O. Reg. 288/23: REGISTRATION, Filed August 21, 2023 under Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 25, Sched. 6
ontario regulation 288/23
made under the
Medical Radiation and Imaging Technology Act, 2017
Made: August 10, 2023
Approved: August 17, 2023
Filed: August 21, 2023
Published on e-Laws: August 21, 2023
Published in The Ontario Gazette: September 9, 2023
Amending O. Reg. 866/93
1. Subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 866/93 is amended by adding the following paragraph:
3. Emergency.
2. Section 4 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(2) The requirements in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of subsection (1), and the requirement to pay the application fee and evaluation fee required under the by-laws, do not apply to an applicant if,
(a) the applicant held an emergency certificate of registration within five years before submitting their application for a specialty certificate of registration in the specialties of radiography, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine;
(b) the applicant satisfies the Registrar or the Registration Committee that the applicant practised for at least 400 hours while they practised as a member of the emergency class; and
(c) the applicant provides the Registrar or the Registration Committee with satisfactory evidence, in the form and manner approved by the Registration Committee, from their supervisor confirming,
(i) the number of hours that the applicant practised in the emergency class,
(ii) the specialty in which the applicant practised those hours, and
(iii) that, while a member of the emergency class, the applicant demonstrated competence to safely practise in Ontario and the specialty in which the supervisor believes the applicant is able to safely and competently practise.
(3) The requirements in clauses (2) (a) and (c) are non-exemptible.
3. Section 4.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(2) The requirements in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of subsection (1), and the requirement to pay the application fee and evaluation fee required under the by-laws, do not apply to an applicant if,
(a) the applicant held an emergency certificate of registration within five years before submitting their application for a specialty certificate of registration in the specialty of magnetic resonance;
(b) the applicant satisfies the Registrar or the Registration Committee that the applicant practised for at least 400 hours while they practised as a member of the emergency class; and
(c) the applicant provides the Registrar or the Registration Committee with satisfactory evidence, in the form and manner approved by the Registration Committee, from their supervisor confirming,
(i) the number of hours that the applicant practised in the emergency class,
(ii) the specialty in which the applicant practised those hours, and
(iii) that, while a member of the emergency class, the applicant demonstrated competence to safely practise in Ontario and the specialty in which the supervisor believes the applicant is able to safely and competently practise.
(3) The requirements in clauses (2) (a) and (c) are non-exemptible.
4. Section 4.2 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:
(3) The requirements in paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of subsection (1), and the requirement to pay the application fee and evaluation fee required under the by-laws, do not apply to an applicant if,
(a) the applicant held an emergency certificate of registration within five years before submitting their application for a specialty certificate of registration in the specialty of diagnostic medical sonography;
(b) the applicant satisfies the Registrar or the Registration Committee that the applicant practised for at least 400 hours while they practised as a member of the emergency class; and
(c) the applicant provides the Registrar or the Registration Committee with satisfactory evidence, in the form and manner approved by the Registration Committee, from their supervisor confirming,
(i) the number of hours that the applicant practised in the emergency class,
(ii) the specialty in which the applicant practised those hours, and
(iii) that, while a member of the emergency class, the applicant demonstrated competence to safely practise in Ontario and the specialty in which the supervisor believes the applicant is able to safely and competently practise.
(4) The requirements in clauses (3) (a) and (c) are non-exemptible.
5. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
Emergency Certificate of Registration
7.1 (1) The following are registration requirements for an emergency certificate of registration:
1. The Minister must have requested that the College initiate registrations under this class based on the Minister’s opinion that emergency circumstances call for it or the Council must have determined, after taking into account all of the relevant circumstances that impact the ability of applicants to meet the ordinary registration requirements, that there are emergency circumstances, and that it is in the public interest that the College issue emergency certificates.
2. The applicant must have met the requirements set out in paragraph 1 of subsections 4 (1), 4.1 (1) or 4.2 (1) as applicable to the specialty, or successfully completed a medical radiation technology program in a specialty in Canada approved by the Council or in a jurisdiction approved by Council or the Registration Committee.
3. The applicant must have engaged in clinical practice in the specialty within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application or must have successfully completed a program referred to in paragraph 2 within the five years preceding the date of the application.
4. The applicant must pay the annual fee required by the by-laws.
(2) The requirements in paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection (1) are non-exemptible.
(3) The following are conditions of an emergency certificate of registration:
1. The member shall practise only in the areas of the profession in which the member is educated.
2. The member shall practise the profession only under the supervision of a member, approved by the Registrar, who holds a specialty certificate of registration in the same area of the profession in which the member of the emergency class is educated.
3. The member shall practise only while identifying themself as a member of the emergency class.
4. The member shall be restricted to the use of the titles “medical radiation technologist (Emergency)” and its abbreviation “MRT (Emerg.)”.
5. The certificate of registration shall expire one year from the date the certificate was issued, unless extended by the Registrar, if the Council has not determined that the emergency circumstances referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) have ended.
6. The certificate of registration is revoked,
i. 90 days after the Council determines that the emergency circumstances referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) have ended, or
ii. immediately, if in the opinion of the Registrar or the Registration Committee, it is in the public interest to do so.
(4) The Registrar may extend an emergency certificate of registration for one or more periods, each of which is not to exceed one year, if the Council has not determined that the emergency circumstances referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) have ended.
6. This Regulation comes into force on the later of the day subsection 3 (3) of Schedule 6 to the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 comes into force and the day this Regulation is filed.
Council of the College of Medical Radiation and Imaging Technologists of Ontario:
Amanda Lee
President CMRITO
Pree Tyagi
Registrar and CEO, CMRITO
Date made: August 10, 2023