Signage to Promote Ontario Produced Agricultural Products Act, 2008, S.O. 2008, c. 22 - Bill 98, Signage to Promote Ontario Produced Agricultural Products Act, 2008, S.O. 2008, c. 22


This Explanatory Note was written as a reader’s aid to Bill 98 and does not form part of the law.  Bill 98 has been enacted as Chapter 22 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2008.

The Bill amends the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act to allow any of the following signs to be displayed within 400 metres of the King’s highway without the need to obtain a permit issued by the Minister:

1. Signs displaying information about the sale of agricultural products, other than tobacco, that are produced and offered for sale on the premises where the signs are displayed if the signs are located on privately owned land zoned for agricultural uses.

2. Signs displaying directions to a place where agricultural products produced in Ontario, other than tobacco, are offered for sale if the following conditions are met: the owner of the signs must be the same as the owner or tenant of the land where the products are produced and the signs must be located on privately owned land zoned for agricultural uses and must be displayed only during the season during which the products are offered for sale.




chapter 22

An Act to promote the sale of Ontario produced agricultural products by amending the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act

Assented to December 10, 2008

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. (1) Subsection 34 (1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act is amended by adding the following definition:

“agricultural product” means an agricultural product that is not edible, an agricultural food product or a food product that is processed on a farm in Ontario from an agricultural food product; (“produit agricole”)

(2) Section 34 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:

Interpretation, agricultural product

(1.1) For the purposes of this section, an agricultural product that is processed on a farm in Ontario from an agricultural food product shall be deemed to be produced on the premises on which the agricultural food product is produced.

(3) Clause 34 (2) (c) of the Act is repealed and the following substituted:

(c) display any sign, notice or advertising device, whether it contains words or not, within 400 metres of any limit of the King’s highway, other than,

(i) one sign not more than 60 centimetres by 30 centimetres in size displaying the name or the name and occupation of the owner of the premises where it is displayed or the name of the premises,

(ii) a maximum of two single-sided signs, each being not more than 122 centimetres by 122 centimetres in size and facing in different directions, or one single-sided sign not more than 122 centimetres by 244 centimetres in size if,

(A) the signs display information about the sale of agricultural products, other than tobacco, that are produced and offered for sale on the premises where the signs are displayed, and

(B) the signs are displayed on premises that is zoned for agricultural uses and that is not owned by the Crown in right of Canada or the public sector as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, or

(iii) a maximum of two single-sided signs, each being not more than 122 centimetres by 122 centimetres in size and facing in different directions, or one single-sided sign not more than 122 centimetres by 244 centimetres in size if,

(A) the signs display directions to a place where agricultural products produced in Ontario, other than tobacco, are offered for sale or information about the sale,

(B) the owner of the signs also owns or rents the land on which the agricultural products mentioned in sub-subclause (A) were produced,

(C) the signs are displayed on premises that is zoned for agricultural uses and that is not owned by the Crown in right of Canada or the public sector as defined in subsection 2 (1) of the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996, and

(D) the signs are displayed only during the season during which the agricultural products mentioned in sub-subclause (A) are offered for sale;


2. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.

Short title

3. The short title of this Act is the Signage to Promote Ontario Produced Agricultural Products Act, 2008.