O. Reg. 263/19: RULES OF VINTNERS QUALITY ALLIANCE ONTARIO RELATING TO TERMS FOR VQA WINE, Filed August 12, 2019 under Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999, S.O. 1999, c. 3


ontario regulation 263/19

made under the

Vintners Quality Alliance Act, 1999

Made: June 12, 2019
Approved: July 2, 2019
Filed: August 12, 2019
Published on e-Laws: August 12, 2019
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: August 31, 2019

Amending O. Reg. 406/00


1. The definition of “private label” in section 1 of Ontario Regulation 406/00 is revoked.

2. (1) Subsection 3 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following clause:

(b.1) the information set out opposite thereto in Column 4 is affixed to the container;

(2) Clause 3 (1) (c) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Column 4” and substituting “Column 5”.

(3) Subsection 3 (6) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(6) A vintage year shall appear on the container of all approved wines except,

(a) sparkling wines;

(b) fortified wines;

(c) liqueur wines; and

(d) varietal and non-varietal table wines labelled exclusively with the geographical indication Ontario.

3. Paragraph 4 of section 5 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

4. The packaging shall comply with the Safe Food for Canadians Act (Canada).

4. (1) Sub-table 1 to Table 2 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Vintage year” in Column 4 of item 1.

(2) The following provisions of Table 2 of the Regulation are amended by adding “(vintage year optional for table wines labelled exclusively with the Ontario geographical indication)” after “Vintage Year” wherever that expression appears:

1. Sub-table 3 in Column 4 of item 1.

2. Sub-table 3 in Column 4 of item 2.

3. Sub-table 3 in Column 4 of item 3.

4. Sub-table 3 in Column 4 of item 4.

5. Sub-table 4 in Column 4 of item 1.

6. Sub-table 4 in Column 4 of item 2.

7. Sub-table 5 in Column 4 of item 1.

(3) Sub-table 5 to Table 2 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “section 7 of the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (Canada)” in Column 5 of item 12 and substituting “section 6 of the Safe Food for Canadians Act (Canada)”.

(4) Sub-table 5 to Table 2 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “The terms Amber Wine, Orange Wine or Vin Orange may appear at the producer’s discretion, in a type size no larger than Skin Fermented White” in Column 5 of item 20 and substituting “The terms Amber Wine, Orange Wine or Vin Orange may appear at the manufacturer’s discretion, in a type size no larger than Skin Fermented White”.

5. Table 5 of the Regulation is amended by striking out “a traditional method sparkling wine” in Column 2 opposite the item for “Fermented in this Bottle” in Column 1 and substituting “a Sparkling Wine — Traditional Method”.

6. Table 1 of Appendix A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:


9.1 Marquette

19.5º Brix


7. Sub-table 2 i of Appendix B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following item:





8. This Regulation comes into force on the later of July 1, 2019 and the day it is filed.

Made by:

Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario:

Brian Schmidt

President and Chair

Louise Engel


Date made: June 12, 2019

I approve this Regulation.

Lisa Thompson

Minister of Government and Consumer Services

Date approved: July 2, 2019