O. Reg. 477/20: ZONING ORDER - CITY OF MISSISSAUGA, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL, Filed August 31, 2020 under Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13



ontario regulation 477/20

made under the

Planning Act

Made: August 28, 2020
Filed: August 31, 2020
Published on e-Laws: August 31, 2020
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 19, 2020



1. In this Order,

“accessory”, when used to describe a use, building or structure, means a use, building or structure that is normally incidental or subordinate to a principal use, building or structure located on the same lot, including but not limited to,

(a)  a medical office,

(b)  an administrative office,

(c)  a restaurant in conjunction with the other uses on the lot,

(d)  a take-out restaurant in conjunction with the other uses on the lot,

(e)  a financial institution in conjunction with the other uses on the lot,

(f)  a retail store in conjunction with the other uses on the lot,

(g)  a health care research and education facility,

(h)  a personal service establishment in conjunction with the other uses on the lot, and

(i)  a cogeneration facility;

“health care research and education facility” means a building or structure or part thereof, used for health care research and education for health care professionals;

“long-term care home” has the same meaning as in the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007;

“retirement home” has the same meaning as in the Retirement Homes Act, 2010;

“zoning by-law” means Zoning By-law 0225-2007 of the City of Mississauga.


2. This Order applies to lands in the City of Mississauga in the Regional Municipality of Peel, in the Province of Ontario, described as Part of Block D, Plan 718 (Toronto), designated as Part 1 and Parts 5 to 23, inclusive, on Reference Plan 43R37188, as identified by Property Identification Number 13427-0567 (LT), registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of the Region of Peel (No. 43).

Non-application of s. 41 of the Act, site plan control area

3. Section 41 of the Act does not apply to the lands described in section 2 of this Order.

Matters that may be dealt with in agreement

4. Each person who owns all or any part of the lands described in section 2 shall enter into one or more agreements with the City of Mississauga dealing with the matters listed in subsection 47 (4.4) of the Act.

Permitted uses

5. Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands described in section 2, except for,

(a)  a hospital;

(b)  one or more long-term care homes with a combined capacity of 640 beds;

(c)  a retirement home;

(d)  a hospice facility;

(e)  an adult day care facility for seniors;

(f)  a medical office; and

(g)  accessory uses, buildings or structures.

Zoning requirements

6. The zoning requirements in the Institutional Zone in the zoning by-law apply to the uses, buildings and structures permitted under section 5, with the following exceptions:

1.  The minimum yard setback to a residential zone is 7.5 metres.

2.  The minimum yard setback to Speakman Drive, the northwest lot line and the southeast lot line is 4.5 metres.

3.  The maximum height of a building other than a long-term care home is 20 metres and five storeys.

4.  The minimum depth of a landscaped buffer measured from any lot line is 4.5 metres.

5.  The parking and loading requirements in the zoning by-law do not apply.

Terms of use

7. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location and use of buildings or structures shall be in accordance with this Order.

(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.

(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased or its original use altered.

(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.

Deemed by-law

8. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be and to always have been a by-law passed by the council of the City of Mississauga.


9. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:

Steve Clark

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Date made: August 28, 2020