Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 29 - Bill 293, Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021, S.O. 2021, c. 29


This Explanatory Note was written as a reader’s aid to Bill 293 and does not form part of the law.  Bill 293 has been enacted as Chapter 29 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2021.

The Bill proclaims July 10 in each year as Nikola Tesla Day.



chapter 29

An Act to proclaim July 10 as Nikola Tesla Day in Ontario

Assented to June 3, 2021


Nikola Tesla, a prolific Serbian-American inventor and engineer, created the polyphase alternating current (AC) production and long-distance transmission system in 1888 and subsequently changed the world.

The advent of AC is inexorably linked to Ontario’s own history. Tesla’s system was used in the creation of the world’s first hydroelectric power plant at Niagara Falls. Within 25 years, every major municipality and township in Southern Ontario had access to electric power.

In addition to the AC and hydroelectric system that we all use today, Nikola Tesla developed many other important patents that ushered in twentieth century technology such as the electric motor, radio, remote control, robotics, x-rays, radar, laser and many more. A true visionary and futurist, Tesla raised concerns with the use of fossil fuels. He also dreamed of free and renewable energy.

Nikola Tesla poured all his money and efforts into furthering scientific research, ultimately dying alone and penniless. We use his inventions daily, but often fail to recognize his immense contribution to modern society.

Our world reflects the realized dreams of countless scientists, engineers and people of medicine. As our daily lives have been greatly improved through their visionary work, it is important that we acknowledge their lives. Observing Nikola Tesla Day on July 10, will serve as an inspiration to future generations.

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Nikola Tesla Day

1 July 10 in each year is proclaimed as Nikola Tesla Day.


2 This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

3 The short title of this Act is the Nikola Tesla Day Act, 2021.