O. Reg. 278/98: GENERAL, District Social Services Administration Boards Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.15
District Social Services Administration Boards Act
Loi sur les conseils d’administration de district des services sociaux
ontario REGULATION 278/98
Historical version for the period December 11, 2017 to December 19, 2018.
Last amendment: 472/17.
Legislative History: 37/99, 112/99, 608/99, 40/00, 620/00, 131/01, 355/02, 422/03, 298/04, 288/05, 501/05, 410/06, 164/07, 123/09, 210/10, 383/10, 462/10, 109/17, 472/17.
This Regulation is made in English only.
Sections |
1 |
2 |
3 |
3.1 |
4 |
5 |
6-6.1 |
7-8 |
Algoma district services administration board |
1-2 |
The district of Cochrane social services administration board |
1-2 |
Kenora district services board |
1-2 |
Manitoulin-Sudbury district services board |
1-2 |
The district of Nipissing social services administration board |
1-2 |
The district of Parry Sound social services administration board |
1-2 |
Rainy River district social services administration board |
1-2 |
The district of Sault Ste. Marie social services administration board |
1-2 |
The district of Thunder Bay social services administration board |
1-2 |
The district of Timiskaming social services administration board |
1-2 |
1. (1) For the purpose of the definition of “social services” in subsection 1 (1) of the Act, social services include,
(a) services with respect to assistance under the Ontario Works Act, 1997;
(b) services with respect to income support under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997;
(c) services set out in subsection 6 (1) of Ontario Regulation 138/15 (Funding, Cost Sharing and Financial Assistance) made under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014; and
(d) Revoked: O. Reg. 131/01, s. 1 (1).
(e) services with respect to benefits under the Family Benefits Act. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 1; O. Reg. 131/01, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 472/17, s. 1.
(2) Despite Ontario Regulation 131/01, this section, as it read immediately before that regulation came into force, continues to apply to expenditures with respect to provincial social housing costs under the Social Housing Funding Act, 1997 in respect of billing periods ending before January 1, 2001. O. Reg. 131/01, s. 1 (2).
Grants under Section 10 of the Act
2. The amount of a grant under section 10 of the Act shall be,
(a) 50 per cent of the board’s reasonable costs of administration during its first year, as estimated by the board and approved by the Director under the Ontario Works Act, 1997; and
(b) the board’s reasonable start up costs, as estimated by the board and approved by the Director under the Ontario Works Act, 1997. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 2.
Designation of Districts for Boards and Membership of Board
3. (1) The district for each of the boards established by the Minister is set out in section 1 of the corresponding Schedule to this Regulation. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 3 (1).
(2) The number of members of each of the boards, the areas that those members represent and the manner of their appointment are set out in section 2 of the corresponding Schedule to this Regulation. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 3 (2).
3.1 (1) A member of a board who is not a member at large and who represents one or more municipalities shall be a member of a municipal council. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 1.
(2) A member of a board who is not a member at large and who represents territory without municipal organization shall be a Canadian citizen who is at least 18 years of age and,
(a) a permanent resident of the territory without municipal organization;
(b) an owner or tenant of property in the territory without municipal organization; or
(c) the spouse of an owner or tenant of property in the territory without municipal organization. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 1; O. Reg. 40/00, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 288/05, s. 1 (1).
(3) A member of a board shall not be an employee of the board. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 1.
(4) In this section,
“spouse” means,
(a) a spouse as defined in section 1 of the Family Law Act, or
(b) either of two persons who live together in a conjugal relationship outside marriage. O. Reg. 288/05, s. 1 (2).
4. (1) A member of a board appointed as a member at large shall hold office for a term not exceeding four years. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 4 (1); O. Reg. 410/06, s. 1 (1).
(2) The term of office of a member of a board who is not a member at large shall commence on January 1 next following the commencement of the term of office of the council that the member represents or January 1 in any subsequent year of the term of office of that council and shall not exceed four years. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 4 (2); O. Reg. 410/06, s. 1 (2).
(2.1) Despite subsection (2), if there is a vacancy created by an increase to the number of members of the Board who are not members at large, the term of office of the member filling the vacancy may commence at any time. O. Reg. 109/17 s. 1.
(3) A member of a board may be re-appointed when his or her term ends. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 4 (3).
(4) If a member who was appointed by one or more municipalities becomes ineligible to hold office as a board member, fails to attend three consecutive board meetings without the board’s authorization, resigns or dies before the end of his or her term, the council or councils that appointed the member shall appoint a new member to serve for the remainder of the term. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 2.
(5) If a member of a board represents an area set out in the Schedule for that board that is comprised of territory without municipal organization and that member becomes ineligible to hold office as a board member, fails to attend three consecutive board meetings without the board’s authorization, resigns or dies before the end of his or her term, the board shall appoint a new member to serve that territory for the remainder of the term. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 2.
(6) If the residents of a territory without municipal organization fail to select a member of a board, the board shall appoint a member to serve that territory and the member shall serve his or her term of office as if he or she were selected by the residents. O. Reg. 462/10, s. 1.
5. (1) A board shall, at its first meeting after January 1 in each year, appoint one of its members as chair of the board. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 5 (1).
(2) The member of the board who is appointed as chair shall serve as chair until the December 31 following the appointment. O. Reg. 383/10, s. 1.
(3) For as long as the person is a member of the board, he or she may be re-appointed as chair in one or more subsequent years. O. Reg. 383/10, s. 1.
(4) If the chair resigns or dies while serving as chair, the board shall appoint another member of the board as chair to serve for the balance of the year. O. Reg. 383/10, s. 1.
Apportionment of Costs
6. (1) In this section and in section 7,
“tax ratio”, with respect to a property, means the tax ratio established under section 308 of the Municipal Act, 2001 for the property class it is in;
“weighted assessment” means,
(a) with respect to property that is in a subclass to which section 313 of the Municipal Act, 2001 applies, the taxable assessment for the property, as reduced by the percentage reduction that applies with respect to that assessment under section 313 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and multiplied by the tax ratio of the property class that the property is in, and
(b) in all other cases, the taxable assessment for a property multiplied by the tax ratio of the property class that the property is in. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3; O. Reg. 112/99, s. 1 (1); O. Reg. 355/02, s. 1 (1, 2).
(2) For the purposes of this section, if the area of jurisdiction of a board includes territory without municipal organization,
(a) the costs of social services attributable to the areas of the board comprised of municipalities are the actual costs of social services for all of those areas, including the costs of administration with respect to those costs; and
(b) the costs of social services attributable to the areas of the board comprised of territory without municipal organization are the actual costs of those social services for that territory, including the costs of administration with respect to those costs. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(2.1) The costs of social services attributable to the areas of the board under subsection (2) include only those costs for which the board is responsible. O. Reg. 112/99, s. 1 (2).
(3) The attribution of costs between municipalities and territory without municipal organization in accordance with subsection (2) must be approved by the Director under the Ontario Works Act, 1997. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(4) Subject to subsections (5) and (6), the amount determined under clause (2) (a) shall be apportioned among the municipalities in the board’s district as follows:
1. When the assessment rolls of the municipalities in the district are returned to the clerks under section 36 of the Assessment Act, they shall also be provided to the board.
2. Each municipality shall provide the board with a copy of its by-law setting its tax ratios on or before the date it is required under section 308 of the Municipal Act, 2001 to make the by-law.
3. The board shall determine, for each municipality, the amount to be apportioned to the municipality in accordance with the following formula:
A = B × (C ÷ D)
A = the amount to be apportioned to the municipality,
B = the amount determined under clause (2) (a),
C = the sum of the weighted assessments for all of the properties in the municipality,
D = the sum of the weighted assessments for all of the properties in all of the municipalities.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3; O. Reg. 355/02, s. 1 (3).
(5) The board may agree to apportion costs of social services in its district, including the costs of administration, in a way other than that provided in subsections (2) and (4) if,
(a) a majority of the municipalities and members representing territory without municipal organization consent to that apportionment; and
(b) those municipalities and members who have consented represent a majority of the electors in the board’s district. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(6) Each of the municipalities set out in an area of a board set out in the Schedule for that board and each of the members of that board representing territory without municipal organization is entitled to one vote under clause (5) (a). O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(7) For the purposes of clause (5) (b), if two or more members of the board represent an area set out in the Schedule for the board that is comprised of territory without municipal organization, a member who represents the area shall be deemed to represent the total number of electors in the area divided by the total number of board members who represent the area. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(8) A resolution of the municipal council is required for a municipality to consent under subsection (5) and a signed consent of a member representing territory without municipal organization is required for the member to consent under subsection (5). O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
(8.1) Despite subsections (4) and (5), for the period beginning on December 11, 2017 and ending on December 31, 2018, the board shall use the method of cost apportionment for social services in its district that the board was using on December 10, 2017. O. Reg. 472/17, s. 2.
(9) Each board whose area of jurisdiction includes territory without municipal organization shall inform the Minister responsible for each social service of the costs of that social service attributable to territory without municipal organization forthwith after determining those costs. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 3.
6.1 The interest that a board may impose on a municipality under subsection 6 (3) of the Act shall not exceed 1 per cent per month. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 4.
7. (1) Each board shall in each year apportion among the jurisdictions in its district, in accordance with section 6, the amounts that it estimates will be required to defray the expenditures for social services for that year and shall on or before March 31 of that year notify,
(a) the clerk of each municipality of the amount to be provided by that municipality; and
(b) the Minister responsible for each social service of the amount to be provided by the Minister with respect to that social service under section 8 of the Act. O. Reg. 37/99, s. 5 (1).
(2) If a board that has given notice of its estimated expenditures incurs additional costs for social services that were not anticipated at the time the notice was given, the additional costs shall be apportioned and notification given in accordance with subsection (1). O. Reg. 278/98, s. 7 (2); O. Reg. 37/99, s. 5 (2).
(3) In preparing the estimates, the board may provide for a reserve for working funds in a year not to exceed 15 per cent of the total estimates of the board for the year. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 7 (3).
(4) If the actual expenditures of a board for a year are greater or less than the estimated expenditures for that year, the board shall, in preparing the estimates of the amount required to defray its expenditures for the following year,
(a) make due allowance for any surplus that will be available from the preceding year; or
(b) provide for any deficit of the preceding year. O. Reg. 278/98, s. 7 (4).
8. For the purposes of sections 6, 6.1 and 7, the costs of social services attributable to the Town of Moosonee shall be considered as if they were attributable to the areas of a board comprised of territory without municipal organization and the Town shall not participate in the apportionment of the costs of social services required by subsection 6 (4). O. Reg. 620/00, s. 1.
Schedule 1
Algoma district services ADMINISTRATION BOARD
1. The district for the Algoma District Services Administration Board is the District of Algoma, excluding the part of the District of Algoma that is part of the district for the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board.
2. The Algoma District Services Administration Board shall consist of 12 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 1:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Hornepayne.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of White River.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Dubreuilville.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Michipicoten and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 2.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 3:
i. The Corporation of the Township of MacDonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Laird.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of St. Joseph.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Jocelyn.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Hilton.
vii. The Corporation of the Village of Hilton Beach.
viii. The Corporation of the Township of Johnson.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 4:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Plummer Additional.
ii. The Corporation of the Town of Bruce Mines.
iii. The Corporation of the Town of Thessalon.
iv. The Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores.
v. The Corporation of the Township of the North Shore.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Shedden.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Blind River and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 5.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Elliot Lake and four members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 6.
7. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Algoma District Services Administration Board and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 7.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 2.
Schedule 2
1. The district for the District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board is the District of Cochrane.
2. The District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board shall consist of 14 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Revoked: O. Reg. 501/05, s. 1 (2).
2. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Timmins and seven members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
3. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 2:
i. The Corporation of the Town of Hearst.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Mattice-Val Coté.
4. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 3:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Fauquier-Strickland.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Moonbeam.
iii. The Corporation of the Town of Smooth Rock Falls.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Opasatika.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Val Rita-Harty.
5. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Kapuskasing and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 4.
6. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane and The Corporation of the Town of Moosonee and one member shall be appointed by the municipal council of The Corporation of the Town of Cochrane to represent Area 5.
7. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Iroquois Falls and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 6.
8. Area 7 is the area of jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Township of Black River-Matheson and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 7.
9. Area 8 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the District of Cochrane Social Services Administration Board and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 8.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6; O. Reg. 608/99, s. 1; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 3; O. Reg. 501/05, s. 1; O. Reg. 123/09, s. 1.
Schedule 2.1
KEnora District services BOARD
1. The district for the Kenora District Services Board is the District of Kenora including the geographic townships of Mathieu, Croome and Claxton that are annexed to The Corporation of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls.
2. The Kenora District Services Board shall consist of 13 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Dryden and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2., 3. Revoked: O. Reg. 608/99, s. 2 (2).
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Kenora and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 4.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Sioux Lookout and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 5.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Ear Falls and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 6.
7. Area 7 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Ignace and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 7.
8. Area 8 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Machin and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 8.
9. Area 9 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Pickle Lake and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 9.
10. Area 10 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 10.
11. Area 11 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 11.
12. Area 12 is that part of the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Kenora District Services Board that is described as follows and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of that area to represent Area 12:
Lac Seul Electoral Area which takes in all the unincorporated area easterly from the western intersection of the 11th baseline and the Manitoba border to the intersection of the Thunder Bay District; thence, southerly along the Thunder Bay District western boundary until the intersection of a line of latitude drawn across the northern border of Grand Trunk Block 10; thence, westerly along the line of latitude drawn across the northern border of Grand Trunk Block 10 to the Manitoba border; thence, northerly along the Manitoba border to the intersection of the 11th baseline.
13. Area 13 is that part of the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Kenora District Services Board that is described as follows and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of that area to represent Area 13:
Oxdrift Electoral Area which takes in all the unincorporated area southerly from the intersection of the southern border of the Lac Seul Area and the western boundary of the Thunder Bay District to the northern boundary of the Rainy River District; thence, westerly along the northern boundary of the Rainy River District to the intersection of a line of longitude drawn to travel along the western boundary of Bridges Township; thence, northerly along the line of longitude drawn to travel along the western boundary of Bridges Township to the intersection of the southern boundary of the Lac Seul Area; thence, easterly along the southern boundary of the Lac Seul Area to the intersection of the western boundary of the Thunder Bay District.
14. Area 14 is that part of the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Kenora District Services Board that is described as follows and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of that area to represent Area 14:
Lake of the Woods North Area which takes in all the unincorporated area easterly from the Manitoba border along the southern boundary of the Lac Seul Area to the intersection of the western boundary of the Oxdrift Area; thence, southerly along the western boundary of the Oxdrift Area to the intersection of the north side of Highway 17; thence, westerly along the north side of Highway 17 to the intersection of the Manitoba border; thence, northerly along the Manitoba border to the intersection of the southern boundary of the Lac Seul Area.
15. Area 15 is that part of the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Kenora District Services Board that is described as follows and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of that area to represent Area 15:
Lake of the Woods South Area which takes in all the unincorporated area easterly from the Manitoba border along the south side of Highway 17 to the intersection of the western boundary of the Oxdrift Area; thence, southerly along the western boundary of the Oxdrift Area to the intersection of the northern boundary of the Rainy River District; thence, westerly along the northern boundary of the Rainy River District to the Manitoba border; thence, northerly along the Manitoba border to the intersection of the south side of Highway 17, excluding areas annexed to The Corporation of the Township of Lake of the Woods.
O. Reg. 112/99, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 608/99, s. 2; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 4; O. Reg. 422/03, s. 1.
Schedule 2.2
manitoulin-sudbury district SERVICES BOARD
1. The district for the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board is the District of Manitoulin and that part of the District of Sudbury that does not include the area of jurisdiction of City of Greater Sudbury.
2. The Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board shall consist of 14 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Espanola and two members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 2:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Sables-Spanish Rivers.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Baldwin.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Nairn and Hyman.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and three members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 3:
i. The Corporation of the Municipality of Markstay-Warren.
ii. The Corporation of the Municipality of St.-Charles.
iii. The Corporation of the Municipality of French River.
iv. The Corporation of the Municipality of Killarney.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Chapleau and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 4.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 5:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Cockburn Island.
ii. The Corporation of the Municipality of Gordon/Barrie Island.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Burpee and Mills.
iv. Revoked: O. Reg. 210/10, s. 1 (5).
v. The Corporation of the Town of Gore Bay.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Billings.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 6:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Central Manitoulin.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Tehkummah.
iii. The Corporation of the Town of Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Assiginack.
7. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board and three members shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 7.
O. Reg. 112/99, s. 2 (1); O. Reg. 608/99, s. 3; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 5; O. Reg. 210/10, s. 1.
Schedule 3
1. The district for the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board is the District of Nipissing and the part of the District of Sudbury that is within the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of West Nipissing.
2. The District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board shall consist of 12 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of North Bay and six members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of West Nipissing and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 2.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 3:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Bonfield.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Calvin.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Chisholm.
iv. The Corporation of the Town of Mattawa.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Mattawan.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Papineau-Cameron.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of Township of South Algonquin and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 4.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of Temagami and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 5.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of East Ferris and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 6.
7. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 7.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6; O. Reg. 422/03, s. 2.
Schedule 4
1. The district for the District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board is the District of Parry Sound, excluding the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of Killarney.
2. The District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board shall consist of 15 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin and two members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and three members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 2:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Archipelago.
ii. The Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 3:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Carling.
ii. The Corporation of the Municipality of Whitestone.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of McDougall.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of McKellar.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 4:
i. The Corporation of the Town of Kearney.
ii. The Corporation of the Village of Burk’s Falls.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Armour.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Perry.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Ryerson.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of McMurrich-Monteith.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 5:
i. The Corporation of the Village of South River.
ii. The Corporation of the Village of Sundridge.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Joly.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Machar.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Strong.
vi. The Corporation of the Municipality of Magnetawan.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and two members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 6:
i. The Corporation of the Municipality of Powassan.
ii. Revoked: O. Reg. 620/00, s. 6 (2).
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Himsworth North.
iv. Revoked: O. Reg. 620/00, s. 6 (2).
v. The Corporation of the Township of Nipissing.
7. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board and two members shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 7.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6; O. Reg. 608/99, s. 4; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 6.
Schedule 5
1. The district for Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board is the District of Rainy River, the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Lake of the Woods excluding the geographic townships of Mathieu, Croome and Claxton that are annexed to The Corporation of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls.
2. Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board shall consist of 13 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Fort Frances and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Atikokan and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 2.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Emo and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 3.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of La Vallée and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 4.
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Rainy River and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 5.
6. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Alberton and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 6.
7. Area 7 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Chapple and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 7.
8. Area 8 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Dawson and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 8.
9. Area 9 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Morley and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 9.
10. Area 10 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Lake of the Woods and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 10.
11. Area 11 is the territory without municipal organization that is located westerly from the northwest corner of Indian Reserve 16D on a line projected northward astronomically to the point of intersection with the District of Kenora to the westerly boundary of the District of Rainy River and one member shall be selected by the residents of those territories to represent Area 11.
12. Area 12 is the territory without municipal organization that is located easterly from the northwest corner of Indian Reserve 16D on a line projected northward astronomically to the point of intersection with the District of Kenora and easterly to the 5th Meridian Line and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 12.
13. Area 13 is the territory without municipal organization that is located from the easterly boundary of the District of Rainy River northward until it intersects with the District of Kenora, westerly until the 5th Meridian Line which lies on the west boundary of the unincorporated area of Bennett and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 13.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6; O. Reg. 620/00, s. 7; O. Reg. 422/03, s. 3; O. Reg. 298/04, s. 1; O. Reg. 210/10, s. 2.
Schedule 5.1
1. The district for the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie, the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Prince and the territory without municipal organization that is within the planning area for the Sault North Planning Board.
2. The District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board shall consist of nine members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Sault Ste. Marie and six members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Prince and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 2.
3. Area 3 is the territory without municipal organization that is within the planning area for the Sault North Planning Board and two members shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 3.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 6.
Schedule 6
1. The district for the Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board is the District of Thunder Bay.
2. The District of the Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board shall consist of 14 members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Revoked: O. Reg. 164/07, s. 1 (2).
2. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and 3 members shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 1:
i. The Corporation of the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Shuniah.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of O’Connor.
iv. The Corporation of the Municipality of Neebing.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Conmee.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Gillies.
3. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 2:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Nipigon.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Red Rock.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Dorion.
4. Area 3 is the area of the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone and one member shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 3.
5. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 4:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Schreiber.
6. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 5:
i. The Corporation of the Town of Marathon.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Manitouwadge.
7. Area 6 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay and six members shall be appointed by the municipal council of The Corporation of the City of Thunder Bay to represent Area 6.
8. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization within the district for the District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board and one member shall be selected by the residents of that territory to represent Area 7.
O. Reg. 112/99, s. 2 (2); O. Reg. 620/00, s. 8; O. Reg. 164/07, s. 1; O. Reg. 109/17, s. 2.
Schedule 7
1. The district for the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board is the District of Timiskaming.
2. The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board shall consist of nine members and the areas they represent and the manner of their appointment shall be as follows:
1. Area 1 is the area of jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Town of Kirkland Lake and two members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 1.
2. Area 2 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 2:
i. The Corporation of the Town of Englehart.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of McGarry.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Larder Lake.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Gauthier.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Chamberlain.
vi. The Corporation of the Municipality of Charlton and Dack.
vii. The Corporation of the Township of Evanturel.
3. Area 3 is the area of jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Municipality of Timiskaming Shores and two members shall be appointed by its municipal council to represent Area 3.
4. Area 4 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 4:
i. The Corporation of the Township of Hudson.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Kerns.
iii. The Corporation of the Town of Latchford.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Coleman.
v. The Corporation of the Town of Cobalt.
vi. The Corporation of the Township of Harris.
vii. Revoked: O. Reg. 123/09, s. 2 (3).
5. Area 5 is the area of jurisdiction of the following municipalities and one member shall be appointed jointly by the municipal councils of those municipalities to represent Area 5:
i. The Corporation of the Township of James.
ii. The Corporation of the Township of Matachewan.
iii. The Corporation of the Township of Armstrong.
iv. The Corporation of the Township of Hilliard.
v. The Corporation of the Township of Brethour.
vi. The Corporation of the Village of Thornloe.
vii. Revoked: O. Reg. 123/09, s. 2 (4).
viii. The Corporation of the Township of Harley.
ix. The Corporation of the Township of Casey.
6. Revoked: O. Reg. 123/09, s. 2 (5).
7. Area 6 is the territory without municipal organization consisting of the following geographic townships and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of those geographic townships to represent Area 6:
Hillary, Reynolds, McKeown, Fripp, McArthur, Douglas, Fallon, Fasken, Michie, Nordica, Terry, Lee, Maisonville, Arnold, Katrine, Ossian, Pharand, Childerhouse, Doyle, Musgrove, Bartlett, Geikie, Cleaver, McNeil, Robertson, Sheba, Dunmore, Bompas, Grenfell, Lebel, Hincks, Argule, Baden, Alma, Holmes, Burt, Eby, Otto, Boston, McElroy, McFadden, Montrose, Bannockburn, Flavelle, Gross, Blain, Marquis, Pacaud, Catharine, Rattray, Willison, Davidson, Sharpe, Savard, Marter, Bayly, Mulligan.
8. Area 7 is the territory without municipal organization consisting of the following geographic townships and one member shall be selected jointly by the residents of those geographic townships to represent Area 7:
Raymond, Rankin, Morel, Shillington, Farr, Smyth, Truax, Robillard, Ingram, Pense, Knight, Van Hise, Haultain, Chown, Mickle, Tudhope, Bryce, Beauchamp, Tyrrell, Milner, Nicol, Lawson, Roadhouse, Willet, Barber, Cane, Henwood, Leonard, Leith, Charters, Corkill, Wallis, Banks, Speight, Auld, Lundy, North Williams, Ray, Donovan, Brewster, Trethewey, Whitson, van Nostrand, Klock, Barr, Firstbrook, Dufferin, Leckie, Corley, Gamble, McGriffin, Rorke, Leo, Dane, Kittson, Medina, Cole, Brigstocke, Gillies Limit, Lorrain, South Lorrain.
O. Reg. 37/99, s. 7; O. Reg. 123/09, s. 2.