O. Reg. 190/24: CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, Filed May 6, 2024 under Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1

ontario regulation 190/24

made under the

Occupational Health and Safety Act

Made: April 25, 2024
Filed: May 6, 2024
Published on e-Laws: May 6, 2024
Published in The Ontario Gazette: May 25, 2024

Amending O. Reg. 213/91


1. Ontario Regulation 213/91 is amended by adding the following section:

28.1 (1) Where twenty or more workers are regularly employed at a project, the constructor shall ensure that menstrual products are provided.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the menstrual products must,

(a)  include both tampons and menstrual pads;

(b)  be kept clean and hygienic; and

(c)  be provided in one or more locations at the project such that for each worker there is at least one location that,

(i)  offers a reasonable amount of privacy, and

(ii)  is reasonably accessible.

(3) This section does not apply to a constructor at a project at which work is expected to last less than three months.

2. Subsection 29.1 (2.3) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “sanitary napkins” and substituting “menstrual products”.


3. This Regulation comes into force on January 1, 2025.