O. Reg. 411/22: PILOT PROJECT - LARGE QUADRICYCLES, Filed April 21, 2022 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8
ontario regulation 411/22
made under the
Highway Traffic Act
Made: April 21, 2022
Filed: April 21, 2022
Published on e-Laws: April 22, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 7, 2022
Pilot Project - Large Quadricycles
1. In this Regulation,
“electric assist large quadricycle” means a large quadricycle that has an electric motor that is incapable of propelling the vehicle at a speed of 17 km/h or greater on a level surface; (“grand quadricycle à assistance électrique”)
“large quadricycle” means a vehicle that has four wheels, is fitted at all times with pedals that are operable to propel the vehicle and is designed to be driven by one large quadricycle chauffeur and ridden by 11 or more persons and includes non-assist large quadricycles and electric-assist large quadricycles; (“grand quadricycle”)
“large quadricycle chauffeur” means a person who drives a large quadricycle and who occupies the seat containing,
(a) a steering wheel or handle bar used for steering,
(b) controls for service brakes, parking or emergency brakes and acceleration,
(c) controls for headlights, taillights, turn signal lights and vehicular hazard warning signal lamps,
(d) a horn or bell, and
(e) any other features that enable the person to control and steer the vehicle; (“chauffeur d’un grand quadricycle”)
“large quadricycle passenger” means every person that operates or rides a large quadricycle other than a large quadricycle chauffeur; (“passager d’un grand quadricycle”)
“non-assist large quadricycle” means a large quadricycle that is propelled solely by muscular power. (“grand quadricycle non assisté”)
Pilot project
2. (1) A pilot project to evaluate the use of large quadricycles on highways is established.
(2) The pilot project applies only in respect of large quadricycles that,
(a) have a minimum of 12 seats, at least one of which is not equipped with pedals;
(b) do not have any structure that fully encloses the occupant area;
(c) have a weight not exceeding 1150 kilograms;
(d) have a width not exceeding 2.3 metres;
(e) have a length not exceeding 5.7 metres;
(f) have a height not exceeding 2.9 metres; and
(g) have a single seat from which the vehicle is steered and controlled.
3. A person is exempt from the following provisions of the Act in respect of a large quadricycle that is included in the pilot project established under section 2:
1. Part II (Permits).
2. Part VI (Equipment) other than sections 62, 64, 69, 75, 76, 78, 78.1, 79.2, 82, 84, 84.2, 84.3 and 104.
3. Section 132.
4. Section 174.
4. (1) No person shall drive, operate or permit the operation of a large quadricycle on a highway unless the person is permitted to do so by and in accordance with this Regulation and, where the highway is under the jurisdiction of a municipality, by and in accordance with any applicable municipal by-laws.
(2) No large quadricycle chauffeur shall permit a large quadricycle passenger to operate or ride a large quadricycle on a highway unless the large quadricycle passenger occupies a seating position and remains seated at all times while the large quadricycle is in motion.
(3) No large quadricycle chauffeur shall permit a large quadricycle passenger to operate or ride a large quadricycle on a highway unless the large quadricycle passenger, while occupying a seating position equipped with pedals and sitting astride, is able to,
(a) reach and rest their hands on the shelf or table area; and
(b) place their feet on the pedals for that seating position.
(4) No large quadricycle chauffeur shall permit a large quadricycle passenger to ride on a large quadricycle on a highway unless the large quadricycle passenger, while occupying a seating position on a bench located at the rear of the vehicle, or a seating position located above the wheel hub that is not equipped with pedals, is able to,
(a) reach and rest his or her hands on the shelf area; and
(b) place his or her feet on the footrest or other area designed for resting feet.
Where large quadricycles permitted
5. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person may operate a large quadricycle on a roadway or on the shoulder of a highway.
(2) A large quadricycle shall not be operated on,
(a) those parts of the controlled-access highways described in Schedule 1 to Regulation 627 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Use of Controlled-Access Highways by Pedestrians) made under the Act;
(b) those parts of the controlled-access highways described in Schedule 1 to Regulation 630 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Vehicles on Controlled-Access Highways) made under the Act;
(c) any highway to which access by bicycles is prohibited under any Act, regulation or municipal by-law; or
(d) any highway to which access by large quadricycles is prohibited under any Act, regulation or municipal by-law.
Permitted use
6. A person who holds a valid Class A, B, C, D, E, F or G driver’s licence may drive a large quadricycle as a large quadricycle chauffeur on a highway for which the maximum prescribed rate of speed is 80 km/h or less.
Restrictions on use
7. (1) The following restrictions apply to the operation of a large quadricycle under this Regulation:
1. The large quadricycle shall be driven in the right-hand lane, when available for traffic, or as close as possible to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
2. The large quadricycle shall not be driven while carrying more occupants than the number of seating positions in the large quadricycle, or more than twenty occupants, whichever is less.
3. The large quadricycle shall not be driven while towing another vehicle or device.
4. The large quadricycle shall not be driven during a licencing examination.
5. The large quadricycle shall not be driven unless a slow-moving vehicle sign is attached to the rear of the large quadricycle.
6. The large quadricycle shall not be driven while carrying any combustible fuel on or in the large quadricycle.
(2) Paragraph 1 of subsection (1) does not apply while a large quadricycle is preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
8. (1) For the purposes of section 104 of the Act and Regulation 610 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Safety Helmets), a large quadricycle is deemed to be a bicycle.
(2) Subsection (1) applies to all persons driving or riding a large quadricycle.
9. (1) No person shall drive or permit the operation of a large quadricycle on a highway unless the large quadricycle has,
(a) a steering wheel or a handle bar for steering;
(b) service brakes;
(c) parking or emergency brakes;
(d) pedals to provide propulsion power;
(e) four tires that,
(i) meet the requirements of Regulation 625 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (Tire Standards and Specifications), made under the Act, and
(ii) are in contact with the highway;
(f) a rear-view mirror;
(g) a horn or bell;
(h) turn signal lights;
(i) headlights;
(j) taillights;
(k) brake lights;
(l) vehicular hazard warning signal lamps; and
(m) reflectors.
10. For the purposes of section 62 of the Act, a non-assist large quadricycle is deemed to be a motor vehicle.
Preventative maintenance
11. Every owner of a large quadricycle who drives, operates or permits the operation of the large quadricycle on a highway shall ensure that the large quadricycle is in good working order.
Carrying licences and surrender on demand
12. For the purposes of section 33 of the Act,
(a) a large quadricycle chauffeur is deemed to be the driver of a large quadricycle; and
(b) a non-assist large quadricycle is deemed to be a motor vehicle.
13. (1) Upon a municipality passing a by-law permitting the use of large quadricycles, the municipality shall give notice of the by-law to the Minister of Transportation.
(2) No later than March 1 in each year, municipalities which have passed a by-law permitting the use of large quadricycles shall each submit a report to the Minister in respect of the use of large quadricycles in the municipality during the previous calendar year.
(3) The report shall be in writing and shall address any aspect of the use of large quadricycles that has been specified by the Minister.
14. (1) The Minister shall conduct and complete an evaluation of the use of large quadricycles on highways under this Regulation on or before the fifth anniversary of the day this Regulation is filed.
(2) The Minister shall conduct and complete a final evaluation of the use of large quadricycles on highways under this Regulation on or before the tenth anniversary of the day this Regulation is filed.
15. This Regulation is revoked.
16. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, this Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
(2) Section 15 comes into force 10 years after the day this Regulation is filed.