O. Reg. 469/22: GENERAL, Filed August 17, 2022 under Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, S.O. 2014, c. 11, Sched. 1

ontario regulation 469/22

made under the

Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014

Made: August 12, 2022
Filed: August 17, 2022
Published on e-Laws: August 17, 2022
Printed in The Ontario Gazette: September 3, 2022

Amending O. Reg. 137/15


1. Clause (a) of the definition of “eligible child” in subsection 1 (1) of Ontario Regulation 137/15 is revoked and the following substituted:

(a) any child, until the last day of the month in which the child turns six years old, and

2. Subsection 45 (1.1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “September” and substituting “November”.

3. Section 77.1 of the Regulation is amended by adding the following subsection:

(4.1) Clause (4) (b) does not apply if the licensee or applicant,

(a) notified the local service system manager in writing that it will not be applying for enrolment in the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care System in 2022 on or before August 17, 2022; and

(b) meets any requirements specified by the local service system manager, including requirements relating to caps on fees and notifying parents.

4. (1) Subsection 77.2 (1) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “September” in the portion before clause (a) and substituting “November”.

(2) Clause 77.2 (1) (a) of the Regulation is amended by adding “in the 2022 calendar year” at the end.

(3) Clause 77.2 (2) (a) of the Regulation is amended by adding “credits or” before “refunds”.

(4) Clause 77.2 (5) (a) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “September” and substituting “November”.

5. (1) Subsection 77.4 (3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out the portion before clause (a) and substituting the following:

(3) A local service system manager that receives an application under subsection 77.3 (1) on or before December 31, 2022 shall specify an enrolment date that is,

. . . . .

(2) Subsection 77.4 (4) of the Regulation is amended by adding “credit or” before “refund” in the portion before clause (a).

(3) Clauses 77.4 (4) (a) and (b) of the Regulation are amended by striking out “31st” wherever it appears and substituting in each case “20th”.

(4) Subsection 77.4 (5) of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:

(5) Any credit or refund required under subsection (4) shall be given within 20 days after the day the licensee is notified by a local service system manager of the enrolment date.

(5.1) If a child in respect of whom a credit was provided under this section ceases to receive child care at a child care centre the licensee operates or at a home child care premises that it oversees, the licensee shall ensure that a refund is provided of any remaining amount within 20 days after the day the child ceases to receive care.

(5) Subsection 77.4 (6) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “32nd” and substituting “21st”.

6. Item 22 of Table 1 to section 78 of the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted:


Regulation, s. 77.4

Prohibition – charging base fee higher than applicable base fee

$750 × number of children for whom a fee higher than the applicable base fee was charged or not credited or refunded


7. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed.