O. Reg. 470/20: TRANSITIONAL MATTERS - GROWTH PLANS, Filed August 28, 2020 under Places to Grow Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 13


ontario regulation 470/20

made under the

Places to Grow Act, 2005

Made: August 28, 2020
Filed: August 28, 2020
Published on e-Laws: August 28, 2020
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 12, 2020

Amending O. Reg. 311/06


1. Section 2.0.1 of Ontario Regulation 311/06 is amended by adding the following definition:

“Amendment 1 (2020)” means Amendment 1 (2020) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019 that was approved under subsection 7 (6) of the Act on August 27, 2020 and came into effect on August 28, 2020.

2. (1) Subsection 2.1 (1) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

Application of ss. 3, 3.1 and 4

(1) Where section 3 or 4 requires a matter to be continued and disposed of in accordance with the Plan, the requirement shall be read as a requirement that the matter be continued and disposed of in accordance with the 2019 Growth Plan as it read after Amendment 1 (2020) came into effect, except as otherwise provided.

(2) Section 2.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsections:

(2.1) Subject to subsection (2.2), where section 3 or 4 requires a matter to be continued and disposed of in accordance with the Plan and the matter was commenced before August 28, 2020, the requirement shall be read as a requirement that the matter be continued and disposed of in accordance with the 2019 Growth Plan as it read before Amendment 1 (2020) came into effect if, on August 28, 2020, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or a joint board has completed its hearing of the matter but reserved its final decision.

(2.2) Subsection (2.1) does not apply if, on May 16, 2019, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal or a joint board had completed its hearing of the matter but reserved its final decision.

3. Subsection 4 (3) and (4) are amended by striking out “the 2019 Growth Plan” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “the Plan”.


4. This Regulation comes into force on the later of August 28, 2020 and the day it is filed.

Made by:
Pris par :

Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement,

Steve Clark

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


Date made: August 28, 2020
Pris le : 28 août 2020