O. Reg. 30/23: BUILDING CODE, Filed February 28, 2023 under Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23
ontario regulation 30/23
made under the
Building Code Act, 1992
Made: February 28, 2023
Filed: February 28, 2023
Published on e-Laws: February 28, 2023
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 18, 2023
Amending O. Reg. 332/12
1. Article of Division A of Ontario Regulation 332/12 is amended by adding the following Sentence:
(6) Section 3.16A. of Division B applies to demountable stages and demountable support structures.
2. Sentence of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out “and” at the end of Clause (j) and by adding the following Clauses:
(l) a demountable stage, and
(m) a demountable support structure.
3. (1) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definitions:
Demountable stage means a structure that,
(a) consists of one or more platforms together with any wall, roof or other structures attached to or located on any of the platforms,
(b) is intended to be used for public or private performances or events, other than performances or events associated with movie or television productions,
(c) is intended to be erected, assembled or installed for a limited specified time,
(d) is capable of being dismantled at its location and moved to be reconstituted elsewhere or is erected for one-time use,
(e) is not located inside a fully enclosed building,
(f) is primarily for use by performers and workers, and
(g) may or may not be mounted on wheels.
Demountable support structure means any structure that,
(a) is capable of supporting banners, stage sets, props, sound equipment, lighting equipment or other equipment,
(b) is intended to be used for public or private performances or events, other than performances or events associated with movie or television productions,
(c) is intended to be erected, assembled or installed for a limited specified time,
(d) is capable of being dismantled at its location and moved to be reconstituted elsewhere or is erected for one-time use,
(e) is not attached to or located on a demountable stage,
(f) is not located inside a fully enclosed building,
(g) is primarily for use by performers and workers, and
(h) may or may not be mounted on wheels.
(2) Clause of Division A of the Regulation is amended by striking out the definition of “Fire compartment” and substituting the following:
Fire compartment means an enclosed space in a building that is separated from all other parts of the building by enclosing construction providing a fire separation having a required fire-resistance rating.
4. (1) Table of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Item:
3.0.1 |
E1.21-2013 |
Entertainment Technology - Temporary Structures Used for Technical Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events |
3.16A.2.8.(1) |
(2) Items 377 and 399 of Table of Division B of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:
377. |
701-2010 |
Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films | |
. . . . .
399. |
CAN/ULC-S109-14 |
Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films | |
5. (1) Sentence of Division B of the Regulation is amended by striking out “or” at the end of Clause (b), by adding “or” at the end of Subclause (c)(ii) and by adding the following Clause:
(d) that penetrate a vertical fire separation not required to have a fire-resistance rating and located within the fire compartment required in Sentence
(2) Subclause of Division B of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
(iii) are required to function as part of an air handling system used to provide make-up air in accordance with Sentence, or any other system used to limit smoke movement, or,
6. Part 3 of Division B of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Section:
Section 3.16A. Demountable Stages and Demountable Support Structures
3.16A.1. Scope
3.16A.1.1. Application
(1) This Section applies to the design, erection, assembly and installation of a demountable stage where,
(a) the aggregate area of all platforms of the demountable stage is more than 60 m2 and any part of its platforms is more than 3 m in height above adjacent ground level,
(b) the aggregate area of all platforms of the demountable stage is more than 225 m2, or
(c) any part of the platforms or any roof, wall or structure attached to or located on any of the platforms of the demountable stage is 5 m or more in height above adjacent ground level.
(2) This Section applies to the design, erection, assembly and installation of a demountable support structure where the demountable support structure,
(a) is more than 3 m in height above adjacent ground level,
(b) is designed to carry a superimposed specified load greater than 115 kg, or
(c) would create a hazard to the public.
(3) Except as provided in this Section, demountable stages and demountable support structures are exempt from complying with the requirements of this Division.
3.16A.2. Construction
3.16A.2.1. Occupant Load
(1) A demountable stage shall be considered a floor area for the purpose of determining the occupant load in accordance with Clause
3.16A.2.2. Means of Egress
(1) A platform of a demountable stage shall be considered a floor area for purposes of this Article.
(2) Except as provided in Sentence (3), access to at least two means of egress shall be provided from every platform of a demountable stage.
(3) A platform of a demountable stage may be served by one means of egress where,
(a) the total occupant load of the demountable stage is less than 60 persons, and
(b) the aggregate area of the demountable stage is less than 150 m2 or the travel distance from any point on the platform to the exit is less than 30 m.
(4) Except as provided in Sentence (5), where at least two means of egress are required from a platform of a demountable stage, the maximum travel distance to an exit shall be not more than 45 m.
(5) Sentence (4) need not apply where exits are located at not more than 60 m apart, measured along the perimeter of the platform.
(6) The least distance between two required exits on a platform of a demountable stage shall be one-half the maximum diagonal dimension of the platform.
(7) Except as provided in Sentence (8) and unless it can be shown that they do not present a hazard, stairs, ramps and handrails in an exit from a platform of a demountable stage shall conform to the dimensional and slip-resistance requirements in Section 3.4.
(8) The maximum slope of a fixed ramp serving a platform of a demountable stage shall be 1 in 6.
3.16A.2.3. Guards
(1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (3) and unless it can be shown that the platform does not present a hazard, a guard not less than 1 070 mm high shall be provided for a platform of a demountable stage where the difference in elevation between the platform and the adjacent surface is more than 1 500 mm.
(2) Sentence (1) need not apply at the edges of a platform of a demountable stage that face an audience.
(3) The height of guards for stairs shall be,
(a) not less than 920 mm measured vertically to the top of the guard from a line drawn through the outside edges of the stair nosings, and
(b) not less than 1 070 mm around landings.
(4) Guards shall be designed to withstand loads specified in Part 4.
(5) Required guards shall be provided with a top rail and one or more intermediate rails spaced such that openings through the guard are of a size that prevents the passage of a spherical object having a diameter of 535 mm.
3.16A.2.4. Clearance to Other Structures
(1) Except as provided in Sentence (2), a demountable stage shall not be erected, assembled or installed closer than 3 m to,
(a) another demountable stage, or
(b) another structure, other than a demountable support structure.
(2) Sentence (1) need not apply to demountable stages that are located on fair grounds or similar open spaces provided it can be shown that such closer spacing does not create a hazard to the public.
3.16A.2.5. Flame Resistance
(1) Tarpaulins, decorative materials, fabrics and films attached to demountable stages or demountable support structures shall conform to CAN/ULC-S109, “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films” or NFPA 701, “Fire Tests for Flame Propagation of Textiles and Films”.
3.16A.2.6. Provision for Firefighting
(1) Access shall be provided to demountable stages for the purpose of firefighting.
3.16A.2.7. Electrical Systems
(1) The electrical system and equipment associated with a demountable stage or a demountable support structure, including electrical fuses and switches, shall be inaccessible to the public.
(2) Cables on the ground in areas used by the public and adjacent to a demountable stage or demountable support structure shall be placed in trenches or protected by covers to prevent damage from traffic.
(3) Where a demountable stage or demountable support structure is to be erected, assembled or installed in proximity to existing above ground electrical conductors, the demountable stage or demountable support structure shall be erected, assembled or installed in accordance with Article
3.16A.2.8. Structural Provisions
(1) Except as provided in Sentences (2) and (4), demountable stages and demountable support structures and their structural members shall be designed, erected, assembled and installed,
(a) in conformance with Part 4, or
(b) to conform to good engineering practice appropriate to the circumstances such as that described in ANSI E1.21, “Entertainment Technology - Temporary Structures Used for Technical Production of Outdoor Entertainment Events”.
(2) The reference velocity pressure shall be the appropriate value determined in conformance with Subsection 1.1.2. based on a probability of being exceeded in any one year of 1-in-10 with a 2.5 gust factor.
(3) For purposes of Clause (1)(a), demountable stages and demountable support structures shall be assigned a Normal Importance Category as described in Table
(4) Foundations shall be designed in accordance with Section 4.2. using allowable bearing pressures determined from subsurface investigation.
3.16A.2.9. Barrier-Free Design
(1) If a demountable stage is intended for limited public occupancy, a barrier-free path of travel conforming to Articles and shall be provided to and throughout at least one platform of the demountable stage.
7. Article of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:
(10) The construction of a demountable stage or demountable support structure regulated by Section 3.16A. of Division B shall be reviewed by a professional engineer.
8. Article of Division C of the Regulation is amended by adding the following Sentence:
(7) A demountable stage or demountable support structure not regulated by Section 3.16A. of Division B is exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under section 8 of the Act and is exempt from compliance with this Code.
9. Item 1 of Table of Division C of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
1. |
(a) Except for a retirement home, a house where no dwelling unit is located above another dwelling unit. |
10 days |
(b) A detached structure that serves a building described in Clause (a) and does not exceed 55 m2 in building area. |
(c) A tent to which Section 3.14. of Division B applies. |
(d) A sign to which Section 3.15. of Division B applies. |
(e) A demountable stage or demountable support structure to which Section 3.16A. of Division B applies. |
10. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
Made by:
Steve Clark
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Date made: February 28, 2023