O. Reg. 458/24: DRIVERS' LICENCES, Filed November 19, 2024 under Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8
ontario regulation 458/24
made under the
Highway Traffic Act
Made: November 7, 2024
Filed: November 19, 2024
Published on e-Laws: November 19, 2024
Published in The Ontario Gazette: December 7, 2024
Amending O. Reg. 340/94
1. (1) The Table to subsection 2 (1) of Ontario Regulation 340/94 is amended by striking out the row with Class D in Column 1 and substituting:
Class D | Class D — any motor vehicle exceeding 11,000 kilograms gross weight or registered gross weight, and any combination of a motor vehicle and towed vehicles exceeding a total gross weight of 11,000 kilograms in which the towed vehicles do not exceed a total gross weight of 4,600 kilograms, but not a bus carrying passengers | Class G |
(2) The Table to subsection 2 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the row with Class G in Column 1 and substituting:
Class G | Class G — any motor vehicle not exceeding 11,000 kilograms gross weight or registered gross weight and any combination of a motor vehicle and towed vehicles not exceeding a total gross weight of 11,000 kilograms in which the towed vehicles do not exceed a total gross weight of 4,600 kilograms, but not, (a) a motorcycle or motor assisted bicycle; | - |
2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
4.1 (1) Despite section 2, a Class D motor vehicle that is commonly known as a recreational vehicle or motor home is deemed to be a Class G motor vehicle when driven by a person holding a Class E, F or G driver’s licence that has a recreational vehicle endorsement.
(2) The following conditions apply to a person who drives a vehicle in the circumstances described in subsection (1):
1. The motor vehicle must not exceed a gross weight or registered gross weight of 14,000 kilograms.
2. Any combination of the motor vehicle and towed vehicles must not have a total gross weight that exceeds 14,000 kilograms.
3. The motor vehicle must bear,
i. a compliance label as required under the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Canada) and, either on the compliance label or on a label applied to the vehicle beside the compliance label, the national safety mark required under those regulations,
ii. a compliance label containing a statement that complies with subsection 6 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Canada), confirming that the vehicle conformed to all applicable standards under those regulations that were in effect when the vehicle was manufactured,
iii. a Canadian Statement of Compliance (SOC) label issued by the Canadian Registrar of Imported Vehicles, or
iv. a vehicle licence plate issued by a state in the United States and a label indicating that the motor vehicle was manufactured in compliance with federal vehicle safety standards applicable at that time in the United States.
4. The motor vehicle must bear a label indicating that it was manufactured to Canadian Standards Association Standard Z240 RV or to United States Recreation Vehicle Industry Association standard NFPA 1192.
5. The motor vehicle must be driven and used for personal purposes without compensation.
6. The motor vehicle,
i. must not be owned or leased by an employer to house the employer’s employee, and
ii. must not be carrying commercial cargo or tools or equipment of a type normally used for commercial purposes.
7. Less than one-half of the floor space of the motor vehicle may be occupied by animals, non-commercial tools, non-commercial equipment, vehicles or a combination of them.
(3) The Minister may require an applicant for a recreational vehicle endorsement to complete recreational vehicle learning modules approved by the Minister.
3. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
12.0.1 (1) The Minister may issue a Class D driver’s licence to an applicant who has not taken the examinations prescribed under clause 15 (1) (a) if the applicant completes recreational vehicle learning modules approved by the Minister.
(2) The following conditions apply to a person who has been issued a driver’s licence under subsection (1):
1. The person must not drive any Class D motor vehicle other than a motor vehicle commonly known as a recreational vehicle or motor home.
2. The motor vehicle must bear,
i. a compliance label as required under the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Canada) and, either on the compliance label or on a label applied to the vehicle beside the compliance label, the national safety mark required under those regulations,
ii. a compliance label containing a statement that complies with subsection 6 (2) of the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Canada), confirming that the vehicle conformed to all applicable standards under those regulations that were in effect when the vehicle was manufactured,
iii. a Canadian Statement of Compliance (SOC) label issued by the Canadian Registrar of Imported Vehicles, or
iv. a vehicle licence plate issued by a state in the United States and a label indicating that the motor vehicle was manufactured in compliance with federal vehicle safety standards applicable at that time in the United States.
3. The motor vehicle must bear a label indicating that it was manufactured to Canadian Standards Association Standard Z240 RV or to United States Recreation Vehicle Industry Association standard NFPA 1192.
4. The motor vehicle must be driven and used for personal purposes without compensation.
5. The motor vehicle,
i. must not be owned or leased by an employer to house the employer’s employee, and
ii. must not be carrying commercial cargo or tools or equipment of a type normally used for commercial purposes.
6. Less than one-half of the floor space of the motor vehicle may be occupied by animals, non-commercial tools, non-commercial equipment, vehicles or a combination of them.
4. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
16.2 The Minister may require the holder of a Class E, F or G driver’s licence with a recreational vehicle endorsement referred to in section 4.1 or the holder of a Class D licence issued under subsection 12.0.1 (1) to complete recreational vehicle learning modules approved by the Minister,
(a) every five years, if the holder has not reached the age of 80;
(b) every year, if the holder has reached the age of 80; and
(c) at any time that he or she is required under clause 16 (b) or (c) to take the examinations prescribed in section 15.
5. Subsection 26 (1) of the Regulation is amended by adding the following paragraph:
6.3 For recreational vehicle learning modules, $23.75.
6. This Regulation comes into force on the later of July 1, 2025 and the day this Regulation is filed.