O. Reg. 428/99: LAND TITLES DIVISIONS, Under: Land Titles Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. L.5

Today, February 7, 2025, current consolidated laws on e-Laws are current (up-to-date) to December 31, 2024 (e-Laws currency date).

Land Titles Act

ontario REGULATION 428/99


Consolidation Period: From October 13, 2020 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 550/20.

Legislative History: 442/99, 424/00, 492/00, 513/01, 178/02, 86/05, 122/05, 148/05, 219/05, 445/16, 550/20.

This is the English version of a bilingual regulation.

1. The Act applies to the parts of Ontario described in Column 2 of the Schedule.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 1; O. Reg. 550/20, s. 1.

2. (1) For each item in the Schedule, the land titles division named in Column 1 is the land titles division for the area described in Column 2.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 2 (1); Reg. 550/20, s. 2 (1).

(2) Revoked: O. Reg. 550/20, s. 2 (2).

(3) For each item in the Schedule, the land titles division named in Column 1 may be referred to by either the words or by both the words and the number set out in that column.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 2 (3).

(4) Unless otherwise provided in the Schedule,

(a) a reference in the Schedule to a county, territorial district, geographic township, municipality, regional municipality or metropolitan municipality is a reference to the county, territorial district, geographic township, municipality, regional municipality or metropolitan municipality, as it existed on December 31, 1980;

(b) for each item in the Schedule, the land titles division named in Column 1 includes all allowances for roads within the land titles division as described in Column 2; and

(c) if an allowance for a road forms a boundary of a land titles division, the centre line of the allowance is the boundary of the land titles division.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 2 (4); O. Reg. 550/20, s. 2 (3).

3. (1) If a land titles division or any part or parts of it is combined with another land titles division under clause 4 (1) (a) of the Act or is annexed to an adjoining land titles division under clause 4 (1) (c) of the Act, the land registrar for the land titles division that is reduced by the combination or annexation shall, within the time that the Director of Land Registration requires, deliver to the land registrar for the land titles division that is enlarged by the combination or annexation,

(a) every registered instrument and every deposited reference plan or a microfilm copy of them that relates exclusively to land in the combined or annexed area;

(b) a certified copy of every registered instrument and plan or a microfilm copy of them that relates in part to land in the combined or annexed area;

(c) every parcel register for the land in the combined or annexed area, if all the land mentioned in it is combined or annexed, or a certified copy of so much of every parcel register as relates to land in the combined or annexed area;

(d) the portion or a certified copy of the portion of the highways register relating to land in the combined or annexed area;

(e) the portion or a certified copy of the portion of the Trans-Canada Pipe Line register relating to land in the combined or annexed area;

(f) a certified copy of the Condominium Corporation Index showing the particulars of registration of every condominium corporation within the combined or annexed area;

(g) those parts of the Condominium Register that relate exclusively to land in the combined or annexed area;

(h) all instruments or microfilm copies of them that are recorded in the Condominium Register and relate to land in the combined or annexed area; and

(i) all other records that the Director of Land Registration requires.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (1).

(2) If this section requires that a certified copy be delivered, the copy shall be certified by the land registrar who is required to deliver the copy.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (2).

(3) A land registrar whose land titles division is enlarged by the combination or annexation shall enter in the appropriate index all plans and certified copies of plans received under clause (1) (a) or (b).  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (3).

(4) The land registrar for the land titles division that is reduced by the combination or annexation shall,

(a) cause a search to be made, in the index of writs of execution filed in the sheriff’s office as of the last business day before the effective date of the combination or annexation, for the name of every registered owner of land in the area to be detached from the land titles division; and

(b) for the name of every registered owner mentioned in clause (a), make a notation in the parcel registers concerned that gives particulars of all writs that appear to affect the owner having regard to section 34 of the Execution Act, if that is the case.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (4); O. Reg. 445/16, s. 1 (1).

(5) Revoked: O. Reg. 445/16, s. 1 (2).

(6) If the office of the land registrar from whose land titles division an area of land is being detached has on file a writ of execution appearing to affect the lands of a registered owner in the area, the land registrar shall forward a copy of the writ to the land registrar whose land titles division is being enlarged by the combination or annexation.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (6).

(7) If an area of land is being detached from a land titles division, each sheriff having territorial jurisdiction in the area shall give the land registrar whose land titles division is being enlarged by the combination or annexation access to the sheriff’s electronic database.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 3 (7).

4. Section 3 applies with necessary modifications where a land titles division is divided into two or more land titles divisions under clause 4 (1) (b) of the Act.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 4.

5. In special circumstances, a land registrar may vary the manner in which section 3 is to apply if the Director of Land Registration approves and directs the land registrar to act accordingly.  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 5.

6. Omitted (revokes other Regulations).  O. Reg. 428/99, s. 6.


Column 1
Land Titles Division

Column 2
Description of Land Titles Division

ALGOMA (No. 1)

The Territorial District of Algoma.

BRANT (No. 2)

The County of Brant, including the lands in the Township of Tuscarora granted by the Crown at any time.

BRUCE (No. 3)

The County of Bruce.


The Territorial District of Cochrane.


The County of Dufferin, together with that land annexed to the Town of Orangeville and described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 437/89 made under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, 1981.

DUNDAS (No. 8)

The County of Dundas.

DURHAM (No. 40)

The Regional Municipality of Durham.

ELGIN (No. 11)

The land being,

(a) all of the County of Elgin, except,

(i) part of the Village of Belmont, being those parts of the geographic townships of Westminster and North Dorchester described in Schedule “A” to Order P.F.M-10162-60 of the Ontario Municipal Board, which Order is registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) as No. 11430 South Dorchester and No. 44641 Yarmouth, and

(ii) that part of the County of Elgin included in Area 4 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie;

(b) those parts of the County of Kent included in Areas 2 and 3 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie; and

(c) that part of the County of Essex included in Area 2 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie.

ESSEX (No. 12)

The County of Essex as it existed on June 1, 1984, except that part of the County included in Area 2 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie. (See Note 1)


The County of Frontenac.


The County of Glengarry.


The County of Grenville as it existed on September 1, 1984. (See Note 2)

GREY (No. 16)

The County of Grey.


Parts of The Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, being all of the former County of Haldimand as it existed on March 31, 1974, except those parts of the County included in Areas 2 and 3 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie.


The County of Haliburton as it existed on January 1, 1983.

HALTON (No. 20)

The Regional Municipality of Halton.


The County of Hastings.

HURON (No. 22)

The County of Huron as it existed on January 1, 1993.

KENORA (No. 23)

The Territorial District of Kenora.

KENT (No. 24)

The County of Kent as it existed on June 1, 1984, except those parts of the County included in Areas 2 and 3 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie.

LAMBTON (No. 25)

The County of Lambton as it existed on January 1, 1993.

LANARK (No. 27)

The County of Lanark as it existed on September 1, 1984. (See Notes 4 and 5)

LEEDS (No. 28)

The County of Leeds. (See Note 3)

LENNOX (No. 29)

The County of Lennox and Addington.


The Territorial District of Manitoulin.


The land being,

(a) the County of Middlesex; and

(b) the Village of Belmont, in the County of Elgin, being those parts of the geographic townships of Westminster and North Dorchester described in Schedule “A” to Order P.F.M-10162-60 of the Ontario Municipal Board registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Middlesex (No. 33) as No. 147881.

MUSKOKA (No. 35)

The Territorial District of Muskoka.


Parts of The Regional Municipality of Niagara, being,

(a) the City of St. Catharines;

(b) the Towns of Grimsby, Lincoln and Niagara-on-the-Lake; and

(c) the Township of West Lincoln.


The land being,

(a) parts of The Regional Municipality of Niagara, being,

(i) the Cities of Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Thorold and Welland,

(ii) the Towns of Fort Erie and Pelham, and

(iii) the Township of Wainfleet; and

(b) part of The Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, being that part of the former County of Haldimand as it existed on March 31, 1974 included in Area 6 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie.


The Territorial District of Nipissing. (See Note 3)

NORFOLK (No. 37)

The land being,

(a) parts of The Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk being,

(i) all of the former County of Norfolk as it existed on March 31, 1974, except those parts of the County included in Area 5 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie, and

(ii) those parts of the former County of Haldimand as it existed on March 31, 1974 included in Area 4 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie; and

(b) that part of the County of Elgin included in Area 4 on Plan No. 1551, on file in the Archives of Ontario, and being part of the bed of Lake Erie.


The County of Northumberland.


The Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.

OXFORD (No. 41)

The County of Oxford.


The Territorial District of Parry Sound. (See Note 3)

PEEL (No. 43)

The Regional Municipality of Peel, except for that land annexed to the Town of Orangeville and described in the Schedule to Ontario Regulation 437/89 made under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, 1981.

PERTH (No. 44)

The County of Perth, except for parts of Lot 17, Concession 10, formerly in the Township of Wallace and now in the Town of Palmerston, being Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on reference plan 44R-2874.


The County of Peterborough.


The County of Prescott.


The County of Prince Edward.


The Territorial District of Rainy River.

RENFREW (No. 49)

The County of Renfrew.

RUSSELL (No. 50)

The County of Russell.

SIMCOE (No. 51)

The County of Simcoe.


The County of Stormont.

SUDBURY (No. 53)

The Territorial District of Sudbury.


The Territorial District of Thunder Bay.


The Territorial District of Timiskaming.

TORONTO (No. 66)

The Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto as it existed on September 3, 1982. (See Note 2)


The County of Victoria.


The Regional Municipality of Waterloo.


The County of Wellington, together with those parts of Lot 17, Concession 10, formerly in the Township of Wallace and now in the Town of Palmerston, being Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on reference plan 44R-2874.


The Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth.


The Regional Municipality of York as it existed on September 3, 1982. (See Note 2)


Note 1. By Ontario Regulation 326/84 made under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, 1981, portions of the Township of Tilbury North in the County of Essex were annexed to the Town of Tilbury in the County of Kent.

Note 2. The northern boundary of the City of Toronto is the northern limit of the 66 foot wide original road allowance that now forms part of Steeles Avenue. See Order No. M820055 dated September 3, 1982 and made by the Ontario Municipal Board under the Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act.

Note 3. (Re: Town of Kearney) The Land Titles Division of Parry Sound includes those portions of the geographic townships of Butt and McCraney described in Schedule C to The District of Parry Sound Local Government Act, 1979.

Note 4. By Ontario Regulation 326/84 made under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, 1981, part of the Village of Merrickville, in the County of Grenville, was annexed to the Township of Montague in the County of Lanark, and part of the Township of Montague was annexed to the Village of Merrickville on September 3, 1984.

Note 5. Sand Island in Rideau Lake is located in the Township of South Burgess. See Order No. P4776-67 dated May 17, 1968 and Order No. 6181-68 dated September 4, 1968, each made by the Ontario Municipal Board under the Municipal Corporations Quieting Orders Act and the Territorial Division Act.

O. Reg. 550/20, s. 3.