O. Reg. 44/21: TRADITIONAL MUNICIPAL TAXES, LIMITS AND COLLECTION, Filed February 3, 2021 under City of Toronto Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, c. 11, Sched. A


ontario regulation 44/21

made under the

City of Toronto Act, 2006

Made: February 2, 2021
Filed: February 3, 2021
Published on e-Laws: February 3, 2021
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: February 20, 2021

Amending O. Reg. 121/07


1. The definition of “qualifying taxation year” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 121/07 is amended by striking out “2020” and substituting “2021”.

2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

Non-application of s. 279 of the Act Section 279 of the Act and any by-law made under that section do not apply to property,

(a)  that is in the farmland awaiting development subclass described in subsection 19 (2) of Ontario Regulation 282/98 (General) made under the Assessment Act; and

(b)  for which tax rates levied for municipal purposes are reduced under section 278 of the Act or a regulation or by-law made under that section.

3. Subparagraph 7 i of subsection 19 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “313” and substituting “278”.

4. (1) Subsection 39 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or referred to in subsection 331 (4) of the Act” in the portion before paragraph 1.

(2) Paragraph 3 of subsection 39 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “municipal and school purposes” and substituting “municipal purposes”.

(3) Subsection 39 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or referred to in subsection 331 (4) of the Act”.

(4) Section 39 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(5) Despite subsection 331 (11) of the Act, school boards that share in the revenue from the taxes on the property shall not share in the cost of the rebate.


5. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:

Peter Bethlenfalvy

Minister of Finance

Date made: February 2, 2021