O. Reg. 495/22: ZONING ORDER - CITY OF BELLEVILLE, Filed October 14, 2022 under Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13
ontario regulation 495/22
made under the
Planning Act
Made: October 14, 2022
Filed: October 14, 2022
Published on e-Laws: October 17, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: October 29, 2022
Zoning Order — City of Belleville
1. In this Order,
“multi-unit dwelling” means a residential building containing more than four dwelling units;
“resort” means an establishment that operates throughout all or part of the year and that has facilities for serving meals and furnishing accommodation, equipment, supplies or services to persons in connection with recreational or business purposes, and includes dwelling units for resort staff;
“Zoning By-law” means Zoning By-law No. 3014 of the Township of Thurlow.
2. This Order applies to lands in the City of Belleville, in the Province of Ontario, being the lands outlined in red on a map numbered 315 and filed at the Toronto office of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, located at 777 Bay Street.
Permitted uses — Black Bear Ridge Village (BBRV) Zone
3. Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure is prohibited on the lands located in the area shown as the Black Bear Ridge Village (BBRV) Zone on the map referred to in section 2, except for,
(a) a single family dwelling house;
(b) a group home;
(c) a semi-detached dwelling house;
(d) a duplex dwelling house;
(e) a triplex dwelling house;
(f) a fourplex dwelling house;
(g) a boarding or lodging house;
(h) a row dwelling house;
(i) a multi-unit dwelling;
(j) an apartment dwelling house;
(k) a retirement home within the meaning of the Retirement Homes Act, 2010;
(l) fairgrounds;
(m) a golf teaching academy with visitor’s accommodations and practice ranges, golf course, golf pro shop or golf maintenance facility;
(n) a long-term care home within the meaning of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021;
(o) a resort;
(p) an administrative, business or professional office;
(q) a bank, trust company or other financial institution;
(r) a retail commercial establishment;
(s) a service shop, including a personal service shop;
(t) an eating establishment, including a drive-in restaurant or take-out eating establishment;
(u) a convenience store;
(v) a food supermarket; and
(w) a workshop.
Zoning requirements
4. (1) The zoning requirements for the Low Density Residential Type 1 (R1) Zone set out in section 6.1 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (a) and (b), with the following exceptions:
1. The minimum lot area is 300 square metres.
2. The minimum lot frontage is 10 metres.
3. Despite paragraph 2, the minimum lot frontage for a corner lot is 12 metres.
4. The minimum front yard depth is six metres.
5. The minimum rear yard depth is 7.5 metres.
6. The minimum interior side yard width is 1.5 metres.
7. The minimum exterior side yard width is three metres.
8. The minimum landscaped area of the front yard is 50 per cent.
(2) The zoning requirements for the Low Density Residential Type 2 (R2) Zone set out in section 6.2 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (c) and (d), with the following exceptions:
1. The minimum lot area for a semi-detached dwelling house is 270 square metres.
2. The minimum lot area for a duplex dwelling house is 540 square metres.
3. The minimum lot frontage for a semi-detached dwelling house is nine metres.
4. The minimum lot frontage for a duplex dwelling house is 18 metres.
5. The minimum front yard depth is six metres.
6. The minimum rear yard depth is 7.5 metres.
7. The minimum interior side yard width is 1.5 metres.
8. The minimum exterior side yard width is three metres.
9. The minimum landscaped area of the front yard is 50 per cent.
(3) The zoning requirements for the Medium Density Residential 3 (R3) Zone set out in section 6.3 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (e) to (g), with the following exceptions:
1. The minimum lot area for a triplex dwelling house is 720 square metres.
2. The minimum lot area for a fourplex dwelling house is 840 square metres.
3. The minimum lot frontage for a fourplex dwelling house is 28 metres.
4. The maximum lot coverage is 40 per cent.
5. The minimum front yard depth is six metres.
6. The minimum rear yard depth is 7.5 metres.
7. The minimum interior side yard width is 1.5 metres.
8. The minimum exterior side yard width is three metres.
9. The minimum landscaped area of the front yard is 50 per cent.
(4) The zoning requirements for the High Density Residential 4 (R4) Zone set out in section 6.4 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (h) to (k), with the following exceptions:
1. The minimum lot area for a multi-unit dwelling is 600 square metres.
2. The minimum lot area for an apartment dwelling house is 1,050 square metres.
3. The minimum lot frontage for a row dwelling house on an interior lot is six metres.
4. The minimum lot frontage for a row dwelling house on a corner or exterior lot is nine metres.
5. The minimum lot frontage for a multi-unit dwelling is 20 metres.
6. The minimum dwelling unit area for a multi-unit dwelling is 55 square metres.
7. The maximum lot coverage for a row dwelling house is 45 per cent.
8. The maximum lot coverage for a multi-unit dwelling is 45 per cent.
9. The maximum lot coverage for an apartment dwelling house is 45 per cent.
10. The maximum building height for a row dwelling house is 11 metres.
11. The maximum building height for a multi-unit dwelling is 13 metres.
12. The maximum building height for an apartment dwelling house is 14 metres.
13. The minimum front yard depth of a row dwelling house is six metres.
14. The minimum front yard depth of a multi-unit dwelling is 4.5 metres to the dwelling and 6 metres to an attached garage.
15. The minimum front yard depth of an apartment dwelling house is 7.5 metres.
16. The minimum exterior side yard width of a row dwelling house is three metres.
17. The minimum exterior side yard width of a multi-unit dwelling is three metres.
18. The minimum exterior side yard width of an apartment dwelling house is six metres.
19. The minimum interior side yard width of a row dwelling house is 1.5 metres.
20. The minimum interior side yard width of a multi-unit dwelling is 1.5 metres.
21. The minimum interior side yard width of an apartment dwelling house is 4.5 metres.
22. The minimum rear yard depth of a row dwelling house is 7.5 metres.
23. The minimum rear yard depth of a multi-unit dwelling is 7.5 metres.
24. Despite paragraph 23, if the lot abuts a street or lane, the minimum rear yard depth of the multi-unit dwelling is 4.5 metres to the dwelling and 6 metres to an attached garage.
25. The minimum rear yard depth of an apartment dwelling house is 7.5 metres.
(5) The zoning requirements for the Community Facility (CF) Zone set out in section 6.18 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (i) to (o).
(6) The zoning requirements for the General Commercial (C3) Zone set out in section 6.13 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (p) to (s).
(7) The zoning requirements for the Highway Commercial (C1) Zone set out in section 6.11 of the Zoning By-law apply to the uses permitted under clauses 3 (t) to (w).
(8) The uses permitted under clauses 3 (a) to (k) are limited to 3,049 residential units.
(9) Any building or structure associated with a non-residential use permitted under clause 3 (l) is limited to a gross floor area of 200 square metres.
(10) A clubhouse for a golf course permitted under clause 3 (m) is limited to a gross floor area of 6,000 square metres.
(11) A golf pro shop, golf maintenance facility and golf teaching academy with visitor’s accommodations, as permitted under clause 3 (m), are limited to a gross floor area of 5,000 square metres.
(12) The uses permitted under clause 3 (o) are limited to a gross floor area of 25,000 square metres, of which no more than 2,500 square metres may be used for a spa and wellness centre and no more than 10,200 square metres may be used for resort accommodations.
(13) The uses permitted under clauses 3 (p) to (w) are limited to a gross floor area of 15,000 square metres.
(14) In this section,
“spa and wellness centre” means a building or part of a building where services such as fitness training, massage, beauty services and other similar non-medical health services are provided.
Terms of use
5. (1) Every use of land and every erection, location or use of any building or structure shall be in accordance with this Order.
(2) Nothing in this Order prevents the use of any land, building or structure for any use prohibited by this Order if the land, building or structure is lawfully so used on the day this Order comes into force.
(3) Nothing in this Order prevents the reconstruction of any building or structure that is damaged or destroyed by causes beyond the control of the owner if the dimensions of the original building or structure are not increased and its original use is not altered.
(4) Nothing in this Order prevents the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of any building or structure.
Deemed by-law
6. This Order is deemed for all purposes, except the purposes of section 24 of the Act, to be and to always have been a by-law passed by the council of the City of Belleville.
7. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Date made: October 14, 2022