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Canadian National Exhibition Association Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. Pr15 - Bill Pr32

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An Act respecting the
Canadian National Exhibition Association

Assented to December 21, 2000


The Canadian National Exhibition Association has applied for special legislation to alter the composition of its membership and of its Board of Directors.

It is appropriate to grant the application.

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 5 of the Canadian National Exhibition Association Act, 1983, as amended by the Statutes of Ontario, 1999, chapter 12, Schedule M, section 13, is repealed and the following substituted:


5. (1) The membership of the Association shall be divided into four sections as follows:

1. The Municipal Section, not to exceed 27 members.

2. The Manufacturers and Industry Section, not to exceed 44 members.

3. The Agriculture Section, not to exceed 44 members.

4. The General and Liberal Arts Section, not to exceed 44 members.

Municipal Section

(2) The Municipal Section shall consist of,

(a) 16 members of the council of the Municipality, who shall be appointed by the council each year;

(b) one representative, named and appointed annually, from and by each of the,

(i) City of Toronto Convention and Visitors Association,

(ii) Toronto Parking Authority,

(iii) Toronto Harbour Commission,

(iv) Toronto Transit Commission,

(v) Toronto Zoo, and

(vi) board of directors of Ontario Place Corporation;

(c) the mayor of the Municipality, one staff member of the Municipality and the chief of police of the Municipality; and

(d) two representatives appointed by the school boards having jurisdiction in the Municipality.

Manufacturers and Industry Section

(3) The Manufacturers and Industry Section shall consist of,

(a) representatives, named and appointed annually, from and by such manufacturers and industrial and labour associations and societies, and in such numbers for each, as may be specified from time to time in the by-laws of the Board; and

(b) not more than five persons appointed annually by the Board from the community at large.

Agriculture Section

(4) The Agriculture Section shall consist of,

(a) the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Canada;

(b) the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for Ontario;

(c) representatives, named and appointed annually, from and by such agricultural associations and societies, and in such numbers for each, as may be specified from time to time in the by-laws of the Board; and

(d) not more than five persons appointed annually by the Board from the community at large.

General and Liberal Arts Section

(5) The General and Liberal Arts Section shall consist of,

(a) representatives, named and appointed annually, from and by such liberal arts and other associations and societies, and in such numbers for each, as may be specified from time to time in the by-laws of the Board; and

(b) not more than five persons appointed annually by the Board from the community at large.

Appointment of federal Ministers

(6) The Governor in Council may name and appoint annually two ministers of the Crown in right of Canada to each of the Manufacturers and Industry Section and the General and Liberal Arts Section.

Appointment of provincial Ministers

(7) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may name and appoint annually two ministers of the Crown in right of Ontario to each of the Manufacturers and Industry Section and the General and Liberal Arts Section.

Deputy ministers may act

(8) The deputy minister of each minister appointed under subsections (6) and (7) shall be a member of the Association in the place of his or her minister during the absence or illness of the minister or during such periods as the minister may from time to time in writing designate.

Term of office

(9) Each person named and appointed as a member of the Association under subsections (3), (4) and (5) shall continue to be a member until his or her successor is appointed and so long as the person is a member of and actively engaged in the objects of the body he or she represents.

Past presidents

(10) All past presidents of the Association shall be members of the Association, by virtue of their office, for life.


(11) Where a vacancy occurs in the representation of any government, association or society, another representative of the government, association or society may be named and appointed forthwith to act, until a successor is named and appointed, by a notice in writing from the government, association or society to the Association.

Cancellation of power to appoint

(12) The power of any association or society to appoint members of the Association may be cancelled by the Board, and, where the power to appoint is cancelled, the membership of any members appointed by the association or society ceases.

2. Section 6 of the Act, as amended by the Statutes of Ontario, 1999, chapter 12, Schedule M, section 14, is repealed and the following substituted:

Board of Directors

6. (1) The Board shall consist of,

(a) the mayor of the Municipality;

(b) the member of the board of directors of Ontario Place Corporation appointed under subclause 5 (2) (b) (vi);

(c) five members of the Municipal Section appointed annually by the council of the Municipality;

(d) five members of each of the Manufacturers and Industry Section, the Agriculture Section and the General and Liberal Arts Section, elected by ballot by a majority of the votes of the members present in person and voting at the annual meeting; and

(e) up to two past presidents of the Association, as may be determined by the Board, to be elected annually by the Board.

Election of president, etc.

(2) Subject to subsections (3), (4) and (5), the Board shall each year after the annual meeting elect from among the directors,

(a) a president and four vice-presidents; and

(b) from among the directors who are past presidents of the Association, an honorary president.


(3) Directors who are members of the council of the Municipality are not eligible to be elected as president of the Association.


(4) A past president elected to the Board under clause (1) (e) is not eligible to be elected as president, vice-president or honorary president of the Association.


(5) In the absence of any past presidents on the Board who are eligible or willing to be elected honorary president, then any of the directors may be elected as honorary president.


(6) If a vacancy occurs among the directors elected under clause (1) (d), the remaining directors shall fill the vacancy by the appointment of a member of the Association from the Section from which the vacancy occurred for the remainder of the year.


(7) If a vacancy occurs among the directors appointed by the council of the Municipality under clause (1) (c), the vacancy may be filled by the council appointing one or more of its members or some other member of the Municipal Section, as the case may require.


(8) If a vacancy occurs in the office of president, vice-president or honorary president, the Board may elect from among the directors a person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term for which the person so vacating was elected.

Failure to attend meetings

(9) Every director elected under clause (1) (d) is required to attend in person meetings of the Board unless excused by a resolution of the Board and the place of such director shall be deemed vacant if the director fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board without being excused.

Term of office

(10) The president, vice-presidents and honorary president and the elected and appointed members of the Board shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed, as the case may be, so long as they continue as members of the Association.

3. Section 7 of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:

Powers of the Board

7. The Board has power,

(a) to make by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Act for,

(i) the management of the Association,

(ii) the acquisition of exhibition grounds and buildings, by purchase, lease, agreement or otherwise and the selling, leasing, licensing, mortgaging or otherwise, disposing of the same, as occasion may require,

(iii) the acquisition and management of all property, whether real or personal, which may be required for the purposes of, or in connection with, the exhibition or other business and operations of the Association, and the sale or other disposal of such property when no longer required for such purposes,

(iv) the entering into of such arrangements, agreements and contracts with any person or corporation, society or association, as may become necessary to carry out the objects of the Association,

(v) the appointment of not more than five community at large members to each of the Manufacturers and Industry Section, the Agriculture Section and the General and Liberal Arts Section, and the naming of the associations and societies from time to time who may appoint representatives to the membership of each such Section and specifying the number of such representatives,

(vi) the fee, if any, to be paid by the members,

(vii) the holding of annual or periodical exhibitions,

(viii) fixing the time for the annual meeting and the calling of general, special and other meetings of the Association,

(ix) the appointment, removal and remuneration of all officers, agents and employees of the Association,

(x) the admission fees to be received from persons visiting the exhibition held by the Association,

(xi) the entrance fees to be charged to exhibitors, and

(xii) the general management of all exhibitions;

(b) in general, to do all things and make all contracts and agreements that may be necessary to carry out the objects and exercise the powers of the Association; and

(c) to appoint annually such number of honorary and associate directors as it may consider advisable and to assign to them, from time to time, powers and duties, other than the right to vote at meetings of the Board.


4. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

5. The short title of this Act is the Canadian National Exhibition Association Act, 2000.