O. Reg. 52/20: ORDER UNDER SUBSECTION 7.0.2 (4) OF THE ACT - ORGANIZED PUBLIC EVENTS, CERTAIN GATHERINGS, Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act
ORDER UNDER SUBSECTION 7.0.2 (4) OF THE ACT - Organized Public Events, CERTAIN gatherings
Note: This Order is revoked on June 9, 2020, unless it is extended. (See s. 7.0.8 of the Act and O. Reg. 106/20, Sched. 1)
Historical version for the period May 16, 2020 to May 28, 2020.
Last amendment: 222/20.
Legislative History: 99/20, 222/20.
This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.
WHEREAS an emergency was declared on March 17th, 2020 pursuant to Order in Council 518/2020 (Ontario Regulation 50/20);
AND WHEREAS the criteria set out in subsection 7.0.2 (2) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act have been satisfied;
NOW THEREFORE, this Order is made pursuant to paragraph 14 of subsection 7.0.2 (4) of the Act, the terms of which are set out in Schedule 1;
AND FURTHER, this Order applies generally throughout Ontario.
O. Reg. 52/20; O. Reg. 99/20, s. 2.
Organized Public Events, Certain Gatherings
1. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), no person shall attend,
(a) an organized public event of more than five people, including a parade;
(b) a social gathering of more than five people; or
(c) a gathering of more than five people for the purposes of conducting religious services, rites or ceremonies.
(2) For greater certainty, subsection (1) applies to an event or gathering even if it is held at a private dwelling.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to the following:
1. A gathering of members of a single household.
2. A gathering for the purposes of a funeral service that is attended by not more than 10 persons.
(4) Clause (1) (c) does not apply to a person who attends a gathering for the purposes of a religious service, rite or ceremony if, throughout the gathering, the person follows all of the following precautions that apply to the person:
1. Each person attending the gathering, other than the persons conducting the service, rite or ceremony, must remain within a motor vehicle that is designed to be closed to the elements.
2. A person must not be in a motor vehicle that contains members of more than one household.
3. The driver of a motor vehicle must ensure that it is positioned at least two metres away from other motor vehicles.
4. No more than five persons may conduct the service, rite or ceremony from outside a motor vehicle, and the persons conducting the service, rite or ceremony must remain at least two metres apart from each other and from other persons attending the gathering.
5. The persons conducting the service, rite or ceremony must ensure that any building that is intended for such activities and that is located at the place where the gathering is occurring remains closed during the gathering except for any access the persons conducting the service, rite or ceremony may reasonably require.
6. No materials must be exchanged,
i. between a person conducting the service, rite or ceremony and the occupant of a motor vehicle, or
ii. between the occupant of one motor vehicle and the occupant of any other motor vehicle.
7. A person who ordinarily uses a non-motorized vehicle because of their religious belief and who attends the gathering must remain within their non-motorized vehicle, and paragraphs 2, 3 and 6 apply with necessary modifications.
O. Reg. 99/20, s. 3; O. Reg. 222/20, s. 1.