O. Reg. 468/20: SIGNS, Filed August 28, 2020 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8


ontario regulation 468/20

made under the

Highway Traffic Act

Made: August 27, 2020
Filed: August 28, 2020
Published on e-Laws: August 28, 2020
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 12, 2020

Amending Reg. 615 of R.R.O. 1990


1. Subsections 5 (2) and (3) of Regulation 615 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 are revoked and the following substituted:

(2) A sign referred to in clause (1) (a) or (1.1) (a) shall be illuminated or actuated and legible during the hours prescribed by by-law under subsection 128 (5) of the Act.

(3) The flashing amber signals on a sign referred to in clause (1) (b) or (1.1) (b) shall be actuated during the hours prescribed by by-law under subsection 128 (5) of the Act.

2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

5.0.1 (1) A sign prescribed by this section may be erected rather than a sign prescribed by subsection 5 (1) or (1.1).

(2) A sign prescribed by this section shall have the dimensions and bear the markings as illustrated in one of the following Figures:

Figure A

Illustration of Figure A - sign with symbol of 2 children above text MAXIMUM 00 km/h above 7AM-9AM 3PM-5PM MON-FRI SEPT.-JUNE.

Text alternative: Illustration of “school zone” sign labelled as Figure A. The top section of the sign contains the symbol of two school children crossing. The symbol is in black and the background is fluorescent yellow-green. The middle section of the sign contains the words “MAXIMUM 00” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The bottom section of the sign contains the times “7AM – 9AM / 3PM – 5 PM” over the days “MON – FRI” and months “SEPT. – JUNE” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The following measurements are written below the sign: (60 × 170) cm. The sign is surrounded by measurements of its different elements. This text alternative is provided for convenience only and does not form part of the official law.

Figure B

Illustration of Figure B - sign with symbol of 2 children above text MAXIMUM 00 km/h above 7AM-5PM MON-FRI SEPT.-JUNE.

Text alternative: Illustration of “school zone” sign labelled as Figure B. The top section of the sign contains the symbol of two school children crossing. The symbol is in black and the background is fluorescent yellow-green. The middle section of the sign contains the words “MAXIMUM 00” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The bottom section of the sign contains the times “7AM – 5 PM” over the days “MON – FRI” and months “SEPT. – JUNE” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The following measurements are written below the sign: (60 × 155) cm. The sign is surrounded by measurements of its different elements. This text alternative is provided for convenience only and does not form part of the official law.

(3) Despite subsection (2), in an area designated by the French Language Services Act, the zone sign may instead be accompanied immediately below by a sign having the dimensions and bearing the markings as illustrated in the following Figures:

Figure C

Illustration of Figure C - sign with symbol of 2 children above text MAXIMUM 00 km/h above 7AM-9AM 3PM-5PM MON-FRI/LUN-VEN SEPT.-JUNE/SEPT.-JUIN.

Text alternative: Illustration of “school zone” sign labelled as Figure C. The top section of the sign contains the symbol of two school children crossing. The symbol is in black and the background is fluorescent yellow-green. The middle section of the sign contains the words “MAXIMUM 00” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The bottom section of the sign contains the times “7AM – 9AM / 3PM – 5 PM” over the days “MON – FRI / LUN - VEN” and months “SEPT. – JUNE / SEPT. – JUIN” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The following measurements are written below the sign: (60 × 180) cm. The sign is surrounded by measurements of its different elements. This text alternative is provided for convenience only and does not form part of the official law.

Figure D

Illustration of Figure D - sign with symbol of 2 children above text MAXIMUM 00 km/h above 7AM-5PM MON-FRI/LUN-VEN SEPT.-JUNE/SEPT.-JUIN.

Text alternative: Illustration of “school zone” sign labelled as Figure D. The top section of the sign contains the symbol of two school children crossing. The symbol is in black and the background is fluorescent yellow-green. The middle section of the sign contains the words “MAXIMUM 00” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The bottom portion of the sign contains the times “7AM – 5 PM” over the days “MON – FRI / LUN – VEN” and months “SEPT. – JUNE / SEPT. – JUIN” in black text on a white retro-reflective background. The following measurements are written below the sign: (60 × 180) cm. The sign is surrounded by measurements of its different elements. This text alternative is provided for convenience only and does not form part of the official law.

(4) A sign referred to in subsection (2) or (3) shall not be illuminated by flashing signals and shall not be accompanied by a tab sign bearing the words “when flashing”.

(5) The times, days and months shown on the signs prescribed in this section shall be the times that have been prescribed by by-law under subsection 128 (5) of the Act.

(6) Where all the months of the year are prescribed by by-law under subsection 128 (5) of the Act, the signs prescribed in this section may omit a reference to months and the dimensions of the sign may be reduced accordingly.

(7) Sections 1, 2 and 3 do not apply to a sign erected under this section.

3. Subsection 5.1 (2) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(2) If a sign referred to in subsection (1) or (1.1) is erected, the flashing amber signals on the sign shall be actuated between the hours specified in section 7 of Regulation 619 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990.

4. (1) Clause 5.2 (3) (a) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) faces approaching traffic on the right of, or above or below, the sign prescribed in subsection (2);

(2) Clause 5.2 (5) (a) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) faces approaching traffic on the right of, or above or below, the sign prescribed in subsection (4);

(3) Clause 5.2 (7) (a) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) face approaching traffic on the right of, or above or below, each sign prescribed in subsection (6);


5. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.