O. Reg. 396/93: PROXY METHOD OF COMPARISON, Under: Pay Equity Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.7

Today, February 14, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to February 11, 2025 (e-Laws currency date).

Pay Equity Act

ontario REGULATION 396/93


Consolidation Period: From April 11, 2022 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 275/22.

Legislative History: 926/93, 93/10, 317/17, 275/22.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.

1. (1) In this Regulation,

“child treatment service” means a child treatment service as defined in the Child and Family Services Act; (“service de traitement de l’enfant”)

“children’s treatment centre” means a hospital classified as a Group K hospital in the Schedule to Regulation 964 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 made under the Public Hospitals Act that provides services to children; (“centre de traitement pour enfants”)

“community health centre” means an employer,

(a)  who provides primary health care services primarily to,

(i)  a group or groups of individuals who, because of culture, sex, language, socio-economic factors or geographic isolation, would be unlikely to receive some or all of those services from other sources, or

(ii)  a group or groups of individuals who, because of age, sex, socio-economic factors or environmental factors, are more likely to be in need of some or all of those services than other individuals, and

(b)  who receives funding from the Ministry of Health in accordance with the number or type of services provided; (“centre de santé communautaire”)

“comprehensive health organization” means an employer,

(a)  that is a not-for-profit corporation,

(b)  that provides or arranges for the provision of comprehensive health care services for individuals who are enrolled as members of the patient roster of the corporation, and

(c)  that receives funding from the Ministry of Health in accordance with the number of individuals on the roster; (“organisme offrant une gamme complète de services de santé”)

“hospital” means a hospital listed in the Schedule to Regulation 964 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 made under the Public Hospitals Act, a private hospital operated under the authority of a licence issued under the Private Hospitals Act or a hospital approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as a community psychiatric hospital under the Community Psychiatric Hospitals Act; (“hôpital”)

“social services” means,

(a)  the making of assessments or diagnoses of psycho-social, behavioural and related problems of individuals or families,

(b)  the counselling of individuals, families or groups in relation to psycho-social, behavioural and related problems,

(c)  the provision of information and education concerning psycho-social, behavioural and related problems and the making of referrals in relation to those problems,

(d)  the provision of education or counselling, or

(e)  the provision of crisis intervention services, mental health services, addiction treatment services, rehabilitation services, vocational services or related therapy services. (“services sociaux”)  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 1 (1).

(2) Despite subsection (1), in Column 1 of the Schedule to this Regulation, “hospital” does not include a children’s treatment centre.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 1 (2).

2. (1) For the purposes of the proxy method of comparison, a seeking employer shall select as the proxy establishment a potential proxy establishment of an employer that is of the type described in Column 2 of the Schedule opposite the description in Column 1 that best describes the seeking employer.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 317/17, s. 1.

(2) In determining which description in Column 1 of the Schedule best describes a seeking employer, reference shall be made to the principal activity of or service provided by the employer.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (2); O. Reg. 317/17, s. 1.

(3) If a seeking employer cannot reasonably be considered to fall within any description in Column 1 of the Schedule, the seeking employer shall select as the proxy establishment an establishment of an employer that is a hospital or a municipality.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (3); O. Reg. 317/17, s. 1.

(4) The seeking employer shall select the same proxy establishment for all female job classes that are covered by the same pay equity plan.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (4).

(5) The proxy establishment selected shall be,

(a)  a proxy establishment whose job classes are located in the same geographic division as the seeking employer’s job classes that they are to be compared with; or

(b)  if no selection can be made under clause (a), the proxy establishment whose employer’s principal administrative offices are located the shortest distance from the principal administrative offices of the seeking employer.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (5).

(6) For purposes of subsection (5), a job class shall be considered to be located in the geographic division in which the majority of the persons occupying positions in the job class are employed.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 2 (6).

3. A seeking employer may not enter into an agreement with another seeking employer under clause 21.16 (1) (a) of the Act unless the description in Column 1 of the Schedule that best describes the one is also the description that best describes the other.  O. Reg. 396/93, s. 3; O. Reg. 317/17, s. 1.



Column 1
Seeking Employer

Column 2
Potential Proxy Employer


Health Care Services — hospital



Health Care Services — employer providing food services to a hospital

hospital with food services


Health Care Services — employer providing laundry services to hospital

hospital with laundry


Health Care Services — employer providing health and personal support services (including visiting homemakers and home care facilities)



Health Care Services — employer providing community alcohol and drug dependency program

hospital with psychiatric unit


Health Care Services — employer providing community mental health program

hospital with psychiatric unit


Health Care Services — employer providing placement co-ordination services



Health Care Services — employer providing mental health or psychiatric services

hospital with psychiatric unit


Health Care Services — employer providing vocational rehabilitation services

hospital providing rehabilitation services


Health Care Services — rehabilitation centre

hospital providing rehabilitation services


Health Care Services — any other employer providing rehabilitation services

hospital providing rehabilitation services


Health Care Services — public health unit

public health unit operated by a regional municipality


Health Care Services — community health centre

public health unit operated by a regional municipality


Health Care Services — comprehensive health organization



Health Care Services — laboratory or specimen collection centre

hospital with laboratory


Health Care Services — any other employer providing health care services



Services for Seniors — long-term care home

long-term care home under Part IX of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021


Services for Seniors — any other employer providing services for seniors

long-term care home under Part IX of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021


Revoked:  O. Reg. 93/10, s. 1.


Services for People with Disabilities — employer providing services for persons with physical disabilities



Services for People with Disabilities — employer providing accommodation services for persons with developmental disabilities if the employer is regulated by the Homes for Retarded Persons Act or the Developmental Services Act



Services for People with Disabilities — association for community living



Services for People with Disabilities — any other employer providing services for persons with developmental disabilities



Counselling and Referral Services — sexual assault centre

hospital providing crisis intervention services


Counselling and Referral Services — interval, transition or second stage house or family resource centre

hospital providing crisis intervention services


Counselling and Referral Services — any other employer providing counselling and referral services

hospital providing social or counselling services


Accommodation Services — home for special care

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Accommodation Services — domiciliary hostel

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Accommodation Services — emergency hostel

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Accommodation Services — halfway house

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Accommodation Services — any other employer providing accommodation services

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Services for Children and Families — children’s treatment centre

hospital with paediatric unit


Services for Children and Families — daycare centre or childcare resource centre

municipality operating daycare facility


Services for Children and Families — private home daycare agency

municipality operating daycare facility


Services for Children and Families — early childhood education facility

municipality operating daycare facility


Services for Children and Families — child and family intervention services, child treatment service or child welfare service

hospital providing health services for children


Services for Children and Families — any other employer providing children’s, youth or family intervention services (including child and youth institutions and child and youth residential services if the institution or service is licensed under the Child and Family Services Act)

hospital providing children’s youth or family counselling services


Correctional Services — employer providing non-residential correctional services

municipality directly providing counselling services


Correctional Services — employer providing residential correctional services

municipality directly providing accommodation services


Correctional Services — any other employer providing correctional services

municipality directly providing counselling services


Cultural Organizations — community information centre



Cultural Organizations — public library



Cultural Organizations — The Southern Ontario Library Services Board



Cultural Organizations — The Northern Ontario Library Service Board



Miscellaneous — community centre



Miscellaneous — employer providing settlement and integration services for immigrants and refugees

municipality directly providing social services


Miscellaneous — employer providing recreational services

municipality directly providing recreational services


Miscellaneous — community legal clinic

municipality with legal department


Miscellaneous — supervised access centre

hospital providing social services


Miscellaneous — district welfare administration board



Miscellaneous — centre providing employment and vocational counselling services for adults

municipality directly providing social services


Miscellaneous — youth employment counselling centre

municipality directly providing social services


Miscellaneous — native friendship centre

municipality directly providing social services


Miscellaneous — municipality



Miscellaneous — school board

school board

O. Reg. 396/93, Sched.; O. Reg. 93/10, s. 1; O. Reg. 317/17, s. 2; O. Reg. 275/22, s. 1.