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Representation Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. R.26

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repealed on May 5, 1999


Representation Act

R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER R.26

Note: This Act was repealed on May 5, 1999. See: 1996, c. 28, ss. 1 (2), 5.

Amended by: 1991, c. 2; 1993, c. 6; 1993, c. 30; 1996, c. 28, s. 1 (2).


1. The boundaries of every territorial district, county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality, regional municipality and ward in any municipality shall for the purpose of this Act be deemed to be the boundaries of such territorial district, county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality, regional municipality and ward as defined by statute, by-law, proclamation or other lawful authority on the 6th day of January, 1986. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.1.

Number of members

2. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario shall consist of one hundred and thirty members. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.2.

Division of Ontario into electoral districts

3. (1) Ontario shall, for the purpose of representation in the Assembly, be divided into electoral districts as set out in the Schedule.

One member per electoral district

(2) One member shall be returned to the Assembly for each electoral district. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.3.

Changes in municipal or ward boundaries

4. The boundaries of the electoral districts as set out in the Schedule shall not be affected by alterations in municipal or ward boundaries made after the 6th day of January, 1986. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.4.

Municipalities on boundary lines

5. Where a county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality or regional municipality becomes incorporated and is not expressly included in an electoral district set out in the Schedule but is situated in part in two or more of such electoral districts, the electors entitled to vote in such municipality are entitled to vote in the electoral district in which they would have been entitled to vote if the county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality or regional municipality had not become incorporated. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.5.

Augmentation or gores of townships

6. Except as otherwise expressly set out in the Schedule, every augmentation or gore of a township shall for the purposes of this Act be considered as forming part of the electoral district in which the township is situated. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.6.

Municipalities included in electoral district in which situate

7. Every county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality and regional municipality heretofore or hereafter incorporated, situate wholly within an electoral district as set out in the Schedule and not expressly included in any other electoral district in the Schedule, shall form part of the electoral district in which it is situate. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.7.

Special Act overruled

8. Every county, city, town, village, township, improvement district, borough, district municipality or regional municipality that by the provisions of any special Act passed before the 12th day of February, 1987, forms or forms part of an electoral district shall, despite such provisions, form or form part of the electoral district or districts in which it is included in the Schedule. R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, s.8.


In the following descriptions,

(a) a reference to a road, water feature or railway line signifies the centre line of the road, water feature or railway line, unless otherwise provided;

(b) a reference to a territorial division or a municipality refers to the territorial division or municipality as it existed on the 6th day of January, 1986; and

(c) every city, town, village, township, improvement district, development area and Indian reserve lying within the perimeter of an electoral district is included in the electoral district unless otherwise provided.

Electoral Districts

The Electoral District of Algoma—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Algoma, but excluding the geographic townships of Ebbs and Templeton, lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Redden; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Redden, Prescott, Plourde, Piche, Viel and Sagard to the northeast corner of the geographic Township of Nicholas; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic Township of Nicholas to the northwest corner of the Town of Elliot Lake; thence southerly along the west limit of the Town of Elliot Lake to the northwest corner of the Township of The North Shore; thence southerly along the west boundary of that township to the southerly boundary of the Territorial District of Algoma; thence westerly along that boundary to the easterly limit of the City of Sault Ste. Marie; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the City of Sault Ste. Marie to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the north boundary of that city to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the east boundary of the Township of Prince to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the south boundary of the Township of Prince to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America.

The Electoral District of Algoma-Manitoulin—consists of the Territorial District of Manitoulin and that part of the territorial districts of Algoma and Sudbury lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly boundary of the Territorial District of Sudbury with the east boundary of the geographic Township of Curtin; thence northerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Curtin and Foster to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence westerly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Foster and Merritt to the northeast corner of the Town of Espanola; thence westerly along the north boundary of the said town to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north boundary of the geographic Township of Merritt to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Shakespeare; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Shakespeare and Gough to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Tennyson; thence northerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Tennyson, Boon, Mandamin and Strain to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence westerly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Strain, Teasdale, Poncet, Hughson, Hembruff and Raimbault to the northwest corner of the last mentioned township; thence southerly along the west boundary of the said township to the northwest corner of the Town of Elliot Lake; thence southerly along the west limit of the said town to the northwest corner of the Township of The North Shore; thence southerly along the west boundary of the said township to the southerly boundary of the Territorial District of Algoma; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the territorial districts of Algoma and Sudbury to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Beaches-Woodbine—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Queen Street East with Greenwood Avenue; thence northerly along Greenwood Avenue to the Canadian National railway line; thence northeasterly along the said railway line to Coxwell Avenue; thence northerly along Coxwell Avenue to the northerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence easterly along the said limit to the easterly limit of the said city; thence southerly along the said limit to the southeasterly corner of the City of Toronto; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said city to the southerly prolongation of Leslie Street; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Leslie Street to Queen Street East; thence easterly along Queen Street East to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Brampton North—consists of that part of the City of Brampton lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Brampton with the King’s Highway No. 7; thence westerly along the said Highway to Queen Street East; thence westerly along Queen Street East to Kennedy Road; thence northerly along Kennedy Road to Vodden Street; thence westerly along Vodden Street to Main Street; thence northerly along Main Street and the King’s Highway No. 10 to the King’s Highway No. 7; thence westerly along said Highway to the westerly limit of the City of Brampton.

The Electoral District of Brampton South—consists of that part of the City of Brampton lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Brampton with the King’s Highway No. 7; thence westerly along the said Highway to Queen Street East; thence westerly along Queen Street East to Kennedy Road; thence northerly along Kennedy Road to Vodden Street; thence westerly along Vodden Street to Main Street; thence northerly along Main Street and the King’s Highway No. 10 to the King’s Highway No. 7; thence westerly along said Highway to the westerly limit of the City of Brampton.

The Electoral District of Brantford—consists of the City of Brantford.

The Electoral District of Brant-Haldimand—consists of the County of Brant but excluding the City of Brantford; the towns of Dunnville and Haldimand, Indian reserves No. 40 and No. 40A, and the Township of North Dumfries but excluding that part lying within the geographic Township of Beverly.

The Electoral District of Bruce—consists of the County of Bruce.

The Electoral District of Burlington South—consists of that part of the City of Burlington lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the City of Burlington with the King’s Highway No. 403; thence northeasterly along said Highway to the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence northeasterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to the northeasterly limit of the City of Burlington; thence southeasterly along the said limit to New Street; thence southwesterly along New Street to Appleby Line; thence southeasterly along Appleby Line to Appleby Place; thence southeasterly along Appleby Place and its southeasterly prolongation to the shore of Lake Ontario; thence northeasterly along the said shore to the northeasterly limit of the City of Burlington.

The Electoral District of Cambridge—consists of the City of Cambridge and of that part of the Township of North Dumfries lying within the geographic Township of Beverly.

The Electoral District of Carleton—consists of the City of Kanata and the townships of Goulbourn, Osgoode, Rideau and West Carleton.

The Electoral District of Carleton East—consists of the Village of Rockcliffe Park and of that part of the cities of Gloucester and Ottawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Ottawa with the Queensway; thence easterly along the Queensway to Blair Road; thence northerly along Blair Road to Montreal Road; thence westerly along Montreal Road to the easterly limit of the City of Vanier; thence northerly along the said limit to Beechwood Avenue; thence southwesterly along Beechwood Avenue to the limit between the City of Ottawa and the Village of Rockcliffe Park; thence northerly and westerly along the said limit to the most northwesterly corner of the Village of Rockcliffe Park; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of the Village of Rockcliffe Park to Princess Avenue; thence northwesterly along Princess Avenue to Rockcliffe Driveway; thence north 45o 00’ west to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence easterly along the said Interprovincial Boundary to the northeasterly corner of the City of Gloucester; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of the City of Gloucester to the northwesterly corner of the said city; thence easterly along the northerly limit of the City of Gloucester to the westerly limit of the Ottawa International Airport; thence southerly along the said limit to Leitrim Drive; thence easterly along Leitrim Drive to Albion Road; thence northerly along Albion Road to Leitrim Road; thence easterly along Leitrim Road to the King’s Highway No. 31; thence northerly along said Highway to Conroy Road; thence northerly along Conroy Road to the southerly limit of the City of Ottawa; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly limits of the City of Ottawa to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Chatham-Kent—consists of the City of Chatham, the towns of Bothwell, Dresden and Wallaceburg and the townships of Camden, Chatham, Dover and Zone.

The Electoral District of Cochrane North—consists of the geographic townships of Ebbs and Templeton; that part of the Territorial District of Cochrane lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec with the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Lake Abitibi; thence northwesterly along that water’s edge to the south boundary of the geographic Township of Galna; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Galna and Moody to the north limit of the Town of Iroquois Falls; thence westerly along the said limit to the northeast corner of the geographic Township of Teefy; thence westerly along the north boundary of the said township to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limit of the Town of Iroquois Falls to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the west limit of the said town to the north limit of the City of Timmins; thence westerly along the north limit of the said city to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north boundary of the geographic Township of Byers to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Byers, Cote and Massey to the south boundary of the geographic Township of Enid; and that part of the Territorial District of Kenora lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northerly extremity of the boundary between the territorial districts of Cochrane and Thunder Bay; thence northerly along a meridian line to the 212 Mile Post planted thereon by A. Tarvydas, O.L.S., in 1958; thence north astronomically to the shore of Hudson Bay.

The Electoral District of Cochrane South—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Cochrane lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec with the water’s edge along the southerly shore of Lake Abitibi; thence northwesterly along that water’s edge to the south boundary of the geographic Township of Galna; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Galna and Moody to the north limit of the Town of Iroquois Falls; thence westerly along the said limit to the northeast corner of the geographic Township of Teefy; thence westerly along the north boundary of the said township to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limit of the Town of Iroquois Falls to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the west limit of the said town to the north limit of the City of Timmins; thence westerly along the north limit of the said city to the northwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north boundary of the geographic Township of Byers to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Byers, Cote and Massey to the south boundary of the geographic Township of Enid.

The Electoral District of Cornwall—consists of the City of Cornwall, the townships of Charlottenburgh and Cornwall, and Indian Reserve No. 59.

The Electoral District of Don Mills—consists of that part of the City of North York and of the Borough of East York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Lawrence Avenue East with the easterly limit of the City of North York; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the City of North York and of the Borough of East York to the southerly limit of the said borough; thence westerly along the said southerly limit to Chisholm Avenue; thence northerly along Chisholm Avenue and its northerly prolongation to Taylor Creek; thence northwesterly along Taylor Creek to the Don River; thence westerly along the Don River to Don Mills Road; thence northerly along Don Mills Road to the southerly limit of the City of North York; thence northwesterly, westerly and northerly along the said limit to the easterly extremity of the course thereon oriented in an easterly and westerly direction and situated immediately north of Glen Echo Road; thence easterly on the easterly prolongation of the said course to the Don River West Branch; thence southeasterly along the Don River West Branch to the westerly prolongation of Lawrence Avenue East; thence easterly along the said prolongation to and along Lawrence Avenue East to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Dovercourt—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of York with Bathurst Street; thence southerly along Bathurst Street to Bloor Street West; thence westerly along Bloor Street West to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately west of Helens Avenue; thence northerly along the said railway line to St. Clair Avenue West; thence westerly along St. Clair Avenue West to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately northeast of Weston Road; thence northwesterly along the said railway line to the northerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence easterly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Downsview—consists of that part of the City of North York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Black Creek with the northerly limit of the City of North York; thence easterly along the said limit to Dufferin Street; thence southerly along Dufferin Street to Allen Road; thence southerly along Allen Road to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence westerly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Jane Street; thence northerly along Jane Street to Finch Avenue West; thence easterly along Finch Avenue West to Black Creek; thence northerly along Black Creek to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Dufferin-Peel—consists of the County of Dufferin and the Town of Caledon.

The Electoral District of Durham Centre—consists of that part of the Town of Whitby lying southerly of Taunton Road and that part of the City of Oshawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Oshawa with King Street West; thence easterly along King Street West to Ritson Road North; thence northerly along Ritson Road North to Taunton Road; thence westerly along Taunton Road to the westerly limit of the City of Oshawa; thence southerly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Durham East—consists of that part of the City of Oshawa lying northerly of Taunton Road, that part of the Town of Whitby lying northerly of Taunton Road, the Town of Newcastle, the townships of Manvers and Scugog and Indian Reserve No. 34.

The Electoral District of Durham West—consists of the towns of Ajax and Pickering.

The Electoral District of Durham-York—consists of the towns of East Gwillimbury and Whitchurch-Stouffville, the townships of Brock, Georgina and Uxbridge, and Indian Reserve No. 33.

The Electoral District of Eglinton—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Eglinton Avenue West with Latimer Avenue; thence northerly along Latimer Avenue to Roselawn Avenue; thence easterly along Roselawn Avenue to Castlewood Road; thence northerly along Castlewood Road to Briar Hill Avenue; thence westerly along Briar Hill Avenue to the southerly prolongation of the course in the northerly limit of the City of Toronto oriented in a northerly and southerly direction and situated immediately west of Proudfoot Avenue; thence northerly along the said prolongation to the northerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the said limit to the westerly limit of the Borough of East York; thence southerly along the said limit to the southerly limit of Mount Pleasant Cemetery; thence westerly along the said limit to Yonge Street; thence northerly along Yonge Street to the abandoned Canadian National railway line situated immediately south of Merton Street; thence northwesterly along the said railway line to the southerly prolongation of Duncannon Drive; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Duncannon Drive to Eglinton Avenue West; thence westerly along Eglinton Avenue West to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Elgin—consists of the County of Elgin.

The Electoral District of Essex-Kent—consists of the towns of Belle River, Blenheim, Ridgetown and Tilbury, the villages of Erie Beach, Erieau, Highgate, Thamesville and Wheatley, and the townships of Harwich, Howard, Maidstone, Orford, Raleigh, Rochester, Romney, Sandwich South, Tilbury East, Tilbury North and Tilbury West.

The Electoral District of Essex South—consists of the towns of Amherstburg, Essex, Harrow, Kingsville and Leamington, and the townships of Anderdon, Colchester North, Colchester South, Gosfield North, Gosfield South, Malden, Mersea and Pelee.

The Electoral District of Etobicoke-Humber—consists of that part of the City of Etobicoke lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Bloor Street West with Kipling Avenue; thence northerly along Kipling Avenue to The Westway; thence westerly along The Westway to Martin Grove Road; thence northerly along Martin Grove Road to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence northeasterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the easterly limit of the City of Etobicoke; thence southeasterly along the said limit to Bloor Street West; thence westerly along Bloor Street West to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Etobicoke-Lakeshore—consists of that part of the City of Etobicoke lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Etobicoke with the Canadian Pacific railway line; thence northeasterly along the said railway line to Kipling Avenue; thence northerly along Kipling Avenue to Bloor Street West; thence easterly along Bloor Street West to the easterly limit of the City of Etobicoke.

The Electoral District of Etobicoke-Rexdale—consists of that part of the City of Etobicoke lying northerly of the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway.

The Electoral District of Etobicoke West—consists of that part of the City of Etobicoke lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the Canadian Pacific railway line with the westerly limit of the City of Etobicoke; thence northerly along the said limit to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence northeasterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Martin Grove Road; thence southerly along Martin Grove Road to The Westway; thence easterly along The Westway to Kipling Avenue; thence southerly along Kipling Avenue to the Canadian Pacific railway line; thence southwesterly along the said railway line to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Fort William—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with a line drawn on a course of south astronomic from the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Devon; thence north astronomically along the said line to the southwest corner of the said township; thence northerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Devon, Fraleigh, Lybster and Marks to the northwest corner of the last mentioned township; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic Township of Marks to the northwest corner of the Township of O’Connor; thence easterly along the north boundary of the said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the east boundary of the Township of O’Connor to the northwest corner of the Township of Paipoonge; thence easterly along the north boundary of the said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence easterly along the north boundary of the former Township of Neebing and of the former City of Fort William, both as existing prior to January 1, 1970, to the Lakehead Expressway; thence northerly along the Lakehead Expressway to the Harbour Access Route; thence easterly along the Harbour Access Route to Golf Links Road; thence southerly along Golf Links Road to the north limit of the former City of Fort William, as existing prior to January 1, 1970; thence easterly along the said limit and its easterly prolongation to the line of longitude 89o 00’; thence south astronomically along the said line of longitude to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America; thence southwesterly and westerly along the said International Boundary to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Fort York—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Ossington Avenue with Bloor Street West; thence easterly along Bloor Street West to Bathurst Street; thence southerly along Bathurst Street to College Street; thence easterly along College Street to Carlton Street; thence easterly along Carlton Street to Sherbourne Street; thence southerly along Sherbourne Street and its southerly prolongation to the water’s edge of Inner Harbour; thence easterly along the said water’s edge to the northerly prolongation of the centre line of Eastern Channel of Inner Harbour; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along the said centre line to the southerly extremity thereof; thence southerly along the prolongation of the said centre line to the southerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence westerly and northwesterly along the southerly and southwesterly limits of the said city to the southerly prolongation of Strachan Avenue; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Strachan Avenue to the Gardiner Expressway; thence westerly along the Gardiner Expressway to the southerly prolongation of Atlantic Avenue; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Atlantic Avenue to King Street West; thence easterly along King Street West to the southerly prolongation of Dovercourt Road; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Dovercourt Road to College Street; thence easterly along College Street to Ossington Avenue; thence northerly along Ossington Avenue to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Frontenac-Addington—consists of that part of the County of Frontenac lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the Township of Pittsburgh with the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence southwesterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the northerly limit of the City of Kingston; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of the City of Kingston to the shore of Lake Ontario; thence westerly along the said shore to the westerly boundary of the Township of Kingston; and that part of the County of Lennox and Addington lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of the Township of Camden East; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the Township of Camden East to the southeasterly corner of the Village of Newburgh; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said village to the southerly boundary of the Township of Camden East; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said township to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the said township to the northeasterly corner of the Township of Richmond.

The Electoral District of Grey-Owen Sound—consists of the County of Grey.

The Electoral District of Guelph—consists of the City of Guelph.

The Electoral District of Halton Centre—consists of that part of the City of Burlington lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the City of Burlington with the King’s Highway No. 403; thence northeasterly along said Highway to the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence northeasterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to the northeasterly limit of the City of Burlington; and that part of the Town of Milton lying southerly of Derry Road; and that part of the Town of Oakville lying northerly of the Queen Elizabeth Way.

The Electoral District of Halton North—consists of the Town of Halton Hills and that part of the Town of Milton lying northerly of Derry Road.

The Electoral District of Hamilton Centre—consists of that part of the City of Hamilton lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Queen Street with King Street; thence westerly along King Street to Chedoke Expressway; thence northerly along Chedoke Expressway to the Desjardins Canal; thence westerly along said canal to the westerly limit of the City of Hamilton; thence northerly and easterly along the westerly and northerly limits of the said city to the northerly prolongation of Sherman Avenue; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Sherman Avenue to Cannon Street; thence easterly along Cannon Street to Gage Avenue; thence southerly along Gage Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the brow of Hamilton Mountain; thence westerly along the said brow to the southerly prolongation of Queen Street; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Queen Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Hamilton East—consists of that part of the City of Hamilton lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Hamilton with Queenston Road; thence westerly along Queenston Road to Redhill Creek; thence southerly along Redhill Creek to the brow of Hamilton Mountain; thence westerly along the said brow to the southerly prolongation of Gage Avenue; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Gage Avenue to Cannon Street; thence westerly along Cannon Street to Sherman Avenue; thence northerly along Sherman Avenue and its northerly prolongation to the northerly limit of the City of Hamilton; thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said city to the northeasterly corner thereof; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the said city to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Hamilton Mountain—consists of that part of the City of Hamilton lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of Hamilton with Upper James Street; thence northerly along Upper James Street to Fennell Avenue; thence easterly along Fennell Avenue to Upper Wellington Street; thence northerly along Upper Wellington Street and its northerly prolongation as aligned between Inverness Avenue and Concession Avenue to the brow of Hamilton Mountain; thence easterly along the said brow to the easterly limit of the City of Hamilton; thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of the said city to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Hamilton West—consists of that part of the City of Hamilton lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Upper James Street with the southerly limit of the City of Hamilton; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of the said city to the Desjardins Canal; thence easterly along the said canal to the Chedoke Expressway; thence southerly along the Chedoke Expressway to King Street; thence easterly along King Street to Queen Street; thence southerly along Queen Street and its southerly prolongation to the brow of Hamilton Mountain; thence easterly along the said brow to the northerly prolongation of Upper Wellington Street as aligned between Inverness Avenue and Concession Avenue; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Upper Wellington Street to Fennell Avenue; thence westerly along Fennell Avenue to Upper James Street; thence southerly along Upper James Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Hastings-Peterborough—consists of that part of the County of Hastings lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwesterly corner of the Township of Rawdon; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the said township to the westerly limit of the Village of Stirling; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly limits of the said village to the southerly boundary of the Township of Rawdon; thence easterly along the said boundary to the southwesterly corner of the Township of Huntingdon; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the said township to the southwesterly corner of the Township of Hungerford; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the said township to the southeasterly corner thereof; and the villages of Havelock, Lakefield and Norwood, and the townships of Asphodel, Belmont and Methuen, Burleigh and Anstruther, Chandos, Douro, Dummer, Galway and Cavendish, Harvey, and Otonabee.

The Electoral District of High Park-Swansea—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of the City of Toronto with the Canadian National railway line situated immediately northeast of Weston Road; thence southeasterly along the said railway line to St. Clair Avenue West; thence easterly along St. Clair Avenue West to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately west of Caledonia Park Road; thence southerly along the said railway line to Bloor Street West; thence westerly along Bloor Street West to Dundas Street West; thence southerly along Dundas Street West to Roncesvalles Avenue; thence southerly along Roncesvalles Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the southwesterly limit of the City of Toronto.

The Electoral District of Huron—consists of the County of Huron.

The Electoral District of Kenora—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Kenora lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with a line drawn west astronomic from the westerly extremity of the 4th Base Line at the westerly shore of Aulneau Peninsula; thence east astronomically along the said line to the westerly extremity of the said 4th Base Line; thence easterly along the said base line to the 6th Meridian Line surveyed by A. Niven, O.L.S., in 1894; thence northerly along the 6th Meridian Line to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Wainwright; thence easterly along the south boundary of the said township to the northwest corner of the Town of Dryden; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly limits of the said town to the west limit of the Township of Barclay; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the west, north and east limits of the said township to the south boundary of the geographic Township of Brownridge; thence easterly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Brownridge, Laval and McAree to the southeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence easterly along the base line run by Phillips and Benner, O.L.S., in 1932, to the southwest corner of Block 9; thence easterly along the south boundary of the said block to the southeast corner thereof; thence easterly along the base line run by Phillips and Benner, O.L.S., in 1932, to the boundary between the territorial districts of Kenora and Thunder Bay; thence northerly along the said boundary to the northwesterly corner of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence continuing northerly along a meridian line to the 215 + 78.207 Mile Post planted thereon by A. Tarvydas, O.L.S., in 1957; thence north astronomically to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Manitoba.

The Electoral District of Kingston and the Islands—consists of the City of Kingston, the townships of Amherst Island, Howe Island, and Wolfe Island, and that part of the Township of Pittsburgh lying southerly of the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway.

The Electoral District of Kitchener—consists of that part of the City of Kitchener lying northerly and westerly of the Conestoga Parkway.

The Electoral District of Kitchener-Wilmot—consists of the Township of Wilmot and that part of the City of Kitchener lying southerly and easterly of the Conestoga Parkway.

The Electoral District of Lake Nipigon—consists of the community of English River in the Territorial District of Kenora and that part of the territorial districts of Kenora and Thunder Bay lying within the following limits: Commencing at the 215 + 78.207 Mile Post planted on a meridian line in the Territorial District of Kenora surveyed by A. Tarvydas, O.L.S., in 1957; thence southerly along that meridian line to the northerly extremity of the west boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence southerly along the said boundary to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America; thence easterly along the said International Boundary to the intersection with a line drawn south astronomic from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Hartington; thence north astronomically along that line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Hartington; thence northerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Hartington, Lismore, Strange, Aldina, Sackville, Laurie and Blackwell to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence easterly along the south boundary of the geographic Township of Soper and of Block 1 to the southeast corner of Block 1; thence northerly along the east boundary of Block 1 to the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Fowler; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Fowler and Jacques to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence southerly along the east boundary of the said township to the north boundary of the geographic Township of Gorham; thence easterly along the north boundary of the said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic Township of Gorham to the northwest corner of the Township of Shuniah; thence easterly and northerly along the north and west boundaries of the Township of Shuniah to the southwest corner of the Township of Dorion; thence easterly along the south boundary of the said township to the southeast corner thereof; thence east astronomically to the centre line of Black Bay of Lake Superior; thence southerly along that centre line to the southerly extremity thereof; thence south astronomically to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America; thence northeasterly and southeasterly along the said International Boundary to the southeast corner of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence northerly, westerly and northerly along the east boundary of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to the northeast corner thereof; thence northerly along a meridian line to the 212 Mile Post planted thereon by A. Tarvydas, O.L.S., in 1958; thence north astronomically to the shore of Hudson Bay; thence northwesterly along the said shore to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Manitoba; thence southwesterly along the said Interprovincial Boundary to the intersection with a line drawn north astronomic from the point of commencement; thence south astronomically along the said line to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Lambton—consists of that part of the County of Lambton lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwesterly corner of Indian Reserve No. 45; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Indian Reserve No. 45 to the southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly limit of Indian Reserve No. 45 to the easterly limit of the City of Sarnia; thence northerly along the said limit to Confederation Street; thence easterly along Confederation Street to Modeland Road; thence northerly along Modeland Road and its northerly prolongation to the northerly boundary of the Township of Sarnia.

The Electoral District of Lanark-Renfrew—consists of the County of Lanark, the towns of Arnprior and Renfrew, the Village of Braeside and the townships of Admaston, Bagot and Blithfield, Horton and McNab.

The Electoral District of Lawrence—consists of that part of the City of North York lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of North York with the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence easterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Allen Road; thence southerly along Allen Road to the westerly prolongation of Baycrest Avenue; thence easterly along the said prolongation to and along Baycrest Avenue to Bathurst Street; thence southerly along Bathurst Street to Old Orchard Grove; thence easterly along Old Orchard Grove to the southerly limit of the City of North York.

The Electoral District of Leeds-Grenville—consists of the County of Leeds, the Town of Prescott, the Village of Merrickville and the townships of Augusta and Wolford.

The Electoral District of Lincoln—consists of the towns of Grimsby, Lincoln and Pelham, the Township of West Lincoln, and that part of the City of St. Catharines lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of St. Catharines with Twelve Mile Creek; thence northerly along Twelve Mile Creek to the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence westerly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to Martindale Road; thence northerly along Martindale Road to Lakeshore Road West; thence westerly along Lakeshore Road West to Courtleigh Road; thence northerly along Courtleigh Road and its northerly prolongation to the northerly limit of the City of St. Catharines.

The Electoral District of London Centre—consists of that part of the City of London lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Oxford Street with Highbury Avenue; thence northerly along Highbury Avenue to Huron Street; thence easterly along Huron Street to Clarke Side Road; thence southerly along Clarke Side Road and its southerly prolongation to the limit between the City of London and the Township of Westminster; thence westerly and southerly along the said limit to Commissioners Road; thence westerly along Commissioners Road to the Canadian National railway line; thence northwesterly along the said railway line to the easterly prolongation of Base Line Road; thence westerly to and along Base Line Road to Wharncliffe Road South; thence northerly along Wharncliffe Road South to the Thames River; thence easterly along the said river to the North Thames River; thence northerly along the North Thames River to Oxford Street; thence easterly along Oxford Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of London North—consists of that part of the City of London lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Oxford Street with Highbury Avenue; thence northerly along Highbury Avenue to the northerly limit of the City of London; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of the said city to the Thames River; thence easterly along the Thames River to the North Thames River; thence northerly along the North Thames River to Oxford Street; thence easterly along Oxford Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of London South—consists of that part of the City of London lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of London with the Thames River; thence easterly along the Thames River to Wharncliffe Road South; thence southerly along Wharncliffe Road South to Base Line Road; thence easterly along Base Line Road and its easterly prolongation to the Canadian National railway line; thence southeasterly along the Canadian National railway line to Commissioners Road; thence easterly along Commissioners Road to the easterly limit of the City of London; thence southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, southerly and westerly limits of the City of London to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Markham—consists of the Town of Markham.

The Electoral District of Middlesex—consists of the County of Middlesex and Indian reserves No. 41 and No. 42 but excluding that part of the City of London lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Thames River with the southerly prolongation of Clarke Side Road; thence northerly to and along Clarke Side Road to Huron Street; thence westerly along Huron Street to Highbury Avenue; thence northerly along Highbury Avenue to the northerly limit of the City of London.

The Electoral District of Mississauga East—consists of that part of the City of Mississauga lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Eglinton Avenue East with the easterly limit of the City of Mississauga; thence southerly along the easterly limit of the said city to Dundas Street East; thence southwesterly along Dundas Street East to Cawthra Road; thence southeasterly along Cawthra Road to the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence southwesterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to Hurontario Street; thence northwesterly along Hurontario Street to Central Parkway East; thence easterly and northerly along Central Parkway East to Burnhamthorpe Road East; thence northeasterly along Burnhamthorpe Road East to Cawthra Road; thence northwesterly along Cawthra Road to Eglinton Avenue East; thence northeasterly along Eglinton Avenue East to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Mississauga North—consists of that part of the City of Mississauga lying northerly of Eglinton Avenue.

The Electoral District of Mississauga South—consists of that part of the City of Mississauga lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the City of Mississauga with the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence northeasterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to Cawthra Road; thence northwesterly along Cawthra Road to Dundas Street East; thence northeasterly along Dundas Street East to the easterly limit of the City of Mississauga.

The Electoral District of Mississauga West—consists of that part of the City of Mississauga lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Mississauga with Eglinton Avenue West; thence northeasterly along Eglinton Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue East to Cawthra Road; thence southeasterly along Cawthra Road to Burnhamthorpe Road East; thence southwesterly along Burnhamthorpe Road East to Central Parkway East; thence southerly and westerly along Central Parkway East to Hurontario Street; thence southeasterly along Hurontario Street to the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence southwesterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to the westerly limit of the City of Mississauga; thence northwesterly, southwesterly and northwesterly along the westerly limit of the said city to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Muskoka-Georgian Bay—consists of The District Municipality of Muskoka, the Town of Midland, the villages of Port McNicoll and Victoria Harbour and the townships of Matchedash and Tay.

The Electoral District of Nepean—consists of that part of the City of Nepean lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Rideau River with Black Rapids Creek; thence westerly along Black Rapids Creek to Woodroffe Avenue; thence northerly along Woodroffe Avenue to the Canadian National-Canadian Pacific railway line; thence easterly along the said railway line to Merivale Road; thence northerly along Merivale Road to Clyde Avenue; thence northerly along Clyde Avenue to the northerly limit of the City of Nepean.

The Electoral District of Niagara Falls—consists of that part of the City of Niagara Falls lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Niagara Falls with McLeod Road; thence easterly along McLeod Road to Stanley Avenue; thence southerly along Stanley Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the Welland River; thence easterly along the Welland River to a line drawn northwesterly and perpendicularly to Main Street from the intersection of Main Street with Sodom Road; thence southeasterly along the said line to the intersection of Main Street with Sodom Road; thence southerly along Sodom Road to Weinbrenner Road; thence easterly along Weinbrenner Road to Willoughby Drive; thence easterly along Edgeworth Road and its easterly prolongation to the water’s edge along the shore of the Niagara River; thence south 45o 00’ east to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America.

The Electoral District of Niagara South—consists of the City of Port Colborne, the Town of Fort Erie, the Township of Wainfleet, and that part of the City of Niagara Falls lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Niagara Falls with McLeod Road; thence easterly along McLeod Road to Stanley Avenue; thence southerly along Stanley Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the Welland River; thence easterly along the Welland River to a line drawn northwesterly and perpendicularly to Main Street from the intersection of Main Street with Sodom Road; thence southeasterly along the said line to the intersection of Main Street with Sodom Road; thence southerly along Sodom Road to Weinbrenner Road; thence easterly along Weinbrenner Road to Willoughby Drive; thence easterly along Edgeworth Road and its easterly prolongation to the water’s edge along the shore of the Niagara River; thence south 45o 00’ east to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America.

The Electoral District of Nickel Belt—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Sudbury lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Janes; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Janes, Davis and Scadding to the easterly limit of the Town of Nickel Centre; thence northerly and westerly along the limits of the Town of Nickel Centre to the easterly limit of the Town of Capreol; thence northerly, westerly, northerly, westerly and southerly along the limits of the Town of Capreol to the northerly limit of the Town of Valley East; thence westerly, southerly, easterly and southerly along the limits of the Town of Valley East to the northwest corner of the City of Sudbury; thence southerly along the westerly limit of the City of Sudbury to the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the southerly limit of the City of Sudbury to the east boundary of the geographic Township of Eden; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Eden, Bevin and Sale to the southerly boundary of the Territorial District of Sudbury; thence westerly along the said boundary to the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Roosevelt; thence northerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Roosevelt and Truman to the southeast corner of the Township of Nairn; thence westerly along the south boundary of the townships of Nairn and Baldwin to the southwest corner of the last mentioned township; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Shakespeare and Gough to the westerly boundary of the Territorial District of Sudbury.

The Electoral District of Nipissing—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Nipissing lying within the following limits: Commencing at the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Hugel; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Hugel and Badgerow to the northwest corner of the Township of Field; thence easterly along the north boundary of the Township of Field to the northeast corner thereof; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Grant, Charlton, Blyth, Merrick, Mulock, French, Butler and Antoine to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence easterly along the prolongation of the north boundary of the geographic Township of Antoine to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence southerly along the said Interprovincial Boundary to the northeast corner of the Township of Mattawan; thence westerly along the north boundary of the said township to the northwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the west boundary of the Township of Mattawan to the southwesterly corner thereof; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of the townships of Calvin, Bonfield and East Ferris to the northwesterly corner of the last mentioned township; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the Township of East Ferris to the northeasterly corner of the Township of North Himsworth; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of the Territorial District of Nipissing to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Norfolk—consists of the City of Nanticoke, the towns of Simcoe and Tillsonburg and the townships of Delhi and Norfolk.

The Electoral District of Northumberland—consists of the County of Northumberland.

The Electoral District of Oakville South—consists of that part of the Town of Oakville lying southerly of the Queen Elizabeth Way and that part of the City of Burlington lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the northeasterly limit of the City of Burlington with New Street; thence southwesterly along New Street to Appleby Line; thence southeasterly along Appleby Line to Appleby Place; thence southeasterly along Appleby Place and its southeasterly prolongation to the shore of Lake Ontario; thence northeasterly along the said shore to the northeasterly limit of the City of Burlington; thence northwesterly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Oakwood—consists of that part of the cities of York and Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Eglinton Avenue West with Bathurst Street; thence southerly along Bathurst Street to the southerly limit of the City of York situated immediately north of St. Clair Avenue West; thence westerly along the said limit to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately east of Blackthorn Avenue; thence northerly along the said railway line to Eglinton Avenue West; thence westerly along Eglinton Avenue West to Keele Street; thence northerly along Keele Street to the northerly limit of the City of York; thence easterly along the said limit to Allen Road; thence southerly along Allen Road to Eglinton Avenue West; thence easterly along Eglinton Avenue West to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Oriole—consists of that part of the City of North York lying northerly of the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway and easterly of Leslie Street.

The Electoral District of Oshawa—consists of that part of the City of Oshawa lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Oshawa with King Street West; thence easterly along King Street West to Ritson Road North; thence northerly along Ritson Road North to Taunton Road; thence easterly along Taunton Road to the easterly limit of the City of Oshawa.

The Electoral District of Ottawa Centre—consists of that part of the City of Ottawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec with Island Park Drive; thence southerly along Island Park Drive to Merivale Road; thence southerly along Merivale Road to the southerly limit of the City of Ottawa; thence easterly along the said limit and its easterly prolongation to Fisher Avenue; thence northerly along Fisher Avenue to Base Line Road; thence easterly along Base Line Road to Heron Road; thence easterly along Heron Road to the Rideau Canal; thence northeasterly and northerly along the said canal to the northerly extremity thereof; thence north 45o 00’ west to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence westerly along the said Interprovincial Boundary to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Ottawa East—consists of the City of Vanier, and that part of the cities of Gloucester and Ottawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec and a line drawn on a course of north 45o 00’ west from the northerly extremity of Rideau Canal; thence south 45o 00’ east along the said line to the northerly extremity of the Rideau Canal; thence southerly along the said canal to the Queensway; thence easterly along the Queensway to Blair Road; thence northerly along Blair Road to Montreal Road; thence westerly along Montreal Road to the easterly limit of the City of Vanier; thence northerly along the said limit to Beechwood Avenue; thence southwesterly along Beechwood Avenue to the limit between the City of Ottawa and the Village of Rockcliffe Park; thence northerly and westerly along the said limit to the most northwesterly corner of the Village of Rockcliffe Park; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly limit of the Village of Rockcliffe Park to Princess Avenue; thence northwesterly along Princess Avenue to Rockcliffe Driveway; thence north 45o 00’ west to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence southwesterly along the said Interprovincial Boundary to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Ottawa-Rideau—consists of that part of the cities of Gloucester, Nepean and Ottawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Clyde Avenue with the northerly limit of the City of Nepean; thence easterly along the said limit and its easterly prolongation to Fisher Avenue; thence northerly along Fisher Avenue to Base Line Road; thence easterly along Base Line Road to the Rideau Canal; thence southerly along the Rideau Canal to the Rideau River; thence southerly along the Rideau River to the westerly prolongation of Walkley Road; thence easterly along the said prolongation to and along Walkley Road to its easterly extremity; thence easterly along the easterly prolongation of Walkley Road to the easterly limit of the City of Ottawa; thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly limits of the City of Ottawa to Conroy Road; thence southerly along Conroy Road to the King’s Highway No. 31; thence southerly along said Highway to Leitrim Road; thence westerly along Leitrim Road to Albion Road; thence southerly along Albion Road to Leitrim Drive; thence westerly along Leitrim Drive to the westerly limit of the part of the Ottawa International Airport lying northerly of Leitrim Drive; thence northerly along the said westerly limit to the northerly limit of the City of Gloucester; thence westerly along the said limit to the Rideau River; thence southerly along the Rideau River to Black Rapids Creek; thence westerly along Black Rapids Creek to Woodroffe Avenue; thence northerly along Woodroffe Avenue to the Canadian National-Canadian Pacific railway line; thence easterly along the said railway line to Merivale Road; thence northerly along Merivale Road to Clyde Avenue; thence northerly along Clyde Avenue to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Ottawa South—consists of that part of the City of Ottawa lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Ottawa with the easterly prolongation of Walkley Road; thence westerly along the said prolongation to and along Walkley Road and its westerly prolongation to the Rideau River; thence northerly along the Rideau River to the Rideau Canal; thence northerly and easterly along the Rideau Canal to the Queensway; thence easterly along the Queensway to the easterly limit of the City of Ottawa; thence southerly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Ottawa West—consists of that part of the City of Ottawa lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of Ottawa with Merivale Road; thence northerly along Merivale Road to Island Park Drive; thence northerly along Island Park Drive to the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec.

The Electoral District of Oxford—consists of the County of Oxford but excluding the Town of Tillsonburg.

The Electoral District of Parkdale—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of the City of Toronto with the southerly prolongation of Roncesvalles Avenue; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Roncesvalles Avenue to Dundas Street West; thence northerly along Dundas Street West to Bloor Street West; thence easterly along Bloor Street West to Ossington Avenue; thence southerly along Ossington Avenue to College Street; thence westerly along College Street to Dovercourt Road; thence southerly along Dovercourt Road and its southerly prolongation to King Street West; thence westerly along King Street West to Atlantic Avenue; thence southerly along Atlantic Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the Gardiner Expressway; thence easterly along the Gardiner Expressway to Strachan Avenue; thence southerly along Strachan Avenue and its southerly prolongation to the southwesterly limit of the City of Toronto; thence northwesterly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Parry Sound—consists of the Territorial District of Parry Sound and that part of the Territorial District of Nipissing, but excluding the Township of Airy and the geographic townships of Dickens, Lyell, Murchison and Sabine, lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northeasterly corner of the Township of North Himsworth; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the Township of East Ferris to the northwesterly corner thereof; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of the townships of East Ferris, Bonfield and Calvin to the southwesterly corner of the Township of Mattawan; thence northerly and easterly along the west and north boundaries of the Township of Mattawan to the northeasterly corner thereof.

The Electoral District of Perth—consists of the County of Perth.

The Electoral District of Peterborough—consists of the City of Peterborough, the Village of Millbrook, the townships of Cavan, Ennismore, North Monaghan, South Monaghan and Smith, and Indian Reserve No. 35.

The Electoral District of Port Arthur—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying within the following limits: Commencing at the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Adrian; thence northerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Adrian and Horne to the southerly boundary of the Dawson Road Lots; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly boundaries of the Dawson Road Lots to the west boundary of the geographic Township of Goldie; thence northerly along the west boundary of the geographic Township of Goldie to the northwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Goldie and Forbes to the southeast corner of Block 1; thence northerly along the east boundary of the said block to the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Fowler; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Fowler and Jacques to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic Township of Jacques to the north boundary of the geographic Township of Gorham; thence easterly along the north boundary of the said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic Township of Gorham to the northwest corner of the Township of Shuniah; thence easterly and northerly along the north and west boundaries of the Township of Shuniah to the southwest corner of the Township of Dorion; thence easterly along the south boundary of the said township to the southeast corner thereof; thence east astronomically to the centre line of Black Bay of Lake Superior; thence southerly along the said centre line to the southerly extremity thereof; thence south astronomically to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America; thence southwesterly along the said International Boundary to the line of longitude 89o 00’; thence north astronomically along the said line of longitude to the easterly prolongation of the south limit of the former City of Port Arthur, as existing prior to January 1, 1970; thence westerly along the said prolongation to and along the south limit of the said former City of Port Arthur to Golf Links Road; thence northerly along Golf Links Road to the Harbour Access Route; thence westerly along the Harbour Access Route to the Lakehead Expressway; thence southerly along the Lakehead Expressway to the south limit of the former City of Port Arthur as existing prior to January 1, 1970; thence westerly along the said limit and the south boundary of the former Township of McIntyre as existing prior to January 1, 1970, to the northeast corner of the Township of Paipoonge; thence westerly along the north boundary of the said township to the northwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the east boundary of the Township of O’Connor to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the north boundary of the Township of O’Connor to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Adrian; thence westerly along the south boundary of the said township to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Prescott and Russell—consists of the counties of Prescott and Russell and the Township of Cumberland.

The Electoral District of Prince Edward-Lennox-South Hastings—consists of the County of Prince Edward, the towns of Deseronto and Napanee, the Village of Bath, the townships of Adolphustown, Ernestown, North Fredericksburgh, Richmond, South Fredericksburgh, Thurlow and Tyendinaga, and Indian Reserve No. 38.

The Electoral District of Quinte—consists of the cities of Belleville and Trenton, the Village of Frankford, and the Township of Sidney.

The Electoral District of Rainy River—consists of the Territorial District of Rainy River and that part of the Territorial District of Kenora, excluding the community of English River, lying south of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with a line drawn west astronomic from the westerly extremity of the 4th Base Line at the westerly shore of Aulneau Peninsula; thence east astronomically along the said line to the westerly extremity of the said 4th Base Line; thence easterly along the said base line to the 6th Meridian Line surveyed by A. Niven, O.L.S., in 1894; thence northerly along the 6th Meridian Line to the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Van Horne; thence easterly along the north boundary of the said township to the northwest corner of the Town of Dryden; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly limits of the said town to the west limit of the Township of Barclay; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the west, north and east boundaries of the said township to the north boundary of the geographic Township of Zealand; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Zealand, Hartman and MacFie to the northeast corner of the last mentioned township; thence easterly along the base line run by Phillips and Benner, O.L.S., in 1932, to the southwest corner of Block 9; thence easterly along the south boundary of the said block to the southeast corner thereof; thence easterly along the base line run by Phillips and Benner, O.L.S., in 1932, to the boundary between the territorial districts of Kenora and Thunder Bay.

The Electoral District Of Renfrew North—consists of the Township of Airy, the geographic townships of Dickens, Lyell, Murchison and Sabine, and the County of Renfrew but excluding the towns of Arnprior and Renfrew, the Village of Braeside and the townships of Admaston, Bagot and Blithfield, Horton and McNab.

The Electoral District of Riverdale—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the Don River with the northerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence easterly along the said limit to Coxwell Avenue; thence southerly along Coxwell Avenue to the Canadian National railway line; thence southwesterly along the said railway line to Greenwood Avenue; thence southerly along Greenwood Avenue to Queen Street East; thence westerly along Queen Street East to Leslie Street; thence southerly along Leslie Street and its southerly prolongation to the southerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence westerly along the said limit to the southerly prolongation of the centre line of Eastern Channel of Inner Harbour; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along the said centre line to the northerly extremity thereof; thence northerly along the prolongation of the said centre line to the water’s edge of Inner Harbour; thence easterly along the said water’s edge to the northerly side of the Keating Channel; thence easterly along the said northerly side to the Don River; thence northerly along the Don River to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of St. Andrew-St. Patrick—consists of that part of the cities of Toronto and York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Yonge Street with College Street; thence westerly along College Street to Bathurst Street; thence northerly along Bathurst Street to Eglinton Avenue West; thence westerly along Eglinton Avenue West to Allen Road; thence northerly along Allen Road to the northerly limit of the City of Toronto; thence easterly along the said limit to the southerly extremity of the course thereon oriented in a northerly and southerly direction and situated immediately west of Proudfoot Avenue; thence southerly along the prolongation of the said course in the northerly limit of the City of Toronto to Briar Hill Avenue; thence easterly along Briar Hill Avenue to Castlewood Road; thence southerly along Castlewood Road to Roselawn Avenue; thence westerly along Roselawn Avenue to Latimer Avenue; thence southerly along Latimer Avenue to Eglinton Avenue West; thence easterly along Eglinton Avenue West to Duncannon Drive; thence southerly along Duncannon Drive and its southerly prolongation to the abandoned Canadian National railway line situated immediately southwesterly of Chaplin Crescent; thence southeasterly along the said railway line to Yonge Street; thence southerly along Yonge Street to the easterly prolongation of Lonsdale Road; thence westerly along the said prolongation to and along Lonsdale Road to Avenue Road; thence southerly along Avenue Road to St. Clair Avenue West; thence easterly along St. Clair Avenue West to Yonge Street; thence southerly along Yonge Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of St. Catharines—consists of that part of the City of St. Catharines lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of St. Catharines with the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence northwesterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to Martindale Road; thence northerly along Martindale Road to Lakeshore Road West; thence westerly along Lakeshore Road West to Courtleigh Road; thence northerly along Courtleigh Road and its northerly prolongation to the northerly limit of the City of St. Catharines.

The Electoral District of St. Catharines-Brock—consists of the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and that part of the City of St. Catharines lying southerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of St. Catharines with the Queen Elizabeth Way; thence northwesterly along the Queen Elizabeth Way to Twelve Mile Creek; thence southerly along Twelve Mile Creek to the southerly limit of the City of St. Catharines.

The Electoral District of St. George-St. David—consists of that part of the City of Toronto lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Carlton Street with Yonge Street; thence northerly along Yonge Street to St. Clair Avenue West; thence westerly along St. Clair Avenue West to Avenue Road; thence northerly along Avenue Road to Lonsdale Road; thence easterly along Lonsdale Road and its easterly prolongation to Yonge Street; thence southerly along Yonge Street to the southerly limit of Mount Pleasant Cemetery; thence easterly along the said limit to the westerly limit of the Borough of East York; thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly limits of the said borough to the Don River; thence southerly along the Don River to the northerly side of the Keating Channel; thence westerly along the said northerly side to the water’s edge of Inner Harbour; thence westerly along the said water’s edge to the southerly prolongation of Sherbourne Street; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Sherbourne Street to Carlton Street; thence westerly along Carlton Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Sarnia—consists of the City of Sarnia, the Village of Point Edward, that part of the Township of Sarnia lying westerly of Modeland Road and northerly of Confederation Street, and Indian Reserve No. 45.

The Electoral District of Sault Ste. Marie—consists of the City of Sault Ste. Marie.

The Electoral District of Scarborough-Agincourt—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying northerly of the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway and westerly of the Canadian National railway line situated immediately east of Kennedy Road.

The Electoral District of Scarborough Centre—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Lawrence Avenue East and Markham Road; thence southerly along Markham Road and its southerly prolongation to the southerly limit of the City of Scarborough; thence westerly along the said limit to the southerly prolongation of Wynnview Court; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Wynnview Court to the northerly extremity thereof; thence northerly in a straight line to the southerly extremity of Kennedy Road; thence northerly along Kennedy Road to Eglinton Avenue East; thence easterly along Eglinton Avenue East to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately west of Midland Avenue; thence northerly along the said railway line to Lawrence Avenue East; thence easterly along Lawrence Avenue East to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Scarborough East—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Markham Road with Lawrence Avenue East; thence easterly along Lawrence Avenue East to West Highland Creek; thence northerly along West Highland Creek to Highland Creek; thence northwesterly along Highland Creek to an unnamed creek immediately west of the westerly extremity of Silversand Place; thence northerly along the said unnamed creek to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence easterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the easterly limit of the City of Scarborough; thence southerly along the said limit to the southeasterly corner of the said city; thence westerly along the southerly limit of the said city to the southerly prolongation of Markham Road; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Markham Road to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Scarborough-Ellesmere—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway with Victoria Park Avenue; thence southerly along Victoria Park Avenue to Lawrence Avenue East; thence easterly along Lawrence Avenue East to West Highland Creek; thence northerly along West Highland Creek to Highland Creek; thence northerly along Highland Creek to an unnamed creek immediately west of the westerly extremity of Silversand Place; thence northerly along the said unnamed creek to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence westerly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Scarborough North—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Scarborough with the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence westerly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the Canadian National railway line situated immediately east of Kennedy Road; thence northerly along the said railway line to the northerly limit of the City of Scarborough.

The Electoral District of Scarborough West—consists of that part of the City of Scarborough lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the westerly limit of the City of Scarborough with Lawrence Avenue East; thence easterly along Lawrence Avenue East to the Canadian National railway line; thence southerly along the said railway line to Eglinton Avenue East; thence westerly along Eglinton Avenue East to Kennedy Road; thence southerly along Kennedy Road to the southerly extremity thereof; thence southerly in a straight line to the northerly extremity of Wynnview Court; thence southerly along Wynnview Court and its southerly prolongation to the southerly limit of the City of Scarborough; thence westerly along the said limit to the southwesterly corner of the said city; thence northerly along the westerly limit of the said city to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Simcoe Centre—consists of the City of Barrie, the Town of Bradford, and the townships of Innisfil, Vespra and West Gwillimbury.

The Electoral District of Simcoe East—consists of the City of Orillia, the Town of Penetanguishene, the villages of Coldwater and Elmvale, the townships of Flos, Mara, Medonte, Orillia, Oro, Rama and Tiny, and Indian reserves No. 30 and No. 32.

The Electoral District of Simcoe West—consists of the towns of Alliston, Collingwood, Stayner, and Wasaga Beach, the villages of Beeton, Cookstown, Creemore and Tottenham, and the townships of Adjala, Essa, Nottawasaga, Sunnidale, Tecumseth and Tosorontio.

The Electoral District of S-D-G & East Grenville—consists of the towns of Alexandria and Kemptville, the villages of Cardinal, Chesterville, Finch, Iroquois, Lancaster, Maxville, Morrisburg and Winchester, and the townships of Edwardsburgh, Finch, Kenyon, Lancaster, Lochiel, Matilda, Mountain, Osnabruck, Oxford-on-Rideau, Roxborough, South Gower, Williamsburgh and Winchester.

The Electoral District of Sudbury—consists of that part of the City of Sudbury lying within wards 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and that part of wards 2 and 3 lying southerly of Lasalle Boulevard.

The Electoral District of Sudbury East—consists of that part of the Territorial District of Sudbury lying within the following limits: Commencing at the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Janes; thence westerly along the south boundary of the geographic townships of Janes, Davis and Scadding to the easterly limit of the Town of Nickel Centre; thence northerly and westerly along the limits of the Town of Nickel Centre to the easterly limit of the Town of Capreol; thence northerly, westerly, northerly, westerly and southerly along the limits of the Town of Capreol to the northerly limit of the Town of Valley East; thence westerly, southerly, easterly and southerly along the limits of the Town of Valley East to the northwest corner of the City of Sudbury; thence easterly along the northerly limit of the City of Sudbury to the northeast corner of Ward 4; thence southerly along the easterly limit of Ward 4 to Lasalle Boulevard; thence easterly along Lasalle Boulevard to the easterly limit of the City of Sudbury; thence southerly along the said limit to the northeast corner of Ward 9; thence westerly along the north limit of Ward 9 to the westerly limit of the City of Sudbury; thence southerly along the westerly limit of the City of Sudbury to the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the southerly limit of the City of Sudbury to the west boundary of the geographic Township of Tilton; thence southerly along the west boundary of the geographic townships of Tilton, Halifax, Attlee, Kilpatrick and Travers to the boundary between the territorial districts of Sudbury and Parry Sound; thence easterly along the said boundary to the boundary between the territorial districts of Sudbury and Nipissing; thence westerly and northerly along the said boundary to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Timiskaming—consists of the Territorial District of Timiskaming and that part of the Territorial District of Nipissing lying northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Interprovincial Boundary between Ontario and Quebec with the easterly prolongation of the south boundary of the geographic Township of Eddy; thence westerly along the said prolongation to and along the south boundary of the geographic Township of Eddy and of the geographic townships of Jocko, Lockhart, Stewart, Notman, Lyman, Fell, Bastedo, Gibbons and Crerar to the southwest corner of the last mentioned township.

The Electoral District of Victoria-Haliburton—consists of the counties of Haliburton and Victoria but excluding the Township of Manvers.

The Electoral District of Waterloo North—consists of the City of Waterloo and the townships of Wellesley and Woolwich.

The Electoral District of Welland-Thorold—consists of the cities of Thorold and Welland.

The Electoral District of Wellington—consists of the County of Wellington but excluding the City of Guelph.

The Electoral District of Wentworth East—consists of the Township of Glanbrook, the City of Stoney Creek and that part of the City of Hamilton lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly limit of the City of Hamilton with the brow of Hamilton Mountain; thence southwesterly along the said brow to Redhill Creek; thence northerly along Redhill Creek to Queenston Road; thence easterly along Queenston Road to the easterly limit of the City of Hamilton; thence southerly along the said limit to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Wentworth North—consists of the towns of Ancaster and Dundas and the Town of Flamborough.

The Electoral District of Willowdale—consists of that part of the City of North York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Yonge Street with the northerly limit of the City of North York; thence easterly along the said limit to Leslie Street; thence southerly along Leslie Street to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence westerly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Bathurst Street; thence northerly along Bathurst Street to Finch Avenue West; thence easterly along Finch Avenue West to Yonge Street; thence northerly along Yonge Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Wilson Heights—consists of that part of the City of North York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Dufferin Street with the northerly limit of the City of North York; thence easterly along the said limit to Yonge Street; thence southerly along Yonge Street to Finch Avenue West; thence westerly along Finch Avenue West to Bathurst Street; thence southerly along Bathurst Street to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence easterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Avenue Road; thence southerly along Avenue Road to the westerly prolongation of the course in the southerly limit of the City of North York oriented in an easterly and westerly direction and situated immediately south of Brooke Avenue; thence easterly along the said prolongation to the southerly limit of the City of North York; thence southerly along the said limit to Old Orchard Grove; thence westerly along Old Orchard Grove to Bathurst Street; thence northerly along Bathurst Street to Baycrest Avenue; thence westerly along Baycrest Avenue and its westerly prolongation to Allen Road; thence northerly along Allen Road to Dufferin Street; thence northerly along Dufferin Street to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of Windsor-Riverside—consists of the Town of Tecumseh, the Village of St. Clair Beach and that part of the City of Windsor (including Peche Island) lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with the northerly prolongation of Buckingham Drive; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Buckingham Drive to Wyandotte Street East; thence westerly along Wyandotte Street East to Raymo Road; thence southerly along Raymo Road and its southerly prolongation to the Canadian National railway line; thence westerly along the said railway line to the northerly prolongation of Norman Road; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Norman Road to Tecumseh Road East; thence westerly along Tecumseh Road East to the Chesapeake and Ohio railway line; thence southerly along the said railway line to the southerly limit of the City of Windsor.

The Electoral District of Windsor-Sandwich—consists of the Township of Sandwich West and that part of the City of Windsor lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of Windsor with Cabana Road West; thence easterly along Cabana Road West to Dougall Avenue; thence northerly along Dougall Avenue to Ouellette Place; thence northerly along Ouellette Place to Ouellette Avenue; thence northerly along Ouellette Avenue and its northerly prolongation to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America.

The Electoral District of Windsor-Walkerville—consists of that part of the City of Windsor lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America with the northerly prolongation of Ouellette Avenue; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Ouellette Avenue to Ouellette Place; thence southerly along Ouellette Place to Dougall Avenue; thence southerly along Dougall Avenue to Cabana Road West; thence westerly along Cabana Road West to the southerly limit of the City of Windsor; thence easterly along the said limit to the Chesapeake and Ohio railway line; thence northerly along the said railway line to Tecumseh Road East; thence easterly along Tecumseh Road East to Norman Road; thence northerly along Norman Road and its northerly prolongation to the Canadian National railway line; thence easterly along the said railway line to the southerly prolongation of Raymo Road; thence northerly along the said prolongation to and along Raymo Road to Wyandotte Street East; thence easterly along Wyandotte Street East to Buckingham Drive; thence northerly along Buckingham Drive and its northerly prolongation to the International Boundary between Canada and the United States of America; thence westerly along the said International Boundary to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of York Centre—consists of the towns of Richmond Hill and Vaughan.

The Electoral District of York East—consists of that part of the Borough of East York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Chisholm Avenue with the southerly limit of the Borough of East York; thence westerly, northerly, easterly and southeasterly along the southerly, westerly and northerly limits of the said borough to Don Mills Road; thence southerly along Don Mills Road to the Don River; thence easterly along the Don River to Taylor Creek; thence southeasterly along Taylor Creek to the northerly prolongation of Chisholm Avenue; thence southerly along the said prolongation to and along Chisholm Avenue to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of York Mills—consists of that part of the City of North York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Avenue Road with the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence easterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to the easterly limit of the City of North York; thence southerly along the said limit to Lawrence Avenue East; thence westerly along Lawrence Avenue East and its westerly prolongation to Don River West Branch; thence northwesterly along the Don River West Branch to the easterly prolongation of the course in the southerly limit of the City of North York oriented in an easterly and westerly direction and situated immediately north of Glen Echo Road; thence westerly along the said prolongation to and along the southerly limit of the City of North York to the westerly extremity of the course thereon oriented in an easterly and westerly direction and situated immediately south of Brooke Avenue; thence westerly along the prolongation of the said course to Avenue Road; thence northerly along Avenue Road to the point of commencement.

The Electoral District of York-Mackenzie—consists of the towns of Aurora and Newmarket and the Township of King.

The Electoral District of York South—consists of that part of the City of York lying westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of the City of York with the Canadian National railway line situated immediately east of Blackthorn Avenue; thence northerly along the said railway line to Eglinton Avenue West; thence westerly along Eglinton Avenue West to Keele Street; thence northerly along Keele Street to the northerly limit of the City of York.

The Electoral District of Yorkview—consists of that part of the City of North York lying within the following limits: Commencing at the intersection of Black Creek with the northerly limit of the City of North York; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly limits of the City of North York to the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway; thence easterly along the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway to Jane Street; thence northerly along Jane Street to Finch Avenue West; thence easterly along Finch Avenue West to Black Creek; thence northerly along Black Creek to the point of commencement.

R.S.O. 1990, c.R.26, Sched.; 1991, c.2, s.1; 1993, c.6, s. 1; 1993, c.30, s.1.

