Closed funding opportunities A – E

Aboriginal Participation Fund – Mining Conferences Funding Sub-Stream

The mining conferences funding sub-stream provides financial assistance for communities and member communities to attend mining conferences in Ontario. Aboriginal communities and organizations attend these conferences to improve their relationships between Aboriginal communities/organizations, with government and industry proponents, and to increase their knowledge and understanding of the regulatory and economic activities associated with Ontario’s mineral sector.

Ministry of Energy

Status: Closed

'Anti'-Human Trafficking Community Supports Fund (CSF)

The Anti-Human Trafficking Community Supports Fund is available to community-focused anti-human trafficking organizations to address the short and long-term needs of survivors of human trafficking. This fund will help service providers deliver dedicated and specialized supports, prioritizing survivor-led programming and services for children and youth who have been sexually exploited.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Anti-Human Trafficking Indigenous-led Initiatives Fund (ILIF)

The Anti-Human Trafficking Indigenous-led Initiatives Fund supports community-focused organizations to deliver Indigenous-designed, culturally-specific anti-human trafficking services. It prioritizes Indigenous survivor-led programming and supports for vulnerable groups including Indigenous children and youth who have been sexually exploited, LGBTQ2S victims and survivors and Inuit communities.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) Technology Grant

The Automated Licence Plate Recognition (ALPR) Technology Grant provides access to funding for municipal police services to obtain technology that will help improve public safety and strengthen roadside law enforcement efforts across the province.

This time-limited one-year grant intends to support municipal police services in acquiring ALPR technology, while taking into account the need for flexibility in addressing local operational needs.

The ALPR Technology Grant is available to all municipal police services for one-time funding in the 2022-23 fiscal year.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension Grant

The Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension (BCWA) Grant offers funding to police services and boards to strengthen their bail compliance and warrant apprehension enforcement and reduce the risk of individuals committing serious or violent crimes while released on bail.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Celebrate Ontario

The Celebrate Ontario 2020 program grants will support festival and event organizers with rescheduled, postponed or reprogrammed events to help maintain the capacity and future success of the province’s festivals and events sector.

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Civil Remedies Grant Program 2021-2022

The Civil Remedies Grant Program is a key component of the Civil Remedies Act, 2001. It provides funding to projects that help victims of unlawful activities and prevent unlawful activities that result in victimization. Projects must address one or more of the following crime types or victim population groups:

  • Indigenous communities
  • children and youth
  • intimate partner and family violence
  • gun and gang violence
  • rural/remote communities

Ministry of the Attorney General

Status: Closed

Community Consultative Group Grant (CCGG)

The Community Consultative Group Grant (CCGG) provides funding to support First Nation and Inuit communities to develop and operate Community Consultative Groups (CCGs). CCGs act as a dedicated, civilian-led advisory body for their policing provider, funded through the First Nations and Inuit Policing Program (FNIPP), which identify and advocate for the community’s policing priorities and support the delivery of culturally-responsive policing.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Community Emergency Preparedness Grant

The Community Emergency Preparedness Grant (CEPG) will help ensure Ontarians are safe, practiced and prepared before, during and after emergencies. The grant will provide funding to help community organizations purchase:

  • emergency supplies such as smoke detectors, hard hats, first aid kits
  • equipment such as chain saws, generators, sandbag machines
  • services such as emergency training delivery, exercise planning and coordination, education

Treasury Board Secretariat

Status: Closed

Community Museum Operating and Pay Equity Grants Program

The Community Museum Operating and Pay Equity Grants Program provides annual operating grants to eligible community museums across Ontario.

Funding will help community museums:

  • contribute to economic well-being as employers and tourist attractions
  • acquire, conserve, interpret and exhibit artifacts of public interest
  • provide unique opportunities for education and enjoyment
  • contribute to the rich cultural fabric of their communities

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program

Community paramedicine is a model of community-based health care where paramedics use their education and expertise in community based, non-emergency care roles, outside their emergency response and ambulance transport roles. Existing community paramedicine programs:

  • reduce the number of costly 911 calls and avoidable emergency room hospital visits
  • provide additional supports and connections for high risk or vulnerable individuals

The Ministry of Long-Term Care (the ministry) is funding a community paramedicine program to provide services to individuals who are:

  • waiting for placement in a long-term care (LTC) home
  • soon to be eligible for long-term care

The Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program is a part of the province’s plan to better serve our seniors who need additional support before admission into long-term care. This initiative falls under the improving staffing and care pillar of the province’s strategy to fix long-term care.

Ministry of Long-Term Care

Status: Closed

Community Residential Program 2024-2026

The Community Residential Program (CRP) provides support to organizations to implement an integrated approach to transitional housing that offers wraparound services. The CRP is based on continuity of service for justice-involved individuals who are bound by a Probation Order, Conditional Sentence Order, and/or Parole Certificate, and require temporary social and economic aid to improve and support community reintegration.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Community Service Order Program

The Community Service Order (CSO) Program funds organizations in Ontario to deliver and provide community-based service opportunities allowing clients to complete court mandated community service work in accordance with a client’s court order.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Connecting Links Program 2024-25

The Ministry of Transportation’s Connecting Links Program provides dedicated provincial funding for road and bridge projects on designated connecting link highways.

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

Critical Minerals Innovation Fund

The Critical Minerals Innovation Fund (CMIF) is an initiative to strengthen the critical minerals sector by supporting projects that will stimulate investments in Ontario’s critical minerals supply chain and protect the province’s economic interests.

The CMIF aims to support projects involving research, development and/or commercialization of innovative technologies, techniques, processes and solutions helping increase exploration, mining, development, production and processing of critical minerals within Ontario. It will also enhance collaboration between industry, academia, start-ups, and research and development firms to encourage innovation in the critical minerals sector.

Ministry of Mines

Status: Closed

Critical Minerals Innovation Fund

The CMIF supports projects that involve research, development and commercialization of innovative technologies, techniques, processes and solutions for critical minerals and relate to Ontario’s key priority areas. Objectives of the CMIF include:

  • increasing critical minerals exploration, mining, development, production and processing
  • stimulating investment in Ontario’s critical minerals supply chain
  • enhancing collaboration between industry, academia, start-ups, and research and development firms to encourage innovation in the critical minerals sector

Eligible recipients can receive up to $500,000 per project to cover 50% of eligible costs.

Ministry of Mines

Status: Closed

Drinking Water Source Protection Program

The Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP Program) provides funding to conservation authorities to continue to fulfill their legislated obligations to support municipalities in protecting their drinking water sources through proactive source protection planning efforts.

As source protection authorities under the Clean Water Act, 2006, the objective is to reduce or eliminate risks to sources of drinking water that draw from Ontario's lakes, rivers and underground aquifers.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Economic Diversification Grant

The Economic Diversification Grant helps Indigenous communities and organizations:

  • identify economic development opportunities and related planning activities
  • support initiatives that provide employment strategies and facilitate local business growth

Maximum funding of $75,000 per project is available for individual applicants.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Economic Diversification Grant (EDG) and Regional Partnership Grant (RPG)

Through the Indigenous Economic Development Fund (IEDF), the following two grants are available for eligible communities and organizations.

The grant helps Indigenous communities and organizations:

  • identify economic development opportunities and related planning activities
  • support initiatives that develop employment strategies and facilitate local business growth

The grant helps Indigenous communities and organizations:

  • support initiatives that deliver accredited skills training to Indigenous people, businesses and communities

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Electric Vehicle (EV) ChargeON Program

The EV ChargeON program provides funding for the installation of public electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Ontario communities outside of major cities.

EV ChargeON aims to:

  • increase the number of public EV charging stations throughout Ontario to build a more connected network
  • make public chargers more accessible and affordable
  • encourage more people to switch to EVs

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

EnAbling Change Program

This program provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, industry organizations and professional associations to:

  • educate their stakeholders about accessibility
  • help support regulatory compliance
  • promote cultural awareness about the value and benefits of accessibility

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

Experience Ontario 2024

The Experience Ontario 2024 program provides support for festivals and events with a tourism economic impact to motivate visitors to rediscover Ontario, reconnect people with local experiences and increase tourism spending.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Closed funding opportunities F – J

Financial Empowerment Initiative

The Financial Empowerment Initiative will directly fund service providers to offer financial empowerment services and supports to low-income Ontarians, focusing on social assistance clients and underserved demographic groups, within 6 census divisions:

  • Greater Sudbury
  • Middlesex
  • Ottawa
  • Thunder Bay
  • Toronto
  • Waterloo

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Fire Protection Grant

Municipalities that have established a fire department in accordance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 can apply for this program. The program is designed to support cancer prevention efforts by municipal fire departments.

This program is a 3 year funding opportunity, with the first year running from July 23, 2024, to March 31, 2025.

The first year of the Fire Protection (FP) Grant will assist fire departments in acquiring critical equipment to enhance firefighter health and safety, and minor infrastructure at the local level.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

First Nations Policing Modernization Initiative (FNPMI) Grant

The First Nations Policing Modernization Initiative (FNPMI) grant provides access to funding for First Nations police services to obtain the technology and tools to improve their ability to work effectively with other jurisdictions and keep their communities safe.

This time-limited one-year grant intends to support First Nations police services in acquiring technology, while taking into account the need for flexibility in addressing local operational needs.

The FNPMI grant is available to all First Nations police services for one-time funding in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Francophone Community Grants Program

The Francophone Community Grants Program supports the cultural and commercial vitality of the French-speaking population, with a focus on improving front-line services and promoting the French language and culture.

Ministry of Francophone Affairs

Status: Closed

Great Lakes Local Action Fund

The Great Lakes Local Action Fund provides funding to projects that help communities take action to increase climate change resiliency and protect or improve water quality in the Great Lakes ecosystem.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Great Lakes Local Action Fund

To further protect and restore the Great Lakes, the Ontario government is investing $1.9 million in the second round of funding to support local projects that have a positive environmental impact on the Great Lakes, with an emphasis on projects that also have social and/or economic benefits for their communities.  

The Great Lakes Local Action Fund will provide funding for individual projects to protect and restore coastal, shoreline and nearshore areas of the Great Lakes and their connecting rivers. These project may be led by groups such as:

  • community-based organizations
  • environmental non-profits
  • Indigenous communities
  • small businesses
  • conservation authorities
  • municipalities

This program will help community projects and actions to make direct environmental improvements and help the Great Lakes community to take local action to restore and reconnect with these vital waterways.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Great Lakes Program

The Great Lakes Program is a grant initiative offered by the province to legal entities who are able to deliver projects that support the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health, Ontario Great Lakes Strategy, and/or the Great Lakes Protection Act.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Heritage Organization Development Grant

The Heritage Organization Development Grant (HODG) is an annual, statutory-based operating grant designed to promote public awareness of Ontario's rich and diverse heritage. The program provides historical societies, museums and other heritage associations located throughout the province with a portion of their annual operating support.

Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Status: Closed

Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund

The Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund will help municipalities repair, rehabilitate, and expand critical drinking water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. We are investing $825 million over three years.

Ministry of Infrastructure

Status: Closed

Inclusive Community Grants Program

The Inclusive Community Grants Program helps ensure local government and community organizations consider Ontarians of all ages and abilities at every stage of community planning and development.

The program funds projects for seniors and people with disabilities that:

  • increase the accessibility of outdoor spaces by making improvements to the built environment to create equitable access to community resources
  • promote accessible housing through projects that result in tangible products
  • make practical, timely improvements to increase accessible housing, outdoor spaces, buildings, and transportation needs

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

Indian Residential Schools Community Engagement Fund

The Indian Residential School Community Engagement Fund (IRSCEF) is a application-based funding stream under the Support for Indian Residential School Burials program. This funding is designed to be Indigenous-led, Survivor-centred and culturally sensitive, and to be as flexible as possible in responding to and supporting Survivors’ initiatives.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program

The Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program (ICCGP) funds the feasibility study, detailed design, renovation and construction, of Indigenous community infrastructure on-and off-reserve. The ICCGP supports infrastructure projects that contribute to economic development, create jobs and provide social benefit to the community or organization.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Economic Development Fund: Economic Diversification Grant

The Economic Diversification Grant (EDG) supports strategic economic planning to assist Indigenous communities in Ontario to expand their economic base and explore opportunities for job creation. Projects are approved through a competitive process.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Economic Development Fund: Regional Partnership Grant

The Regional Partnership Grant (RPG) improves access for Indigenous people to the skills training required to gain sustainable employment and support Indigenous business development and economic growth in Ontario. Projects are approved through a competitive process.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Transportation Initiatives Fund for Indigenous communities and organizations

The Indigenous Transportation Initiatives Fund (ITIF) is an application-based funding program open to Indigenous communities and organizations interested in pursuing transportation-related projects.

The proposed projects must be connected to the transportation sector and demonstrate an alignment with priority themes selected by the ministry. The priority themes will be listed in the 2024-2025 application guide and application form.

The following Indigenous communities and organizations in Ontario are eligible to apply for (ITIF) funding:

  • First Nation communities
  • Métis communities
  • Indigenous organizations

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

Improving Connectivity for Ontario

The Improving Connectivity for Ontario program (ICON) will help improve and expand broadband and cellular infrastructure in areas of need by investing $300 million over four years.

We’re inviting telecommunication service providers, municipal governments, Indigenous communities and non-profits to submit innovative proposals to lend their investment, expertise and experience to improve connectivity in communities across Ontario.

The ICON program is meant to promote industry partnerships that leverage investments across sectors and encourage innovative solutions to meet the connectivity needs of communities.

Projects supported by the ICON program will achieve the following objectives:

  • increase the number of households and/or businesses connected to broadband and cellular services in areas of need
  • if a broadband project, provide broadband connectivity speeds of at least 50 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 10 Mbps upload or greater for end users
  • if a cellular project, provide cellular access at the latest generally deployed mobile wireless technology (currently long-term evolution or LTE)
  • build scalable infrastructure for future needs of users.

The Ontario Broadband Map shows the current state of broadband and cellular connectivity across the province.

Key dates

Intake 1:
  • August 21, 2020 – deadline for Stage 1 applications
  • September 25, 2020 – all Stage 1 assessments complete and applicants notified
  • December 11, 2020 – deadline to submit Stage 2 application for initial completeness review
  • January 27, 2021 – deadline to complete Stage 2 application clarifications and updates
  • Early Spring 2021 – all Stage 2 assessments complete, applicants notified and funding offers issued to successful applicants
Intake 2:
  • January 8, 2021 – deadline for Stage 1 applications
  • Late winter 2020-2021 – all Stage 1 assessments complete and applicants notified
  • Late summer 2021 – deadline to submit Stage 2 application for initial completeness review
  • Mid-fall 2021 – deadline to complete Stage 2 application clarifications and updates
  • Early spring 2022 – all Stage 2 assessments complete, applicants notified and funding offers issued to successful applicants

For questions about the ICON program, please email

Ministry of Infrastructure

Status: Closed

Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program

The Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program (ICCGP) funds the development of community capital projects that contribute to a sustainable social base and support economic participation in Indigenous communities, both on and off reserve.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program

The Indigenous Community Capital Grants Program (ICCGP) funds the construction, renovation and retrofit of Indigenous community infrastructure on-and off-reserve. The ICCGP supports infrastructure projects that contribute to economic development, create jobs and provide social benefit to the community or organization.

ICCGP funding supports First Nations, Métis communities and Indigenous organizations.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Indigenous Youth Work Exchange Program

The Indigenous Youth Work Exchange Program provides Indigenous youth with advanced training, job skills, experience and networks to support future career opportunities.

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Status: Closed

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream – Local Government Intake

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP): COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream - Local Government Intake addresses challenges communities face as a result of COVID-19.

The Local Government Intake helps municipalities fund eligible local projects and deliver more infrastructure by increasing the types of eligible projects and accelerating project approvals.

A total of $250 million in federal-provincial funding will be dedicated to municipal projects. Each municipality will receive a minimum allocation of $100,000. Some municipalities will receive additional funding determined through indicators such as core infrastructure value, total weighted assessment and median household income.

Ministry of Infrastructure

Status: Closed

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP): Green Infrastructure Stream

The green infrastructure stream includes up to $7.1 billion in combined federal, provincial and other partner funding over 10 years as part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP).

The stream broadly supports projects across three federal sub-streams that advance outcomes associated with:

  • climate change mitigation
  • environmental quality
  • disaster mitigation

This intake will:

  • provide up to $240 million in combined federal and provincial funding
    • $24M of the funding is designated for First Nation applicants
    • the remaining funding is for municipalities and Local Services Boards
  • prioritize drinking water projects in smaller communities that support rehabilitation of assets with critical health and safety issues

Eligible projects under this intake must align with the federally determined project outcome of increasing access to potable water, as part of the federal environmental quality sub-stream.

Ministry of Infrastructure

Status: Closed

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program: Public Transit Stream

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) is a cost-shared infrastructure funding program between:

  • the federal government
  • provinces and territories
  • municipalities
  • First Nations and Indigenous Communities
  • other eligible recipients depending on program stream

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program for Long-Term Care Homes

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream supports quick-start, short-term infrastructure projects across various sectors. Under this stream, long-term care homes will be provided up to $100 million in combined one-time funding, which includes $80 million in federal funding and up to $20 million in provincial funding.

The funding will support the development and implementation of new COVID-19 measures to reinforce safe physical distancing and retrofitting projects, such as improvements to heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems in long-term care homes across Ontario.

Ministry of Long-Term Care

Status: Closed

Investing in Women’s Futures

The Office of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity (OWSEO) funds programs and services that provide women who have experienced violence and/or economic insecurity with multifaceted supports to rebuild their lives, gain skills, and secure better jobs.

The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program aims to ensure women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals are supported to become economically empowered and to live safely with a strong sense of well-being. The IWF program funds organizations, often operated by women, for women (sometimes referred to as Women-centred organizations), across the province to provide a safe space and wraparound supports for women who experience social and economic barriers to stabilize their lives, embark on a path to healing and wellness, and gain the skills needed to gain economic self-sufficiency and security.

The IWF program is seeking to expand service delivery by adding up to 10 new locations. OWSEO will select successful applicants using a fair, transparent, and rigorous process. Successful sites will be selected based on a variety of evaluation criteria, such as organizational capacity, alignment with program objectives, demonstrated need, and financial stability.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Closed funding opportunities K – O

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Budget Form 2020-2021

Beginning September 30, 2020, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) budget submissions for 2020-2021 will be managed within Transfer Payment Ontario through the MCCSS Budget Form 2020-2021 category. This also includes all subsequent activities related to the transfer payment contracting cycle along with all reporting.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Budget Form 2021-2022

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) budget submissions for 2021-2022 will be managed within Transfer Payment Ontario  through the MCCSS Budget Form 2021-2022 category. This also includes all subsequent activities related to the transfer payment contracting cycle along with all reporting.

The MCCSS Budget Form 2021-2022 category is open to all eligible transfer payment recipients.

For information on the following MCCSS programs or divisions that are already on Transfer Payment Ontario, please contact your ministry contact:

  • Dedicated Supportive Housing (DSH)
  • Partner Facility Renewal (PFR)
  • Office of Women’s Issues

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Child Protection Services 2020-2021

Child protection services are mandated by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA). Under the CYFSA, children’s aid societies (referred to as societies) have the exclusive mandate to deliver child protection services.

This includes:

  • determining the need for protection services
  • investigation of allegations of child abuse and neglect
  • protection, care or supervision for children and youth receiving residential or non-residential services from a society
  • placement of children and youth for adoption or other permanent living arrangements for children who are children and youth in extended society care

Societies also provide guidance, counseling, and other services to families where children and youth have suffered from abuse or neglect or who are at risk.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Generic Budget 2022-2023

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Generic Budget submissions for 2022-2023 will be managed within Transfer Payment Ontario through the MCCSS Generic Budget 2022-2023 category. This also includes all subsequent activities related to the transfer payment contracting cycle along with all reporting.

The MCCSS Budget Form 2022-2023 category is open to all eligible transfer payment recipients.

For information on the following MCCSS programs or divisions that are already on Transfer Payment Ontario, please contact your ministry contact:

  • Dedicated Supportive Housing (DSH)
  • Partner Facility Renewal (PFR)
  • Office of Women’s Issues

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Child Protection Services 2021-2022

The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) budget submissions for 2021-2022 will be managed within Transfer Payment Ontario  through the MCCSS Budget Form 2021-2022 category. This also includes all subsequent activities related to the transfer payment contracting cycle along with all reporting.

Child protection services are mandated by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA). Under the CYFSA, children’s aid societies (referred to as societies) have the exclusive mandate to deliver child protection services.

This includes:

  • determining the need for protection services
  • investigation of allegations of child abuse and neglect
  • protection, care or supervision for children and youth receiving residential or non-residential services from a society
  • placement of children and youth for adoption or other permanent living arrangements for children who are children and youth in extended society care

Societies also provide guidance, counseling, and other services to families where children and youth have suffered from abuse or neglect or who are at risk.

In accordance with Regulation 156, funding for societies is determined by a funding model and this funding can only be used by societies to deliver child protection services.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy 2022-2023

The Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy (IHWS) was established in 1994 between Ontario and Indigenous partners. It supports a continuum of Indigenous designed and delivered programs to

  • reduce family violence
  • reduce violence against Indigenous women and children
  • and improve Indigenous healing, health and wellness

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Ontario Works Programs 2021 or 2021-2022

Transfer Payment Ontario will be used to manage the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) Ontario Works budget submissions for 2021 or 2021-2022.

This is only for:

  • Consolidated Municipal Service Managers (CMSMs)/District Social Services Administration Boards (DSSABs)
  • First Nations full delivery
  • First Nations financial assistance

Recipients must use the applicable Ontario Works Budget Form 2021 or 2021-2022  to complete their submission. Transfer Payment Ontario will also be used to support all subsequent activities related to the contracting cycle along with all reporting.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Partner Facility Renewal Program 2024-2025

The MCCSS Partner Facility Renewal Program makes timely capital investments to help maintain buildings and properties (real estate) of transfer payment recipients that deliver ministry programs and services. The program ensures transfer payment recipients can provide accessible, safe, quality programs and services to clients across the province by supporting the repair or renovation of their building infrastructure.

Program guidelines

Partner Facility Renewal 2024–25 — Program and Application Guide

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services – Temporary Wage Enhancement for Direct Support Workers

Update: The government has made the wage enhancement permanent. More information about how the permanent funding for eligible direct funding programs is being delivered as of July 1, 2022 will be available on each program page:

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) Enhancement Grant

The grant intends to enhance existing MCRTs as part of the government’s plan to build a more comprehensive and connected mental health and addictions system.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Natural Resources Policy and Resource Stewardship Transfer Payment Funding 2021-22

Strategic transfer payments to partners that support delivery of NDMNRF’s policy priority mandate and resource stewardship management.

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Status: Closed

New Relationship Fund

The New Relationship Fund (NRF) supports First Nations and Métis communities efforts to:

  • build consultation and engagement capacity and expertise
  • create jobs
  • develop business partnerships
  • improve economic opportunities

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Newcomer settlement and language training

Newcomer settlement and language training services help newcomers succeed in their new home. Applicants can apply for funding to deliver services under the following program streams:

  • Settlement and orientation: assessment, information, orientation and referral services and newcomer-specific labour market orientation, career planning and employer connections
  • Language training: language assessment, language training, and integrated language and skills training in or for the workplace

Employment-related services focus on the unique challenges faced by newcomers seeking employment, with an emphasis on:

  • language skills
  • employment readiness
  • career decision making

Applications are expected to include relevant community and employer partnerships.

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Support

The Government of Ontario is providing funding over three years to support Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in Ontario with their transition to the new Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) emergency services communications system.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Northern Ontario Resource Development Support Fund

The Northern Ontario Resource Development Support (NORDS) Fund will make new funding available to municipalities in Northern Ontario to:

  • share in the benefits from resource development
  • help offset some of the impacts of resource development on municipal infrastructure

Starting in 2021-22, $15 million per year over five years will be allocated amongst the 144 municipalities in Northern Ontario. Each municipality will have an identified allocation funding amount they would be eligible for, which would take into consideration factors such as municipal size and capacity. 

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Status: Closed

Ontario Amateur Sport Fund 2017-2020

The Ontario Amateur Sport Fund (OASF) is a multi-year funding program that helps eligible organizations to:

  • strengthen athlete programming
  • identify clear athlete performance targets
  • develop a stronger talent identification system
  • operationalize strategic plans for their organizations

The Ontario Amateur Sport Fund helps provide Ontarians with access to a best-in-class amateur sport system from the playground to the podium.

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant

The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant (2023-24) is closed for applications. Applications for 2023-24 closed on November 7, 2023.

The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant provides a one-time grant of up to $10,000 for eligible faith-based, cultural, 2SLGBTQQIA+, First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Urban Indigenous organizations and communities. Grant funding helps prevent and/or respond to hate-motivated incidents to ensure community spaces remain safe and secure.

Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Status: Closed

Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant (Winter 2023-2024)

The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant (Winter 2023-2024) is closed for applications. Applications for Winter 2023-2024 closed on January 22, 2024. The Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant will open again for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Status: Closed

Ontario Autism Program Workforce Capacity Fund

The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Workforce Capacity Fund is a time-limited, application-based grant program that supports capacity building projects led by children's service providers and their partners.

The vision of the fund is to grow and develop the autism workforce delivering OAP services so that families in the OAP can access and/or purchase the services they need, where and when they need them.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) Round 5

The Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) is a partnership with small- and medium- sized automotive parts suppliers in Ontario. The goal is to help modernize Ontario’s automotive supply chain to make it more competitive and responsive to the changing needs of its customers.

O-AMP provides support to projects that fall under one or more of the following categories:

  • Process technology adoption
  • Tools and technologies to support new product development
  • Lean manufacturing

Your business could get up to $150,000 to help cover up to 50% of eligible project costs. As a successful applicant, you are required to contribute at least 50% of remaining project costs through internal business resources and/or private or bank financing.

For further information, please also visit the Ontario Automotive Modernization Program page.

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Status: Closed

Ontario Bridge Training Program 2021

The Ontario Bridge Training Program (OBTP) helps highly skilled newcomers access licensing and employment in their field without duplicating previous training and education. By getting their license or certification, or connecting to their occupational sector, skilled immigrants can increase their opportunity to resume their careers in Ontario.

We are requesting applications for two categories of OBTP projects:​

  • Category A – Service delivery projects​
  • Category B – Changing the system projects

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Ontario Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program


The Ontario Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant Program supports the expansion of CCTV systems to more municipalities, as part of the Guns, Gangs, and Violence Reduction Strategy. Projects funded through the grant will help deter criminal activity and further support police services and the communities they serve to increase community safety.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Ontario Community Environment Fund

The Ontario Community Environment Fund (OCEF) directs funds from environmental penalties to important, community-based activities like shoreline cleanups, habitat restoration and tree planting. The Ontario Community Environment Fund uses money collected from these penalties to support projects that improve the environment in the region(s) where the violation or environmental impact happened.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Ontario FireSmart Communities Grant

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has limited funding available to support municipalities with FireSmart Community initiatives through an Ontario FireSmart Communities Transfer Payment Grant.

Funding will help municipalities:

  • complete hazard forest mapping for wildland fire hazards
  • develop a Community Wildland Fire Protection Plan (CWPP)
    • Wildland Fire Hazard Risk Assessment
    • Wildland Fire Mitigation Strategies

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Status: Closed

Ontario Grant to Support Anti-Hate Security Measures for Faith-Based and Cultural Organizations

The Ontario Grant to Support Anti-Hate Security Measures for Faith-Based and Cultural Organizations will provide funds to faith-based and cultural organizations to increase safety and security measures.

Applicants must be a registered charity or a not-for-profit corporation that owns, leases or rents an indoor facility in Ontario that is used for regular gatherings of religious, spiritual or cultural significance. Organizations are required to attest that they will use the entirety of the grant on one or more of the eligible expenses to protect their communities and facilities against hate incidents.

The Ontario Grant to Support Anti-Hate Security Measures for Faith-Based and Cultural Organizations is a discretionary and non-entitlement program. As such, there is no guarantee that the applicant will be approved for funding even if an applicant has submitted a complete application and met all program criteria,

Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Status: Closed

Ontario Junior Exploration Program

The Ontario Junior Exploration Program (OJEP) is an initiative to help attract investment in early exploration, expand the pipeline of mineral development projects, including critical minerals and lead to more mines and jobs in Ontario.

OJEP is providing $13 million to eligible junior mining companies conducting grassroots mineral exploration in Ontario. This includes $4 million for a critical minerals funding stream.

Junior mining companies can apply for funding to cover eligible costs of up to $200,000 per mineral exploration or development project. Applications are assessed on a first come, first-served basis.

Ministry of Mines

Status: Closed

Ontario Together Fund

The Ontario Together Fund (OTF) provides funding to firms and organizations for projects that strengthen the resilience of Ontario’s healthcare sector and meet one or both of the following criteria:

  • strengthen Ontario’s manufacturing capacity for goods and services critical to the health, safety, and security of Ontarians
  • support homegrown technologies and innovation

Types of funding available may include:

  • a conditional grant up to 75% of eligible project costs to a maximum of $2.5M
    • maximum funding will only be provided for projects that demonstrate exceptional benefits or innovation
  • complementary supports and services

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Status: Closed

Ontario Tourism Recovery Program

The Ontario Tourism Recovery Program (OTRP) will supports eligible Ontario-based, tourism businesses in the for-profit attractions and accommodations sectors that have been hardest hit by COVID-19. OTRP is a competitive, application-based grant program supporting private sector tourism businesses that are significant drivers to their regional tourism economies.

Program funding will help successful applicants:

  • prepare to re-open safely
  • develop adaptative and innovative tourism products
  • retain and create tourism jobs
  • support tourism recovery in their region and throughout Ontario

Successful applicants can use funding for expenditures, such as:

  • reopening and operating expenses, including staff salaries and maintenance
  • health and safety measures to support the safety of visitors and workers
  • attracting visitors through tourism product and experience improvements and marketing

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Ontario Sport Hosting Program 2024-2025

The Sport Hosting Program provides project-based funding to help applicants deliver major national and international amateur sport events in Ontario.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • create legacies that support sport at the provincial, regional and local level
  • provide economic benefits through increased levels of tourism, expenditures and improved public infrastructure
  • foster a culture of sport and physical activity in communities by creating role models and enhancing community spirit and involvement in sports
  • increase opportunities for Ontario athletes to compete and participate in events in Ontario
  • seek new avenues to further build and develop the sport capacity of the province by providing additional ways to develop and train coaches, officials and volunteers
  • create a culture of sport that engages all Ontarians

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Closed funding opportunities P – T

Personal Support Worker (PSW) Training Fund Program

The Ministry of Health (MOH) works with Coordinating Organizations to administer the Personal Support Worker (PSW) Training Fund program, which supports a competent, stable and formally educated workforce in the home and community care sector through education and innovation.

Ministry of Health

Status: Closed

Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program

The Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program is a competitive program supporting the Skilled Trades Strategy by encouraging new entrants to participate in technical and employability training needed to be job ready at no-cost, while addressing skilled trade shortages in high demand trades.

Pre-Apprenticeship Training proposals must focus on trades, sectors and/or geographic areas experiencing a skills shortage or a high demand. The proposals should also seek to empower workers and job seekers who face higher barriers of entry, and enhance pathways into meaningful and gainful employment, particularly for the following:

  • youth (including youth at risk)
  • women
  • Indigenous peoples
  • racialized people
  • newcomers
  • LGBTQI2s+
  • members of at-risk and/or marginalized communities

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Preventing Auto Thefts Grant

The Preventing Auto Thefts (PAT) Grant program supports police services and boards in combatting and preventing vehicle thefts and associated violent crimes across the province through a holistic and sustainable approach.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Proceeds of Crime - Front-Line Policing (POC-FLP) Grant Program (2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026)

The Proceeds of Crime - Front-Line Policing (POC-FLP) grant is a three-year term helping provide greater sustainability of provincial funding for police services. This funding will ensure grant recipients are able to effectively measure outcomes and demonstrate success of initiatives.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Provincial Heritage Organization Operating Grant

The Provincial Heritage Organization Operating Grant provides annual operating support to 12 Ontario Provincial Heritage Organizations. These are umbrella organizations for the major types of heritage activities across the province, representing archaeology, genealogy, architecture, history, archives and museums.

Provincial Heritage Organizations (PHOs):

  • offer heritage programs and services to members and to the general public
  • are registered non-profit organizations or charities
  • operate on a year-round basis
  • operate provincially in scope, with members, chapters or branches in multiple locations and regions of Ontario

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Public Library Operating, Pay Equity, and First Nation Salary Supplement Grants (PLOG/PE/FNSS)

There are three grants under this program. You can apply to the Public Library Operating (PLOG), Public Library Pay Equity (PE), or First Nation Salary Supplement (FNSS) Grants through one single application form.

Public Library Operating Grants (PLOG)

Library operating grants are statutory under the Public Libraries Act. Library operating funding goes to:

  • public library boards and First Nations public libraries
  • municipalities, local service boards or First Nations that establish a contract for library service with a neighbouring public library board

Public Library Pay Equity (PE) and First Nation Salary Supplement (FNSS) grants

Applicants who are currently receiving a Public Library Operating Grant and have met all program terms and conditions may be eligible for Public Library Pay Equity and First Nation Salary Supplement grants.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (R.A.I.S.E)

The Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (RAISE) is a grant program for 2023-2024 that will provide access to the following:

  • business development training
  • culturally responsive and tailored business coaching
  • networking opportunities
  • a one-time grant of $10,000 to support Indigenous, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs

Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism

Status: Closed

Reconnect Ontario Marquee Event Fund 2022

The Reconnect Ontario Marquee Event Fund supports costs related to hosting:

  • major one-time events in Ontario
  • events that do not recur annually or biannually in Ontario
  • national or international events in Ontario

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Reconnect Ontario 2022

Reconnect Ontario supports festivals and events that have a tourism economic impact and motivate visitors to rediscover Ontario, reconnect people with local experiences and increase tourism spending. 

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries

Status: Closed

Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) Grant

The Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) Grant provides funding to police services to enhance local enforcement capabilities and to ensure a year-round provincial program to conduct RIDE spot check activities.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Regional Innovation Centres Program

Ontario’s Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) program includes a network of 16 non-profit organizations. Since the launch of the RICs program in 2010, these non-profit organizations have been dedicated to supporting regional development by helping innovative businesses start and grow. They are key players in the Ontario innovation ecosystem and provide programs and services to early-stage and/or growing technology companies with the potential to expand and succeed at a global scale.

The network shares the following foundational principles:

  • responding to regional needs
  • providing services to create and develop start-ups
  • “no wrong door” network collaboration
  • delivering on government priorities
  • ensuring financial accountability and transparency

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Status: Closed

Road Safety Community Partnership Program

The Road Safety Community Partnership Program demonstrates government commitment to road safety by providing funding to a network of provincial non-profit organizations with road safety mandates.

The program supports public awareness initiatives, campaigns or events that address priority issues such as aggressive driving, pedestrian safety, distracted driving, impaired driving and cycling safety.

The program reinforces measures aimed at positively influencing transportation user behaviour and raising awareness of MTO policies and legislation to keep Ontario’s roads safe at a grassroots level. This funding can be used to promote road safety awareness by:

  • increasing knowledge of road safety issues
  • influencing transportation user behaviour
  • supporting legislative and regulatory compliance

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

Safer and Vital Communities Grant

The Safer and vital communities grant (SVC) supports a variety of local community safety and well-being projects that focus on addressing local risks to help reduce crime and victimization.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Seniors Active Living Centres: Call for proposals

Ontario will be expanding the SALC Program in 2023-2024. The Government of Ontario is committed to helping older adults keep fit, active, healthy and living in their communities close to home. The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility has oversight of the Seniors Active Living Centres Act, 2017 (SALCA), and the Seniors Active Living Centres (SALC) programs delivered across Ontario.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

2022-23 Seniors Active Living Centre Program

The Seniors Active Living Centre (SALC) Program is an annual program that provides funding to nearly 300 SALC programs across Ontario to deliver programs and services to Ontario’s older adults and seniors.

These programs and services promote the engagement, health, and well-being of older adults and seniors to help:

  • Connect older adults with community programs and services.
  • Provide programing opportunities for seniors in underserved communities or to underserved populations.
  • Remove accessibility barriers to SALC programs and services.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

Seniors Active Living Centre Program 2024-2025

The Seniors Active Living Centres (SALC) Program provides annual funding to 316 SALC programs to deliver activities and services to older adults and seniors across Ontario.

SALC programs promote wellness, social interaction, and education to help seniors stay active, independent, and engaged. SALC operators are encouraged to expand their programming and continue to offer remote or virtual programing. This will help to meet the needs of seniors in the community who may not feel comfortable returning to in-person programing or have difficulty accessing a SALC program’s location.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

Seniors Community Grant Program

The Seniors Community Grant Program encourages seniors to get involved in their community by supporting hundreds of projects with funding ranging from $1,000 up to $25,000.

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

Status: Closed

Site Readiness Program

The Site Readiness Program provides financial support to industrial landowners to complete a range of due diligence studies so site information is readily available for interested investors looking to invest or expand in Ontario.

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

Status: Closed

Skills Development Fund: Capital Stream

The new Skills Development Fund Capital Stream offers funding to eligible organizations to build new training centres, upgrade existing training centres or convert an existing building into a training centre. These centres will train people for emerging and in-demand jobs in growth sectors of Ontario’s economy, such as the skilled trades, healthcare, information technology and other sectors experiencing labour market challenges

Recipients can use funding for:

  • facility renovations
  • retrofits
  • expansions
  • repairs
  • building conversion
  • new building construction

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Skills Development Fund Round 3

The Skills Development Fund (SDF) offers funding to organizations for innovative projects that address challenges to hiring, training or retaining workers, including apprentices to drive Ontario's economic growth.

SDF supports:

  • projects that address the labour shortage and stimulate growth in key sectors of Ontario’s economy
  • projects that will increase Ontario's long-term economic competitive advantage by creating a sustainable and resilient workforce
  • projects helping people with prior involvement in the criminal justice system, at-risk youth, those with disabilities, Ukrainian newcomers, and others facing barriers to employment

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Skills Development Fund: Training Stream

The SDF Training Stream offers funding to organizations for innovative projects that address challenges to hiring, training or retaining workers, including apprentices, to drive Ontario's economic growth.

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Status: Closed

Species at Risk Stewardship Program

The Species at Risk Stewardship Program (SARSP) was established as part of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act to support and encourage activities that can assist in the protection and recovery of species at risk and their habitats.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

The Stewardship Youth Ranger Program provides community-based work experience, personal development, skills and training for youth who want to expand their commitment to natural resource stewardship as a team lead or ranger.

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Status: Closed

Support for Community Negotiations Fund

The Support for Community Negotiations Fund (SCNF) is an Ontario government program that provides annual funding to support Indigenous communities participating in land claim and land-related negotiations with Ontario.

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Status: Closed

Summer Employment Opportunities Program

The Summer Employment Opportunities Program (SEO) provides funding to eligible not-for-profit organizations, municipalities, Indigenous organizations and First Nation communities to create meaningful summer employment opportunities for students.

The summer employment positions must focus on activities supporting key sectors within the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and provide students with training, work experience and skills transferable to the general workforce and to future careers. The positions must focus on activities that support the key sectors of tourism, culture, sport and recreation.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Summer Experience Program

The Summer Experience Program (SEP) provides funding to eligible not-for-profit organizations, municipalities, Indigenous organizations and First Nation communities to create meaningful summer employment opportunities for students.

The summer employment positions must focus on activities supporting key sectors within the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and provide students with training, work experience and skills transferable to the general workforce and to future careers. The positions must focus on activities that support the key sectors of tourism, culture, sport and recreation.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Tourism Development Fund (TDF)

The Tourism Development Fund Program is a cost-sharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that encourages the development of innovative new tourism products, supports tourism investment, builds the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry to foster new tourism investments.

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TEDRF) is an application-based, cost-sharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that either:

The program also supports innovative tourism recovery projects aimed at increasing tourism within Ontario to address the reduction in global travel as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Status: Closed

Transportation Initiatives Fund for Indigenous communities and organizations

The Transportation Initiatives Fund (TIF) is an application-based funding program open to Indigenous communities and organizations interested in pursuing transportation-related projects.

The proposed projects must be connected to the transportation sector and demonstrate an alignment with priority themes selected by the ministry. The priority themes will be listed in the 2021-2022 application guide and application form.

Ministry of Transportation

Status: Closed

Closed funding opportunities U – Z

Victim Support Grant (VSG) Program (2023 – 2024)

The Victim Support Grant (VSG) Program will operate on a one-year cycle (2023 – 2024) and provides funding to police services to collaborate with local organizations and/or Indigenous communities to enhance capacity to support victims and survivors of intimate partner violence/domestic violence, human trafficking, and/or child exploitation. The grant will provide local police services with the flexibility needed to adapt to their own community’s needs and fill gaps in responding to the unique needs of victims and survivors.

Ministry of the Solicitor General

Status: Closed

Wetlands Conservation Partner Program 2023

The Wetlands Conservation Partner Program (WCPP) is a $30 million capital funding program that is providing wetland support in Ontario over 5 years.

WCPP 2023 funding is available for three types of projects: wetland restoration, wetland enhancement and wetland conservation. For the purposes of the WCPP 2023:

  • wetland restoration means re-establishing a wetland where one existed previously
  • wetland enhancement means improving the features or functionality of an existing wetland where needed or expanding wetland(s)
  • wetland conservation means securing land through purchase for the purpose of conserving wetland(s) on that land

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Status: Closed

Winter Roads Program

The Winter Roads Program supports the construction, operation and maintenance of over 3,170 km of temporary roads each winter. These roads link 31 remote First Nations communities and the Town of Moosonee to the provincial highway network.

The program serves approximately 24,000 residents by helping remote communities bring in essential goods and services such as:

The Winter Roads Program is administered in partnership with the federal government (Indigenous Services Canada).

Ministry of Energy

Status: Closed

Women’s Economic Security Program

The Office of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity (OWSEO) funds programs and services that provide women who have experienced violence and/or economic insecurity with multifaceted supports to rebuild their lives, gain skills and secure better jobs.

The Women’s Economic Security Program (WESP) aims to promote women’s economic security by increasing income and labour force participation for low-income women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals who identify as women in Ontario through training delivery. The program aims to provide training that is based on community-identified needs and address labour market gaps in sectors where women have historically been underrepresented such as the skilled trades, information technology and entrepreneurship.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Women’s Economic Security Program (WESP) 2018-2021

The Women’s Economic Security Program (WESP) was established for the purpose of increasing incomes and labour force attachment of low-income women in Ontario. WESP is seeking to achieve this by providing grants to eligible organizations that will provide employment, pre-employment apprenticeship and entrepreneurship training specifically for low-income women so that they are equipped with the skills, knowledge and experience to secure employment and increase their income and economic security.

The WESP aims to strengthen organisations’ capacity to deliver on their mandates in innovative ways that encourage partnerships between women-centered community based organisations, educational institutions and businesses.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services - Office of Women Issues

Status: Closed

Youth Violence and Human Trafficking Prevention Program

The Youth Violence and Human Trafficking Prevention Program (YVHTPP) supports community-based prevention initiatives that address the key factors putting youth (ages 12-29) and their communities at increased risk of violence and victimization, including human trafficking.

The program will prioritize funding that supports Black and Indigenous youth, and other youth populations that are disproportionately impacted by violence, victimization and human trafficking. The program will provide a total of $5.2 million over three years from 2020-2023.

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

Status: Closed

Contact us

For questions about applying to specific funding opportunities, please contact the program directly.

For all other questions, please contact Transfer Payment Ontario Client Care from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 pm, except for government and statutory holidays, at:

Please include the following details in your email for faster service:

For 24/7 assistance:

  • Encourage the development of innovative new tourism products
  • Support tourism investment
  • Build the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry
  • food
  • fuel
  • medical and construction supplies
  1. Women in Skilled Trades
  2. Women in Information Technology
  3. General Employment Training for Women
  4. Entrepreneurship for Women’s Self Employment