O. Reg. 318/24: GENERAL MATTERS UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL, Filed July 31, 2024 under Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, S.O. 2019, c. 1, Sched. 1

ontario regulation 318/24

made under the

Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019

Made: July 25, 2024
Filed: July 31, 2024
Published on e-Laws: July 31, 2024
Published in The Ontario Gazette: August 17, 2024

Amending O. Reg. 399/23


1. Ontario Regulation 399/23 is amended by adding the following section:

Commissions under the Great Seal

5.1 (1) For the purposes of clause 101.1 (1) (c) of the Act, the following ranks are prescribed in respect of a police officer who is a member of a police service maintained by a police service board:

1. Staff Superintendent or Chief Superintendent.

2. Superintendent or Detective Superintendent.

3. Staff Inspector.

4. Inspector or Detective Inspector.

(2) For the purposes of clause 101.1 (1) (c) of the Act, the following ranks are prescribed in respect of a police officer who is a member of the Ontario Provincial Police:

1. Chief Superintendent.

2. Superintendent or Detective Superintendent.

3. Inspector or Detective Inspector.

(3) For the purposes of subsection 101.1 (2) of the Act, the following ranks are prescribed in respect of a First Nation Officer:

1. Chief of Police.

2. Deputy Chief.

3. Staff Superintendent or Chief Superintendent.

4. Superintendent or Detective Superintendent.

5. Staff Inspector.

6. Inspector or Detective Inspector.


2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.