O. Reg. 547/22: SMALL CLAIMS COURT - FEES AND ALLOWANCES, Filed December 9, 2022 under Administration of Justice Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.6

ontario regulation 547/22

made under the

Administration of Justice Act

Made: December 8, 2022
Filed: December 9, 2022
Published on e-Laws: December 9, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: December 24, 2022

Amending O. Reg. 332/16


1. (1) Subsection 1 (2) of Ontario Regulation 332/16 is amended by,

(a)  striking out “$102” at the end of paragraph 1 and substituting “$108”;

(b)  striking out “$215” at the end of paragraph 2 and substituting “$228”;

(c)  striking out “$102” at the end of paragraph 3 and substituting “$108”;

(d)  striking out “$120” at the end of paragraph 4 and substituting “$127”;

(e)  striking out “$73” at the end of paragraph 5 and substituting “$77”;

(f)  striking out “$290” at the end of paragraph 6 and substituting “$308”;

(g)  striking out “$380” at the end of paragraph 7 and substituting “$403”;

(h)  striking out “$89” at the end of paragraph 8 and substituting “$94”;

(i)  striking out “$121” at the end of paragraph 9 and substituting “$128”;

(j)  striking out “$31” at the end of paragraph 10 and substituting “$33”;

(k)  striking out “$42” at the end of paragraph 11 and substituting “$45”;

(l)  striking out “$28” at the end of paragraph 12 and substituting “$30”;

  (m)  striking out “$64” at the end of paragraph 13 and substituting “$68”;

(n)  striking out “$136” at the end of paragraph 14 and substituting “$144”;

(o)  striking out “$120” at the end of paragraph 15 and substituting “$127”;

(p)  striking out “$99” at the end of paragraph 16 and substituting “$105”;

(q)  striking out “$99” in paragraph 17 and substituting “$105”;

(r)  striking out “$3.50” in subparagraph 19 ii and substituting “$4”;

(s)  striking out “$10” in subparagraph 20 ii and substituting “$11”;

(t)  striking out “$78” at the end of paragraph 21 and substituting “$83”;

(u)  striking out “$22” at the beginning of subparagraph 22 i and substituting “$23”; and

(v)  striking out “$10.50” at the beginning of subparagraph 22 ii and substituting “$11”.

(2) Subsection 1 (3) of the Regulation is amended by,

(a)  striking out “$190” at the end of paragraph 1 and substituting “$202”;

(b)  striking out “$106” at the end of paragraph 2 and substituting “$112”;

(c)  striking out “$93” at the end of paragraph 3 and substituting “$99”; and

(d)  striking out “$64” at the end of paragraph 4 and substituting “$68”.

2. Subsection 2 (1) of the Regulation is amended by,

(a)  striking out “$36” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “$38”; and

(b)  striking out “$60” at the end of subparagraph 2 ii and substituting “$64”.

3. Section 3 of the Regulation is amended by,

(a)  striking out “$10” in paragraph 1 and substituting “$11”; and

(b)  striking out “$25” in paragraph 2 and substituting “$27”.

4. Subsection 4 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “2023” in the portion before paragraph 1 and substituting “2026”.


5. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2023 and the day this Regulation is filed.