O. Reg. 157/22: ZONING ORDER - TOWN OF CALEDON, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PEEL, Filed March 4, 2022 under Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
ontario regulation 157/22
made under the
Planning Act
Made: March 4, 2022
Filed: March 4, 2022
Published on e-Laws: March 7, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 19, 2022
1. In this Order,
“Zoning By-law” means Zoning By-Law No. 2006-50 of the Town of Caledon.
2. (1) This Order applies to lands in the Town of Caledon, in the Regional Municipality of Peel, in the Province of Ontario, being the lands outlined in red on a map numbered 291 and filed at the Toronto office of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing located at 777 Bay Street.
(2) For the purposes of this Order, the lands described in subsection (1) shall be considered as a single lot.
Prestige Industrial Zone
3. (1) This section applies to the lands located in the area shown as the Prestige Industrial Zone on the map referred to in section 2.
(2) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands referred to in subsection (1), except for,
(a) uses permitted in the Prestige Industrial (MP) and Prestige Industrial (MP-522) zones of the Zoning By-law;
(b) a cold storage warehouse; and
(c) a transportation depot.
(3) The zoning requirements for the Prestige Industrial (MP-522) Zone set out in section 13 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under subsection (2), with the following exceptions:
1. The front lot line shall be the lot line abutting Mayfield Road.
2. The exterior side lot line shall be the lot line abutting Dixie Road.
3. There is no minimum front yard setback.
4. The rear yard setback is 6 metres.
5. The maximum building height is 20 metres.
6. The minimum number of required parking spaces for all uses is one space per 230 square meters of gross floor area.
7. A planting strip is not required abutting an Environmental Protection Zone that has a minimum width of 6 metres.
8. There are no zoning requirements for a business office use.
9. Section of the Zoning By-law does not apply.
Serviced Industrial Zone
4. (1) This section applies to the lands located in the area shown as the Serviced Industrial Zone on the map referred to in section 2.
(2) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands referred to in subsection (1), except for,
(a) uses permitted in the Serviced Industrial (MS) Zone of the Zoning By-law;
(b) a business office;
(c) a cold storage warehouse; and
(d) a place of assembly.
(3) The zoning requirements for the Serviced Industrial (MS) Zone set out in section 8 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under subsection (2), with the following exceptions:
1. The front yard setback is 6 metres for any front lot line, except for any front lot line for a lot containing a residential zone or a residential use, for which the front yard setback is 15 metres.
2. The rear yard setback is 6 metres.
3. The exterior side yard setback is 6 metres for any exterior side lot line.
4. The exterior side yard setback for a lot line containing a residential zone or a residential use is 15 metres.
5. The maximum building height is 20 metres.
6. The minimum number of required parking spaces for all uses is one space per 230 metres of gross floor area.
7. A planting strip of 6 metres in width is required along lot lines abutting a residential zone or a lot containing a residential use.
8. A planting strip of 3 metres in width is required between a storm water management facility and any parking, loading or delivery space.
9. A planting strip is not required abutting an Environmental Protection Zone that has a minimum width of 6 metres.
10. A planting strip of 1.5 metres in width is required along all other interior side lot lines.
11. A planting strip of 6 metres in width is required along all other street lines.
12. Section of the Zoning By-law does not apply.
13. Footnote 24 for the Serviced Industrial (MS) Zone in the Zoning By-law does not apply.
Environmental Protection Zone
5. (1) This section applies to the lands located in the area shown as the Environmental Protection Zone on the map referred to in section 2.
(2) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands referred to in subsection (1), except for the uses permitted within the Environmental Policy Area 1 Zone (EPA1) of the Zoning By-law.
(3) The zoning requirements for the Environmental Policy Area 1 Zone (EPA1) set out in section 11 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses, buildings and structures permitted under subsection (2).
Terms of use
6. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location and use of any building or structure shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased and its original use is not altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
Deemed by-law
7. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be and to always have been a by-law passed by the council of the Town of Caledon.
8. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Date made: March 4, 2022