. |
Kill wildlife during chase during closed season |
clause 89 (3) (b) |
212. |
Capture wildlife during chase during closed season |
clause 89 (3) (b) |
213. |
Chase raccoon without licensed dog as required |
subsection 89 (4) |
214. |
Chase red fox, coyote or wolf without dog as required |
subsection 89 (5) |
215. |
Chase coyote or wolf during day in prohibited area |
subsection 89 (6) |
216. |
Non-resident — hunt deer without guide |
clause 94 (3) (a) |
217. |
Non-resident — hunt moose without guide |
clause 94 (3) (a) |
218. |
Non-resident — hunt deer without minimum number of guides |
clause 94 (3) (b) |
219. |
Non-resident — hunt moose without minimum number of guides |
clause 94 (3) (b) |
220. |
Unlawfully permit person to hunt on game bird hunting preserve |
subsection 97.1 (2) |
221. |
Unlawfully hunt species of game bird on game bird hunting preserve |
subsection 97.1 (3) |
222. |
Unlawfully remove game bird from preserve |
subsection 99 (1) |
223. |
Fail to retain statement |
subsection 99 (2) |
224. |
Fail to deliver statement |
subsection 99 (3) |
225. |
Unlawfully hunt in provincial park |
section 104 |
226. |
Unlawfully hunt on Crown land |
section 104 |
227. |
Fail to hunt from rented site |
subsection 109 (2) |
228. |
Unlawfully erect blind for rent |
section 116 |
229. |
Erect blind without authority |
subsection 117 (2) |
230. |
Unlawfully hunt in Bruton and Clyde |
subsection 120 (1) |
231. |
Unlawfully hunt in special hunting area |
subsection 121 (1) |
232. |
Fail to report bear that was killed |
subsection 130 (1) |
233. |
Fail to report wolf that was killed |
subsection 130 (1) |
234. |
Fail to report coyote that was killed |
subsection 130 (1) |
235. |
Fail to provide required information on killed bear |
subsection 130 (2) |
236. |
Fail to provide required information on killed wolf or coyote |
subsection 130 (2) |
237. |
Fail to release or deliver wildlife as required |
subsection 133 (1) |
238. |
Release wildlife without landowner permission |
subsection 133 (2) |
239. |
Fail to maintain event records as required |
clause 135.1 (2) (a) |
240. |
Fail to provide event records as requested |
clause 135.1 (2) (b) |
4. (1) Schedule 17.9 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:
6.1 |
Carry or use more than one firearm when supervising a youth trapper |
subsection 11 (5.5) |
6.2 |
Unlawfully carry gun while trapping |
subsection 11.1 (1) |
6.3 |
Fail to carry proof of firearms accreditation while in possession of gun for trapping |
subsection 11.1 (2) |
6.4 |
Fail to produce documentation when in possession of a gun for trapping |
subsection 11.1 (2) |
. . . . .
9.1 |
Fail to complete information in report at latest season end |
subsection 13 (3.1) |
(2) Item 23.1 of Schedule 17.9 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
23.1 |
Unlawfully use trap with jaw spread greater than 22 cm |
subsection 18.1 (2) |
(3) Items 26 and 27 of Schedule 17.9 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
26. |
Fail to release black bear cub |
subsection 21 (1) |
27. |
Fail to release female black bear |
subsection 21 (1) |
(4) Schedule 17.9 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:
34.1 |
Unlawfully use relaxing cable restraint during prohibited time |
subsection 26 (4) |
(5) The Regulation is amended by adding the following French version of Schedule 17.9:
Annexe 17.9
Règlement de l’Ontario 667/98 pris en vertu de la Loi de 1997 sur la protection du poisson et de la faune
Colonne 1 Point |
Colonne 2 Infraction |
Colonne 3 Disposition |
1. |
Piéger illégalement un ours noir |
paragraphe 2 (1) |
2. |
Piéger illégalement un mammifère à fourrure |
paragraphe 2 (2) |
3. |
Tuer illégalement un nombre de mammifères à fourrure supérieur à celui fixé dans le permis |
article 6 |
4. |
Tuer illégalement un nombre d’ours noirs supérieur à celui fixé dans le permis |
article 6 |
5. |
. . . . . |
6. |
Dépasser illégalement les contingents du chef trappeur |
paragraphe 10 (4) |
6.1 |
Porter ou utiliser plus d’une arme à feu pendant la supervision d’un jeune piégeur |
paragraphe 11 (5.5) |
6.2 |
Porter illégalement un fusil lors de la pratique du piégeage |
paragraphe 11.1 (1) |
6.3 |
Omettre de porter sur soi une preuve d’accréditation d’armes à feu pendant la possession d’un fusil aux fins de piégeage |
paragraphe 11.1 (2) |
6.4 |
Omettre de présenter des documents pendant la possession d’un fusil aux fins de piégeage |
paragraphe 11.1 (2) |
7. |
Omettre de remplir un rapport |
paragraphe 13 (1) |
8. |
Omettre de fournir les renseignements exigés dans un rapport |
paragraphe 13 (2) |
9. |
Omettre de fournir des renseignements dans un rapport à la fin de la saison de chasse |
paragraphe 13 (3) |
9.1 |
Omettre de fournir des renseignements dans un rapport à la fin de la saison de chasse la plus tardive |
paragraphe 13 (3.1) |
10. |
Omettre de présenter un rapport à temps |
paragraphe 13 (4) |
11. |
Détenir illégalement un permis de piégeage et un permis d’exploitant agricole |
paragraphe 14 (1) |
12. |
Détenir illégalement un permis de commerçant en fourrures et un permis de piégeage |
paragraphe 15 (1) |
13. |
Détenir illégalement un permis de commerçant en fourrures et un permis d’exploitant agricole |
paragraphe 15 (1) |
14. |
Détenir illégalement un permis de piégeage et garder illégalement des animaux d’élevage |
alinéa 15 (2) a) |
15. |
Garder illégalement des animaux d’élevage et détenir illégalement un permis d’exploitant agricole |
alinéa 15 (2) b) |
16. |
Garder illégalement des animaux d’élevage et détenir illégalement un permis de commerçant en fourrures |
alinéa 15 (2) c) |
17. |
Utiliser un piège pouvant empaler un mammifère à fourrure |
alinéa 17 a) |
18. |
Utiliser illégalement un dispositif de perche à ressort |
alinéa 17 b) |
19. |
Utiliser un assommoir |
alinéa 17 c) |
20. |
Utiliser un piège dont les mâchoires sont munies de dents ou dentelures |
alinéa 17 d) |
21. |
Utiliser illégalement un collet suspendu |
alinéa 17 e) |
22. |
Utiliser illégalement un piège Conibear numéro 110 ou un piège similaire |
alinéa 17 f) |
23. |
Utiliser un piège non certifié pour une espèce |
alinéa 18 (1) a) |
23.0.1 |
Utiliser un piège certifié d’une manière non conforme aux conditions |
alinéa 18 (1) b) |
23.1 |
Utiliser illégalement un piège dont les mâchoires ont une ouverture supérieure à 22 cm |
paragraphe 18.1 (2) |
24. |
Tendre illégalement un piège à patte pour un mammifère à fourrure |
paragraphe 19 (1) |
25. |
Piéger un ours noir au moyen d’un piège non autorisé |
article 20 |
26. |
Omettre de relâcher un ourson noir |
paragraphe 21 (1) |
27. |
Omettre de relâcher une ourse noire |
paragraphe 21 (1) |
28. |
Piéger un ours noir dans un rayon de 400 mètres d’un lieu d’élimination des déchets |
article 22 |
29. |
Tendre illégalement un piège à patte |
article 23 |
30. |
Utiliser sur la terre ferme un piège à patte dont les deux mâchoires ont une ouverture supérieure à 18 cm |
alinéa 24 (1) a) |
31. |
Utiliser dans l’eau un piège à patte dont les deux mâchoires ont une ouverture supérieure à 21 cm |
alinéa 24 (1) b) |
32. |
Utiliser un piège à patte pourvu d’une chaîne dépassant 31 cm |
paragraphe 25 (1) |
33. |
Omettre d’inspecter un piège à capture vivante une fois par jour |
paragraphe 25 (3) |
34. |
Utiliser illégalement un collet dans une partie de l’Ontario où cela est interdit |
paragraphe 26 (1) |
34.1 |
Employer illégalement un câble de restriction avec dispositif de relâchement à un moment interdit |
paragraphe 26 (4) |
35. |
Posséder illégalement un piège à mâchoires |
paragraphe 27 (1) |
5. (1) Items 2 and 3 of Schedule 18 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
2. |
Unlawfully start fire in a restricted fire zone |
section 12 |
(2) Schedule 18 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items:
5.1 |
Fail to report fire that is not kept under control |
section 22 |
5.2 |
Refuse or neglect to provide assistance or equipment |
section 26 |
(3) Item 13 of Schedule 18 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
13. |
Leave fireworks residue unextinguished in forest area |
section 30 |
13.1 |
Leave explosives residue unextinguished in forest area |
section 30 |
6. (1) Items 15, 16 and 17 of Schedule 19 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
15. |
Unlawfully start fire in restricted fire zone for cooking or warmth |
section 8 |
16. |
Unlawfully tend fire in restricted fire zone for cooking or warmth |
section 8 |
17. |
Unlawfully use portable stove for cooking or warmth in a restricted fire zone |
subsection 8.1 (1) |
17.1 |
Unlawfully use portable stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone |
subsection 8.1 (1) |
(2) Items 21 and 22 of Schedule 19 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
21. |
Unlawfully use wood burning stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone |
subsection 8.3 (1) |
22. |
Unlawfully use wood burning furnace for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone |
subsection 8.3 (1) |
(3) Items 27 and 28 of Schedule 19 to the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
27. |
Unlawfully use portable wood burning stove for cooking or warmth outside restricted fire zone |
section 8.6 |
28. |
Operate equipment or machinery in forest area without fire extinguisher |
subsection 9 (1) |
(4) Item 39 of Schedule 19 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
39. |
Unlawfully travel in a restricted zone |
section 13 |
7. The Regulation is amended by adding the following Schedule:
Schedule 60.1
Invasive Species Act, 2015
Column 1 Item |
Column 2 Offence |
Column 3 Provision |
1. |
Unlawfully engage in activity prohibited by an order designating an invasive species |
subsection 5 (6) |
2. |
Unlawfully bring a prohibited invasive species into Ontario |
clause 7 (a) |
3. |
Cause a prohibited invasive species to be unlawfully brought into Ontario |
clause 7 (a) |
4. |
Unlawfully deposit a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (b) |
5. |
Unlawfully release a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (b) |
6. |
Cause a prohibited invasive species to be unlawfully deposited |
clause 7 (b) |
7. |
Cause a prohibited invasive species to be unlawfully released |
clause 7 (b) |
8. |
Unlawfully possess a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (c) |
9. |
Unlawfully transport a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (c) |
10. |
Unlawfully propagate a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (d) |
11. |
Unlawfully buy, sell, lease or trade a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (e) |
12. |
Unlawfully offer to buy, sell, lease or trade a prohibited invasive species |
clause 7 (e) |
13. |
Unlawfully bring a restricted invasive species into a provincial park or conservation reserve |
clause 8 (1) (a) |
14. |
Cause a restricted invasive species to be unlawfully brought into a provincial park or conservation reserve |
clause 8 (1) (a) |
15. |
Unlawfully deposit or release a restricted invasive species |
clause 8 (1) (b) |
16. |
Cause a restricted invasive species to be unlawfully deposited or released |
clause 8 (1) (b) |
17. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — bring a restricted invasive species into Ontario |
subsection 8 (2) |
18. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — cause a restricted invasive species to be brought into Ontario |
subsection 8 (2) |
19. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — possess a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (2) |
20. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — transport a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (2) |
21. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — propagate a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (2) |
22. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — buy, sell, lease or trade a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (2) |
23. |
Fail to comply with prescribed conditions or restrictions — offer to buy, sell, lease or trade a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (2) |
24. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — bring a restricted invasive species into Ontario |
subsection 8 (3) |
25. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — cause a restricted invasive species to be brought into Ontario |
subsection 8 (3) |
26. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — possess a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (3) |
27. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — transport a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (3) |
28. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — propagate a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (3) |
29. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — buy, sell, lease or trade a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (3) |
30. |
Carry out a prohibited activity — offer to buy, sell, lease or trade a restricted invasive species |
subsection 8 (3) |
31. |
Fail to comply with conditions of an authorization |
subsection 10 (3) |
32. |
Fail to comply with conditions of an agreement |
subsection 12 (4) |
33. |
Fail to stop for inspector |
subsection 18 (2) |
34. |
Fail to give reasonable assistance to inspector |
section 20 |
35. |
Fail to provide information to inspector |
section 20 |
36. |
Knowingly make false or misleading statement to an inspector |
clause 21 (a) |
37. |
Obstruct inspector |
clause 21 (b) |
38. |
Unlawfully remove, alter, deface, conceal, damage, destroy, move, interfere with or render illegible a posted order |
clause 22 (10) (a) |
39. |
Unlawfully remove, alter, deface, conceal, damage, destroy, move, interfere with or render illegible a marker, signage or temporary barrier |
clause 22 (10) (b) |
40. |
Contravene or fail to comply with order made under subsection 22 (2) |
subsection 22 (11) |
41. |
Contravene or fail to comply with order made under section 23 |
subsection 23 (8) |
42. |
Fail to comply with an order under section 25 within the time specified in the order |
subsection 25 (4) |
43. |
Fail to comply with an order made under subsection 27 (7) within the time specified in the order |
subsection 27 (11) |
44. |
Knowingly make false or misleading statement to an enforcement officer |
clause 39 (a) |
45. |
Obstruct enforcement officer |
clause 39 (b) |
46. |
Fail to surrender licence, authorization or permit |
subsection 45 (2) |
47. |
Fail to comply with an order made under section 45 |
subsection 45 (4) |
48. |
Make a false statement in an application for an authorization |
clause 52 (a) |
49. |
Make a false statement in a report, information or document submitted in accordance with an order or otherwise under the Act |
clause 52 (b) |
8. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
(2) Section 2 comes into force on November 23, 2018.
(3) Sections 3 and 4 come into force on January 1, 2019.