O. Reg. 90/13: FARMING OPERATIONS, Filed March 1, 2013 under Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1
ontario regulation 90/13
made under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Made: January 23, 2013
Filed: March 1, 2013
Published on e-Laws: March 4, 2013
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: March 16, 2013
Amending O. Reg. 414/05
1. (1) Paragraph 3 of subsection 4 (2) of Ontario Regulation 414/05 is revoked and the following substituted:
3. Ontario Regulation 87/13 (Training Requirements for Certain Compulsory Trades) made under the Act.
(2) Paragraph 3 of subsection 4 (2) of the Regulation, as remade by subsection (1), is revoked.
2. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
(2) Subsection 1 (1) comes into force on the later of the day section 103 of the Ontario College of Trades and Apprenticeship Act, 2009 comes into force and the day this Regulation is filed.
(3) Subsection 1 (2) comes into force on the first anniversary of the day subsection 1 (1) of this Regulation comes into force.