Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Postsecondary Education Program - Vote 3002

The Postsecondary Education Division develops and implements operational policies and financial support for postsecondary education institutions and students in Ontario, in support of the government’s social and economic policy objectives with the goal of providing opportunities for high quality, accountable, relevant and accessible postsecondary education. The Postsecondary Education Division works in collaboration with the Strategic Policy and Programs Division to implement government strategies and policies for postsecondary education in Ontario.

Key components of the program include: Ontario Student Assistance Program; administration of operating and capital transfer payments to colleges and universities; managing financial and governance relationships with postsecondary education institutions; managing accountability mechanisms (such as enrolment, program and financial reporting, key performance indicators and Strategic Mandate Agreement annual report backs); regulating the public colleges of applied arts and technology and private career colleges in accordance with applicable statutes.

Vote summary
Item numberItem

Supplementary Estimates




 Operating expense    
1Colleges, universities and student support$1,100,000$6,277,014,900$6,209,568,500$6,044,355,173
 Total operating expense to be voted$1,100,000$6,277,014,900$6,209,568,500$6,044,355,173
 Total operating expense$1,100,000$6,277,014,900$6,209,568,500$6,044,355,173
 Capital expense    
3Support for postsecondary education$292,050,000$341,735,600$264,908,500$268,080,400
 Total capital expense to be voted$292,050,000$341,735,600$264,908,500$268,080,400
 Total capital expense$292,050,000$341,735,600$264,908,500$268,080,400
Standard account by item and sub-items
Vote-item numberStandard account by item and sub-itemsAmount
 Operating expense 
3002-1Colleges, universities and student support 
 Total operating expense to be voted$1,100,000
 Total operating expense for Postsecondary Education Program$1,100,000
 Total operating expense for Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities$1,100,000
 Capital expense 
3002-3Support for postsecondary education 
 Transfer payments 
 Strategic investment fund - federal$292,050,000
 Total capital expense to be voted$292,050,000
 Total capital expense for Postsecondary Education Program$292,050,000
 Total capital expense for Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities$292,050,000