Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 18 - Bill 152, Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 18
This Explanatory Note was written as a reader’s aid to Bill 152 and does not form part of the law. Bill 152 has been enacted as Chapter 18 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2017.
The Bill makes amendments to various statutes in relation to election-related matters.
Representation Act, 2015
Subsection 2 (1) of the Representation Act, 2015 is amended to provide for the reconstitution of the two northern electoral districts of Kenora-Rainy River and Timmins-James Bay as the four electoral districts of Kenora-Rainy River, Kiiwetinoong, Mushkegowuk-James Bay and Timmins. The Schedule to the Act, which sets out the boundaries of the northern electoral districts, is re-enacted in order to set out the boundaries of the new electoral districts. A new subsection 2 (4) is added to the Act to require the Attorney General to undertake a review of the name of the Mushkegowuk-James Bay electoral district, in consultation with affected communities, and to report any recommendations respecting the name to the Legislature. Finally, section 4.1 is added to require the Chief Electoral Officer to publicly advertise the creation of the new electoral districts within those districts.
Election Finances Act
Consequential amendments are made to the Election Finances Act to reflect the new northern electoral districts under the Representation Act, 2015, as amended by the Bill. Section 44.6 of the Act, dealing with the registration of constituency associations for the new northern electoral districts, is enacted. Subsection 17 (3) of the Act, dealing with the consequences of the dissolution of constituency associations on contributions received by them, is amended consequentially to incorporate the new section 44.6. Subsection 38 (3.3) of the Act, dealing with increased limits on total campaign expenses incurred in relation to certain northern electoral districts, is amended to add reference to the new electoral districts of Kiiwetinoong and Mushkegowuk-James Bay and to remove reference to the Timmins-James Bay electoral district.
Other amendments are also made to the Act. The definition of “nomination contest period” in subsection 1 (1) of the Act is amended in order to extend the period by three months, and consequential amendments to reflect the extension are made to subsection 41.1 (3) of the Act. A new subsection 1 (4) is added to the Act to provide that nomination contest periods that ended on or after July 1, 2017 and before the day the Bill receives Royal Assent are deemed to end three months after Royal Assent.
Section 23.1 of the Act, dealing with the attendance of specified persons at fund-raising events is amended in several ways. Subsection 23.1 (1) of the Act is amended to add to the list of persons whose attendance is restricted by the section persons who were nominated or appointed as an official party candidate on or after March 1, 2016, but who are not registered candidates. Clause 23.1 (2) (a) is re-enacted to add reference to advertising requirements in relation to specified cost-recovery events. Finally, the section is amended by adding subsection (2.1), providing that section 23.1 does not prevent persons from attending annual general meetings and other specified events for members held by a registered political party or registered constituency association where a charge for attendance includes a contribution portion, if specified requirements are met with respect to the meetings. Subsection 18 (3.1) is added to the Act to provide that contributions made at such meetings are not included for the purposes of calculating permissible contribution totals under that section.
Section 41.1 of the Act is amended by adding a requirement, in a new subsection (2.1), for registered parties to notify the Chief Electoral Officer of the names of candidates they appoint. A transition provision is included in subsection (2.2) to address notification of the Chief Electoral Officer respecting candidates nominated or appointed during specified transition periods.
Election Act
Section 17.2 of the Election Act is re-enacted to permit the Chief Electoral Officer to provide information from the permanent register of electors to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for electoral purposes.
Legislative Assembly Act
Subsection 67 (6) of the Legislative Assembly Act, dealing with expenses for members of the Assembly from certain northern electoral districts, is consequentially amended to add reference to the new electoral districts of Kiiwetinoong and Mushkegowuk-James Bay and to remove reference to the Timmins-James Bay electoral district.
chapter 18
An Act to amend the Representation Act, 2015 and certain other Acts
Assented to October 25, 2017
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
Representation Act, 2015
1 (1) Paragraph 1 of subsection 2 (1) of the Representation Act, 2015 is amended by striking out “11 northern electoral districts” and substituting “13 northern electoral districts”.
(2) Paragraph 2 of subsection 2 (1) of the Act is amended by striking out “11 northern electoral districts” and substituting “13 northern electoral districts”.
(3) Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:
Review, “Mushkegowuk-James Bay”
(4) The Attorney General shall undertake a review of the name of the Mushkegowuk-James Bay electoral district, in consultation with affected communities, and report any recommendations respecting the name to the Legislature.
2 The Act is amended by adding the following section:
Advertisement of electoral districts
4.1 In the three months following the day the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 receives Royal Assent, the Chief Electoral Officer shall publicly advertise the creation of the four new northern electoral districts created by that Act in those electoral districts.
3 The Schedule to the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
13 Northern Electoral Districts
(Paragraph 1 of subsection 2 (1))
1. Algoma-Manitoulin
Consisting of:
All of the Territorial District of Algoma, EXCEPTING the City of Sault Ste. Marie and that part of the Rankin Location Indian Reserve No. 15D lying within the limits of the City of Sault Ste. Marie.
All those parts of the Territorial District of Sudbury described as:
(i) All that part lying west of the easterly limit of the geographic townships of Shenango, Lemoine, Carty, Pinogami, Biggs, Rollo, Swayze, Cunningham, Blamey, Shipley, Singapore, Burr and Edighoffer;
(ii) All that part lying south and west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the geographic township of Acheson; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Acheson, Venturi and Ermatinger to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Ermatinger; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Ermatinger and Totten to the westerly limit of the former Regional Municipality of Sudbury (2000); thence generally southerly along the west limit of said former regional municipality to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Foster; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Foster and Curtin to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Curtin; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic townships of Roosevelt, Hansen and Goschen to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Goschen; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic township of Sale to the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic township of Sale to the southeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic townships of Kilpatrick and Travers and continuing southerly to the northeast corner of the Territorial District of Manitoulin on the west limit of the Territorial District of Sudbury.
All that part of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying south and east of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Downer; thence west astronomically to the intersection of a line drawn south astronomically from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bain; thence south astronomically to the intersection of a line drawn west astronomically from the southwest corner of the geographic township of McGill; thence east astronomically to longitude 86°00'W; thence southerly along longitude 86°00'W to the White River; thence generally westerly along said river to the northerly shore of Lake Superior; thence S45°00'W astronomically to the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America.
All of the Territorial District of Manitoulin.
2. Kenora-Rainy River
Consisting of:
All that part of the Territorial District of Kenora lying south of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of a railway right-of-way and the east limit of the Territorial District of Kenora at approximate latitude 50º14'20"N; thence southwesterly along said railway right-of-way to its intersection with the east limit of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout; thence generally southerly and westerly along the east and south limits of said Municipality to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the west limit of said Municipality to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Lomond; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Lomond, McIlraith, Breithaupt, Daniel, Rowell, Ladysmith, Wauchope, Buller and Redvers to the northwest corner of the geographic township of Redvers; thence southerly to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly and southerly along the north and west limit of the geographic township of Smellie to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limits of the geographic townships of Bridges, Tustin, MacNicol and Jackman to the easterly water’s edge of Silver Lake; thence westerly on the production of the north limit of the geographic township of Jackman to its intersection of the northerly production of the east limit of lot 1, concession 3, of the geographic township of Pettypiece; thence northerly to the southeast limit of lot 1, concession 5, geographic township of Pettypiece and continuing northerly along the east limit of said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic township of Pettypiece to the east limit of the geographic township of Redditt; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the east, north and west limits of the geographic township of Redditt to the north limit of the City of Kenora; thence westerly along the north limit of said City of Kenora to the northeast corner of The Dalles I.R. 38C; thence generally northwesterly and southerly along the north and west limits of The Dalles I.R. 38C to an intersection with the easterly production of the north limit of the geographic township of Umbach; thence westerly along said production to the southeast corner of the Minaki Local Services Board Area as described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 212/83; thence generally northerly, westerly and southerly along the east, north and west exterior limits of said Local Services Board Area to the north limit of the geographic township of Umbach; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Umbach and Pelican to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Rudd; thence northerly and westerly along the east and north limit of the geographic township of Rudd to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Noyon; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic township of Noyon to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Manitoba.
All that part of the Territorial District of Rainy River lying west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south limit of said district with a meridian line known as the 4th Meridian Line, surveyed by Phillips and Benner, Ontario Land Surveyors, 1926; thence northerly along said meridian line to the south limit of the Town of Atikokan; thence westerly along said south limit of said town to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the west limit of said town and its production northerly to the north limit of the Territorial District of Rainy River.
3. Kiiwetinoong
Consisting of:
All of the Territorial District of Kenora, EXCEPTING those parts described as follows:
(i) That part lying east of a line described as follows: Commencing at the most northerly northeast corner of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence northerly along the production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to latitude 54º00'N; thence west astronomically to the Winisk River; thence northerly along the Winisk River to the southern boundary of Winisk IR No. 90; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the south, west and north exterior limits of Winisk IR No. 90 to where it intersects the Winisk River; thence generally northerly and easterly along the Winisk River to an intersection with the northerly production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence northerly along the production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to the north limit of the Province of Ontario;
(ii) All that part lying south of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of a railway right-of-way and the east limit of the Territorial District of Kenora at approximate latitude 50º14'20"N; thence southwesterly along said railway right-of-way to its intersection with the east limit of the Municipality of Sioux Lookout; thence generally southerly and westerly along the east and south limits of said Municipality to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the west limit of said Municipality to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Lomond; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Lomond, McIlraith, Breithaupt, Daniel, Rowell, Ladysmith, Wauchope, Buller and Redvers to the northwest corner of the geographic township of Redvers; thence southerly to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly and southerly along the north and west limit of the geographic township of Smellie to the southwest corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limits of the geographic townships of Bridges, Tustin, MacNicol and Jackman to the easterly water’s edge of Silver Lake; thence westerly on the production of the north limit of the geographic township of Jackman to its intersection of the northerly production of the east limit of lot 1, concession 3, of the geographic township of Pettypiece; thence northerly to the southeast limit of lot 1, concession 5, geographic township of Pettypiece and continuing northerly along the east limit of said township to the northeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic township of Pettypiece to the east limit of the geographic township of Redditt; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the east, north and west limits of the geographic township of Redditt to the north limit of the City of Kenora; thence westerly along the north limit of said City of Kenora to the northeast corner of The Dalles I.R. 38C; thence generally northwesterly and southerly along the north and west limits of The Dalles I.R. 38C to an intersection with the easterly production of the north limit of the geographic township of Umbach; thence westerly along said production to the southeast corner of the Minaki Local Services Board Area as described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 212/83; thence generally northerly, westerly and southerly along the east, north and west exterior limits of said Local Services Board Area to the north limit of the geographic township of Umbach; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Umbach and Pelican to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Rudd; thence northerly and westerly along the east and north limit of the geographic township of Rudd to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Noyon; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic township of Noyon to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Manitoba.
All that part of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying north and west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the west limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay with a base line, known as the 6th Base Line or Ross’s Base Line, surveyed by K.G. Ross, Ontario Land Surveyor, 1923; thence easterly along said base line to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bertrand; thence northerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Bertrand, McLaurin, Furlonge, Fletcher and Bulmer to the northeast corner of the geographic Township of Bulmer; thence northerly along a meridian line, known as Phillips and Benner’s Meridian Line, surveyed by Phillips and Benner, Ontario Land Surveyors, 1923, to the north limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay.
4. Mushkegowuk-James Bay
Consisting of: All of the Territorial District of Cochrane, EXCEPTING those parts described as follows:
(i) Commencing at the southeast corner of the City of Timmins on the south limit of the Territorial District of Cochrane; thence generally northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said city to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Prosser; thence northerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Prosser, Lucas, Beck and Ottaway to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Ottaway; thence westerly and northerly along the south and west limits of the geographic township of Clute and continuing northerly along the west limit of the geographic township of Leitch to the northwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic townships of Marven, Thorning, Potter, Sangster, Bragg, Newman, Tomlinson, Hurtubise and St. Laurent to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec;
(ii) All of the City of Timmins.
All that part of the Territorial District of Kenora lying east of a line described as follows: Commencing at the most northerly northeast corner of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence northerly along the production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to latitude 54º00'N; thence west astronomically to the Winisk River; thence northerly along the Winisk River to the southern boundary of Winisk IR No. 90; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the south, west and north exterior limits of Winisk IR No. 90 to where it intersects the Winisk River; thence generally northerly and easterly along the Winisk River to an intersection with the northerly production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay; thence northerly along the production of the east limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay to the north limit of the Province of Ontario.
5. Nickel Belt
Consisting of:
All that part of the Territorial District of Timiskaming lying west of the easterly limit of the geographic townships of Douglas and Geikie.
All of the Territorial District of Sudbury, EXCEPTING those parts described as follows, other than that part forming Wahnapitae Indian Reserve No. 11:
(i) All that part lying west of the easterly limit of the geographic townships of Shenango, Lemoine, Carty, Pinogami, Biggs, Rollo, Swayze, Cunningham, Blamey, Shipley, Singapore, Burr and Edighoffer;
(ii) All that part lying south and west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the geographic township of Acheson; thence easterly along the north boundary of the geographic townships of Acheson, Venturi and Ermatinger to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Ermatinger; thence southerly along the east boundary of the geographic townships of Ermatinger and Totten to the westerly limit of the former Regional Municipality of Sudbury (2000); thence generally southerly along the west limit of said former regional municipality to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Foster; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Foster and Curtin to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Curtin; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic townships of Roosevelt, Hansen and Goschen to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Goschen; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic township of Sale to the southwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic township of Sale to the southeast corner thereof; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic townships of Kilpatrick and Travers and continuing southerly to the northeast corner of the Territorial District of Manitoulin on the west limit of the Territorial District of Sudbury;
(iii) All that part lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Stull; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic townships of Stull, Valin, Cotton, Beresford and Creelman to the north limit of the former Regional Municipality of Sudbury (as existed on December 31, 1996); thence generally easterly and southerly along the north and east limits of said former municipality and continuing southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Dryden to the northwest corner of the geographic township of Hawley; thence southerly and easterly along the west and south limits of the geographic township of Hawley to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Hendrie; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Hendrie and Hoskin to the north limit of the geographic township of Delamere; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Delamere to the northwest corner of the former Municipal Township of Cosby, Mason and Martland (as existed on December 31, 1996); thence generally southerly and easterly along the west and south limits of the said former municipal township to the south limit of the Territorial District of Sudbury;
(iv) All that part of the former City of Sudbury (as existed on December 31, 1996), lying north of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the east limit of said former city and Highway No. 69; thence westerly along said highway to Long Lake Road; thence southerly along said road to the north limit of the geographic township of Broder; thence westerly along the north limit of said geographic township to the west limit of said former city.
6. Nipissing
Consisting of:
All that part of the Territorial District of Nipissing described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Territorial District of Parry Sound on the west limit of the Territorial District of Nipissing; thence generally easterly and southerly along the west and south limits of the Territorial District of Nipissing to the southwest corner of the geographic township of Sproule; thence easterly and northerly along the south and east limits of said geographic township to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Bower; thence northerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Bower and Freswick to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Freswick; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the south, west and north limits of the geographic township of Lister to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Boyd; thence northerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Boyd to the south limit of the Municipal Township of Papineau-Cameron; thence easterly and northerly along the south and east limits of said municipal township to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec; thence generally northwesterly along said interprovincial boundary to the intersection of the production easterly of the south limit of the geographic township of Eddy; thence westerly along said production and the south limit of the geographic townships of Eddy and Jocko to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Mulock; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Mulock to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Widdifield; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Widdifield, Commanda and Beaucage to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Pedley; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Pedley to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the south limit of the geographic township of Pedley to the southwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Springer and its production southerly to the middle of Lake Nipissing; thence S45°00'E astronomically to the north limit of the Territorial District of Parry Sound; thence generally easterly and southerly along the north and east limits of the Territorial District of Parry Sound to the point of commencement.
All that part of the Territorial District of Parry Sound consisting of the Municipal Township of Nipissing, the Municipality of Callander and the Municipality of Powassan.
7. Parry Sound-Muskoka
Consisting of:
All of the Territorial District of Parry Sound, EXCEPTING the Municipal Township of Nipissing, the Municipality of Callander, and the Municipality of Powassan.
All of The District Municipality of Muskoka.
8. Sault Ste. Marie
Consisting of all of the City of Sault Ste. Marie and that part of the Rankin Location Indian Reserve No. 15D lying within the limits of the City of Sault Ste. Marie.
9. Sudbury
Consisting of that part of the former City of Sudbury (as existed on December 31, 1996) lying north of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the east limit of said former city and Highway No. 69; thence westerly along said highway to Long Lake Road; thence southerly along said road to the north limit of the geographic township of Broder; thence westerly along the north limit of said geographic township to the west limit of said former city.
10. Thunder Bay-Atikokan
Consisting of:
All that part of the Territorial District of Rainy River lying east of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the south limit of said district with a meridian line known as the 4th Meridian Line, surveyed by Phillips and Benner, Ontario Land Surveyors, 1926; thence northerly along said meridian line to the south limit of the Town of Atikokan; thence westerly along said south limit of said town to the southwest corner thereof; thence northerly along the west limit of said town and its production northerly to the north limit of the Territorial District of Rainy River.
All that part of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying south and west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the west limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay with a base line, known as the 6th Base Line or Ross’s Base Line, surveyed by K.G. Ross, Ontario Land Surveyor, 1923; thence easterly along said base line to longitude 90°00'W; thence southerly along longitude 90°00'W to its most southerly intersection with the Dog River; thence generally southerly and easterly along said river to the westerly shore of Dog Lake; thence generally southerly along the westerly shore of Dog Lake to the north limit of the geographic township of Fowler; thence westerly and southerly along the north and west limits of the geographic township of Fowler to the north limit of the geographic township of Forbes; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Forbes to the Kaministiquia River; thence generally southerly along the Kaministiquia River to the north limit of the geographic township of Oliver; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Oliver to the northwest corner of the City of Thunder Bay; thence easterly and southerly along the north and east limits of said city to Highway No. 17; thence southwesterly along Highway No. 17 to Balsam Street; thence northerly along Balsam Street to Wardrope Avenue; thence westerly along Wardrope Avenue to the most easterly hydro-electric transmission line near Hilldale Road; thence generally southerly along said transmission line to Pioneer Drive; thence easterly along Pioneer Drive to Valley Street; thence southeasterly along Valley Street to Highway No. 17; thence southerly along Highway No. 17 to the Harbour Expressway; thence easterly along the Harbour Expressway, Main Street and its easterly production to the easterly limit of the City of Thunder Bay; thence generally southerly, easterly and southerly along the easterly limit of the City of Thunder Bay to the southeast angle thereof on the north limit of the Municipality of Neebing; thence southeasterly along the north limit of said municipality to the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America.
11. Thunder Bay-Superior North
Consisting of all of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay EXCEPTING those parts described as follows:
(i) All that part lying west of a line described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly limit of the Territorial District of Thunder Bay with a meridian line, known as Phillips and Benner’s Meridian Line, surveyed by Phillips and Benner, Ontario Land Surveyors, 1923; thence southerly along said meridian line to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Bulmer; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Bulmer, Fletcher, Furlonge, McLaurin and Bertrand to the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bertrand; thence easterly along a base line, known as the 6th Base Line or Ross’s Base Line, surveyed by K.G. Ross, Ontario Land Surveyor, 1923, to longitude 90°00'W; thence southerly along longitude 90°00'W to its most southerly intersection with the Dog River; thence generally southerly and easterly along said river to the westerly shore of Dog Lake; thence generally southerly along the westerly shore of Dog Lake to the north limit of the geographic township of Fowler; thence westerly and southerly along the north and west limits of the geographic township of Fowler to the north limit of the geographic township of Forbes; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Forbes to the Kaministiquia River; thence generally southerly along the Kaministiquia River to the north limit of the geographic township of Oliver; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Oliver to the northwest corner of the City of Thunder Bay; thence easterly and southerly along the north and east limits of said city to Highway No. 17; thence southwesterly along Highway No. 17 to Balsam Street; thence northerly along Balsam Street to Wardrope Avenue; thence westerly along Wardrope Avenue to the most easterly hydro-electric transmission line near Hilldale Road; thence generally southerly along said transmission line to Pioneer Drive; thence easterly along Pioneer Drive to Valley Street; thence southeasterly along Valley Street to Highway No. 17; thence southerly along Highway No. 17 to the Harbour Expressway; thence easterly along the Harbour Expressway, Main Street and its easterly production to the easterly limit of the City of Thunder Bay; thence generally southerly, easterly and southerly along the easterly limit of the City of Thunder Bay to the southeast angle thereof on the north limit of the Municipality of Neebing; thence southeasterly along the north limit of said municipality to the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America;
(ii) All that part lying south and east of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the geographic Township of Downer, thence west astronomically to the intersection of a line drawn south astronomically from the southeast corner of the geographic Township of Bain; thence south astronomically to the intersection of a line drawn west astronomically from the southwest corner of the geographic township of McGill; thence east astronomically to longitude 86°00'W; thence southerly along longitude 86°00'W to the White River; thence generally westerly along said river to the northerly shore of Lake Superior; thence S45°00'W astronomically to the international boundary between Canada and the United States of America.
12. Timiskaming-Cochrane
Consisting of:
All of the Territorial District of Timiskaming EXCEPTING that part lying west of the east limit of the geographic townships of Douglas and Geikie.
All that part of the Territorial District of Cochrane lying east and south of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of the City of Timmins on the south limit of the Territorial District of Cochrane; thence generally northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly limits of said city to the southeast corner of the geographic township of Prosser; thence northerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Prosser, Lucas, Beck and Ottaway to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Ottaway; thence westerly and northerly along the south and west limits of the geographic township of Clute and continuing northerly along the west limit of the geographic township of Leitch to the northwest corner thereof; thence easterly along the south limit of the geographic townships of Marven, Thorning, Potter, Sangster, Bragg, Newman, Tomlinson, Hurtubise and St. Laurent to the interprovincial boundary between Ontario and Quebec.
All that part of the Territorial District of Sudbury, other than that part forming Wahnapitae Indian Reserve No. 11, lying easterly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the geographic Township of Stull; thence southerly along the west limit of the geographic townships of Stull, Valin, Cotton, Beresford and Creelman to the north limit of the former Regional Municipality of Sudbury (as existed on December 31, 1996); thence generally easterly and southerly along the north and east limits of said former municipality and continuing southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Dryden to the northwest corner of the geographic township of Hawley; thence southerly and easterly along the west and south limits of the geographic township of Hawley to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Hendrie; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic townships of Hendrie and Hoskin to the north limit of the geographic township of Delamere; thence easterly along the north limit of the geographic township of Delamere to the northwest corner of the former Municipal Township of Cosby, Mason and Martland (as existed on December 31, 1996); thence generally southerly and easterly along the west and south limits of the said former municipal township to the south limit of the Territorial District of Sudbury.
All that part of the Territorial District of Nipissing lying northerly and westerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the interprovincial boundary at the intersection of the production easterly of the south limit of the geographic township of Eddy; thence westerly along said production and the south limit of the geographic townships of Eddy and Jocko to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Mulock; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Mulock to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Widdifield; thence westerly along the north limit of the geographic townships of Widdifield, Commanda and Beaucage to the northeast corner of the geographic township of Pedley; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Pedley to the southeast corner thereof; thence westerly along the south limit of the geographic township of Pedley to the southwest corner thereof; thence southerly along the east limit of the geographic township of Springer and its production southerly to the middle of Lake Nipissing; thence S45°00'E astronomically to the north limit of the Territorial District of Parry Sound.
13. Timmins
Consisting of all of the City of Timmins in the Territorial District of Cochrane.
Election Finances Act
4 (1) The definition of “nomination contest period” in subsection 1 (1) of the Election Finances Act is amended by striking out “and ends when the candidate for the electoral district is selected” at the end and substituting “and ends three months after the candidate for the electoral district is selected”.
(2) Section 1 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:
Transition, nomination contest period
(4) In the case of a nomination contestant whose nomination contest period ended on or after July 1, 2017 and before the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent, the nomination contest period is instead deemed to have ended three months after the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent.
(3) Subsection 1 (4) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (2), is repealed.
(4) Subsection 17 (3) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
Contribution to dissolved constituency association
(3) The following rules apply if, after a constituency association is dissolved under section 44.2 or 44.6, it is determined that a contribution received by or on behalf of the constituency association must be returned under subsection (1) or paid to the Chief Electoral Officer under subsection (2):
1. The entity or entities to which the assets and liabilities of the dissolved constituency association were transferred in accordance with subsection 44.2 (6) or 44.6 (6) are liable for the payment required by subsection (1) or (2).
2. If the assets and liabilities were transferred to more than one entity under subsection 44.2 (6) or 44.6 (6), the registered party concerned shall apportion the liability for the payment in a way that corresponds to the apportionment under that subsection.
3. The registered party shall file with the Chief Electoral Officer a statement identifying the entity or entities that are liable for the payment and giving details of any apportionment. The statement shall be accompanied by a document, in a form prescribed by the Chief Electoral Officer, indicating the party’s approval.
(5) Section 18 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:
Contributions at certain meetings
(3.1) A contribution made by a person at a meeting referred to in subsection 23.1 (2.1) shall not be included when calculating the person’s contribution total for the purposes of subsection (1) or (1.1), as applicable.
(6) Subsection 23.1 (1) of the Act is amended by adding the following paragraph:
3.1 A person who was nominated or appointed as an official party candidate for an electoral district on or after March 1, 2016 but who is not a registered candidate, in respect of a fund-raising event held on or after the day the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent.
(7) Clause 23.1 (2) (a) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
(a) attending an event held by or on behalf of a party, constituency association, nomination contestant, candidate or leadership contestant registered under this Act where,
(i) the event is advertised in advance,
(ii) a charge by the sale of tickets or otherwise is made exclusively to recover the costs of holding the event and that fact is stated in all advertisements for the event, and
(iii) any money raised in excess of the amount required for cost recovery is promptly paid to the Chief Electoral Officer; or
(8) Section 23.1 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:
Saving, attending general meetings, etc.
(2.1) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents a person mentioned in that subsection from attending an annual general meeting, policy conference or similar meeting for members held by a registered political party or registered constituency association where a charge for attendance includes a contribution portion, if the requirements of subclauses (2) (a) (i) to (iii), with necessary modifications, are met with respect to the meeting.
(9) Subsection 38 (3.3) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
Increase for candidates in certain northern electoral districts
(3.3) The amount determined under subsection (3) shall be increased by the applicable amount in relation to candidates in the following electoral districts:
1. Algoma-Manitoulin.
2. Kenora-Rainy River.
3. Kiiwetinoong.
4. Mushkegowuk-James Bay.
5. Nickel Belt.
6. Thunder Bay-Atikokan.
7. Thunder Bay-Superior North.
8. Timiskaming-Cochrane.
(10) Section 41.1 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsections:
Reporting, appointed candidates
(2.1) Promptly after a candidate is appointed with respect to a registered party for an electoral district, the registered party shall notify the Chief Electoral Officer of the name of the candidate who was selected.
(2.2) Promptly after the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 receives Royal Assent, a registered party shall notify the Chief Electoral Officer of the name of any candidate who,
(a) was nominated with respect to the registered party for an electoral district on or after March 1, 2016 and before July 1, 2017; or
(b) was appointed with respect to the registered party for an electoral district on or after March 1, 2016 and before the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent.
(11) Subsection 41.1 (2.2) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (10), is repealed.
(12) Paragraph 1 of subsection 41.1 (3) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:
1. A statement shall be filed with respect to the nomination contest period within three months after it ends.
(13) The Act is amended by adding the following section:
Registration of certain northern electoral districts
44.6 (1) The Chief Electoral Officer shall register, in the register mentioned in subsection 11 (2), constituency associations for the electoral districts of Kenora-Rainy River, Kiiwetinoong, Mushkegowuk-James Bay and Timmins, as they were described after the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent.
Formal requirements of application
(2) The Chief Electoral Officer shall register a constituency association under subsection (1) only if its application complies with subsection 11 (2) and is accompanied by a document, in a form prescribed by the Chief Electoral Officer, indicating the approval of the registered party concerned.
Automatic dissolution
(3) Except for the purposes of this section, every constituency association for the electoral districts of Kenora-Rainy River and Timmins-James Bay, as they were described immediately before the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017 received Royal Assent, is dissolved on December 31, 2017, subject to subsections (13) to (15).
Earlier dissolution
(4) A registered party may request the dissolution of a constituency association referred to in subsection (3) before December 31, 2017, in which case the Chief Electoral Officer shall make an order to that effect.
(5) The request shall be accompanied by a document, in a form prescribed by the Chief Electoral Officer, indicating the party’s approval.
Assets and liabilities
(6) Every constituency association that is dissolved under this section shall transfer its assets and liabilities to one or more constituency associations referred to in subsection (1), to the registered party concerned or to both, subject to any written direction by the party, before it is dissolved.
Filing of direction
(7) A direction referred to in subsection (6) shall be filed with the Chief Electoral Officer and shall be accompanied by a document, in a form prescribed by the Chief Electoral Officer, indicating the party’s approval.
Report re assets and liabilities
(8) Within 90 days after being dissolved under this section, a constituency association shall file with the Chief Electoral Officer a statement setting out the assets and liabilities it still held, if any, on the day it was dissolved.
Deemed transfer to party
(9) Any assets and liabilities that a constituency association still held on the day it was dissolved under this section are deemed to have been transferred to the registered party on that day, and the party may then transfer them to its constituency associations referred to in subsection (1) as it sees fit.
Filing of annual financial statement and auditor’s report, 2017 and 2018
(10) The following rules apply to the filing of annual financial statements and auditors’ reports for 2017 and 2018 by the chief financial officers of constituency associations dissolved under this section and of constituency associations registered under subsection (1):
1. Section 41 governs the filing, except that the dates for filing set out in this subsection prevail over those set out in subsection 41 (1).
2. The 2017 statement and report of a constituency association dissolved under this section shall be filed within 90 days after its dissolution.
3. If a constituency association is registered under subsection (1) before January 1, 2018, its 2017 statement and report shall be filed on or before May 31, 2018.
4. If a constituency association is registered under subsection (1) on or after January 1, 2018, its 2018 statement and report shall be filed on or before May 31, 2019.
Certain by-elections
(11) If, after a registered constituency association has been dissolved under this section, but before the redistribution described in subsection 2 (1) of the Representation Act, 2015 takes effect, a writ is issued for an election in an old electoral district within the meaning of section 44.1 that falls within the boundaries of the electoral districts referred to in subsection (3), the registered party concerned may,
(a) establish a provisional constituency association for the old electoral district;
(b) designate a constituency association to act in the place of the dissolved constituency association; or
(c) conduct the electoral campaign directly without interposing a provisional or designated constituency association.
Application of Act to certain by-elections
(12) With respect to the campaign period in an election where subsection (11) applies, this Act applies to the provisional constituency association, designated constituency association or registered party, as the case may be, as if it were a registered constituency association for the electoral district and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a registered party that conducts an electoral campaign directly is entitled to incur campaign expenses under subsection 38 (3), to the same extent as a constituency association, in addition to its expenses under subsection 38 (1).
Exception, registered party opts to continue constituency association
(13) Before December 31, 2017, a registered party may file with the Chief Electoral Officer a notice stating that a specified constituency association that would otherwise be subject to dissolution under this section will be the party’s constituency association for a specified electoral district referred to in subsection (1).
Filing requirements
(14) The notice under subsection (13) shall be accompanied by a document, in a form prescribed by the Chief Electoral Officer, indicating the party’s approval.
Constituency association continues
(15) On the filing of the notice under subsection (13) the constituency association becomes the constituency association of the party for the specified electoral district.
Election Act
5 Section 17.2 of the Election Act is repealed and the following substituted:
Provision of information by Chief Electoral Officer
17.2 The Chief Electoral Officer may, for electoral purposes, provide information from the permanent register of electors to,
(a) the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada;
(b) any municipality in Ontario and its local boards; and
(c) the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.
Legislative Assembly Act
6 Subsection 67 (6) of the Legislative Assembly Act is amended by striking out the portion before paragraph 1 and substituting the following:
Expenses, certain northern districts
(6) The Board of Internal Economy may authorize the payment of the following expenses to the member of the Assembly representing the electoral district of Algoma-Manitoulin, Kenora-Rainy River, Kiiwetinoong, Mushkegowuk-James Bay, Nickel Belt, Timiskaming-Cochrane, Thunder Bay-Atikokan or Thunder Bay-Superior North:
. . . . .
Commencement and Short Title
7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.
(2) Subsections 4 (3) and (11) come into force on June 30, 2018.
Short title
8 The short title of this Act is the Representation Statute Law Amendment Act, 2017.