O. Reg. 136/19: SERVICE PROVIDERS - LICENSING, Filed June 3, 2019 under Insurance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. I.8
ontario regulation 136/19
made under the
Insurance Act
Made: May 30, 2019
Filed: June 3, 2019
Published on e-Laws: June 3, 2019
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: June 22, 2019
Amending O. Reg. 348/13
1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection 2.1 (2) of Ontario Regulation 348/13 are revoked and the following substituted:
1. The licensee fails to pay a fee imposed under section 121.1 of the Act
2. The licensee fails to pay a fee, levy, sector assessment or other charge imposed under the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario Act, 2016.
3. The licensee fails to pay a fee imposed under section 27 of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Act, 1997.
4. The licensee fails to pay an assessment in accordance with section 25 of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario Act, 1997.
2. The Regulation is amended by striking out “Superintendent” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “Chief Executive Officer”.
3. This Regulation comes into force on the later of the day section 22 of Schedule 13 to the Plan for Care and Opportunity Act (Budget Measures), 2018 comes into force and the day this Regulation is filed.