O. Reg. 752/20: GRANTS FOR STUDENT NEEDS - LEGISLATIVE GRANTS FOR THE 2020-2021 SCHOOL BOARD FISCAL YEAR, Filed December 15, 2020 under Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2
ontario regulation 752/20
made under the
Education Act
Made: December 11, 2020
Filed: December 15, 2020
Published on e-Laws: December 15, 2020
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: January 2, 2021
Amending O. Reg. 489/20
1. Subsection 2 (1) of Ontario Regulation 489/20 is amended by adding the following definitions:
“eighth” means an academic term roughly corresponding to one eighth of the school year, during which pupils start and complete a class or course; (“huitième”)
“non-semestered” means an academic term roughly corresponding to the full school year; (“non semestriel”)
“quarter” means an academic term roughly corresponding to one quarter of the school year, during which pupils start and complete a class or course; (“trimestre”)
“semester” means an academic term roughly corresponding to one half of the school year, during which pupils start and complete a class or course; (“semestre”)
2. Paragraph 19 of subsection 9 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
19. Memorandum 2020 SB17: Update to Standardized Rider Safety Training 2020-21, dated September 23, 2020.
3. (1) Paragraph 1 of subsection 27 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subparagraphs:
iii. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 listed course and grade 10 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on a quartered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
iv. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 listed course and grade 10 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on an eighthed basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
(2) Paragraph 2 of subsection 27 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subparagraphs:
iii. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 listed course and grade 10 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on a quartered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
iv. Determine the credit value of each grade 9 listed course and grade 10 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on an eighthed basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
(3) Paragraph 3 of subsection 27 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subparagraphs:
iii. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 listed course and grade 12 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on a quartered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
iv. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 listed course and grade 12 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on an eighthed basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
(4) Paragraph 4 of subsection 27 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subparagraphs:
iii. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 listed course and grade 12 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on a quartered basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
iv. Determine the credit value of each grade 11 listed course and grade 12 listed course in the subject of French that is taught on an eighthed basis. Multiply the credit value by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
4. (1) Subsection 32 (3) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraphs:
2.1 Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in an Indigenous language that is a level one, level two or level three listed course taught on a quartered basis by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
2.2 Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in an Indigenous language that is a level one, level two or level three listed course taught on an eighthed basis by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
. . . . .
5. Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in an Indigenous language that is a grade 11 listed course or grade 12 listed course taught on a quartered basis by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
6. Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in an Indigenous language that is a grade 11 listed course or grade 12 listed course taught on an eighthed basis by the total of the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
(2) Subsection 32 (4) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraphs:
3. Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit studies amount taught on a quartered basis by the total number of secondary school pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of secondary school pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last two quarters of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
4. Multiply $1,200.69 by the total of the products determined by multiplying the credit value of each listed course in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit studies amount taught on an eighthed basis by the total number of secondary school pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the first four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the October high-credit conditions, and the number of secondary school pupils enrolled in the listed course on the sixteenth day following the start of one of the last four eighths of the current fiscal year who meet at least one of the March high-credit conditions.
5. The Table to subsection 44 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
Item |
Column 1 |
Column 2 |
Column 3 |
1. |
Algoma District School Board |
1,716,251 |
(382,525) |
2. |
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board |
1,844,531 |
723,865 |
3. |
Avon Maitland District School Board |
2,389,626 |
80,544 |
4. |
Bluewater District School Board |
2,469,137 |
(695,668) |
5. |
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board |
1,678,689 |
(37,768) |
6. |
Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board |
802,501 |
49,394 |
7. |
Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario |
2,022,441 |
1,063,419 |
8. |
Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario |
3,303,455 |
2,971,306 |
9. |
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir |
3,457,120 |
1,084,328 |
10. |
Conseil scolaire catholique Providence |
1,931,733 |
399,024 |
11. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien |
2,112,756 |
(538,957) |
12. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Aurores boréales |
306,842 |
(163,929) |
13. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique des Grandes Rivières |
1,329,854 |
(89,908) |
14. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Centre-Est de l’Ontario |
4,625,098 |
282,946 |
15. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique du Nouvel-Ontario |
1,518,047 |
(1,277,966) |
16. |
Conseil scolaire de district catholique Franco-Nord |
671,361 |
(71,572) |
17. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario |
571,582 |
(229,634) |
18. |
Conseil scolaire de district du Grand Nord de l’Ontario |
754,856 |
28,103 |
19. |
Conseil scolaire Viamonde |
2,774,395 |
44,822 |
20. |
District School Board of Niagara |
5,347,505 |
2,160,860 |
21. |
District School Board Ontario North East |
1,278,244 |
600,582 |
22. |
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board |
11,229,816 |
(1,533,919) |
23. |
Durham Catholic District School Board |
3,152,529 |
(1,601,554) |
24. |
Durham District School Board |
9,533,948 |
4,200,619 |
25. |
Grand Erie District School Board |
3,655,196 |
539,414 |
26. |
Greater Essex County District School Board |
5,041,409 |
(1,393,540) |
27. |
Halton Catholic District School Board |
5,125,286 |
(6,925,021) |
28. |
Halton District School Board |
9,325,052 |
(1,960,612) |
29. |
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board |
4,525,237 |
1,763,816 |
30. |
Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board |
7,153,213 |
681,457 |
31. |
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board |
2,180,942 |
423,343 |
32. |
Huron Perth Catholic District School Board |
762,742 |
380,423 |
33. |
Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board |
838,670 |
57,807 |
34. |
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board |
4,561,305 |
(78,646) |
35. |
Keewatin-Patricia District School Board |
1,087,734 |
547,532 |
36. |
Kenora Catholic District School Board |
378,700 |
150,068 |
37. |
Lakehead District School Board |
1,524,977 |
(817,029) |
38. |
Lambton Kent District School Board |
2,938,777 |
1,890,889 |
39. |
Limestone District School Board |
2,699,049 |
656,340 |
40. |
London District Catholic School Board |
3,090,317 |
1,829,878 |
41. |
Near North District School Board |
1,628,102 |
778,004 |
42. |
Niagara Catholic District School Board |
3,032,198 |
(2,749,111) |
43. |
Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board |
537,097 |
455,096 |
44. |
Northeastern Catholic District School Board |
427,679 |
313,582 |
45. |
Northwest Catholic District School Board |
291,194 |
166,136 |
46. |
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board |
11,680,078 |
8,623,432 |
47. |
Ottawa Catholic District School Board |
6,935,739 |
3,613,743 |
48. |
Peel District School Board |
20,683,731 |
(22,254,445) |
49. |
Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board |
2,204,383 |
(780,278) |
50. |
Rainbow District School Board |
2,163,656 |
1,246,675 |
51. |
Rainy River District School Board |
652,931 |
(87,516) |
52. |
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board |
798,850 |
710,307 |
53. |
Renfrew County District School Board |
1,625,209 |
1,292,171 |
54. |
Simcoe County District School Board |
7,263,420 |
1,730,022 |
55. |
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board |
3,306,270 |
(747,026) |
56. |
St. Clair Catholic District School Board |
1,326,799 |
709,055 |
57. |
Sudbury Catholic District School Board |
1,048,239 |
81,572 |
58. |
Superior-Greenstone District School Board |
474,965 |
(396,981) |
59. |
Superior North Catholic District School Board |
229,703 |
53,485 |
60. |
Thames Valley District School Board |
11,034,385 |
2,115,377 |
61. |
Thunder Bay Catholic District School Board |
1,288,238 |
934,629 |
62. |
Toronto Catholic District School Board |
13,907,407 |
(4,156,588) |
63. |
Toronto District School Board |
35,050,566 |
8,900,150 |
64. |
Trillium Lakelands District School Board |
2,464,157 |
749,500 |
65. |
Upper Canada District School Board |
3,936,902 |
(582,929) |
66. |
Upper Grand District School Board |
4,826,293 |
733,282 |
67. |
Waterloo Catholic District School Board |
3,821,851 |
1,865,065 |
68. |
Waterloo Region District School Board |
9,631,688 |
(1,564,620) |
69. |
Wellington Catholic District School Board |
1,273,281 |
192,096 |
70. |
Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board |
2,744,690 |
(526,952) |
71. |
York Catholic District School Board |
7,427,371 |
(4,382,193) |
72. |
York Region District School Board |
17,556,743 |
(520,657) |
6. Paragraphs 2 to 4 of subsection 52 (5) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
2. Determine the number of on-site school bus rider safety training sessions provided in accordance with the document entitled “Memorandum 2020 SB17: Update to Standardized Rider Safety Training 2020-21”, dated September 23, 2020, that the board conducted in the current fiscal year for junior kindergarten to grade 8.
3. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 2 by $370.
4. Determine the number of online school bus rider safety training sessions conducted in accordance with the document referred to in paragraph 2 that the board conducted in the current fiscal year for junior kindergarten to grade 8.
5. Multiply the amount determined under paragraph 4 by $244.
6. Total the amounts determined under paragraphs 3 and 5.
7. Take the lesser of the amounts determined under paragraphs 1 and 6.
7. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.