High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 34, Sched. 19, High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Act, 2017
Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes Act, 2017
2017, chapter 34
Schedule 19
Consolidation Period: From December 14, 2017 to the e-Laws currency date.
Note: THIS ACT IS NOT YET IN FORCE. It comes into force on a day to be named by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor. (See: 2017, c. 34, Sched. 19, s. 25)
No amendments.
Definitions |
Designation of HOT lanes |
Permitted use of HOT lanes |
Toll rate |
Obligation to pay toll |
Payment of tolls, fees and interest |
Failure to pay toll |
Dispute |
Appointment of dispute arbitrator |
Appeal |
Repayment of paid tolls |
Interest on unpaid tolls, fees |
Failure to pay toll — non-validation of vehicle permit |
Other remedies |
Minister’s powers re collection and enforcement |
Agreement with person or entity to collect and enforce tolls, etc. |
Freedom of information |
Offences |
Regulations made by Lieutenant Governor in Council |
Regulations made by Minister |
Forms |
“HOT lane” means a high occupancy toll lane designated under section 2; (“voie VMOT”)
“Minister” means the Minister of Transportation or such other member of the Executive Council to whom the administration of this Act is assigned under the Executive Council Act; (“ministre”)
“Ministry” means the ministry of the Minister; (“ministère”)
“prescribed”, except in the definition of “toll device”, means prescribed by regulations made under this Act; (“prescrit”)
“Registrar” means the Registrar of Motor Vehicles appointed under the Highway Traffic Act; (“registrateur”)
“toll device” means a toll device prescribed under clause 191.4 (2) (a) of the Highway Traffic Act; (“appareil à péage”)
“vehicle permit” means a permit as defined in subsection 6 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act. (“certificat d’immatriculation de véhicule”)
Designation and Use of HOT Lanes
Designation of HOT lanes
2 (1) If a part of a highway designated as the King’s Highway under subsection 7 (1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act has been divided into clearly marked lanes for traffic, the Minister may by regulation designate any lane on that part as an HOT lane.
(2) The Minister may, in a regulation made under subsection (1),
(a) limit the designation to specified days, times of day, conditions or circumstances;
(b) regulate the use of HOT lanes, which may include,
(i) limiting the use of HOT lanes to specified vehicles, or any specified class or type of vehicles, or to vehicles with a specified number or minimum number of occupants and prescribing conditions and circumstances for such use, and
(ii) prescribing rules of the road applicable to the use of the lanes, exemptions from any requirement of Part X of the Highway Traffic Act or of any regulations made under that Part applicable to the use of the lanes, and conditions and circumstances for such exemptions;
(c) provide for the erection of signs and the placing of markings to identify HOT lanes and the entry and exit points for HOT lanes;
(d) prescribe the types of the signs and markings referred to in clause (c), instructions to be contained on them and the location of each type of sign and marking.
Permitted use of HOT lanes
3 No person shall, except in accordance with the regulations made under section 2,
(a) drive a vehicle in an HOT lane; or
(b) enter or exit an HOT lane.
Tolling and Enforcement of Tolls
Toll rate
4 (1) The toll rate payable for the operation of a vehicle on an HOT lane is,
(a) the amount that is displayed on the signs erected pursuant to regulations made under clauses 2 (2) (c) and (d); or
(b) if no amount is displayed on the signs, the amount set out in or calculated in accordance with a regulation made under clause 20 (a).
Minister may establish toll rates to display on signs
(2) The Minister may establish toll rates based on traffic speeds and volumes and other factors the Minister considers relevant, and may cause the toll rates to be displayed on the signs described in clause (1) (a).
Effective toll rate
(3) The toll rate payable by any person pursuant to clause (1) (a) is the amount that is displayed on the signs when the person enters the part of the HOT lane to which the signs apply.
Different toll rates
(4) Different toll rates may apply under clause (1) (a) or (b),
(a) on different days;
(b) at different times of the day;
(c) on different HOT lanes or parts of HOT lanes;
(d) to different vehicles based on prescribed criteria.
Non-application of Legislation Act, 2006
(5) Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006 does not apply to a toll rate established under subsection (2).
Obligation to pay toll
5 (1) A toll and any related fee and interest payable under this Act for the operation of a vehicle on an HOT lane shall be paid to the Ministry by,
(a) if a toll device is not affixed to the vehicle, the person in whose name the plate portion of the vehicle permit is issued;
(b) if a toll device is affixed to the vehicle, the person to whom the toll device is registered.
Evidence re use of HOT lane
(2) The Ministry may collect photographic or electronic evidence, or any other prescribed type of evidence, of,
(a) the use of an HOT lane;
(b) the number or minimum number of occupants in a vehicle on an HOT lane; and
(c) the setting of a toll device, as may be required by a regulation made under clause 191.4 (2) (c) of the Highway Traffic Act.
Same — notification re number of occupants, etc.
(3) The Ministry may accept notification from a person described in clause (1) (b), submitted in the prescribed form and manner and at the prescribed time, attesting to the number or minimum number of occupants in a vehicle on an HOT lane at a given time and any other prescribed facts.
(4) Evidence collected under subsection (2) or a notification submitted under subsection (3) is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the use of an HOT lane, the number or minimum number of occupants in a vehicle using an HOT lane, the setting of a toll device, the obligation to pay a toll and any other prescribed facts.
Toll device setting not evidence to the contrary
(5) The setting of a toll device is not evidence to the contrary under subsection (4).
(6) Sections 7 to 14 apply to the collection and enforcement of tolls and related fees and interest payable under this Act by a person described in subsection (1), but do not apply to the collection and enforcement of tolls, fees and interest if,
(a) the person is responsible for the payment of the tolls, fees and interest under clause (1) (b); and
(b) the toll device that was affixed to the vehicle in question was obtained without providing information identifying the plate portion of a vehicle permit.
Validation of toll device
(7) For the purposes of subsection 191.2 (3) of the Highway Traffic Act, a toll device is a validated toll device under this Act if a toll device agreement is in effect between the person to whom the toll device is registered and the Minister with respect to that toll device.
Payment of tolls, fees and interest
Tolls and fees
6 (1) Subject to any agreement between the Minister and a person responsible for the payment of a toll, a toll or fee is payable on the day an invoice for the toll and fee is sent to that person.
(2) Subject to any agreement between the Minister and a person responsible for the payment of a toll, interest on a toll or fee begins to accrue and is payable 35 days after the invoice for the toll and fee is sent to that person.
(3) Subject to a regulation made under clause 20 (e), the rate of interest under subsection (2) is the rate of interest established under subsection 10 (3) of the Financial Administration Act.
Debt to person or entity
(4) Any fee and interest described in clause 16 (1) (d) or (e) that a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1) is entitled to establish or charge pursuant to that agreement are a debt owing to the person or entity, and the person or entity has a cause of action enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction for the payment of that debt.
Debt to Crown
(5) Despite an agreement described in subsection 16 (1) that authorizes a person or entity to collect and enforce the payment of tolls, related fees and interest described in clause 16 (1) (a), those tolls, related fees and interest are a debt owing to the Crown.
Enforcement of debt
(6) The Crown has a cause of action enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction for the payment of the debt described in subsection (5) and, where an agreement is entered into under subsection 16 (1) and is in force, the person or entity with whom the Minister enters into the agreement may also enforce the Crown’s cause of action in a court of competent jurisdiction for the payment of that debt.
Debt to Crown extinguished by payment to person or entity
(7) The debt to the Crown described in subsection (5) is extinguished if the person who is responsible under subsection 5 (1) for paying those tolls, fees and interest pays them to the person or entity authorized under the agreement described in subsection 16 (1) to collect them, and for the purposes of this subsection, an amount is paid when the person or entity receives final and irrevocable settlement of the amount.
Debt not enforced if disputed or appealed
(8) A debt described in subsection (4) or (5) may not be enforced while the obligation to pay the toll or fee is being disputed under section 8 or is subject to an appeal under section 10.
Property in tolls, etc.
(9) Tolls, fees and interest that are collected by or on behalf of the Minister under this Act are the property of the Crown.
Failure to pay toll
7 (1) If a toll charged for operating a vehicle on an HOT lane or any administrative fee is not paid within 35 days after the day it is payable under subsection 6 (1), the Minister may send the person responsible for the payment of the toll a notice of failure to pay the toll.
Content of notice
(2) The notice shall,
(a) set out the amount of the toll and of any administrative fee and the interest rate that is being charged;
(b) inform the person named in the notice that the person may dispute the matter on a ground described in subsection 8 (1) and set out those grounds;
(c) inform the person named in the notice that if the person disputes the matter,
(i) the person must send a notice of dispute to the Minister within the time period referred to in subsection 8 (2),
(ii) the person bears the onus of proving the grounds on which the matter is disputed, and
(iii) the person is no longer required to pay the tolls, fees and interest set out in the notice if the Minister fails to send the person a decision within 30 days after receiving the person’s notice of dispute; and
(d) inform the person named in the notice that if the toll or fee referred to in the notice, or any interest on that toll or fee, is not paid within 90 days after the day on which the person received the notice, the Registrar may refuse to validate the person’s vehicle permit or refuse to issue a vehicle permit to the person, and that the Registrar may do so even if the failure to pay is disputed under section 8 or is subject to appeal under section 10.
8 (1) A person who receives a notice under section 7 may dispute the alleged failure to pay a toll on any of the following grounds:
1. The toll was paid in full.
2. The amount of the toll is incorrect.
3. The vehicle, the number plate or the toll device registered to the person was lost or stolen at the time the toll was incurred.
4. The person is not the person responsible for the payment of the toll under subsection 5 (1).
5. A prescribed ground.
Notice of dispute
(2) A person who receives a notice under section 7 may dispute the alleged failure to pay a toll if the person sends a notice of dispute, setting out the grounds on which the dispute is based, to the Minister within 30 days after receiving the notice of failure to pay the toll under section 7.
Payment without prejudice
(3) The payment of a toll and related fees and interest shall not prejudice the right of a person who receives a notice under section 7 to dispute the alleged failure to pay the toll, fees and interest.
(4) The onus of proving the grounds upon which a dispute under this section is based is on the person who sends the notice of dispute.
(5) Within 30 days after receiving a notice of dispute from a person under subsection (2), the Minister shall render a decision and shall send the person a copy of the decision, with or without reasons.
(6) If the dispute is unsuccessful, the Minister shall, in writing together with the copy of the decision, inform the person who gave the notice of dispute of the person’s right to appeal the decision to a dispute arbitrator and shall provide the address of a dispute arbitrator.
Failure to give timely decision
(7) If the Minister fails to send a copy of the decision to the person who sent the notice of dispute within the time period required under subsection (5), the person is no longer required to pay the tolls, related fees and interest that were the subject of the dispute.
Statutory Powers Procedure Act
(8) The Statutory Powers Procedure Act does not apply to the Minister’s powers of decision under this section.
Appointment of dispute arbitrator
9 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a dispute arbitrator for the purposes of section 10.
Fees and expenses
(2) The fees and expenses of the dispute arbitrator shall be paid by the Minister, out of money appropriated for the purpose by the Legislature, unless otherwise provided in an agreement entered into under subsection 16 (1).
10 (1) A person may appeal the Minister’s decision under section 8 on any of the grounds described in subsection 8 (1) if the person sends a notice of appeal, setting out the grounds of the appeal, to the dispute arbitrator and to the Minister within 30 days after receiving a copy of the Minister’s decision sent under subsection 8 (5).
Submission by Minister
(2) Within 15 days of receipt of a notice of appeal under subsection (1), the Minister may send a written submission to the dispute arbitrator.
Copy to appellant
(3) Upon making a submission under subsection (2), the Minister shall send a copy of the submission to the appellant.
Appeal process
(4) The dispute arbitrator shall review the notice of appeal and any submission made by the Minister under subsection (2) and may,
(a) decide the matter on the basis of the written material;
(b) if he or she thinks it appropriate, hold a hearing into the matter; or
(c) use any available mediation or alternative dispute resolution method that he or she considers appropriate.
Appeal decision
(5) The dispute arbitrator shall decide the appeal solely on the grounds described in subsection 8 (1).
Order for expenses
(6) If the dispute arbitrator finds that the appellant is not responsible for payment of the toll, he or she may order the Minister to pay the appellant the amount of the appellant’s reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in connection with the dispute or appeal of the dispute.
Notice of decision
(7) The dispute arbitrator shall send the appellant, the Minister, an official of or employee in the Ministry who is designated by the Minister for the purpose of this section and the Registrar a copy of his or her decision within 120 days of receiving the notice of appeal under subsection (1).
Failure to give timely decision
(8) If the dispute arbitrator fails to send a copy of his or her decision within the time period set out in subsection (7), the appellant or the Minister may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order compelling the dispute arbitrator to give his or her decision.
Decision final
(9) The decision of the dispute arbitrator is final and binding and is not subject to appeal.
Statutory Powers Procedure Act
(10) The Statutory Powers Procedure Act does not apply to the dispute arbitrator’s powers of decision under this section.
Repayment of paid tolls
11 (1) Where a person who receives a notice of failure to pay under section 7 pays the toll and the related fees and interest, in whole or in part, the Minister shall return the amount paid to the person, together with interest, if,
(a) the Minister or dispute arbitrator subsequently decides that the person is not responsible for the payment of the toll, fees and interest; or
(b) the person is no longer required to pay the toll, fees and interest pursuant to subsection 8 (7).
Interest rate
(2) Subject to a regulation made under clause 20 (e), the interest on an amount returned under subsection (1) shall be calculated at the rate of interest established under subsection 10 (3) of the Financial Administration Act.
Interest on unpaid tolls, fees
12 Interest on unpaid tolls and fees continues to accrue even if a person disputes or appeals the obligation to pay a toll.
Failure to pay toll — non-validation of vehicle permit
Notification to Registrar
13 (1) If a toll and the related fees and interest are not paid within 90 days of the day a person receives a notice of failure to pay under section 7, the Minister may notify the Registrar of the failure to pay.
(2) The Minister shall promptly inform the person who received the notice of failure to pay that the Registrar has been notified under subsection (1).
Registrar’s action
(3) If the Registrar is notified under subsection (1), he or she shall, at the next opportunity, refuse to validate the vehicle permit issued to the person who received the notice of failure to pay under section 7 and refuse to issue a vehicle permit to that person.
If dispute
(4) The Registrar may act under subsection (3) even though the person who received the notice of failure to pay under section 7 has disputed their obligation to pay under section 8 or has appealed a decision of the Minister under section 10.
When toll is paid
(5) If the Registrar has been notified under subsection (1) and the toll and related fees and interest are subsequently paid, the Minister shall immediately notify the Registrar of the payment.
(6) If the Registrar is notified by the Minister that the toll, fees and interest have been paid or is notified by the dispute arbitrator that the person is not responsible for paying the toll, fees and interest, the Registrar shall,
(a) validate any vehicle permit that he or she refused to validate under subsection (3);
(b) issue a vehicle permit to a person if it was refused under subsection (3).
Other remedies
14 Actions taken under sections 7 to 13 are in addition to any other methods of collection and enforcement available at law.
Minister’s powers re collection and enforcement
(a) collect and enforce payment of tolls, and interest on them, with respect to the operation of vehicles on HOT lanes;
(b) establish, collect and enforce payment of administrative fees and fees to commence or appeal any dispute proceedings, and collect and enforce payment of interest on the fees;
(c) establish terms and conditions for the registration and distribution of toll devices;
(d) require security for the provision of any toll devices;
(e) determine the methods of payment of tolls, fees and interest;
(f) determine the circumstances in which tolls, fees and interest are to be refunded.
Settlement or determination of uncollectability of debt
(2) Where the Minister sends a notice of failure to pay a toll to a person under section 7, the Minister may,
(a) negotiate and accept as a settlement in full payment and satisfaction of the tolls, fees and interest owed by the person an amount that is less than the whole amount owing;
(b) determine that any such tolls, fees or interest are uncollectable; or
(c) determine that financial hardship, economic considerations or other circumstances do not warrant the collection or enforcement of any such tolls, fees and interest.
Application of Financial Administration Act
(3) Subsections 5 (2), (3) and (3.1) of the Financial Administration Act apply in respect of a debt that is the subject of a settlement or determination described in subsection (2) of this section as if it were the subject of a settlement or determination described in subsection 5 (1) of that Act.
Agreement with person or entity to collect and enforce tolls, etc.
16 (1) The Minister may enter into an agreement with any person or entity authorizing that person or entity,
(a) to collect and enforce the payment of tolls, related fees and interest with respect to the operation of vehicles on HOT lanes;
(b) to do anything the Minister is authorized to do under clause 15 (1) (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) or under subsection 15 (2);
(c) to perform additional activities in relation to the collection and enforcement of tolls, fees and interest as are specified in the agreement;
(d) to establish, collect and enforce payment of administrative fees in respect of the activities referred to in clause (c);
(e) to charge interest for the late payment of the administrative fees established by the person or entity, and to establish rules for determining when interest is owed and for determining the methods of payment of the administrative fees and related interest.
Collected tolls, etc., to be paid to Minister
(2) An agreement that authorizes a person or entity to collect and enforce payment of the tolls, related fees and interest described in clause (1) (a) shall require the person or entity to pay those collected tolls, fees and interest to the Minister.
Application of Financial Administration Act to settlement or determination of uncollectability of debt
(3) Subsection 15 (3) applies in respect of a debt that is the subject of a settlement negotiated and accepted or a determination by a person or entity pursuant to a provision in the agreement respecting the Minister’s power under subsection 15 (2) that is authorized by clause (1) (b).
Administrative fees and interest not public money
(4) Amounts referred to in clauses (1) (d) and (e) are not public money for the purpose of section 2 of the Financial Administration Act.
Person or entity not a Crown agent
(5) A person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection (1) is not, for any purposes, a Crown agency within the meaning of the Crown Agency Act or an agent of the Crown and shall not hold themself out as such.
Crown not liable for person’s, entity’s acts
(6) No action or other proceeding shall be instituted against the Crown, the Minister, the Registrar or any other official of or employee in the Ministry for any act or omission of,
(a) a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection (1); or
(b) the directors, members, officers, employees, agents or independent contractors of a person or entity described in clause (a).
Auditor General
(7) The Minister may assign to the Auditor General the rights of the Minister to conduct any audit under an agreement entered into under subsection (1), and section 17 of the Auditor General Act applies to any such assignment by the Minister.
References to Minister, Ministry
(8) Where an agreement is entered into under subsection (1) and is in force, references to the Minister or the Ministry in the following provisions shall be read as referring to the person or entity that is party to the agreement with the Minister:
1. Subsections 5 (1), (2), (3) and (7).
2. Subsection 7 (1) and subclauses 7 (2) (c) (i) and (iii).
3. Subsections 8 (2), (5), (6), (7) and (8).
4. Subsections 10 (1), (2), (3), (4), (6), (7) and (8).
5. Subsection 11 (1).
6. Subsections 13 (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6).
Freedom of information
“entity”, except when referring to an entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1), means the government of a province of Canada or a state of the United States of America; (“entité”)
“personal information” means information that is personal information for the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. (“renseignements personnels”)
Collection, use and disclosure of personal information — by Ministry
(2) Despite any other Act or regulation, the Ministry may,
(a) collect personal information in any manner from a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1), or from any person or entity for a purpose described in subsection (4);
(b) use, for a purpose described in subsection (4), personal information that is in its custody or under its control;
(c) disclose the names and addresses of persons who owe tolls, related fees and other charges that are in its custody or under its control or other prescribed personal information to a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1) or to any person or entity for a purpose described in subsection (4).
Same — by person or entity under s. 16 (1) agreement
(3) Despite any other Act or regulation, a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1) may,
(a) collect, only for a purpose described in subsection (4), personal information in any manner from the Ministry or an entity;
(b) use, only for a purpose described in subsection (4), personal information that was collected from the Ministry or an entity;
(c) disclose, only for a purpose described in subsection (4), personal information that was collected from the Ministry or an entity.
(4) The following are the purposes referred to in subsections (2) and (3):
1. To collect and enforce, or assist in the collection and enforcement of, tolls, fees and other charges owing with respect to HOT lanes.
2. To engage or assist in traffic planning and revenue management with respect to HOT lanes.
3. To communicate, or assist in communicating, with users of HOT lanes for the purpose of promoting the use of HOT lanes.
4. To assist an entity with whom the Ministry has an agreement relating to the collection and enforcement of tolls.
Agreement required
(5) Despite any other Act or regulation, the Minister shall, as a condition for the disclosure of personal information pursuant to subsection (2), include in an agreement entered into under subsection 16 (1) a provision that, in the opinion of the Minister, will protect the confidentiality of the personal information and prohibit the use of the personal information for any purpose not described in subsection (4).
Other requirements
(6) In addition to the condition required by subsection (5), the Minister may impose any other conditions that he or she considers appropriate.
Confidentiality protected
(7) A person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1) or any other person who collects personal information from the Ministry shall ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to protect the confidentiality of that personal information, including protecting its confidentiality during its storage, transportation, handling and destruction.
Use of information
(8) For the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information in the custody or under the control of the Ministry may be used by the Ministry for the purposes described in subsection (4), and that use is deemed to be for a purpose that is consistent with the purpose for which the personal information was obtained or compiled.
Purpose of disclosure
(9) For the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, personal information disclosed by the Ministry for a purpose described in subsection (4) is deemed to have been disclosed for the purpose of complying with this section.
Notice not required
(10) Subsection 39 (2) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act does not apply with respect to the collection of personal information authorized by subsection (2) or (3) of this section.
Retention of information
(11) Personal information collected under clause (3) (a) and used by a person or entity with whom the Minister enters into an agreement under subsection 16 (1) shall be retained by that person or entity for at least 65 days unless the individual to whom the information related consents in writing to its earlier disposal.
(12) A person who knowingly uses or discloses, for a purpose other than a purpose described in subsection (4), personal information that was disclosed to the person by the Ministry under this section is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $5,000.
18 (1) A person is guilty of an offence who,
(a) contravenes clause 3 (a) or (b); or
(b) submits a false or inaccurate notification under subsection 5 (3).
(2) On conviction under clause (1) (a) or (b), a person is liable to a fine of not less than $60 and not more than $500.
Notification re number of occupants, etc.
(3) A notification submitted by a person under subsection 5 (3) is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the facts relevant to whether the person has contravened clause 3 (a) or (b).
Toll device setting not evidence to the contrary
(4) The setting of a toll device is not evidence to the contrary under subsection (3).
Regulations made by Lieutenant Governor in Council
19 The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations,
(a) prescribing other types of evidence that may be collected under subsection 5 (2);
(b) prescribing additional facts for which evidence collected under subsection 5 (2) is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary;
(c) prescribing additional grounds on which to dispute a notice of failure to pay a toll;
(d) respecting additional procedures to be used for enforcing the payment of tolls;
(e) providing that sections 7 to 13, or any of them, or any provision of a regulation made under this Act, do not apply in respect of all or a part of an HOT lane, and prescribing different rules for the collection and enforcement of tolls, fees and interest and for the resolution of disputes than those set out in those provisions;
(f) providing that the Arbitration Act, 1991 or any provision of that Act does not apply to appeals under section 10;
(g) prescribing personal information for the purpose of clause 17 (2) (c);
(h) despite this or any other Act, requiring the Minister and the owners or operators of any private toll highways to do the things specified in the regulation in order to achieve the integration of HOT lanes with the other highways specified in the regulation;
(i) respecting any matter that the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary or advisable to carry out effectively the purposes of this Act.
Regulations made by Minister
20 The Minister may make regulations,
(a) prescribing the toll rate payable for the operation of a vehicle on an HOT lane, including a toll rate of nil, or the method for calculating the toll rate, for the purpose of clause 4 (1) (b);
(b) prescribing criteria for the purpose of clause 4 (4) (d), which may include characteristics of a vehicle or class of vehicle or of the owner or driver of a vehicle, or the number or minimum number of occupants in a vehicle;
(c) exempting any person or vehicle or class of persons or vehicles from the obligation to pay a toll, fee or interest under section 5, and prescribing conditions and circumstances for any such exemption;
(d) prescribing the form of a notification referred to in subsection 5 (3), the manner in which and when it must be submitted, any other facts that must be attested to in the notification and additional facts for which it is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary;
(e) prescribing a rate of interest for the purpose of subsection 6 (3) or 11 (2);
(f) prescribing and governing methods for sending invoices, notices and other documents.
21 The Minister may approve forms for the purposes of this Act and require their use.
22-24 Omitted (amends, repeals or revokes other legislation).
25 Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Act).
26 Omitted (enacts short title of this Act).