
The Smart Grid Fund is helping us modernize Ontario’s electricity distribution grids.

Since the Smart Grid Fund launched in 2011, we've given money to innovators to develop cutting-edge technologies that focus on:

  • proactive consumers
  • data analytics
  • electric vehicle integration
  • energy storage
  • grid automation
  • microgrids
  • building local capacity

What we fund

We have funding streams targeted at different types of applicants.

If your company’s ready to go to market

Advanced asset management – Under this funding stream, you can get money to pilot asset management technologies that help Ontario’s local distribution companies:

  • use new smart grid technologies
  • run their systems more effectively
  • better serve customers

Transactive energy – Under this funding stream, you can get money to:

  • use new economic and control technologies to better manage the flow of electricity
  • test new business models (such as a blockchain platform or other transactive energy business models)

General demonstration – Under this funding stream, you can get money to:

  • test technologies that enable greater visibility on distributor networks
  • pilot projects that help customers make more informed decisions about their electricity use
  • test other ideas to increase the efficiency of Ontario’s grids

If you work for a local distribution company

Modernization plans – Under this funding stream, you can get money to:

  • develop plans to upgrade your grids
  • use more cost-effective smart grid technologies

Funding amounts

The amount of money we'll provide will vary from project to project.

You can get up to:

  • $4 million for advanced asset management projects
  • $1 million for transactive energy and general demonstration projects
  • $200,000 for grid modernization projects

Who can apply

  • organizations that are ready to go to market
  • local distribution companies
  • past Smart Grid Fund recipients (with a new project)

If you're applying for multiple projects, make sure each one is different.

Ontario government agencies are not eligible.

How to apply

To apply for the advanced asset management, transactive energy, or the general demonstration streams, read the guidelines and fill out the application.

To apply for the grid modernization stream, read the guidelines and fill out the application.

Send your completed application to SGF@ontario.ca.

The guidelines cover:

  • your role as an applicant or collaborator
  • information on available funds
  • project costs that can and can't be covered
  • rules of the grant agreement
  • reporting requirements
  • confidentiality

How we evaluate applications

Once we receive your application, we:

  • check to see if your project is eligible for funding
  • conduct a policy and technical review (we may also conduct a financial review)

Once this process is complete, we tell you if your application is successful.


You have until 9 a.m. on June 25, 2018 to apply.