Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure/Ministry of Research and Innovation

Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program - Vote 902

This program supports economic growth and job creation in Ontario by: attracting and growing investment in key business clusters, regions and sectors, and delivering and managing related funding programs; providing assistance to Ontario industry sectors and communities facing economic challenges; providing leadership in the development of economic policies across government and championing economic development research; leading the development of the province’s long-term infrastructure plan; prioritizing infrastructure investments to promote jobs and prosperity; supporting strong communities across Ontario by investing in critical infrastructure projects; refining the Alternative Financing and Procurement model to ensure it remains the best approach to delivering infrastructure projects on time and on budget; expanding natural gas access; modernizing government and improving services to business through the enterprise-wide Open for Business initiative; working with partner ministries, agencies and stakeholders to promote social entrepreneurship in Ontario; supporting investments in high-speed broadband services in Ontario; promoting Ontario as a premier investment location and world class provider of goods and services; developing investment opportunities through investment lead generation activities; supporting Ontario’s high-performing small and medium enterprises through 12 regional Business Advisory Services offices; promoting entrepreneurship as a viable career option; delivering entrepreneurship programming with a focus on experiential learning, mentorship and capital support; making Ontario accessible by developing and reviewing accessibility standards and overseeing organizations' compliance with them; forging strategic partnerships to promote accessibility initiatives; and providing public education, tools and resources for accessibility planning and programming.

This program also has integrated responsibility for strategic planning, policy development and management of a realty portfolio encompassing approximately one million acres of land and thousands of buildings and structures held throughout Ontario.

Vote summary
Item numberItem





 Operating expense    
13Economic development and employment$25,000,000$420,753,800$385,527,600$247,530,361
 Total operating expense to be voted$25,000,000$420,753,800$385,527,600$247,530,361
 Total operating expense$25,000,000$420,753,800$385,527,600$247,530,361
 Capital expense    
32Infrastructure programs$85,416,500$622,721,700$235,168,700-
 Total capital expense to be voted$85,416,500$622,721,700$235,168,700-
 Total capital expense$85,416,500$622,721,700$235,168,700-
Standard account by item and sub-items
Vote-item numberStandard account by item and sub-itemsAmountAmount
 Operating expense  
902-13Economic development and employment  
 Transfer payments  
 Green investment fund $25,000,000
 Total operating expense to be voted $25,000,000
 Economic development, investment and industry  
 Transfer payments  
 Green investment fund$25,000,000$25,000,000
 Total operating expense to be voted $25,000,000
 Total operating expense for Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program $25,000,000
 Capital expense  
902-32Infrastructure programs  
 Transfer payments  
 Federal - provincial Infrastructure programs - federal contributions $85,416,500
 Total capital expense to be voted $85,416,500
 Total capital expense for Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure Program $85,416,500
 Total capital expense for Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Ministry of Research and Innovation $85,416,500

Research and Innovation Program - Vote 903

This program supports a stronger research and innovation ecosystem in Ontario by: developing and administering the ministries' suite of research programs that make investments in operations, infrastructure and research talent personnel to support world-class research and researchers working in publicly-funded institutions across Ontario; advancing translational and focused research in specific research areas including cancer and brain; delivering skills development, business development and commercialization programs focusing on key sectors and regional development opportunities; providing programs and services that assist main street clients with business start-up and early stage growth through Ontario’s network of 57 Small Business Enterprise Centres; helping technology-based entrepreneurs and firms launch and grow through the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs; connecting innovators and entrepreneurs across the province - ensuring that high potential companies can attract the skills and capital to compete in global markets and provide the opportunity for ideas developed in labs to make their way into the marketplace; promoting entrepreneurship as a viable career option; and supporting increased awareness about the competitive and productivity advantages of e-commerce, to encourage higher rates of ICT adoption and use among Ontario SMEs; supporting global research and development collaborations via Memoranda of Understanding (MOU’s) with other jurisdictions to co-invest in cutting edge science and technology international projects.

Vote summary
Item numberItem





 Operating expense    
1Research and Innovation$74,000,000$537,840,500$570,814,200$525,656,570
 Total operating expense to be voted$74,000,000$537,840,500$570,814,200$525,656,570
 Total operating expense$74,000,000$537,840,500$570,814,200$525,656,570
Standard account by item and sub-items
Vote-item numberStandard account by item and sub-itemsAmount
 Operating expense 
903-1Research and Innovation 
 Transfer payments 
 Commercialization and innovation network support$74,000,000
 Total operating expense to be voted$74,000,000
 Total operating expense for Research and Innovation Program$74,000,000
 Total operating expense for Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure / Ministry of Research and Innovation$99,000,000