O. Reg. 421/22: TEACHERS' QUALIFICATIONS, Filed April 21, 2022 under Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 12

ontario regulation 421/22

made under the

Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996

Made: March 2, 2022
Approved: April 14, 2022
Filed: April 21, 2022
Published on e-Laws: April 22, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 7, 2022

Amending O. Reg. 176/10


1. (1) Clause (b) of the definition of “appropriate supervisory official” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 176/10 is revoked and the following substituted:

(b) is able to confirm whether a person has successful classroom teaching experience, or successful experience as a principal, vice-principal or supervisory officer, as applicable; (“responsable de supervision compétent”) 

(2) Subsection 1 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:

“appropriate supervisory director of education” means any of the following who is able to confirm whether a person has successful experience as a supervisory officer:

1. A director of education appointed by a board in accordance with the Education Act, or

2. A person who, in the opinion of the Registrar, has a role comparable to a person referred to in paragraph 1, with respect to,

i. a school operated by a band or an education authority in Ontario that is authorized to provide education for Indians within the meaning of the Indian Act (Canada), or

ii. a school in a jurisdiction outside Ontario. (“superviseur-directeur de l’éducation compétent”)

2. Section 20 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:


20. All qualifications referred to in this Part, including specialist qualifications, honour specialist qualifications, qualifications for teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing, parts 1 and 2 principal’s qualifications, the principal’s development qualification, the supervisory officer’s qualification and the supervisory officer’s development qualification are additional qualifications under this Part.

3. (1) Subclause 26 (1) (b) (v) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “Inclusive Classroom”.

(2) Subclause 26 (1) (b) (v) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Equitable and Inclusive Schools.

(3) Clause 26 (1) (c) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(c) for a candidate for part 1 of the specialist qualification in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québecoise or in Aural and Oral Communication, the candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration has an entry for a qualification in The Deaf referred to in section 48 or Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program (Specialist), or an equivalent qualification.

4. Sections 30 and 31 of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:

Qualification for Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program

30. The Registrar shall record on a candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration an entry for an additional qualification for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that,

(a) the candidate has successfully completed an accredited program leading to the qualification, and at the time the candidate was admitted to the program the candidate held a general certificate of qualification and registration, and,

(i) the candidate had successfully completed at least two courses acceptable to the College in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise, or

(ii) the candidate’s proficiency in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise was at least equivalent to the proficiency that would be achieved by completing two such courses; or

(b) the candidate has successfully completed a program outside Ontario for teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing that is equivalent to an accredited program leading to the qualification and,

(i) the candidate has successfully completed at least two courses acceptable to the College in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise, or

(ii) the candidate’s proficiency in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise is at least equivalent to the proficiency that would be achieved by completing two such courses.

Specialist Qualification for Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

31. (1) The Registrar shall record on a candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration an entry for an additional qualification for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program (Specialist) if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that,

(a) the candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration has an entry for a qualification for Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program;

(b) the candidate has at least one school year of successful classroom teaching experience within or outside Ontario in one or more positions requiring the qualification referred to in clause (a), or the equivalent qualification, and the experience has been verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or appropriate supervisory official; and

(c) the experience referred to in clause (b) was obtained after the granting of the qualification mentioned in that clause.

(2) The Registrar may exempt a candidate from the requirements specified in clauses (1) (a) and (c) if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that the candidate meets the corresponding requirements in subclause 30 (b) (i) or (ii).

5. The Regulation is amended by striking out the heading before section 35 and substituting the following

Supervisory Officer’s Qualifications

6. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

Supervisory officer’s development qualification

35.1 The Registrar shall record on a candidate’s general certificate of qualification and registration an entry for the supervisory officer’s development qualification if the Registrar has satisfactory evidence that the candidate,

(a) holds the supervisory officer’s qualification;

(b) has two school years of successful experience as a supervisory officer, as verified by the appropriate supervisory officer, the appropriate supervisory official or the appropriate supervisory director of education; and

(c) has successfully completed an accredited program leading to the qualification, or a program the Registrar considers to be equivalent. 

7. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:

2022 amendments

50.0.1 Any person who, on April 20, 2022, holds a qualification set out in Column 2 of the Table to this section is deemed, on and after April 21, 2022, to hold the qualification set out in the corresponding cell of Column 3 of the Table.



Column 1
Schedule or section

Column 2
Old qualification name

Column 3
New qualification name


Section 30

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Aural and Oral Communication

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program


Section 30

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – American Sign Language (ASL)

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program


Section 30

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing – Langue des signes quebecoise (LSQ)

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program


Section 31

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing — Aural and Oral Communication (Specialist)

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program (Specialist)


Section 31

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing — American Sign Language (ASL) (Specialist)

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program (Specialist)


Section 31

Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing — Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) (Specialist)

Teaching Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Program (Specialist)


Schedule A

Santé et éducation physique

Éducation physique et santé


Schedule C

Classroom Management

The Learning Environment


Schedule C

Éducation préscolaire des enfants sourds ou malentendants

Éducation de la petite enfance pour les élèves ayant une surdité ou une surdité partielle


Schedule C

Santé et éducation physique — 7e et 8e année

Éducation physique et santé — 7e et 8e année


Schedule D

Inclusive Classroom

Equitable and Inclusive Schools


Schedule D

Santé et éducation physique (cycles intermédiaire et supérieur)

Éducation physique et santé (cycles intermédiaire et supérieur)


Schedule D

Santé et éducation physique (cycles primaire et moyen)

Éducation physique et santé (cycles primaire et moyen)


Schedule D

Supporting First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students: Guidance and Counselling

First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students: Counselling and Support


Schedule E

Santé et éducation physique

Éducation physique et santé


8. (1) The French version of Schedule A to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Santé et éducation physique”.

(2) The French version of Schedule A to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Éducation physique et santé

9. (1) Schedule C to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Classroom Management”.

(2) Schedule C to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:


The Learning Environment

(3) The French version of Schedule C to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Éducation préscolaire des enfants sourds ou malentendants” and “Santé et éducation physique — 7e et 8e année”.

(4) The French version of Schedule C to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Éducation physique et santé — 7e et 8e année

Éducation de la petite enfance pour les élèves ayant une surdité ou une surdité partielle

10. (1) Schedule D to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Inclusive Classroom” and “Supporting First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students: Guidance and Counselling”.

(2) Schedule D to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Equitable and Inclusive Schools

First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students: Counselling and Support

(3) The French version of Schedule D to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Santé et éducation physique (cycles intermédiaire et supérieur)” and “Santé et éducation physique (cycles primaire et moyen)”.

(4) The French version of Schedule D to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Éducation physique et santé (cycles intermédiaire et supérieur)

Éducation physique et santé (cycles primaire et moyen)

11. (1) The French version of Schedule E to the Regulation is amended by striking out “Santé et éducation physique”.

(2) The French version of Schedule E to the Regulation is amended by adding the following:

Éducation physique et santé

12. (1) The French version of the Regulation is amended by striking out “élèves sourds ou malentendants” wherever it appears in the following provisions and substituting in each case “élèves ayant une surdité ou une surdité partielle”:

1. Clause (h) of the definition of “area of study” in subsection 1 (1).

2. Subclause 11 (3) (c) (i).

3. Subparagraph 1 v of subsection 12 (2).

(2) The French version of the Regulation is amended by striking out “est sourd ou malentendant” wherever it appears in the following provisions and substituting in each case “a une surdité ou une surdité partielle”:

1. Clause 4 (3) (i).

2. Clause 6 (g).

(3) The French version of the Regulation is amended by striking out “être sourd ou malentendant” wherever it appears in the following provisions and substituting in each case “avoir une surdité ou une surdité partielle”:

1. Clause 11 (3) (a).

2. Clause 14 (3) (a).

3. Clause 17.1 (3) (a).


13. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.

Made by:
Pris par :

Council of the Ontario College of Teachers:
Le Conseil de l’Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’Ontario :

Diana Miles

Chair of Council / Présidente du conseil

Dr. Derek Haime

Registrar / Registraire

Date made: March 2, 2022
Pris le : 2 mars 2022