Highway 413 Act, 2024, S.O. 2024, c. 25, Sched. 3, Highway 413 Act, 2024

Today, February 12, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 7, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).

Highway 413 Act, 2024

S.o. 2024, chapter 25
Schedule 3

Consolidation Period:  From November 25, 2024 to the e-Laws currency date.

No amendments.





Exemptions from Environmental Assessment Act


Prohibition re carrying out Highway 413 Project


Indigenous consultation plan


Assessment of impacts on environment


Draft environmental impact assessment report


Notice of draft environmental impact assessment report


Final environmental impact assessment report


Significant change — process


Notice of completion


Deemed authorization


Non-application of Planning Act provisions


Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993








Adoption of documents in regulations



1 In this Act,

“change to the Highway 413 Project” means,

(a)  a change to the Highway 413 Project as the project is described in the final environmental impact assessment report published under subsection 8 (4), as amended by any final addendum published under subsection 9 (8),

(b)  a change to the manner in which the Highway 413 Project is carried out, including a change to how the Ministry will mitigate negative impacts on the environment and monitor and verify the effectiveness of its mitigation, as described in the final environmental impact assessment report published under subsection 8 (4), as amended by any final addendum published under subsection 9 (8), and

(c)  a prescribed type of change; (“modification du projet d’autoroute 413”, “modification du projet”)

“environment” has the same meaning as in the Environmental Assessment Act; (“environnement”)

“highway” has the same meaning as in the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act; (“voie publique”)

“Highway 413” means a highway that connects Highway 400 in the Regional Municipality of York to Highway 401 and Highway 407 in the Regional Municipality of Halton and the Regional Municipality of Peel and includes related facilities and structures such as parking facilities, stormwater management ponds, commercial vehicle inspection facilities and maintenance yards; (“autoroute 413”)

“Highway 413 early works projects” means the following activities carried out by or on behalf of the Minister,

(a)  constructing an embankment for a ramp near the existing ramp that starts at Exit 330 on westbound Highway 401 and connects westbound Highway 401 to westbound Highway 407 in the Regional Municipality of Halton,

(b)  constructing a bridge within the Highway 413 route that is within or near the right of way for Highway 10 within the Regional Municipality of Peel,

(c)  constructing a bridge within the Highway 413 route that is within or near the right of way for Bovaird Drive West within the Regional Municipality of Peel,

(d)  any activities for or related to the activities described in clauses (a) to (c),

(e)  constructing fencing for or related to any of the activities described in clauses (a) to (d) or clause (f), or otherwise constructing fencing for or related to Highway 413 or extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413, and any activities required for constructing such fencing, and

(f)  such other activities for or related to Highway 413 or extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413 as may be prescribed; (“projets de travaux préliminaires de l’autoroute 413”)

“Highway 413 Project” means the following activities carried out by or on behalf of the Minister, other than the Highway 413 early works projects,

(a)  constructing Highway 413,

(b)  constructing extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413,

(c)  changing any,

(i)  existing sewage works, rail lines or highways for or related to the activities set out in clause (a) or (b), or

(ii)  any prescribed thing related to the activities referred to in clause (a) or (b), and

(d)  such other activities related to an activity referred to in (a), (b) or (c) as may be prescribed; (“projet d’autoroute 413”)

“Highway 413 route” means the area identified as the Preliminary Route Planning Study Area in Exhibit 6-20 of the GTA West Corridor Environmental Assessment Study: Transportation Development Study Report, dated November 2012, a copy of which is available on the Project website, as may be altered by the regulations; (“tracé de l’autoroute 413”)

“Minister” means the Minister of Transportation or such other member of the Executive Council to whom responsibility for the administration of this Act is assigned or transferred under the Executive Council Act; (“ministre”)

“Ministry” means the ministry of the Minister; (“ministère”)

“person” includes a municipality, the Crown and a Crown agency within the meaning of the Crown Agency Act; (“personne”)

“prescribed” means prescribed by the regulations; (“prescrit”)

“Project website” means a website maintained by or on behalf of the Minister on which information on the Highway 413 Project is publicly shared; (“site Web du projet”)

“regulations” means the regulations made under this Act; (“règlements”)

“significant change” means a change to the Highway 413 Project that is,

(a)  a change to the alignment for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413, as shown on the maps and drawings of the Ministry’s preliminary design in the final environmental impact assessment report published under subsection 8 (4), as may be amended by any final addendum published under subsection 9 (8),

(b)  the addition of or a change to the location of a parking facility, stormwater management pond, commercial vehicle inspection facility or maintenance yard,

(c)  the addition of a bridge, interchange, intersection or roundabout,

(d)  the addition of one or more lanes,

(e)  a change to how or whether the Ministry will mitigate impacts on the environment, except,

(i)  where the change is required to comply with a provincial or federal Act, a regulation made under such an Act or an order, permit, approval or other instrument issued under such an Act, or

(ii)  as prescribed, or

(f)  a prescribed type of change. (“modification importante”)

Exemptions from Environmental Assessment Act

2 (1) The following are exempt from the Environmental Assessment Act:

1.  The Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project.

2.  The Highway 413 early works projects.

3.  Any enterprise or activity other than an enterprise or activity referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 that,

i.  is carried out by or on behalf of the Minister, and

ii.  is for or related to Highway 413 or extensions of Highway 410 and 427 to connect them to Highway 413, including establishing Highway 413 and the extensions.

4.  Any enterprise or activity to which the terms of reference for the GTA West Corridor, approved on March 4, 2008 under the Environmental Assessment Act with file number EA-02-07, apply.

5.  Any proposal, plan or program in respect of an enterprise or activity referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4.

6.  Any prescribed enterprise or activity or proposal, plan or program in respect of an enterprise or activity that is for or related to Highway 413 or extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413.

Exemptions cease to apply

(2) The exemptions set out in subsection (1) cease to apply once the notice of completion is given under section 10.


(3) An exemption set out in subsection (1) does not apply to any enterprise or activity or proposal, plan or program in respect of any enterprise or activity that may be prescribed.

Prohibition re carrying out Highway 413 Project

3 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall carry out the Highway 413 Project except in accordance with the final environmental impact assessment report published under subsection 8 (4) as amended by any final addendum published under subsection 9 (8).

Non-application — change

(2) If the Minister makes a change to the Highway 413 Project that is not a significant change, subsection (1) does not apply to the extent that carrying out the change does not accord with the final environmental impact assessment report published under 8 (4), as amended by any final addendum published under subsection 9 (8).

Activities before process completed

(3) For greater certainty, nothing in this Act prevents a person from carrying out the following activities before the requirements set out in sections 4 to 9 are fulfilled:

1.  The Highway 413 early works projects.

2.  Acquiring land or interests in land, including by expropriation, for the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, and the Highway 413 early works projects.

3.  Entering into contracts for the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, and the Highway 413 early works projects.

4.  Issuing an authorization required for the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, and the Highway 413 early works projects.

Indigenous consultation plan

4 (1) The Minister shall prepare an Indigenous consultation plan that includes,

(a)  a list of Indigenous communities that have or may have existing Aboriginal or treaty rights, as recognized and affirmed in section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, that may be impacted by the Highway 413 Project;

(b)  a list of any Indigenous communities that may otherwise be interested in the Highway 413 Project; and

(c)  the plan for,

(i)  consulting with Indigenous communities referred to in clause (a) in respect of the impacts of the Highway 413 Project, including any significant change, on existing Aboriginal or treaty rights, as recognized and affirmed in section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and

(ii)  consulting with Indigenous communities referred to in clauses (a) and (b) in respect of the assessment of the impacts of the Highway 413 Project and identification of mitigation required by section 5, the draft environmental impact assessment report prepared under section 6, any significant change and any draft addenda prepared under section 9.

Circulation of plan

(2) The Minister shall circulate the Indigenous consultation plan to the communities referred to in subsection (1).

Circulation of changes

(3) If the Minister makes any changes to the Indigenous consultation plan, the Minister shall circulate the changes to the communities referred to in subsection (1).


(4) The Minister shall implement the Indigenous consultation plan, including any changes to the plan.

Assessment of impacts on environment

5 (1) Before completing the draft environmental impact assessment report under section 6, the Minister shall,

(a)  assess the impacts of the Highway 413 Project on the environment; and

(b)  identify how the Ministry will mitigate negative impacts identified in the assessment under clause (a).

Assessment based on preliminary design

(2) The assessment of impacts and identification of mitigation under subsection (1) shall be based on the Ministry’s preliminary design for the Highway 413 Project.

Use of studies, etc.

(3) For greater certainty, in fulfilling the requirements of subsection (1), the Minister may use studies, research, evaluations or other work carried out before or after this Act came into force in respect of the Highway 413 Project.

Draft environmental impact assessment report

6 (1) The Minister shall prepare a draft environmental impact assessment report in accordance with subsection (2).


(2) The draft environmental impact assessment report shall contain the following:

1.  A statement of the purpose of the Highway 413 Project.

2.  A description of the Highway 413 Project based on the Ministry’s preliminary design for the Highway 413 Project.

3.  A map showing the location of Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413.

4.  One or more maps and drawings showing the Ministry’s preliminary design for the Highway 413 Project, including the alignment for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413.

5.  A description of the other alignments for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413 that were considered by the Ministry since November 1, 2012.

6.  The rationale for selecting the alignment for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413.

7.  A summary of the local environmental conditions of the Highway 413 route identified by the Ministry.

8.  A description of studies of the environment completed or updated by the Ministry after November 1, 2012 in respect of the Highway 413 Project.

9.  The Minister’s assessment under clause 5 (1) (a) of the impacts of the Highway 413 Project on the environment.

10.  The Minister’s criteria for the assessment of impacts referred to in paragraph 9.

11.  A description of how the Ministry will mitigate negative impacts of the Highway 413 Project on the environment as identified under clause 5 (1) (b).

12.  A description of how the Ministry will monitor and verify the effectiveness of its mitigation referred to in paragraph 11.

13.  A list of any provincial, federal or other authorizations that may be required for the Highway 413 Project based on the Ministry’s preliminary design for the Highway 413 Project.

14.  A consultation record, including,

i.  a summary of consultation carried out with Indigenous communities in respect of the Highway 413 Project after November 1, 2012, including a summary of,

A.  comments submitted and concerns raised by Indigenous communities, and

B.  discussions that the Ministry had with Indigenous communities,

ii.  a summary of consultation carried out with the public in respect of the Highway 413 Project after November 1, 2012, including a summary of written comments and concerns submitted by members of the public, and

iii.  a description of what the Ministry did to respond to concerns referred to in subparagraphs i and ii.

Studies, para. 8 of subs. (2)

(3) The studies referred to in paragraph 8 of subsection (2) includes studies related to,

(a)  fish and fish habitat;

(b)  terrestrial ecosystems;

(c)  archaeological resources;

(d)  air quality;

(e)  agriculture;

(f)  noise;

(g)  socio-economic conditions; and

(h)  drainage and stormwater management.

Publication of studies

(4) The Minister shall publish the studies and updates of studies described in the draft environmental impact assessment report on the Project website, except where, in the opinion of the Minister, the studies or updates of studies contain information about sensitive natural or cultural heritage matters.

Notice of draft environmental impact assessment report

7 (1) The Minister shall prepare and distribute a notice of draft environmental impact assessment report.


(2) The notice shall include the following information:

1.  The Project website’s address.

2.  A map showing the location of Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413.

3.  A statement that the draft environmental impact assessment report is available for comment.

4.  Information on how to access a copy of the draft environmental impact assessment report.

5.  The name, phone number and email address of a person who may be contacted on behalf of the Ministry.

6.  Information about the opportunity to submit written comments on the draft environmental impact assessment report, including the date by which any comments must be submitted.


(3) The Minister shall distribute the notice by,

(a)  giving a copy of the notice to,

(i)  every Indigenous community that is listed in the Indigenous consultation plan prepared under section 4,

(ii)  the clerk of every municipality that is within the alignment for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413, as shown on the maps and drawings of the Ministry’s preliminary design in the draft environmental impact assessment report prepared under section 6,

(iii)  every person on any list maintained by the Ministry of persons who have expressed interest in the Highway 413 Project, and

(iv)  any federal department or agency who, in the opinion of the Minister, may be interested in the Highway 413 Project; and

(b)  publishing the notice,

(i)  in one or more newspapers having general circulation in the municipalities that are within the alignment for Highway 413 and extensions of Highway 410 and Highway 427 to connect them to Highway 413, as shown on the maps and drawings of the Ministry’s preliminary design in the draft environmental impact assessment report prepared under section 6, and

(ii)  on the Project website.

Final environmental impact assessment report

8 (1) After publishing the notice of draft environmental impact assessment report under clause 7 (3) (b), the Minister shall do the following:

1.  Provide the Indigenous communities and persons to whom a copy of the notice under clause 7 (3) (a) is required to be given and the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the draft environmental impact assessment report.

2.  Provide access to a copy of the draft environmental impact assessment report to the Indigenous communities and persons to whom a copy of the notice under clause 7 (3) (a) is required to be given and to the public by publishing a copy on the Project website or by such other means as the Minister considers appropriate.

3.  Prepare the final environmental impact assessment report in accordance with subsections (2) and (3).

Preparation of final environmental impact assessment report

(2) In preparing the final environmental impact assessment report, the Minister shall do the following:

1.  Consider any concerns that were raised regarding the draft environmental impact assessment report in comments provided by the Indigenous communities referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1).

2.  Consider any concerns that were raised regarding the draft environmental impact assessment report in written comments submitted by the following persons by the date set out in the notice of draft environmental impact assessment report distributed under section 7 by which written comments must be submitted:

i.  Persons to whom a copy of the notice under subclauses 7 (3) (a) (ii) to (iv) is required to be given.

ii.  Members of the public.

Contents of final environmental impact assessment report

(3) The final environmental impact assessment report shall include the following:

1.  A description of the concerns regarding the draft environmental impact assessment report raised by the Indigenous communities referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (1) and of what the Ministry did to respond to these concerns.

2.  A description of the concerns regarding the draft environmental impact assessment report raised by the persons referred to paragraph 2 of subsection (1) in written comments submitted by the date set out in the notice of draft environmental impact assessment report distributed under section 7 by which written comments must be submitted, and of what the Ministry did to respond to these concerns.

3.  A description of any changes to,

i.  the Ministry’s preliminary design for the Highway 413 Project that was identified in the draft environmental impact assessment report published under clause 7 (3) (b), and

ii.  the manner in which the Highway 413 Project is to be carried out that was described in the draft environmental impact assessment report.

4.  If a change described in subparagraph 3 i has been made and the Minister considers it appropriate, a map or drawings showing the change.

Publication of final environmental impact assessment report

(4) The Minister shall publish the final environmental impact assessment report on the Project website.

Notice of publication

(5) The Minister shall notify the Indigenous communities and the persons to whom a copy of the notice under clause 7 (3) (a) is required to be given of the publication of the final environmental impact assessment report and provide them with access to a copy of it.

Significant change — process

9 (1) The Minister shall carry out the following steps with respect to a significant change:

1.  Undertake any studies of the environment in relation to the significant change that the Minister considers appropriate.

2.  Assess any impacts of the significant change on the environment.

3.  Identify how the Ministry will mitigate any negative impacts identified in the assessment under paragraph 2.

4.  Prepare a draft addendum to the final environmental impact assessment report and a final addendum in accordance with this section.

Draft addendum — contents

(2) A draft addendum to the final environmental impact assessment report shall include the following information:

1.  A description of the significant change.

2.  The reasons for the significant change.

3.  A description of any studies of the environment undertaken by the Minister in relation to the significant change and identification of the area studied.

4.  The Minister’s assessment and comparison of any alternative to the significant change considered by the Minister.

5.  The Minister’s assessment of any impacts of the significant change on the environment.

6.  A description of how the Ministry will mitigate any negative impacts of the significant change on the environment.

7.  A description of how the Ministry will monitor and verify the effectiveness of the mitigation measures proposed under paragraph 6.

8.  A consultation record that includes,

i.  a summary of consultation carried out with Indigenous communities in respect of the significant change, including a summary of,

A.  comments submitted and concerns raised by Indigenous communities, and

B.  discussions that the Ministry had with Indigenous communities,

ii.  a summary of consultation carried out with the public in respect of the significant change, including a summary of written comments and concerns submitted by members of the public, and

iii.  a description of what the Ministry did to respond to concerns referred to in subparagraphs i and ii.

Notice of draft addendum — contents

(3) If a draft addendum is required to be prepared under paragraph 4 of subsection (1), the Minister shall prepare a notice of draft addendum that contains the following:

1.  The Project website’s address.

2.  A description of the significant change.

3.  The reason for the significant change.

4.  A map showing the location of the significant change.

5.  A statement that the draft addendum is available for comment.

6.  Information on how to access a copy of the draft addendum.

7.  The name, phone number and email address of a person who may be contacted on behalf of the Ministry.

8.  Information about the opportunity to provide written comments on the draft addendum, including the date by which written comments must be submitted.

Notice of draft addendum — distribution

(4) The Minister shall distribute the notice of draft addendum by,

(a)  giving a copy of the notice to,

(i)  every Indigenous community that is listed in the Indigenous consultation plan prepared under section 4,

(ii)  the clerk of every municipality within which the significant change is located, and

(iii)  any federal department and agency or other person who, in the opinion of the Minister, may be interested in the significant change; and

(b)  publishing the notice,

(i)  in one or more newspapers having general circulation in any municipality within which the significant change is located, and

(ii)  on the Project website.

After notice published

(5) After publishing the notice of draft addendum under clause (4) (b), the Minister shall do the following:

1.  Provide the Indigenous communities and persons to whom a copy of the notice under clause (4) (a) is required to be given and the public an opportunity to submit written comments on the draft addendum.

2.  Provide access to a copy of the draft addendum to the Indigenous communities and persons to whom a copy of the notice under clause (4) (a) is required to be given and to the public by publishing a copy on the Project website or by such other means as the Minister considers appropriate.

3.  Prepare the final addendum in accordance with subsections (6) and (7).

Preparation of final addendum

(6) In preparing the final addendum, the Minister shall do the following:

1.  Consider any concerns that were raised regarding the draft addendum in comments provided by the Indigenous communities referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (5).

2.  Consider any concerns that were raised regarding the draft addendum in written comments submitted by the following persons by the date set out in the notice of draft addendum distributed under subsection (4) by which written comments must be submitted:

i.  Persons to whom a copy of the notice under subclauses (4) (a) (ii) and (iii) is required to be given.

ii.  Members of the public.

Contents of final addendum

(7) The final addendum shall include the following:

1.  A description of the concerns regarding the draft addendum raised by the Indigenous communities referred to in paragraph 1 of subsection (6) and of what the Ministry did to respond to these concerns.

2.  A description of the concerns regarding the draft addendum submitted by persons referred to in paragraph 2 of subsection (6) in written comments submitted by the date set out in the notice of draft addendum distributed under subsection (4) by which written comments must be submitted and of what the Ministry did to respond to these concerns.

3.  A description of any revisions to the significant change described in the draft addendum.

Publication of final addendum

(8) The Minister shall publish the final addendum on the Project website.

Notice of final addendum

(9) The Minister shall notify the Indigenous communities and the persons to whom a copy of the notice is required to be given under clause (4) (a) of the final addendum published under subsection (8).

Notice of completion

10 Once the Minister is satisfied the Highway 413 Project is complete, the Minister shall publish a notice that meets the prescribed requirements, if any, on the Project website indicating that the Highway 413 Project is complete.

Deemed authorization

11 (1) For the purposes of any provincial plan, as these may be amended from time to time, the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, and the Highway 413 early works projects are deemed to have been subject to, and approved or otherwise authorized under, the Environmental Assessment Act as of the Minister publishing the final environmental impact assessment report under subsection 8 (4).


(2) In subsection (1),

“provincial plan” has the same meaning as in the Planning Act.

Non-application of Planning Act provisions

12 (1) Clause 3 (5) (a) of the Planning Act does not apply to a decision of a minister of the Crown or a ministry, board, commission or agency of the Government of Ontario in respect of the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, or the Highway 413 early works projects.


(2) Subsection 3 (6) of the Planning Act does not apply in respect of the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, or the Highway 413 early works projects.

Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993

13 Part II of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 does not apply to a proposal to issue, amend or revoke an instrument for or related to the Highway 413 Project, including any change to the Highway 413 Project, or the Highway 413 early works projects despite the proposal being a type of proposal for an instrument that is classified by a regulation made under that Act.


14 (1) A notice that must be given to a person under this Act is sufficiently given,

(a)  by personal delivery to the person;

(b)  through regular mail delivery addressed to the person at the most recent address the Ministry has on record for the person;

(c)  using any method of mail delivery that permits the delivery to be verified; or

(d)  by electronic transmission.

Deemed receipt — regular mail

(2) A notice delivered in accordance with clause (1) (b) is deemed to be given to the person it is addressed to on the fifth day after it is mailed.

Deemed receipt — electronic transmission

(3) A notice delivered in accordance with clause (1) (d) is be deemed to be given on the day after it is sent, unless that day is a holiday in which case the document is deemed to be received on the next day that is not a holiday.


15 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations,

(a)  respecting anything that is referred to in this Act as being prescribed;

(b)  defining any word or expression used in this Act that is not already defined and further defining any word or expression used in this Act that is already defined in this Act;

(c)  prescribing types of change for the purposes of the definition of “significant change” in section 1;

(d)  prescribing activities for the purposes of the definition of “Highway 413 Project” in section 1;

(e)  prescribing activities for the purposes of the definition of “Highway 413 early works projects” in section 1;

(f)  altering the area for the purpose of the definition of “Highway 413 route” in section 1;

(g)  governing assessment and mitigation of impacts of the Highway 413 Project on the environment;

(h)  governing notices required to be given under this Act;

(i)  varying requirements for preparing, distributing and publishing notices;

(j)  prescribing enterprises or activities for the purposes of paragraph 6 of subsection 2 (1);

(k)  varying requirements for preparing the draft environmental impact assessment report under section 6 and the final environmental impact assessment report under section 8;

(l)  varying requirements for the preparation of draft and final addenda to the final environmental impact assessment report under section 9;

  (m)  requiring and governing a review of the Highway 413 Project or any part of the Highway 413 Project, the final environmental impact assessment report and any final addendum, to be conducted by the Minister, including specifying the timing and frequency of the review, requirements for the review and parts of the Highway 413 Project subject to the review;

(n)  governing changes to the Highway 413 Project;

(o)  providing for any other matters to carry out this Act.


(2) A regulation made under clause (1) (d) or (e) shall not be made after the Minister publishes the notice of draft environmental impact assessment report on the Project website under clause 7 (3) (b).


16 If it so provides, a regulation is effective with respect to a period before it is filed.

Adoption of documents in regulations

17 (1) A regulation may adopt by reference, in whole or in part, with such changes as the Lieutenant Governor in Council considers necessary, any document, including a code, formula, standard, protocol or procedure, and may require compliance with any document so adopted.

Rolling incorporation by reference

(2) The power to adopt by reference and require compliance with a document in subsection (1) includes the power to adopt a document as it may be amended from time to time.


(3) The adoption by reference of an amendment to a document comes into effect on publication of a notice of the amendment in The Ontario Gazette or in the registry under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993.

18 Omitted (provides for coming into force of provisions of this Act).

19 Omitted (enacts short title of this Act).