O. Reg. 365/18: GENERAL, Filed May 3, 2018 under Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.31
ontario regulation 365/18
made under the
Assessment Act
Made: May 3, 2018
Filed: May 3, 2018
Published on e-Laws: May 3, 2018
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: May 19, 2018
Amending O. Reg. 282/98
1. Paragraph 1 of subsection 8 (3) of Ontario Regulation 282/98 is amended by striking out “Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs” in the portion before subparagraph i and substituting “Administrator under Part V”.
2. (1) The definition of “Administrator” in section 29 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:
“Administrator” means,
(a) the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs or the employee of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to whom the Minister has delegated his or her powers and duties under this Part, or
(b) AgriCorp, if the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has appointed it as the Administrator under section 29.1; (“administrateur”)
(2) Section 29 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following definition:
“AgriCorp” means the corporation established under section 1 of the AgriCorp Act, 1996; (“AgriCorp”)
3. The Regulation is amended by adding the following section:
29.1 (1) The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs may appoint AgriCorp as the Administrator for the purposes of this Part and sections 8 and 8.1.
(2) If the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs appoints AgriCorp under subsection (1), AgriCorp may designate an employee of the corporation to exercise the powers and duties of the Administrator on its behalf.
4. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.
Le ministre des Finances,
Charles Sousa
Minister of Finance
Date made: May 3, 2018
Pris le : 3 mai 2018