R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621: SPEED LIMITS IN TERRITORY WITHOUT MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION, Under: Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8

Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).

Highway Traffic Act

R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 621


Consolidation Period: From June 1, 2020 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 250/20.

Legislative History: 40/91, 429/91, 140/92, 337/92, 447/92, 621/92, 26/93, 107/93, 278/93, 426/93, 510/93, 634/93, 147/96, 595/98, 438/00, 334/01, 255/02, 11/03, 378/03, 257/04, 373/09, 250/20.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.

1. No person shall drive a motor vehicle on that part of a highway located in territory without municipal organization described in paragraph 1 of each Schedule at a greater rate of speed than that prescribed in paragraph 2 of each Schedule.  R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, s. 1.

Schedule 1

1. That part of the highway known as Kam Current Road in the unorganized Township of Gorham in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 589 and extending westerly a distance of 650 metres.

2. Sixty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 11/03, s. 1.

Schedule 2

1. That part of the highway known as Havilland Shores Drive in the Township of Havilland in the Territorial District of Algoma beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the old highway 17 also known as Havilland Shores Drive and extending westerly a distance of 19.1 kilometres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 11/03, s. 1.

Schedule 3

1. That part of the highway known as Orde Street in the unorganized Municipality of Minaki in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the end of the King’s Highway known as No. 596 and a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Nelson Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 3.

Schedule 4

1. That part of the highway known as Nelson Avenue in the unorganized Municipality of Minaki in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Orde Street and a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Railway Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 4.

Schedule 5

1. That part of the highway known as Railway Street in the unorganized Municipality of Minaki in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Nelson Avenue and a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Pine Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 5.

Schedule 6

1. That part of the highway known as Pine Avenue in the unorganized Municipality of Minaki in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Railway Street and a point situate 85 metres east of its intersection with the highway known as Russell Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 6.

Schedule 7

1. That part of the highway known as Golf Course Road in the unorganized Municipality of Minaki in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Front Street and a point situate at the end of the highway known as Golf Course Road at Lot 112.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 7.

Schedule 8

1. That part of the highway known as Station Street in the Township of Murchison in the Territorial District of Nipissing beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the north limits of the right of way of the King’s Highway known as No. 60 and extending northerly for a distance of 600 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 8.

Schedule 9

1. That part of the highway known as Elizabeth Bay Beach Road in the Township of Robinson in the Territorial District of Manitoulin beginning at a point situate 100 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Pine Haven Road and extending westerly for a distance of 1,200 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 9.

Schedule 10

1. That part of the highway known as Trout Lake Road in the unorganized Township of Aweres in the Territorial District of Algoma lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 17 and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Maki Lake Road.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 621, Sched. 10.

Schedule 11

1. That part of the highway known as McKenzie Portage Road in the Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Kenora beginning at a point situate 700 metres south of its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 17 at the City of Kenora and extending southerly a distance of 4.4 kilometres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 378/03, s. 1.

Schedule 12 Revoked:  O. Reg. 438/00, s. 1.

Schedule 13 Revoked:  O. Reg. 257/04, s. 1.

ScheduleS 14, 15 Revoked:  O. Reg. 438/00, s. 1.

Schedule 16

1. That part of the highway known as the Sultan Industrial Road in the Territorial District of Sudbury lying between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 144 in the Township of Invergarry and a point situate 400 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the easterly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 667 in the Township of Kaplan.

2. Seventy kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 621/92, s. 1.

Schedule 17 Revoked:  O. Reg. 438/00, s. 1.

Schedule 18

1. That part of the highway known as Ahmic Lake Road in the hamlet of Ahmic Harbour in the Township of Croft in the Territorial District of Parry Sound beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Ahmic Street and extending southerly for a distance of 700 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 107/93, s. 1.

ScheduleS 19-24 Revoked:  O. Reg. 438/00, s. 1.

Schedule 25

1. That part of the highway known as King Street in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 527 and the highway known as 1st Avenue and a point situate 500 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the Canadian National Railway Crossing.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 26

1. That part of the highway known as Queen Street in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highways known as 1st Avenue and Caribou Lake Road and a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as 6th Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 27

1. That part of the highway known as Princess Street in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as 1st Avenue and a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as 5th Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 28

1. That part of the highway known as Caribou Lake Road in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highways known as 1st Avenue and Queen Street and a point situate 250 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Northern Caribou Drive.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 634/93, s. 1.

Schedule 29

1. That part of the highway known as Northern Caribou Drive in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Caribou Lake Road and extending southerly for a distance of 500 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 30

1. That part of the highway known as 1st Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 527 and the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 31

1. That part of the highway known as 2nd Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 32

1. That part of the highway known as 3rd Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 33

1. That part of the highway known as 4th Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 34

1. That part of the highway known as 5th Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 35

1. That part of the highway known as 6th Avenue in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as King Street and a point 40 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the highway known as Princess Street.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 36

1. That part of the highway known as Northern Court in the unorganized municipality of Armstrong in Unsurveyed Territory in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the highway known as Northern Caribou Drive and extending westerly for a distance of 250 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 426/93, s. 1.

Schedule 37

1. That part of the highway known as Anton Road (also known as a portion of the Dryden North Boundary Road) in the unorganized Township of Wainwright in the Territorial District of Kenora beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 17 and extending westerly for a distance of 1,600 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 510/93, s. 1.

Schedule 38

1. That part of the highway known as Leach Road (also known as a portion of the Dryden North Boundary Road) in the unorganized Township of Wainwright in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 17 and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 601.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 510/93, s. 1.

Schedule 39

1. That part of the highway known as Thiel Road (also known as a portion of the Dryden North Boundary Road) in the unorganized Township of Wainwright in the Territorial District of Kenora beginning at a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 601 and extending westerly for a distance of 1,100 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 510/93, s. 1.

Schedule 40

1. That part of the highway known as Gordon Road in the unorganized Township of Van Horne in the Territorial District of Kenora lying between a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as Marguerite Street at the westerly limit of the Town of Dryden and a point situate at its intersection with the King’s Highway known as No. 594.

2. Sixty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 634/93, s. 2.

Schedule 41

1. That part of the highway known as Silver Lake Road in the Territorial District of Manitoulin lying between a point situate at its intersection with the northerly limits of the highway known as No. 540 in the Township of Robinson to a point situate at its intersection with the northerly limits of the highway known as Burnt Island Road.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 147/96, s. 1.

Schedule 42

1. That part of the highway known as Burnt Island Road in the Territorial District of Manitoulin lying between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limits of the highway known as Silver Lake Road in the Township of Robinson and a point situate at its intersection with the easterly limits of the highway known as No. 540.

2. Sixty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 147/96, s. 1.

Schedule 43

1. That part of the highway known as Old No. 560 in the Township of Asquith in the Territorial District of Sudbury lying between a point situate at the north limit of the east intersection of the King’s highway known as 560 and a point situate at the south limit of the west intersection of the King’s Highway known as No. 560.

2. Forty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 595/98, s. 1.

Schedule 44

1. That part of the highway known as Hawthorne Drive in the Territorial District of Parry Sound between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 534 in the Township of Patterson and extending westerly a distance of 1,200 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 334/01, s. 1.

Schedule 45

1. That part of the highway known as Lakeview Road in the Territorial District of Parry Sound between a point situate at its intersection with the northerly limit of the highway known as Hawthorne Drive in the Township of Patterson and extending northerly a distance of 230 metres.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 334/01, s. 1.

Schedule 46

1. That part of the highway known as Maple Street in the Township of Poitras in the Territorial District of Nipissing lying between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 63 and a point situate at its intersection with the easterly limit of the highway known as Spruce Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 255/02, s. 1.

Schedule 47

1. That part of the highway known as Birch Street in the Township of Poitras in the Territorial District of Nipissing lying between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 63 and a point situate at its intersection with the easterly limit of the highway known as Spruce Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 255/02, s. 1.

Schedule 48

1. That part of the highway known as Oak Street in the Township of Poitras in the Territorial District of Nipissing lying between a point situate at its intersection with the westerly limit of the King’s Highway known as No. 63 and a point situate at its intersection with the easterly limit of the highway known as Spruce Avenue.

2. Fifty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 255/02, s. 1.

Schedule 49

1. That part of the highway known as North Branch Road in the Gorham Local Roads Board in the Township of Gorham in the Territorial District of Thunder Bay lying between its intersection with the highway known as Onion Lake Road and its intersection with the highway known as Copenhagen Road.

2. Sixty kilometres per hour.

O. Reg. 250/20, s. 1.