O. Reg. 593/20: GENERAL, Filed October 22, 2020 under Ambulance Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.19
Ontario regulation 593/20
made under the
Ambulance Act
Made: October 22, 2020
Filed: October 22, 2020
Published on e-Laws: October 23, 2020
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 7, 2020
Amending O. Reg. 257/00
1. Subsection 6 (2) of Ontario Regulation 257/00 is revoked and the following substituted:
(2) The requirement in clause (1) (j) to be re-certified at 12-month intervals does not apply,
(a) during a period when an emergency has been declared to exist throughout Ontario under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act; and
(b) after the declaration of emergency has ceased to apply, as provided for by the Director in accordance with the document entitled “Patient Care and Transportation Standards” published by the Ministry, as that document may be amended from time to time.
(3) In providing for a time or times when the requirement does not apply for the purposes of clause (2) (b), the Director shall consider,
(a) the guidelines and directives of the Chief Medical Officer of Health;
(b) the effectiveness of the quality assurance program for paramedics operated through the base hospital program; and
(c) the availability of resources to provide certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the level approved by the Director.
2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.