Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 15, Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021
Today, December 5, 2024, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to November 1, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).
Filipino Heritage Month Act, 2021
Consolidation Period: From May 20, 2021 to the e-Laws currency date.
No amendments.
Ontario is home to over 337,000 people of Philippine origin. The Filipino community has contributed to all aspects of Ontario's prosperity and diverse heritage for generations. The Province of Ontario recognizes the positive impact the Filipino Canadian community has made and continues to make in Ontario and throughout the rest of Canada and the world, as well as the countless economic contributions the Filipino community has made to Ontario for generations.
June is an important month for the Filipino community. Every year on June 12th, the Filipino community around the world celebrates Philippines Independence Day. Filipino Heritage Month in Ontario will provide all Ontarians, both today and in future generations, with an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the rich heritage and histories of the Filipino Canadian community. It will also give Ontarians an opportunity to reflect on the roles and contributions of Filipino Ontarians in communities across the province, including the work of those Filipino Ontarians who are essential workers in keeping Ontarians safe and healthy and keeping the province moving during the COVID-19 pandemic.
By proclaiming the month of June to be Filipino Heritage Month in Ontario, the Province of Ontario publicly acknowledges and affirms the contributions that Filipinos make in Ontario as part of the vibrant social, economic, political and cultural fabric of our province.
Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
Filipino Heritage Month
1 The month of June in each year is proclaimed as Filipino Heritage Month.
2 Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Act).
3 Omitted (enacts short title of this Act).